Esempio n. 1
 DictPtr ParseDict(const JSONValue& doc) {
   // Required: type
   string type = GetStringProperty(doc, "type");
   DictPtr dict;
   if (type == "group") {
     list<DictPtr> dicts;
     const JSONValue& docs = GetArrayProperty(doc, "dicts");
     for (rapidjson::SizeType i = 0; i < docs.Size(); i++) {
       if (docs[i].IsObject()) {
         DictPtr dict = ParseDict(docs[i]);
       } else {
         throw InvalidFormat("Element of the array must be an object");
     return DictGroupPtr(new DictGroup(dicts));
   } else {
     string fileName = GetStringProperty(doc, "file");
     // Read from cache
     DictPtr& cache = dictCache[type][configDirectory][fileName];
     if (cache != nullptr) {
       return cache;
     if (type == "text") {
       dict = LoadDictWithPaths<TextDict>(fileName);
     } else if (type == "ocd") {
       dict = LoadDictWithPaths<DartsDict>(fileName);
     } else {
       throw InvalidFormat("Unknown dictionary type: " + type);
     // Update Cache
     cache = dict;
     return dict;
Esempio n. 2
	DAT1::DAT1(VFS* vfs, const std::string& file) : VFSSource(vfs), m_datpath(file), m_data(vfs->open(file))  {
		FL_LOG(_log, LMsg("MFFalloutDAT1") 
			<< "loading: " << file 
			<< " filesize: " << m_data->getDataLength());


		const uint32_t dircount = m_data->read32Big();

		FL_LOG(_log, LMsg("MFFalloutDAT1") 
			<< "number of directories " << dircount);

		// Sanity check. Each dir entry needs min. 16 bytes.
		if( dircount*16 > m_data->getDataLength() ) {
			throw InvalidFormat("directory count larger than filesize.");

		std::list<std::string> dir_names;
		for (uint32_t i = 0; i < dircount; ++i) {
			std::string name = readString();
			if (name == ".") {
				name = "";

		for(std::list<std::string>::iterator i= dir_names.begin(); i!= dir_names.end(); ++i)
Esempio n. 3
 const JSONValue& GetArrayProperty(const JSONValue& doc, const char* name) {
   const JSONValue& obj = GetProperty(doc, name);
   if (!obj.IsArray()) {
     throw InvalidFormat("Property must be an array: " + string(name));
   return obj;
Esempio n. 4
 const char* GetStringProperty(const JSONValue& doc, const char* name) {
   const JSONValue& obj = GetProperty(doc, name);
   if (!obj.IsString()) {
     throw InvalidFormat("Property must be a string: " + string(name));
   return obj.GetString();
Esempio n. 5
	DAT2::DAT2(VFS* vfs, const std::string& file)
		: VFSSource(vfs), m_datpath(file), m_data(vfs->open(file)), m_filelist() {

		FL_LOG(_log, LMsg("MFFalloutDAT2")
			<< "loading: " << file
			<< " filesize: " << m_data->getDataLength());

		m_data->setIndex(m_data->getDataLength() - 8);
		uint32_t fileListLength = m_data->read32Little();
		uint32_t archiveSize = m_data->read32Little();

		FL_LOG(_log, LMsg("MFFalloutDAT2")
			<< "FileListLength: " << fileListLength
			<< " ArchiveSize: " << archiveSize);

		if (archiveSize != m_data->getDataLength())
			throw InvalidFormat("size mismatch");

		m_data->setIndex( archiveSize - fileListLength - 8);
		m_filecount = m_data->read32Little();
		m_currentIndex = m_data->getCurrentIndex();

		FL_LOG(_log, LMsg("MFFalloutDAT2 FileCount: ") << m_filecount);

		// Do not read the complete file list at startup.
		// Instead read a chunk each frame.
		m_timer.setCallback( boost::bind( &DAT2::readFileEntry, this) );
Esempio n. 6
	void BmpReader::init(FILE* f, size_t& w, size_t& h)
		my_file = f;
		my_pixel_offset = read_file_header(f);
		size_t bpp, table_num;
		read_image_header(f, w, h, bpp, table_num);
		if(bpp == 8)
			read_color_table(f, my_color_table, table_num);
		else if(bpp != 24)
			throw InvalidFormat("unexpected bits per pixel in BMP image header");
Esempio n. 7
/// Constructs a compiler output handler.
/// \param format %Output format to use.
/// \param stream Stream to output to.
/// \exception InvalidFormat Invalid format specified.
CompilerOutput::CompilerOutput(const string& format, ostream& stream)
    :	Output(),
    int expr(0), file(0), line(0);

    for (string::size_type pos = 0;
            (pos = _format.find_first_of('%', pos)) != string::npos; )
        if (check_format(_format, pos, "expr", expr))      ;
        else if (check_format(_format, pos, "file", file)) ;
        else if (check_format(_format, pos, "line", line)) ;
            throw InvalidFormat(format);

    if (!expr && !file && !line)
        throw InvalidFormat(format);
Esempio n. 8
  SegmentationPtr ParseSegmentation(const JSONValue& doc) {
    SegmentationPtr segmentation;

