bool ParticleEmitter::Update() { if (this->transform->isSelected) { Inspector(); } if (enabled) { // Tick the emitter m_time += Time::deltaTime; m_respawnTime += Time::deltaTime; int numberSpawn = 10; // If respawn time is greater than our release delay then we spawn at // least one particle so work out how many to spawn if (m_respawnTime > m_releaseDelay) { numberSpawn = (int)(m_respawnTime / m_releaseDelay); m_respawnTime -= (numberSpawn * m_releaseDelay); } // Spawn the required number of particles for (int count = 0; count < numberSpawn; count++) { // Get the next free particle int particleIndex = GetNextFreeParticle(); if (particleIndex >= 0) { // If we got a particle ID then spawn it AddPhysXParticle(particleIndex); } } } // Check to see if we need to release particles. They can either be too old or have hit the particle sink // Lock the particle buffer so we can work on it and get a pointer to read data PxParticleReadData* readData = particleFluid->lockParticleReadData(); // Access particle data from PxParticleReadData was OK if (readData) { vector<PxU32> particlesToRemove; //we need to build a list of particles to remove so we can do it all in one go PxStrideIterator<const PxParticleFlags> flagsIt(readData->flagsBuffer); PxStrideIterator<const PxVec3> positionIt(readData->positionBuffer); for (unsigned i = 0; i < readData->validParticleRange; ++i, ++flagsIt, ++positionIt) { if (*flagsIt & PxParticleFlag::eVALID) { //if particle is either too old or has hit the sink then mark it for removal. We can't remove it here because we buffer is locked if (*flagsIt & PxParticleFlag::eCOLLISION_WITH_DRAIN) { //mark our local copy of the particle free ReleaseParticle(i); //add to our list of particles to remove particlesToRemove.push_back(i); } } } // return ownership of the buffers back to the SDK readData->unlock(); //if we have particles to release then pass the particles to remove to PhysX so it can release them if (particlesToRemove.size() > 0) { //create a buffer of particle indicies which we are going to remove PxStrideIterator<const PxU32> indexBuffer(&particlesToRemove[0]); //free particles from the physics system particleFluid->releaseParticles(particlesToRemove.size(), indexBuffer); } } return true; }
bool MeshCollider::Update() { if (this->transform && this->transform->isSelected) { Inspector(); } attachedRigidbody = this->gameObject->GetComponent<Rigidbody>(); MeshRenderer* renderer = this->gameObject->GetComponent<MeshRenderer>(); if (renderer != nullptr) { Bounds meshBounds = renderer->mesh.bounds; = this->transform->position; bounds.size = this->transform->scale * meshBounds.size; bounds.min = - bounds.size; bounds.max = + bounds.size; } return true; }
bool Camera::Update() { aspect = (float)Window::width / (float)Window::height; if (Camera::current == this) { ImGui::Begin("Main Camera Settings"); ImGui::Checkbox("Orthographic", &orthographic); if (orthographic) { ImGui::DragFloat("Orthographic Size", &orthographicSize); ImGui::DragFloat("Near Clip Plane", (float*)&orthoNear); ImGui::DragFloat("Far Clip Plane", (float*)&orthoFar); } else { ImGui::DragFloat("Field Of View", &fieldOfView); ImGui::DragFloat("Near Clip Plane", (float*)&perspNear); ImGui::DragFloat("Far Clip Plane", (float*)&perspFar); } ImGui::ColorEdit4("Background Color", (float*)&backgroundColor); ImGui::DragFloat("Mouse Sensitivity", &mouseSensitivity, 0.1f); ImGui::DragFloat3("Velocity", (float*)&velocity); ImGui::End(); } if (this->transform && this->transform->isSelected) { Inspector(); } if (initializedOldStuff) { oldProjectionMatrix = projectionMatrix; oldViewMatrix = viewMatrix; } else { oldProjectionMatrix = projectionMatrix + mat4(1); oldViewMatrix = viewMatrix + mat4(1); oldOrthographic = orthographic; initializedOldStuff = true; } UpdateProjection(); if(Camera::current != this) RenderFrustum(); return true; }
bool BoxCollider::Update() { if (this->transform && this->transform->isSelected) Inspector(); attachedRigidbody = this->gameObject->GetComponent<Rigidbody>(); MeshRenderer* renderer = this->gameObject->GetComponent<MeshRenderer>(); if (renderer != nullptr) { Bounds meshBounds = renderer->mesh.bounds; = this->transform->position; bounds.size = this->transform->scale * meshBounds.size; bounds.min = - bounds.size; bounds.max = + bounds.size; } for (int i = 0; i < 12; ++i) { LineSegment line = obb.Edge(i); Gizmos::AddLine(line.start, line.end, vec4(0, 1, 0, 1)); } obb.SetFrom(bounds, *this->transform); return true; }
bool Rigidbody::Update() { if (transform && transform->isSelected) Inspector(); return true; }
void initInspector(TetrisSim ts){ active = Inspector(ts); }