boolean TextManip::HandleKey (Event& e) { World* world = GetViewer()->GetWorld(); char c = e.keystring[0]; boolean manipulating = true; switch (c) { case '\007': world->RingBell(1); break; case '\001': BeginningOfLine(); break; case '\005': EndOfLine(); break; case '\006': ForwardCharacter(1); break; case '\002': BackwardCharacter(1); break; case '\016': ForwardLine(1); break; case '\020': BackwardLine(1); break; case '\013': DeleteLine(); break; case '\004': DeleteCharacter(1); break; case '\010': DeleteCharacter(-1); break; case '\177': DeleteCharacter(-1); break; case '\011': InsertCharacter('\t'); break; case '\015': if (_multiline) InsertCharacter('\n'); break; case '\033': manipulating = false; break; default: if (!iscntrl(c & 0x7f)) { InsertCharacter(c); } break; } return manipulating; }
void EditableLabel::StartTyping() { for (int i = 0; i < NUMBER_OF_VIRTUAL_KEYS; i++) { if (s_theInputSystem->WasKeyJustDown(i)) { if (s_theInputSystem->WasKeyJustDown(VK_BACK)) { RemoveLastCharacter(); return; } if (s_theInputSystem->IsKeyDown(VK_SHIFT)) { if (i >= 65 && i <= 90) { InsertCharacter(i); return; } if (i == 57) { InsertCharacter(i); return; } if (i == 48) { InsertCharacter(i); return; } } if (i == 32) { InsertCharacter(i); return; } if (i >= 65 && i <= 90) { InsertCharacter(i + 32); return; } if (i >= 188 && i <= 191) { InsertCharacter(i - 144); return; } if (i == 186) { InsertCharacter(59); return; } if (i <= 57 && i >= 48) { InsertCharacter(i); return; } } } }
std::vector<std::string> Permutations(const std::string & str) { std::vector<std::string> perms; if (str.empty()) { perms.push_back(""); return perms; } //get the first charcater and the remainder. std::string first = str.substr(0,1); std::string remainder = str.substr(1); // std::cout << "remainder: " << remainder << std::endl; std::vector<std::string> words = Permutations(remainder); for (auto it = words.begin(); it != words.end(); ++it) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i <= it->size(); ++i) { std::string s = InsertCharacter(first, *it, i); // std::cout << "push_back: " << s << std::endl; perms.push_back(s); } } return perms; }
void MythUITextEdit::InsertText(const QString &text) { if (!m_Text) return; int i = 0; for (; i < text.size(); ++i) { InsertCharacter([i]); } emit valueChanged(); }
static void ExecuteCommand(bufferADT buffer, string line) { int i; switch (toupper(line[0])) { case 'I': for (i = 1; line[i] != '\0'; i++) { InsertCharacter(buffer, line[i]); } break; case 'D': DeleteCharacter(buffer); break; case 'F': MoveCursorForward(buffer); break; case 'B': MoveCursorBackward(buffer); break; case 'J': MoveCursorToStart(buffer); break; case 'E': MoveCursorToEnd(buffer); break; case 'H': HelpCommand(); break; case 'Q': exit(0); default: printf("Illegal command\n"); break; } }
void Fonts::UpdateTextInput(float deltaTime) { deltaTime; PrintLogToFile(); AddHelpText(); ClearAllText(); if (m_startType==false) { return; } if (s_theInputSystem->WasKeyJustDown(VK_ESCAPE)) { s_text = ""; m_log[m_log.size() - 1] = s_text; m_startType = false; m_doShowConsole = false; return; } if (s_theInputSystem->WasKeyJustDown(VK_UP)) { if ((checkLineNum-1)>=0) { checkLineNum--; } else checkLineNum = m_log.size()-1; if (m_log[checkLineNum][0]!='>') { s_text = ">" + m_log[checkLineNum]; } m_log[m_log.size() - 1] = s_text; } if (s_theInputSystem->WasKeyJustDown(VK_LEFT)) { if (curserPositionInString>0) { curserPositionInString--; } } if (s_theInputSystem->WasKeyJustDown(VK_RIGHT)) { if (curserPositionInString < s_text.length()-1) { curserPositionInString++; } } if (s_theInputSystem->WasKeyJustDown(VK_DOWN)) { if ((checkLineNum) < (int)m_log.size() - 1) { checkLineNum++; } else checkLineNum = 0; if (m_log[checkLineNum][0] != '>') { s_text = ">" + m_log[checkLineNum]; } m_log[m_log.size() - 1] = s_text; } if (s_theInputSystem->WasKeyJustDown(VK_BACK)) { //if (s_text.length()>1) //{ // s_text = s_text.substr(0, s_text.length() - 1); //} // //m_log[m_log.size() - 1] = s_text; DeleteCharacter(); } m_log[m_log.size() - 1] = s_text; if (s_theInputSystem->WasKeyJustDown(VK_RETURN)) { if (s_text == ">") { s_text = ""; m_startType = false; return; } else { m_log[m_log.size() - 1] = CutDoubleString(s_text,'>','\n'); RunConsoleFromLine(m_log[m_log.size() - 1].c_str()); m_log.push_back(""); s_text = ""; m_startType = false; checkLineNum = m_log.size()-1; } curserPositionInString = 0; return; } for (int i = 0; i < NUMBER_OF_VIRTUAL_KEYS; i++) { if (s_theInputSystem->WasKeyJustDown(i)) { if (s_theInputSystem->IsKeyDown(VK_SHIFT)) { if (i>=65 && i<=90) { //s_text += (char)i; //curserPositionInString++; InsertCharacter(i); return; } if (i == 57) { //s_text += 40; //'(' //curserPositionInString++; InsertCharacter(i); return; } if (i == 48) { //s_text += 41; //')' //curserPositionInString++; InsertCharacter(i); return; } } if (i == 32) { InsertCharacter(i); } if (i >= 65 && i <= 90) { InsertCharacter(i+32); return; } if (i>=188 && i<=191) { InsertCharacter(i-144); return; } if (i == 186) { InsertCharacter(59); return; } if (i<=57 && i >=48) { InsertCharacter(i); } } } }
bool MythUITextEdit::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *e) { m_lastKeyPress.restart(); QStringList actions; bool handled = false; handled = GetMythMainWindow()->TranslateKeyPress("Global", e, actions, false); if (!handled && InsertCharacter(e->text())) handled = true; for (int i = 0; i < actions.size() && !handled; i++) { QString action = actions[i]; handled = true; if (action == "LEFT") { if (!MoveCursor(MoveLeft)) handled = false; } else if (action == "RIGHT") { if (!MoveCursor(MoveRight)) handled = false; } else if (action == "DELETE") { RemoveCharacter(m_Position+1); } else if (action == "BACKSPACE") { RemoveCharacter(m_Position); } else if (action == "SELECT" && e->key() != Qt::Key_Space && GetMythDB()->GetNumSetting("UseVirtualKeyboard", 1) == 1) { MythScreenStack *popupStack = GetMythMainWindow()->GetStack("popup stack"); MythUIVirtualKeyboard *kb = new MythUIVirtualKeyboard(popupStack, this); if (kb->Create()) { //connect(kb, SIGNAL(keyPress(QString)), SLOT(keyPress(QString))); popupStack->AddScreen(kb); } else delete kb; } else if (action == "CUT") { CutTextToClipboard(); } else if (action == "COPY") { CopyTextToClipboard(); } else if (action == "PASTE") { PasteTextFromClipboard(); } else handled = false; } return handled; }
/***************************************************************************** * FUNCTION: WFConsoleProcess * * RETURNS: None * * PARAMS: None * * NOTES: State machine called from main loop of app. Handles serial input. * *****************************************************************************/ void WFConsoleProcess(void) { //UINT8 *pStart = &(cmdline[0]); UINT16 rc; INT8 c; static INT8 escape_sequence[kWFMaxInputEscapeSequence]; static INT8 esc_seq_index; // if this state machine has been disabled if (g_ConsoleContext.bStateMachineLoop == FALSE) { return; } // if a command was entered that is application=specific if (g_ConsoleContext.appConsoleMsgRx == TRUE) { return; // wait until app done before processing further characters } // if no character(s) received if ( (rc = DataRdyUART() ) == 0u ) { return; } // get the character c = (INT8) ReadUART(); // if this is the very first character received by this state machine if (g_ConsoleContext.firstChar == FALSE) { Output_Monitor_Hdr(); g_ConsoleContext.firstChar = TRUE; } switch( GET_RX_STATE() ) { //------------------------------------------ case kSTWaitForChar: //------------------------------------------ // if a 'normal' printable character if (isPrintableCharacter(c)) { InsertCharacter(c); } // else if Delete key else if (c == kWFDelete) { Delete(); } // else if Backspace key else if (c == (INT8)kWFBackspace) { Backspace(); } // else if Enter key else if (c == kWFEnter) { Enter(); } // else if Escape key else if (c == kWFEscape) { /* zero out escape buffer, init with ESC */ memset(escape_sequence, 0x00, sizeof(escape_sequence)); escape_sequence[0] = kWFEscape; esc_seq_index = 1; SET_RX_STATE(kSTWaitForEscSeqSecondChar); } // else if Ctrl C else if (c == kWFCtrl_C) { OutputCommandPrompt(); } else { // Enter(); } break; //------------------------------------------ case kSTWaitForEscSeqSecondChar: //------------------------------------------ /* if an arrow key, home, or end key (which is all that this state machine handles) */ if (c == 0x5b) { escape_sequence[1] = c; SET_RX_STATE(kSTWaitForEscSeqThirdChar); } // else if user pressed escape followed by any printable character else if (isPrintableCharacter(c)) { InsertCharacter(c); SET_RX_STATE(kSTWaitForChar); } // start this command line over else // anything else { OutputCommandPrompt(); SET_RX_STATE(kSTWaitForChar); } break; //------------------------------------------ case kSTWaitForEscSeqThirdChar: //------------------------------------------ escape_sequence[2] = c; ProcessEscapeSequence(escape_sequence); SET_RX_STATE(kSTWaitForChar); break; } // end switch }
bool MythUITextEdit::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *event) { m_lastKeyPress.restart(); QStringList actions; bool handled = false; handled = GetMythMainWindow()->TranslateKeyPress("Global", event, actions, false); Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers = event->modifiers(); int keynum = event->key(); if (keynum >= Qt::Key_Shift && keynum <= Qt::Key_CapsLock) return false; QString character; // Compose key handling // Enter composition mode if ((modifiers & Qt::GroupSwitchModifier) && (keynum >= Qt::Key_Dead_Grave) && (keynum <= Qt::Key_Dead_Horn)) { m_composeKey = keynum; handled = true; } else if (m_composeKey > 0) // 'Compose' the key { if (gDeadKeyMap.isEmpty()) LoadDeadKeys(gDeadKeyMap); LOG(VB_GUI, LOG_DEBUG, QString("Compose key: %1 Key: %2").arg(QString::number(m_composeKey, 16)).arg(QString::number(keynum, 16))); if (gDeadKeyMap.contains(keyCombo(m_composeKey, keynum))) { int keycode = gDeadKeyMap.value(keyCombo(m_composeKey, keynum)); //QKeyEvent key(QEvent::KeyPress, keycode, modifiers); character = QChar(keycode); if (modifiers & Qt::ShiftModifier) character = character.toUpper(); else character = character.toLower(); LOG(VB_GUI, LOG_DEBUG, QString("Found match for dead-key combo - %1").arg(character)); } m_composeKey = 0; } if (character.isEmpty()) character = event->text(); if (!handled && InsertCharacter(character)) handled = true; for (int i = 0; i < actions.size() && !handled; i++) { QString action = actions[i]; handled = true; if (action == "LEFT") { MoveCursor(MoveLeft); } else if (action == "RIGHT") { MoveCursor(MoveRight); } else if (action == "UP") { handled = MoveCursor(MoveUp); } else if (action == "DOWN") { handled = MoveCursor(MoveDown); } else if (action == "PAGEUP") { handled = MoveCursor(MovePageUp); } else if (action == "PAGEDOWN") { handled = MoveCursor(MovePageDown); } else if (action == "DELETE") { RemoveCharacter(m_Position + 1); } else if (action == "BACKSPACE") { RemoveCharacter(m_Position); } else if (action == "NEWLINE") { QString newmessage = m_Message; newmessage.insert(m_Position + 1, '\n'); SetText(newmessage, false); MoveCursor(MoveRight); } else if (action == "SELECT" && keynum != Qt::Key_Space && GetMythDB()->GetNumSetting("UseVirtualKeyboard", 1) == 1) { MythScreenStack *popupStack = GetMythMainWindow()->GetStack("popup stack"); MythUIVirtualKeyboard *kb = new MythUIVirtualKeyboard(popupStack, this); if (kb->Create()) { //connect(kb, SIGNAL(keyPress(QString)), SLOT(keyPress(QString))); popupStack->AddScreen(kb); } else delete kb; } else if (action == "CUT") { CutTextToClipboard(); } else if (action == "COPY") { CopyTextToClipboard(); } else if (action == "PASTE") { PasteTextFromClipboard(); } else handled = false; } return handled; }
