Esempio n. 1
bool FIXReader::read(f8String& to)	// read a complete FIX message
	char msg_buf[_max_msg_len] = {};
	int result(sockRead(msg_buf, _bg_sz));

	if (result == static_cast<int>(_bg_sz))
		char bt;
		size_t offs(_bg_sz);
		do	// get the last chrs of bodylength and ^A
			if (sockRead(&bt, 1) != 1)
				return false;
			if (!isdigit(bt) && bt != default_field_separator)
				throw IllegalMessage(msg_buf);
			msg_buf[offs++] = bt;
		while (bt != default_field_separator && offs < _max_msg_len);
		to.assign(msg_buf, offs);

		f8String tag, bgstr, len;
		unsigned result;
		if ((result = MessageBase::extract_element(, to.size(), tag, bgstr)))
			if (tag != "8")
				throw IllegalMessage(to);

			if (bgstr != _session.get_ctx()._beginStr)	// invalid FIX version
				throw InvalidVersion(bgstr);

			if ((result = MessageBase::extract_element( + result, to.size() - result, tag, len)))
				if (tag != "9")
					throw IllegalMessage(to);

				const unsigned mlen(fast_atoi<unsigned>(len.c_str()));
				if (mlen == 0 || mlen > _max_msg_len - _bg_sz - _chksum_sz) // invalid msglen
					throw InvalidBodyLength(mlen);

				// read the body
				if ((result = sockRead(msg_buf, mlen) != static_cast<int>(mlen)))
					return false;

				// read the checksum
				if ((result = sockRead(msg_buf + mlen, _chksum_sz) != static_cast<int>(_chksum_sz)))
					return false;

				to.append(msg_buf, mlen + _chksum_sz);
				//string ts;
				//cerr << GetTimeAsStringMS(ts, &_session.get_last_received(), 9) << endl;
				return true;

		throw IllegalMessage(to);

	return false;
// En la base de datos se guarda el path sin la carpeta del FS
bool ManejadorArchivosYMetadatos::subirArchivo (string username, string filepath, const char* data, int dataLen,
        string jsonMetadatos, int cuota, int nuevaVersion, bool force) {
    if (not validador.verificarPermisos(username, filepath))
        return false;

    string filepathCompleto = this->pathFileSystem + "/" + filepath;
    if (validador.existeArchivo(filepathCompleto) and validador.existeMetadato(filepath)) {
        if (not force and not validador.esVersionValida(filepath, nuevaVersion)) {
            throw InvalidVersion("Se quiso subir " + filepath + " con version " + to_string(nuevaVersion),
        if ( force )
            nuevaVersion = getLatestVersion(filepath) + 1;
        Logger::logDebug("Actualizando archivo con path: " + filepath);
        return actualizarArchivo(username, filepath, data, dataLen, cuota, nuevaVersion - 1);
    if (not this->actualizarArchivo(username, filepath, data, dataLen, cuota, FIRST - 1)) {
        Logger::logWarn("Fallo la subida del archivo " + filepath);
        return false;
    return manejadorMetadatos.cargarMetadato(filepath, jsonMetadatos);
Esempio n. 3
      //! Decode command in text form.
      //! @param[in] cmd command in text form.
      //! @return command object.
      static AbstractCommand*
      decode(const std::string& cmd)
        // Validate CRC.
        if (AbstractCommand::getCRC(cmd) != AbstractCommand::computeCRC(cmd, cmd.size() - c_ssc_footer_size))
          throw InvalidChecksum();

        // Split command.
        std::vector<std::string> parts;
        DUNE::Utils::String::split(cmd, ",", parts);

        // Check minimum arguments.
        if (parts.size() < c_ssc_min_args)
          throw InvalidFormat("minimum arguments not present");

        // Extract prefix.
        if (parts[0] != c_ssc_prefix)
          throw InvalidFormat("invalid prefix");

        // Extract version.
        unsigned version = 0;
        if (std::sscanf(parts[AbstractCommand::OFFS_VERSION].c_str(), "%u", &version) != 1)
          throw InvalidVersion();

        // Extract flags.
        unsigned flags = 0;
        if (std::sscanf(parts[AbstractCommand::OFFS_FLAGS].c_str(), "%02X", &flags) != 1)
          throw InvalidFormat("invalid flags");

        // Extract TTL.
        unsigned ttl = 0;
        if (std::sscanf(parts[AbstractCommand::OFFS_TTL].c_str(), "%u", &ttl) != 1)
          throw InvalidFormat("invalid ttl");

        // Extract priority.
        unsigned priority = 0;
        if (std::sscanf(parts[AbstractCommand::OFFS_PRIORITY].c_str(), "%u", &priority) != 1)
          throw InvalidFormat("invalid priority");

        // Extract source.
        unsigned src = 0;
        if (std::sscanf(parts[AbstractCommand::OFFS_SRC].c_str(), "%u", &src) != 1)
          throw InvalidFormat("invalid source");

        // Extract number of destinations.
        unsigned dst_count = 0;
        if (std::sscanf(parts[AbstractCommand::OFFS_DST_COUNT].c_str(), "%u", &dst_count) != 1)
          throw InvalidFormat("invalid destination count");

        // Extract destinations.
        unsigned dst = 0;
        std::set<unsigned> dsts;
        for (unsigned i = 0; i < dst_count; ++i)
          // FIXME: check size.
          if (std::sscanf(parts[AbstractCommand::OFFS_DST + i].c_str(), "%u", &dst) != 1)
            throw InvalidFormat("invalid destination");

        // Command name.
        std::string name = parts[AbstractCommand::OFFS_DST + dst_count];
        AbstractCommand* cmd_obj = createByName(name);
        if (cmd_obj == NULL)
          throw InvalidValue();


        size_t args_start = AbstractCommand::OFFS_DST + dst_count + 1;
        cmd_obj->decodeArgs(parts, args_start);
        return cmd_obj;