    // Required: type
    string type = GetStringProperty(doc, "type");
    if (type == "mmseg") {
      // Required: dict
      DictPtr dict = ParseDict(GetObjectProperty(doc, "dict"));
      segmentation = SegmentationPtr(new MaxMatchSegmentation(dict));
    } else {
      throw InvalidFormat("Unknown segmentation type: " + type);
    return segmentation;
Esempio n. 9
      //! Encode object to text form.
      //! @return command in text form.
      encode(void) const
        std::ostringstream ss;
        ss << c_ssc_prefix << ","
           << m_version << ","
           << DUNE::Utils::String::str("%02X", m_flags) << ","
           << m_ttl << ","
           << m_priority << ","
           << m_src << ","
           << m_dsts.size() << ",";

        // Destinations.
        if (m_dsts.begin() == m_dsts.end())
          throw InvalidFormat("no destinations");

        for (std::set<unsigned>::const_iterator itr = m_dsts.begin(); itr != m_dsts.end(); ++itr)
          ss << *itr << ",";

        // Command name.
        ss << m_name << ",";

        // Command arguments.
        std::vector<std::string> args;
        size_t rv = encodeArgs(args);
        if (rv > 0)
          ss << DUNE::Utils::String::join(args.begin(), args.end(), ",") << ",";

        // CRC.
        std::string cmd(ss.str());
        char crc[5] = {0};
        std::sprintf(crc, "%04X", computeCRC(cmd, cmd.size()));

        // Termination character.

        return cmd;
Esempio n. 10
      //! Decode command in text form.
      //! @param[in] cmd command in text form.
      //! @return command object.
      static AbstractCommand*
      decode(const std::string& cmd)
        // Validate CRC.
        if (AbstractCommand::getCRC(cmd) != AbstractCommand::computeCRC(cmd, cmd.size() - c_ssc_footer_size))
          throw InvalidChecksum();

        // Split command.
        std::vector<std::string> parts;
        DUNE::Utils::String::split(cmd, ",", parts);

        // Check minimum arguments.
        if (parts.size() < c_ssc_min_args)
          throw InvalidFormat("minimum arguments not present");

        // Extract prefix.
        if (parts[0] != c_ssc_prefix)
          throw InvalidFormat("invalid prefix");

        // Extract version.
        unsigned version = 0;
        if (std::sscanf(parts[AbstractCommand::OFFS_VERSION].c_str(), "%u", &version) != 1)
          throw InvalidVersion();

        // Extract flags.
        unsigned flags = 0;
        if (std::sscanf(parts[AbstractCommand::OFFS_FLAGS].c_str(), "%02X", &flags) != 1)
          throw InvalidFormat("invalid flags");

        // Extract TTL.
        unsigned ttl = 0;
        if (std::sscanf(parts[AbstractCommand::OFFS_TTL].c_str(), "%u", &ttl) != 1)
          throw InvalidFormat("invalid ttl");

        // Extract priority.
        unsigned priority = 0;
        if (std::sscanf(parts[AbstractCommand::OFFS_PRIORITY].c_str(), "%u", &priority) != 1)
          throw InvalidFormat("invalid priority");

        // Extract source.
        unsigned src = 0;
        if (std::sscanf(parts[AbstractCommand::OFFS_SRC].c_str(), "%u", &src) != 1)
          throw InvalidFormat("invalid source");

        // Extract number of destinations.
        unsigned dst_count = 0;
        if (std::sscanf(parts[AbstractCommand::OFFS_DST_COUNT].c_str(), "%u", &dst_count) != 1)
          throw InvalidFormat("invalid destination count");

        // Extract destinations.
        unsigned dst = 0;
        std::set<unsigned> dsts;
        for (unsigned i = 0; i < dst_count; ++i)
          // FIXME: check size.
          if (std::sscanf(parts[AbstractCommand::OFFS_DST + i].c_str(), "%u", &dst) != 1)
            throw InvalidFormat("invalid destination");

        // Command name.
        std::string name = parts[AbstractCommand::OFFS_DST + dst_count];
        AbstractCommand* cmd_obj = createByName(name);
        if (cmd_obj == NULL)
          throw InvalidValue();


        size_t args_start = AbstractCommand::OFFS_DST + dst_count + 1;
        cmd_obj->decodeArgs(parts, args_start);
        return cmd_obj;
Esempio n. 11
 const JSONValue& GetProperty(const JSONValue& doc, const char* name) {
   if (!doc.HasMember(name)) {
     throw InvalidFormat("Required property not found: " + string(name));
   return doc[name];