/* 系统辅助-在Log信息台打印Log信息 */
void addLog(char *msg, int whichBox, int pHdl){
	char msgTemp[256];
	Fmt(msgTemp,"[%s] -%c ", TimeStr(), 62);
	strcat(msgTemp, msg);
	strcat(msgTemp, "\n");
	if(0 == whichBox){ //Show Log on Main Panel's Log Box
		InsertTextBoxLine(panelHdl, MainPanel_MainLogBox, 0, msgTemp);
		int i = getGraphIndex(pHdl, 1);
		InsertTextBoxLine(PopPanels[i], PopupPanel_PopLogBox, 0, msgTemp);
/// HIFN callback function when the phase retrieval settings have been changed
int CVICALLBACK PhaseRetrieval_Callback (int panel, int control, int event,
		void *callbackData, int eventData1, int eventData2)
	switch (event)

			// one of the control parameters was changed, update the preview
			// read out all the control parameters
			int spotxoffset, spotyoffset, sigxoffset, sigyoffset;
			int spotxspacing, spotyspacing, numxspots, numyspots;
			int phaseconstraint;
			double phasestep;
			GetCtrlVal(panel, TABPANEL_5_SpotYSpacing, &spotyspacing);
			GetCtrlVal(panel, TABPANEL_5_SpotXSpacing, &spotxspacing);
			GetCtrlVal(panel, TABPANEL_5_NumYSpots, &numyspots);
			GetCtrlVal(panel, TABPANEL_5_NumXSpots, &numxspots);
			GetCtrlVal(panel, TABPANEL_5_SpotXOffset, &spotxoffset);
			GetCtrlVal(panel, TABPANEL_5_SpotYOffset, &spotyoffset);
			GetCtrlVal(panel, TABPANEL_5_SigYOffset, &sigyoffset);
			GetCtrlVal(panel, TABPANEL_5_SigXOffset, &sigxoffset);
			GetCtrlVal(panel, TABPANEL_5_PhaseConstraint, &phaseconstraint);
			GetCtrlVal(panel, TABPANEL_5_PhaseStep, &phasestep);
			// check if it was the GO-button that was pressed
			if (control == TABPANEL_5_PhaseRetrievalGo)
				// yes, we have to start phase retrieval with the current parameters
				// check if the asked spotpattern fits the SLM
				if ((sigxoffset + spotxoffset + numxspots * (spotxspacing+1)) >= gXsize)
					char msg[1024];
					sprintf(msg, "The spotpattern exceeds the SLM size in the x-dimension. Adjust X spots or X spacing.");
					InsertTextBoxLine (panel, TABPANEL_5_Output, -1, msg);
				else if ((sigyoffset + spotyoffset + numyspots * (spotyspacing +1)) >= gYsize)
					char msg[1024];
					sprintf(msg, "The spotpattern exceeds the SLM size in the y-dimension. Adjust Y spots or Y spacing.");
					InsertTextBoxLine (panel, TABPANEL_5_Output, -1, msg);
					SLM_generateSpotArray(pnlSLMpixels, SLMpixels_SLMcanvas, pnlSimPanel, SimPanel_CANVAS, panel, TABPANEL_5_Output,
	                       numxspots, numyspots, spotxspacing, spotyspacing, sigxoffset, sigyoffset, spotxoffset, spotyoffset, 
						   phaseconstraint, phasestep * PI);
					// check if we need to update
					if (eventData1 != SLM_NO_UPDATE)
						// update the SLM panel and the simulation Panel (if toggled)
						SLM_update(pnlSLMpixels, SLMpixels_SLMcanvas, pnlSimPanel, SimPanel_CANVAS, 1);
	return 0;
