void FObjectReplicator::StartReplicating( class UActorChannel * InActorChannel )
	check( OwningChannel == NULL );

	OwningChannel = InActorChannel;

	// Cache off netGUID so if this object gets deleted we can close it
	ObjectNetGUID = OwningChannel->Connection->PackageMap->GetObjectNetGUID( GetObject() );

	if ( !ObjectNetGUID.IsValid() )
		ObjectNetGUID = OwningChannel->Connection->PackageMap->AssignNewNetGUID( GetObject() );
		check( !ObjectNetGUID.IsDefault() && ObjectNetGUID.IsValid() );

	TempBitWriter = new FNetBitWriter( OwningChannel->Connection->PackageMap, 0 );

	// Allocate retirement list.
	// SetNum now constructs, so this is safe
	Retirement.SetNum( ObjectClass->ClassReps.Num() );

	// figure out list of replicated object properties
	for ( UProperty* Prop = ObjectClass->PropertyLink; Prop != NULL; Prop = Prop->PropertyLinkNext )
		if ( Prop->PropertyFlags & CPF_Net )
			if ( IsCustomDeltaProperty( Prop ) )
				for ( int32 i = 0; i < Prop->ArrayDim; i++ )
					Retirement[Prop->RepIndex + i].CustomDelta = 1;

			if ( Prop->GetPropertyFlags() & CPF_Config )
				for ( int32 i = 0; i < Prop->ArrayDim; i++ )
					Retirement[Prop->RepIndex + i].Config = 1;
Esempio n. 2
void FObjectReplicator::StartReplicating( class UActorChannel * InActorChannel )
	check( OwningChannel == NULL );

	if ( GetObject() == NULL )
		UE_LOG(LogRep, Error, TEXT("StartReplicating: Object == NULL"));

	OwningChannel = InActorChannel;

	// Cache off netGUID so if this object gets deleted we can close it
	ObjectNetGUID = OwningChannel->Connection->Driver->GuidCache->GetOrAssignNetGUID( GetObject() );
	check( !ObjectNetGUID.IsDefault() && ObjectNetGUID.IsValid() );

	// Allocate retirement list.
	// SetNum now constructs, so this is safe
	Retirement.SetNum( ObjectClass->ClassReps.Num() );

	// figure out list of replicated object properties
	for ( UProperty* Prop = ObjectClass->PropertyLink; Prop != NULL; Prop = Prop->PropertyLinkNext )
		if ( Prop->PropertyFlags & CPF_Net )
			if ( IsCustomDeltaProperty( Prop ) )
				for ( int32 i = 0; i < Prop->ArrayDim; i++ )
					Retirement[Prop->RepIndex + i].CustomDelta = 1;

			if ( Prop->GetPropertyFlags() & CPF_Config )
				for ( int32 i = 0; i < Prop->ArrayDim; i++ )
					Retirement[Prop->RepIndex + i].Config = 1;
 *	Utility function to make a copy of the net properties 
 *	@param	Source - Memory to copy initial state from
void FObjectReplicator::InitRecentProperties( uint8 * Source )
	check( GetObject() != NULL );
	check( Connection != NULL );
	check( RepState == NULL );

	UClass * InObjectClass = GetObject()->GetClass();

	RepState = new FRepState;

	// Initialize the RepState memory
	TSharedPtr<FRepChangedPropertyTracker> RepChangedPropertyTracker = Connection->Driver->FindOrCreateRepChangedPropertyTracker( GetObject() );

	RepLayout->InitRepState( RepState, InObjectClass, Source, RepChangedPropertyTracker );
	RepState->RepLayout = RepLayout;

	// Init custom delta property state
	for ( TFieldIterator<UProperty> It( InObjectClass ); It; ++It )
		if ( It->PropertyFlags & CPF_Net )
			if ( IsCustomDeltaProperty( *It ) )
				// We have to handle dynamic properties of the array individually
				for ( int32 ArrayIdx = 0; ArrayIdx < It->ArrayDim; ++ArrayIdx )
					FOutBunch DeltaState( Connection->PackageMap );
					TSharedPtr<INetDeltaBaseState> & NewState = RecentCustomDeltaState.FindOrAdd(It->RepIndex + ArrayIdx);

					TSharedPtr<INetDeltaBaseState> OldState;

					SerializeCustomDeltaProperty( Connection, Source, *It, ArrayIdx, DeltaState, NewState, OldState );