Esempio n. 1
File: IoBox.c Progetto: ADTSH/io
IoObject *IoBox_print(IoBox *self, IoObject *locals, IoMessage *m)
	/*doc Box print
	Prints a string representation of the receiver to the standard output.

	IoState_print_(IOSTATE, "Box clone set(");
	IoSeq_print(DATA(self)->origin, locals, m);
	IoState_print_(IOSTATE, ", ");
	IoSeq_print(DATA(self)->size, locals, m);
	IoState_print_(IOSTATE, ")");
	return self;
Esempio n. 2
File: IoDate.c Progetto: bomma/io
IO_METHOD(IoDate, printDate)
	/*doc Date print
	Prints the receiver. Returns self.

	IoSymbol *s = (IoSymbol *)IoDate_asString(self, locals, m);
	IoSeq_print(s, locals, m);
	return self;