void EditCharacters(TCampaignSetting * setting) { int done = 0; int c = 0; int index = 0; int xc = 0, yc = 0; TBadGuy scrap; int x, y, buttons, tag; memset(&scrap, 0, sizeof(scrap)); SetMouseRects(localClicks); while (!done) { Display(setting, index, xc, yc); do { GetEvent(&c, &x, &y, &buttons); if (buttons) { if (XYToCharacterIndex(x, y, &tag)) { if (tag >= 0 && tag < setting->characterCount) index = tag; c = DUMMY; } else if (GetMouseRectTag(x, y, &tag)) { xc = (tag >> 8); yc = (tag & 0xFF); AdjustYC(&yc); AdjustXC(yc, &xc); c = (buttons == 1 ? PAGEUP : PAGEDOWN); } } } while (!c); switch (c) { case HOME: if (index > 0) index--; break; case END: if (index < setting->characterCount - 1) index++; break; case INSERT: InsertCharacter(setting, index, NULL); fileChanged = 1; break; case ALT_X: scrap = setting->characters[index]; case DELETE: DeleteCharacter(setting, &index); fileChanged = 1; break; case ALT_C: scrap = setting->characters[index]; break; case ALT_V: InsertCharacter(setting, index, &scrap); fileChanged = 1; break; case ALT_N: InsertCharacter(setting, setting->characterCount, NULL); index = setting->characterCount - 1; fileChanged = 1; break; case ARROW_UP: yc--; AdjustYC(&yc); AdjustXC(yc, &xc); break; case ARROW_DOWN: yc++; AdjustYC(&yc); AdjustXC(yc, &xc); break; case ARROW_LEFT: xc--; AdjustXC(yc, &xc); break; case ARROW_RIGHT: xc++; AdjustXC(yc, &xc); break; case PAGEUP: Change(setting, index, yc, xc, 1); fileChanged = 1; break; case PAGEDOWN: Change(setting, index, yc, xc, -1); fileChanged = 1; break; case ESCAPE: done = 1; break; } } }
/***************************************************************************** * FUNCTION: IperfConsoleProcess * * RETURNS: None * * PARAMS: None * * NOTES: State machine called from main loop of app. Handles serial input. * *****************************************************************************/ void IperfConsoleProcess(void) { //uint8_t *pStart = &(cmdline[0]); int8_t c; static int8_t escape_sequence[kMaxInputEscapeSequence]; static int8_t esc_seq_index; // if this state machine has been disabled if (g_ConsoleContext.bStateMachineLoop == false) { return; } // if a command was entered that is application=specific if (g_ConsoleContext.appConsoleMsgRx == true) { return; // wait until app done before processing further characters } // if no character(s) received if (SYS_CONSOLE_DATA_RDY() == 0) { return; } // get the character c = (int8_t) SYS_CONSOLE_GETC(); // if this is the very first character received by this state machine if (g_ConsoleContext.firstChar == false) { Output_Monitor_Hdr(); g_ConsoleContext.firstChar = true; } switch( GET_RX_STATE() ) { //------------------------------------------ case kSTWaitForChar: //------------------------------------------ // if a 'normal' printable character if (isPrintableCharacter(c)) { InsertCharacter(c); } // else if Delete key else if (c == kDelete) { Delete(); } // else if Backspace key else if (c == (int8_t)kBackspace) { Backspace(); } // else if Enter key else if (c == kEnter) { Enter(); } // else if Escape key else if (c == kEscape) { /* zero out escape buffer, init with ESC */ memset(escape_sequence, 0x00, sizeof(escape_sequence)); escape_sequence[0] = kEscape; esc_seq_index = 1; SET_RX_STATE(kSTWaitForEscSeqSecondChar); } // else if Ctrl C else if (c == kCtrl_C) { OutputCommandPrompt(); } else { // Enter(); } break; //------------------------------------------ case kSTWaitForEscSeqSecondChar: //------------------------------------------ /* if an arrow key, home, or end key (which is all that this state machine handles) */ if (c == 0x5b) { escape_sequence[1] = c; SET_RX_STATE(kSTWaitForEscSeqThirdChar); } // else if user pressed escape followed by any printable character else if (isPrintableCharacter(c)) { InsertCharacter(c); SET_RX_STATE(kSTWaitForChar); } // start this command line over else // anything else { OutputCommandPrompt(); SET_RX_STATE(kSTWaitForChar); } break; //------------------------------------------ case kSTWaitForEscSeqThirdChar: //------------------------------------------ escape_sequence[2] = c; if ((c == 0x31) || (c == 0x34)) // home or end key { SET_RX_STATE(kSTWaitForEscSeqFourthChar); } else { ProcessEscapeSequence(escape_sequence); SET_RX_STATE(kSTWaitForChar); } break; //------------------------------------------ case kSTWaitForEscSeqFourthChar: //------------------------------------------ ProcessEscapeSequence(escape_sequence); SET_RX_STATE(kSTWaitForChar); break; } // end switch }