Esempio n. 1
shell_n_dot_gradp_bc(double func[DIM],
		     double d_func[DIM][MAX_VARIABLE_TYPES + MAX_CONC][MDE],
                     const double time,     /* current time */
                     const double dt,       /* current time step size */
                     double xi[DIM],        /* Local stu coordinates */
                     const Exo_DB *exo)

      * shell_n_dot_gradp_bc():
      *  Function which sets the pressure gradient at the side to be zero
      *         func =   n .(-grad SH_FP + grad DisjPress)
      *  The boundary condition SHELL_FLOW_DEVELOPED_BC employs this function.
      * Input:
      *  grad SH_FP    = Lubrication pressure gradient
      *  grad_DisjPress = Disjoining pressure gradient
      * Output:
      *  func[0] = value of the function mentioned above
      *  d_func[0][varType][lvardof] =
      *              Derivate of func[0] wrt
      *              the variable type, varType, and the local variable
      *              degree of freedom, lvardof, corresponding to that
      *              variable type.
      *   Author: K. Tjiptowidjojo    (4/27/2011)
  int j, ii, var;
  int *n_dof = NULL;
  int dof_map[MDE];
  double grad_P[DIM];
  double grad_DisjPress[DIM], dgrad_DisjPress_dH1[DIM][MDE], dgrad_DisjPress_dH2[DIM][MDE]; 
  double phi_j;
  double grad_phi_j[DIM], grad_II_phi_j[DIM];
  double bound_normal[DIM];

/* Save the boundary normal vector */

  for(ii = 0; ii < pd->Num_Dim; ii++)
      bound_normal[ii] = fv->snormal[ii];

  * Prepare geometry
  n_dof = (int *)array_alloc (1, MAX_VARIABLE_TYPES, sizeof(int));
  lubrication_shell_initialize(n_dof, dof_map, -1, xi, exo, 0);

/* Calculate pressure gradient  */

   Inn( fv->grad_sh_fp, grad_P );

/* Calculate disjoining pressure gradient and its sensitivities */
   disjoining_pressure_model(fv->sh_fh, fv->grad_sh_fh, grad_DisjPress, dgrad_DisjPress_dH1, dgrad_DisjPress_dH2);

  if (af->Assemble_LSA_Mass_Matrix)

  if (af->Assemble_Jacobian) 
      var = SHELL_FILMP;
      if (pd->v[var])
        for ( j=0; j<ei->dof[var]; j++)
            for (ii = 0; ii < pd->Num_Dim; ii++)
                 grad_phi_j[ii] = bf[var]->grad_phi[j][ii];
                 grad_II_phi_j[ii] = 0.0;

            Inn(grad_phi_j, grad_II_phi_j);
            for (ii=0; ii<pd->Num_Dim; ii++)
	       d_func[0][var][j] += - grad_II_phi_j[ii] * bound_normal[ii];

      var = SHELL_FILMH;
      if (pd->v[var])
        for ( j=0; j<ei->dof[var]; j++)
            phi_j = bf[var]->phi[j];

            for (ii = 0; ii < pd->Num_Dim; ii++)
                 grad_phi_j[ii] = bf[var]->grad_phi[j][ii];
                 grad_II_phi_j[ii] = 0.0;

            Inn(grad_phi_j, grad_II_phi_j);

            for (ii=0; ii<pd->Num_Dim; ii++)
	       d_func[0][var][j] += dgrad_DisjPress_dH1[ii][j] * grad_II_phi_j[ii] * bound_normal[ii];
	       d_func[0][var][j] += dgrad_DisjPress_dH2[ii][j] * phi_j * bound_normal[ii];

    } /* end of if Assemble_Jacobian */

  /* Calculate the residual contribution	*/

  for (ii = 0; ii < pd->Num_Dim; ii++)
      func[0] += (- grad_P[ii] + grad_DisjPress[ii]) * bound_normal[ii]; 
  /* clean-up */
  safe_free((void *) n_dof);

} /* END of routine shell_n_dot_gradp_bc  */
Esempio n. 2
shell_n_dot_flow_bc_confined(double func[DIM],
                             double d_func[DIM][MAX_VARIABLE_TYPES + MAX_CONC][MDE],
                             const double flowrate, /* imposed flow rate */
                             const double time,     /* current time */
                             const double dt,       /* current time step size */
                             double xi[DIM],        /* Local stu coordinates */
                             const Exo_DB *exo)

