Esempio n. 1
void InstanceSaveManager::LoadResetTimes()
    time_t now = time(NULL);
    time_t today = (now / DAY) * DAY;

    // NOTE: Use DirectPExecute for tables that will be queried later

    // get the current reset times for normal instances (these may need to be updated)
    // these are only kept in memory for InstanceSaves that are loaded later
    // resettime = 0 in the DB for raid/heroic instances so those are skipped
    typedef std::pair<uint32 /*PAIR32(map, difficulty)*/, time_t> ResetTimeMapDiffType;
    typedef std::map<uint32, ResetTimeMapDiffType> InstResetTimeMapDiffType;
    InstResetTimeMapDiffType instResetTime;

    // index instance ids by map/difficulty pairs for fast reset warning send
    typedef std::multimap<uint32 /*PAIR32(map, difficulty)*/, uint32 /*instanceid*/ > ResetTimeMapDiffInstances;
    typedef std::pair<ResetTimeMapDiffInstances::const_iterator, ResetTimeMapDiffInstances::const_iterator> ResetTimeMapDiffInstancesBounds;
    ResetTimeMapDiffInstances mapDiffResetInstances;

    QueryResult result = CharacterDatabase.Query("SELECT id, map, difficulty, resettime FROM instance ORDER BY id ASC");
    if (result)
            Field* fields = result->Fetch();

            uint32 instanceId = fields[0].GetUInt32();

            // Instances are pulled in ascending order from db and nextInstanceId is initialized with 1,
            // so if the instance id is used, increment until we find the first unused one for a potential new instance
            if (sMapMgr->GetNextInstanceId() == instanceId)
                sMapMgr->SetNextInstanceId(instanceId + 1);

            // Mark instance id as being used

            if (time_t resettime = time_t(fields[3].GetUInt32()))
                uint32 mapid = fields[1].GetUInt16();
                uint32 difficulty = fields[2].GetUInt8();

                instResetTime[instanceId] = ResetTimeMapDiffType(MAKE_PAIR32(mapid, difficulty), resettime);
                mapDiffResetInstances.insert(ResetTimeMapDiffInstances::value_type(MAKE_PAIR32(mapid, difficulty), instanceId));
        while (result->NextRow());

        // update reset time for normal instances with the max creature respawn time + X hours
        if (PreparedQueryResult result2 = CharacterDatabase.Query(CharacterDatabase.GetPreparedStatement(CHAR_SEL_MAX_CREATURE_RESPAWNS)))
                Field* fields = result2->Fetch();
                uint32 instance = fields[1].GetUInt32();
                time_t resettime = time_t(fields[0].GetUInt32() + 2 * HOUR);
                InstResetTimeMapDiffType::iterator itr = instResetTime.find(instance);
                if (itr != instResetTime.end() && itr->second.second != resettime)
                    CharacterDatabase.DirectPExecute("UPDATE instance SET resettime = '" UI64FMTD "' WHERE id = '%u'", uint64(resettime), instance);
                    itr->second.second = resettime;
            while (result->NextRow());

        // schedule the reset times
        for (InstResetTimeMapDiffType::iterator itr = instResetTime.begin(); itr != instResetTime.end(); ++itr)
            if (itr->second.second > now)
                ScheduleReset(true, itr->second.second, InstResetEvent(0, PAIR32_LOPART(itr->second.first), Difficulty(PAIR32_HIPART(itr->second.first)), itr->first));

    // load the global respawn times for raid/heroic instances
    uint32 diff = sWorld->getIntConfig(CONFIG_INSTANCE_RESET_TIME_HOUR) * HOUR;
    result = CharacterDatabase.Query("SELECT mapid, difficulty, resettime FROM instance_reset");
    if (result)
            Field* fields = result->Fetch();
            uint32 mapid = fields[0].GetUInt16();
            Difficulty difficulty = Difficulty(fields[1].GetUInt8());
            uint64 oldresettime = fields[2].GetUInt32();

            MapDifficultyEntry const* mapDiff = sDB2Manager.GetMapDifficultyData(mapid, difficulty);
            if (!mapDiff)
                TC_LOG_ERROR("misc", "InstanceSaveManager::LoadResetTimes: invalid mapid(%u)/difficulty(%u) pair in instance_reset!", mapid, difficulty);
                CharacterDatabase.DirectPExecute("DELETE FROM instance_reset WHERE mapid = '%u' AND difficulty = '%u'", mapid, difficulty);

