Esempio n. 1
bool IntersectedPolygon(Vector3 vPoly[], Vector3 vLine[], int verticeCount)
	Vector3 vNormal;
	float originDistance = 0;
    if(!IntersectedPlane(vPoly, vLine,vNormal,originDistance))
		return false;
	Vector3 vIntersection = IntersectionPoint(vNormal, vLine, originDistance);//计算交点
	if(InsidePolygon(vIntersection, vPoly, verticeCount))//找到交点,判断是否在多边形内
		return true;						
	return false;								
Esempio n. 2
void RenderScene() 
	glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT);	// Clear The Screen And The Depth Buffer
	glLoadIdentity();									// Reset The matrix
	// Let's set our camera to the left a bit for a better view

		// 	    Position          View	     Up Vector
	gluLookAt(-2.5f, 0.5, 0.5f,  0, 0.5f, 0,   0, 1, 0);	// This determines where the camera's position and view is

	// Below we give OpenGL the 3 vertices of our triangle.  Once again, we put them
	// into an array of CVector3 structures so we could dynamically move it around screen.

	glBegin (GL_TRIANGLES);								// This is our BEGIN to draw

		glColor3ub(255, 0, 0);							// Make the Left vertex RED
		glVertex3f(vTriangle[0].x, vTriangle[0].y, vTriangle[0].z);

		glColor3ub(0, 255, 0);							// Make the Right vertex GREEN
		glVertex3f(vTriangle[1].x, vTriangle[1].y, vTriangle[1].z);

		glColor3ub(0, 0, 255);							// Make the Top vertex BLUE
		glVertex3f(vTriangle[2].x, vTriangle[2].y, vTriangle[2].z);
	glEnd();											// This is the END of drawing

	// Below we use our function we just wrote to see if the plane of the
	// triangle and the line intersect.  It will return true if that's the case.

	bool bCollided = IntersectedPlane(vTriangle, vLine);

	// Below we draw the line that the polygon will be colliding with.
	// We will check to see if the line collides with the polygons plane, and if it does, 
	// we will turn the line green to show when it is intersecting the plane.

	glBegin (GL_LINES);									// This is our BEGIN to draw

		if(bCollided)									// If we collided, change the color of the line to illustrate this.
			glColor3ub(0, 255, 0);						// Make the line GREEN if we collided with the triangle's plane
			glColor3ub(255, 255, 0);					// Make the line YELLOW if we didn't collide

		glVertex3f(vLine[0].x, vLine[0].y, vLine[0].z);	// Let's draw the normal centered on the triangle
														// Draw the normal of the polygon from the center of the polygon to better see it
		glVertex3f(vLine[1].x, vLine[1].y, vLine[1].z);	
	glEnd();											// This is the END of drawing

	// That's it, now use the LEFT and RIGHT arrow keys to move it around to see it in action.

	SwapBuffers(g_hDC);									// Swap the backbuffers to the foreground
bool IntersectedPolygon(CVector3 vPoly[], CVector3 vLine[], int verticeCount)
	CVector3 vNormal;
	float originDistance = 0;

	// First, make sure our line intersects the plane
									 // Reference   // Reference
	if(!IntersectedPlane(vPoly, vLine,   vNormal,   originDistance))
		return false;

	// Now that we have our normal and distance passed back from IntersectedPlane(), 
	// we can use it to calculate the intersection point.  
	CVector3 vIntersection = IntersectionPoint(vNormal, vLine, originDistance);

	// Now that we have the intersection point, we need to test if it's inside the polygon.
	if(InsidePolygon(vIntersection, vPoly, verticeCount))
		return true;							// We collided!	  Return success

	return false;								// There was no collision, so return false
Esempio n. 4
vec3 EditorToolBar::getGroundPickPos(float elevation) const


	vec3 groundPos;;

	// Get the point on the ground plane that the mouse is hovering over.

	// Get a ray for the mouse
	vec3 mouseRay[] =

	// Get the location that the mouse ray intersect the ground plane at.
	// Check the mouse ray against the ground plane (XZ plane)
	float originDistance=0.0f;
	vec3 normal;

	// A polygon on the intersection plane
	vec3 a(0,elevation,0);
	vec3 b(0,elevation,1);
	vec3 c(1,elevation,0);
	vec3 vPoly[3] = {a, b, c};

	if(IntersectedPlane(vPoly, mouseRay, normal, originDistance) == true)
		// Get the intersection point
		groundPos = IntersectionPoint(normal, mouseRay, (double)originDistance);

		// Snap to grid
			float snap = 0.25f;

			float snappedX = (snap) * floorf(groundPos.x / snap);
			float snappedZ = (snap) * floorf(groundPos.z / snap);

			groundPos.x = snappedX;
			groundPos.z = snappedZ;



	return groundPos;