      * shell_n_dot_flow_bc_confined():
      *  Function which evaluates the expression specifying the
      *  pressure gradient (or flow rate) at a quadrature point normal to the side
      *  of an element.
      *         func =   - flowrate + n .(  H^3 /(12*mu) * (-grad LUB_P)
      *                                   + 0.5 * (U_bot + U_top) * H )
      *  The boundary condition GRAD_LUB_PRESS_BC employs this function.
      * Input:
      *  flowrate      = specified on the bc card as the first float
      *  grad LUB_P    = Lubrication pressure gradient
      *  U_top         = Velocity of the top wall
      *  U_bot         = Velocity of the bottom wall
      *  H             = Distance between top and bottom wall
      * Output:
      *  func[0] = value of the function mentioned above
      *  d_func[0][varType][lvardof] =
      *              Derivate of func[0] wrt
      *              the variable type, varType, and the local variable
      *              degree of freedom, lvardof, corresponding to that
      *              variable type.
      *   Author: K. Tjiptowidjojo    (12/13/2010)
  int j, ii, var;
  int *n_dof = NULL;
  int dof_map[MDE];
  double grad_phi_j[DIM], grad_II_phi_j[DIM];
  double bound_normal[DIM];

/* Save the boundary normal vector */

  for(ii = 0; ii < pd->Num_Dim; ii++)
      bound_normal[ii] = fv->snormal[ii];

  * Prepare geometry
  n_dof = (int *)array_alloc (1, MAX_VARIABLE_TYPES, sizeof(int));
  lubrication_shell_initialize(n_dof, dof_map, -1, xi, exo, 0);

/* Calculate the flow rate and its sensitivties */

  calculate_lub_q_v(R_LUBP, time, dt, xi, exo);

  if (af->Assemble_LSA_Mass_Matrix)

  if (af->Assemble_Jacobian)
      var = LUBP;
      if (pd->v[var])
        for ( j=0; j<ei->dof[var]; j++)
            for (ii = 0; ii < pd->Num_Dim; ii++)
                 grad_phi_j[ii] = bf[var]->grad_phi[j][ii];
                 grad_II_phi_j[ii] = 0.0;

            Inn(grad_phi_j, grad_II_phi_j);

            for (ii=0; ii<pd->Num_Dim; ii++)
               d_func[0][var][j] += LubAux->dq_dp1[ii][j] * grad_II_phi_j[ii] * bound_normal[ii];

    } /* end of if Assemble_Jacobian */

  /* Calculate the residual contribution        */

  func[0] = - flowrate;
  for (ii = 0; ii < pd->Num_Dim; ii++)
      func[0] +=  LubAux->q[ii] * bound_normal[ii];

  /* clean-up */
  safe_free((void *) n_dof);

} /* END of routine shell_n_dot_flow_bc_confined  */
Esempio n. 3
disjoining_pressure_model (double H,                              /* Film thickness or interfacial separation */
                           double grad_H[DIM],                    /* Film slope */
                           double grad_DisjPress[DIM],            /* Disjoining pressure gradient */
                           double dgrad_DisjPress_dH1[DIM][MDE],  /* Sensitivity of disjoining pressure w.r.t. film thickness */
		           double dgrad_DisjPress_dH2[DIM][MDE] ) /* Second derivative of disjoining pressure w.r.t. film thickness */
*  A function which computes disjoining pressure inside thin film
*  This model is used for the lubrication capability 
*  Kris Tjiptowidjojo (January 26 2010)

 int i, j;
 double DisjPress = 0.0;
 double grad_II_H[DIM];
 double angle;
 double grad_angle[DIM];
 double B = 0;
 double dB_dangle = 0;
 double f = 0;
 double df_dH = 0, d2f_dH2 = 0;
 double nexp;
 double mexp;
 double H_star;
 double factor;

 Inn(grad_H, grad_II_H);

 memset(grad_angle,  0.0, sizeof(double)*DIM);

 memset(grad_DisjPress,          0.0, sizeof(double)*DIM);
 memset(dgrad_DisjPress_dH1,     0.0, sizeof(double)*DIM*MDE);
 memset(dgrad_DisjPress_dH2,    0.0, sizeof(double)*DIM*MDE);


 if(mp->DisjPressModel == CONSTANT)
     B = 0.0;
     f = 0.0;
     DisjPress = mp->DisjPress;
     dB_dangle = 0.0;
     df_dH = 0.0;
     d2f_dH2 = 0.0;

 else if(mp->DisjPressModel == TWO_TERM)
     angle = mp->u_DisjPress_function_constants[0];
     nexp = mp->u_DisjPress_function_constants[1];
     mexp = mp->u_DisjPress_function_constants[2];
     H_star = mp->u_DisjPress_function_constants[3];
     factor = mp->u_DisjPress_function_constants[4];