            // update the reset time if the hour in the configs changes
            uint64 newresettime = (oldresettime / DAY) * DAY + diff;
            if (oldresettime != newresettime)
                CharacterDatabase.DirectPExecute("UPDATE instance_reset SET resettime = '%u' WHERE mapid = '%u' AND difficulty = '%u'", uint32(newresettime), mapid, difficulty);

            InitializeResetTimeFor(mapid, difficulty, newresettime);
        } while (result->NextRow());

    // calculate new global reset times for expired instances and those that have never been reset yet
    // add the global reset times to the priority queue
    for (auto& mapDifficultyPair : sDB2Manager.GetMapDifficulties())
        uint32 mapid = mapDifficultyPair.first;

        for (auto& difficultyPair : mapDifficultyPair.second)
            Difficulty difficulty = Difficulty(difficultyPair.first);
            MapDifficultyEntry const* mapDiff = difficultyPair.second;
            if (!mapDiff->GetRaidDuration())

            // the reset_delay must be at least one day
            uint32 period = uint32(((mapDiff->GetRaidDuration() * sWorld->getRate(RATE_INSTANCE_RESET_TIME)) / DAY) * DAY);
            if (period < DAY)
                period = DAY;

            time_t t = GetResetTimeFor(mapid, difficulty);
            if (!t)
                // initialize the reset time
                t = today + period + diff;
                CharacterDatabase.DirectPExecute("INSERT INTO instance_reset VALUES ('%u', '%u', '%u')", mapid, difficulty, (uint32)t);

            if (t < now)
                // assume that expired instances have already been cleaned
                // calculate the next reset time
                t = (t / DAY) * DAY;
                t += ((today - t) / period + 1) * period + diff;
                CharacterDatabase.DirectPExecute("UPDATE instance_reset SET resettime = '" UI64FMTD "' WHERE mapid = '%u' AND difficulty= '%u'", (uint64)t, mapid, difficulty);

            InitializeResetTimeFor(mapid, difficulty, t);

            // schedule the global reset/warning
            uint8 type;
            for (type = 1; type < 4; ++type)
                if (t - ResetTimeDelay[type - 1] > now)

            ScheduleReset(true, t - ResetTimeDelay[type - 1], InstResetEvent(type, mapid, difficulty, 0));

            ResetTimeMapDiffInstancesBounds range = mapDiffResetInstances.equal_range(MAKE_PAIR32(mapid, difficulty));
            for (; range.first != range.second; ++range.first)
                ScheduleReset(true, t - ResetTimeDelay[type - 1], InstResetEvent(type, mapid, difficulty, range.first->second));
Esempio n. 2
void InstanceSaveManager::LoadResetTimes()
    time_t now = GameTime::GetGameTime();
    time_t today = (now / DAY) * DAY;

    // NOTE: Use DirectPExecute for tables that will be queried later

    // get the current reset times for normal instances (these may need to be updated)
    // these are only kept in memory for InstanceSaves that are loaded later
    // resettime = 0 in the DB for raid/heroic instances so those are skipped
    typedef std::pair<uint32 /*PAIR32(map, difficulty)*/, time_t> ResetTimeMapDiffType;
    typedef std::map<uint32, ResetTimeMapDiffType> InstResetTimeMapDiffType;
    InstResetTimeMapDiffType instResetTime;

    // index instance ids by map/difficulty pairs for fast reset warning send
    typedef std::multimap<uint32 /*PAIR32(map, difficulty)*/, uint32 /*instanceid*/ > ResetTimeMapDiffInstances;
    typedef std::pair<ResetTimeMapDiffInstances::const_iterator, ResetTimeMapDiffInstances::const_iterator> ResetTimeMapDiffInstancesBounds;
    ResetTimeMapDiffInstances mapDiffResetInstances;

    if (QueryResult result = CharacterDatabase.Query("SELECT id, map, difficulty, resettime FROM instance ORDER BY id ASC"))
            Field* fields = result->Fetch();

            uint32 instanceId = fields[0].GetUInt32();

            // Mark instance id as being used

            if (time_t resettime = time_t(fields[3].GetUInt64()))
                uint32 mapid = fields[1].GetUInt16();
                uint32 difficulty = fields[2].GetUInt8();

                instResetTime[instanceId] = ResetTimeMapDiffType(MAKE_PAIR32(mapid, difficulty), resettime);
                mapDiffResetInstances.insert(ResetTimeMapDiffInstances::value_type(MAKE_PAIR32(mapid, difficulty), instanceId));
        while (result->NextRow());

        // schedule the reset times
        for (InstResetTimeMapDiffType::iterator itr = instResetTime.begin(); itr != instResetTime.end(); ++itr)
            if (itr->second.second > now)
                ScheduleReset(true, itr->second.second, InstResetEvent(0, PAIR32_LOPART(itr->second.first), Difficulty(PAIR32_HIPART(itr->second.first)), itr->first));

    // load the global respawn times for raid/heroic instances
    uint32 diff = sWorld->getIntConfig(CONFIG_INSTANCE_RESET_TIME_HOUR) * HOUR;
    if (QueryResult result = CharacterDatabase.Query("SELECT mapid, difficulty, resettime FROM instance_reset"))
            Field* fields = result->Fetch();
            uint32 mapid = fields[0].GetUInt16();
            Difficulty difficulty = Difficulty(fields[1].GetUInt8());
            uint64 oldresettime = fields[2].GetUInt64();

            MapDifficulty const* mapDiff = GetMapDifficultyData(mapid, difficulty);
            if (!mapDiff)
                TC_LOG_ERROR("misc", "InstanceSaveManager::LoadResetTimes: invalid mapid(%u)/difficulty(%u) pair in instance_reset!", mapid, difficulty);

                PreparedStatement* stmt = CharacterDatabase.GetPreparedStatement(CHAR_DEL_GLOBAL_INSTANCE_RESETTIME);
                stmt->setUInt16(0, uint16(mapid));
                stmt->setUInt8(1, uint8(difficulty));

            // update the reset time if the hour in the configs changes
            uint64 newresettime = (oldresettime / DAY) * DAY + diff;
            if (oldresettime != newresettime)
                PreparedStatement* stmt = CharacterDatabase.GetPreparedStatement(CHAR_UPD_GLOBAL_INSTANCE_RESETTIME);
                stmt->setUInt64(0, uint64(newresettime));
                stmt->setUInt16(1, uint16(mapid));
                stmt->setUInt8(2, uint8(difficulty));

            InitializeResetTimeFor(mapid, difficulty, newresettime);
        } while (result->NextRow());

    // calculate new global reset times for expired instances and those that have never been reset yet
    // add the global reset times to the priority queue
    for (MapDifficultyMap::const_iterator itr = sMapDifficultyMap.begin(); itr != sMapDifficultyMap.end(); ++itr)
        uint32 map_diff_pair = itr->first;
        uint32 mapid = PAIR32_LOPART(map_diff_pair);
        Difficulty difficulty = Difficulty(PAIR32_HIPART(map_diff_pair));
        MapDifficulty const* mapDiff = &itr->second;
        if (!mapDiff->resetTime)

        // the reset_delay must be at least one day
        uint32 period = uint32(((mapDiff->resetTime * sWorld->getRate(RATE_INSTANCE_RESET_TIME))/DAY) * DAY);
        if (period < DAY)
            period = DAY;

        time_t t = GetResetTimeFor(mapid, difficulty);
        if (!t)
            // initialize the reset time
            t = today + period + diff;

            PreparedStatement* stmt = CharacterDatabase.GetPreparedStatement(CHAR_INS_GLOBAL_INSTANCE_RESETTIME);
            stmt->setUInt16(0, uint16(mapid));
            stmt->setUInt8(1, uint8(difficulty));
            stmt->setUInt64(2, uint64(t));

        if (t < now)
            // assume that expired instances have already been cleaned
            // calculate the next reset time
            t = (t / DAY) * DAY;
            t += ((today - t) / period + 1) * period + diff;

            PreparedStatement* stmt = CharacterDatabase.GetPreparedStatement(CHAR_UPD_GLOBAL_INSTANCE_RESETTIME);
            stmt->setUInt64(0, uint64(t));
            stmt->setUInt16(1, uint16(mapid));
            stmt->setUInt8(2, uint8(difficulty));

        InitializeResetTimeFor(mapid, difficulty, t);

        // schedule the global reset/warning
        uint8 type;
        for (type = 1; type < 4; ++type)
            if (t - ResetTimeDelay[type-1] > now)

        ScheduleReset(true, t - ResetTimeDelay[type-1], InstResetEvent(type, mapid, difficulty, 0));

        ResetTimeMapDiffInstancesBounds range = mapDiffResetInstances.equal_range(map_diff_pair);
        for (; range.first != range.second; ++range.first)
            ScheduleReset(true, t - ResetTimeDelay[type-1], InstResetEvent(type, mapid, difficulty, range.first->second));