     B = (mp->surface_tension/H_star)* (nexp - 1.) * (mexp - 1.) * (1. - cos(angle * M_PIE/180.))
         / ( factor * (nexp - 1.) - (mexp - 1.) ); 

     f = pow(H_star/H, nexp) - factor * pow(H_star/H , mexp);

     DisjPress = B * f;

     dB_dangle = (mp->surface_tension/H_star)* (nexp - 1.) * (mexp - 1.) * sin(angle * M_PIE/180.) * (M_PIE/180.)
                 / ( factor * (nexp - 1.) - (mexp - 1.) );

     df_dH = - nexp * pow(H_star,nexp)/pow(H, nexp + 1.) 
               + factor * mexp * pow(H_star, mexp)/pow(H, mexp + 1.);

     d2f_dH2 = nexp * (nexp + 1.) * pow(H_star,nexp)/pow(H, nexp + 2.) 
               - factor * mexp * (mexp + 1.) * pow(H_star, mexp)/pow(H, mexp + 2.);


 else if(mp->DisjPressModel == TWO_TERM_EXT_CA)
     if (!(efv->ev))
         EH(-1,"Model TWO_TERM_EXT_CA requires contact angle input from external file !");

     angle =  fv->external_field[0];

     Inn(fv->grad_ext_field[0], grad_angle);

     nexp = mp->u_DisjPress_function_constants[0];
     mexp = mp->u_DisjPress_function_constants[1];
     H_star = mp->u_DisjPress_function_constants[2];
     factor = mp->u_DisjPress_function_constants[3];

     B = (mp->surface_tension/H_star)* (nexp - 1.) * (mexp - 1.) * (1. - cos(angle * M_PIE/180.))
         / ( factor * (nexp - 1.) - (mexp - 1.) ); 

     f = pow(H_star/H, nexp) - factor * pow(H_star/H , mexp);

     DisjPress = B * f;

     dB_dangle = (mp->surface_tension/H_star)* (nexp - 1.) * (mexp - 1.) * sin(angle * M_PIE/180.) * (M_PIE/180.)
                 / ( factor * (nexp - 1.) - (mexp - 1.) );

     df_dH = - nexp * pow(H_star,nexp)/pow(H, nexp + 1.) 
               + factor * mexp * pow(H_star, mexp)/pow(H, mexp + 1.);

     d2f_dH2 = nexp * (nexp + 1.) * pow(H_star,nexp)/pow(H, nexp + 2.) 
               - factor * mexp * (mexp + 1.) * pow(H_star, mexp)/pow(H, mexp + 2.);


 else if(mp->DisjPressModel == ONE_TERM)
     B  = mp->u_DisjPress_function_constants[0];
     nexp = mp->u_DisjPress_function_constants[1];
     H_star = mp->u_DisjPress_function_constants[2];

     f = pow( H_star/H, nexp );

     DisjPress =  B * f;

     dB_dangle = 0.0;

     df_dH = - nexp * pow(H_star,nexp)/pow(H, nexp + 1.);

     d2f_dH2 = nexp * (nexp + 1.) * pow(H_star,nexp)/pow(H, nexp + 2.);

     EH(-1,"Not a supported disjoining pressure model");


 for (i = 0; i < DIM; i++)
     grad_DisjPress[i] =   dB_dangle * f * grad_angle[i] 
                          + B * df_dH * grad_II_H[i];

 for (i = 0; i < DIM; i++)
     for (j = 0; j < ei->dof[SHELL_FILMH]; j++)
         dgrad_DisjPress_dH1[i][j] =  B * df_dH;

 for (i = 0; i < DIM; i++)
     for (j = 0; j < ei->dof[SHELL_FILMH]; j++)
         dgrad_DisjPress_dH2[i][j] =   dB_dangle * df_dH * grad_angle[i]
                                      + B * d2f_dH2 * grad_II_H[i] ;

