Esempio n. 1
void BotControl::Think (void)
   // this function calls think () function for all available at call moment bots, and
   // try to catch internal error if such shit occurs

   for (int i = 0; i < engine->GetMaxClients (); i++)
      if (m_bots[i] != null)
         if (m_bots[i]->m_thinkTimer <= engine->GetTime ())
            // use these try-catch blocks to prevent server crashes when error occurs
#if !defined (NDEBUG) && !defined (_DEBUG)
               m_bots[i]->Think ();
            catch (...)
               // error occurred. kick off all bots and then print a warning message
               RemoveAll ();

            m_bots[i]->Think ();
            //m_bots[i]->m_thinkTimer = engine->GetTime () + thinkFps;
            if (IsDedicatedServer ())
            	m_bots[i]->m_thinkTimer = engine->GetTime () + (1.0f / (CVAR_GET_FLOAT("fps_max")/2)) * 0.88f;
            	m_bots[i]->m_thinkTimer = engine->GetTime ();
Esempio n. 2
Bot::Bot (edict_t *bot, int skill, int personality, int team, int member)
   // this function does core operation of creating bot, it's called by CreateBot (),
   // when bot setup completed, (this is a bot class constructor)

   char rejectReason[128];
   int clientIndex = ENTINDEX (bot);

   memset (this, 0, sizeof (Bot));

   pev = VARS (bot);

   if (bot->pvPrivateData != null)
      FREE_PRIVATE (bot);

   bot->pvPrivateData = null;
   bot->v.frags = 0;

   // create the player entity by calling MOD's player function
   BotControl::CallGameEntity (&bot->v);

   // set all info buffer keys for this bot
   char *buffer = GET_INFOKEYBUFFER (bot);

   SET_CLIENT_KEYVALUE (clientIndex, buffer, "model", "");
   SET_CLIENT_KEYVALUE (clientIndex, buffer, "rate", "3500.000000");
   SET_CLIENT_KEYVALUE (clientIndex, buffer, "cl_updaterate", "20");
   SET_CLIENT_KEYVALUE (clientIndex, buffer, "cl_lw", "1");
   SET_CLIENT_KEYVALUE (clientIndex, buffer, "cl_lc", "1");
   SET_CLIENT_KEYVALUE (clientIndex, buffer, "tracker", "0");
   SET_CLIENT_KEYVALUE (clientIndex, buffer, "cl_dlmax", "128");
   SET_CLIENT_KEYVALUE (clientIndex, buffer, "friends", "0");
   SET_CLIENT_KEYVALUE (clientIndex, buffer, "dm", "0");
   SET_CLIENT_KEYVALUE (clientIndex, buffer, "_ah", "0");

   if (yb_tagbots.GetBool ())
      SET_CLIENT_KEYVALUE (clientIndex, buffer, "*bot", "1");

   SET_CLIENT_KEYVALUE (clientIndex, buffer, "_vgui_menus", "0");

   memset (rejectReason, 0, sizeof (rejectReason)); // reset the reject reason template string
   MDLL_ClientConnect (bot, "fakeclient", FormatBuffer ("192.168.1.%d", ENTINDEX (bot) + 100), rejectReason);

   if (!IsNullString (rejectReason))
      AddLogEntry (true, LOG_WARNING, "Server refused '%s' connection (%s)", STRING (bot->v.netname), rejectReason);
      ServerCommand ("kick \"%s\"", STRING (bot->v.netname)); // kick the bot player if the server refused it

      bot->v.flags |= FL_KILLME;

   if (IsDedicatedServer () && engine->GetDeveloperLevel () > 0)
      if (engine->GetDeveloperLevel () == 2)
          ServerPrint ("Server requiring authentication");
          ServerPrint ("Client '%s' connected", STRING (bot->v.netname));
          ServerPrint ("Adr: 127.0.0.%d:27005", ENTINDEX (bot) + 100);

      ServerPrint ("Verifying and uploading resources...");
      ServerPrint ("Custom resources total 0 bytes");
      ServerPrint ("  Decals:  0 bytes");
      ServerPrint ("----------------------");
      ServerPrint ("Resources to request: 0 bytes");

   MDLL_ClientPutInServer (bot);

   bot->v.flags = 0;
   bot->v.flags |= FL_FAKECLIENT | FL_CLIENT; // set this player as fakeclient

   // initialize all the variables for this bot...
   m_notStarted = true;  // hasn't joined game yet

   m_startAction = CMENU_IDLE;
   m_moneyAmount = 0;
   m_logotypeIndex = engine->RandomInt (0, 5);

   // initialize msec value
   m_msecNum = m_msecDel = 0.0f;
   m_msecInterval = engine->GetTime ();
   m_msecVal = static_cast <uint8_t> (g_pGlobals->frametime * 1000.0f);
   m_msecBuiltin = engine->RandomInt (1, 4);

   // assign how talkative this bot will be
   m_sayTextBuffer.chatDelay = engine->RandomFloat (3.8f, 10.0f);
   m_sayTextBuffer.chatProbability = engine->RandomInt (1, 100);

   m_notKilled = false;
   m_skill = skill;
   m_weaponBurstMode = BURST_DISABLED;

   m_lastThinkTime = engine->GetTime ();
   m_frameInterval = engine->GetTime ();

   bot->v.idealpitch = bot->v.v_angle.x;
   bot->v.ideal_yaw = bot->v.v_angle.y;

   bot->v.yaw_speed = engine->RandomFloat (g_skillTab[m_skill / 20].minTurnSpeed, g_skillTab[m_skill / 20].maxTurnSpeed);
   bot->v.pitch_speed = engine->RandomFloat (g_skillTab[m_skill / 20].minTurnSpeed, g_skillTab[m_skill / 20].maxTurnSpeed);

   switch (personality)
   case 1:
      m_personality = PERSONALITY_RUSHER;
      m_baseAgressionLevel = engine->RandomFloat (0.7f, 1.0f);
      m_baseFearLevel = engine->RandomFloat (0.0f, 0.4f);

   case 2:
      m_personality = PERSONALITY_CAREFUL;
      m_baseAgressionLevel = engine->RandomFloat (0.0f, 0.4f);
      m_baseFearLevel = engine->RandomFloat (0.7f, 1.0f);

      m_personality = PERSONALITY_NORMAL;
      m_baseAgressionLevel = engine->RandomFloat (0.4f, 0.7f);
      m_baseFearLevel = engine->RandomFloat (0.4f, 0.7f);

   memset (&m_ammoInClip, 0, sizeof (m_ammoInClip));
   memset (&m_ammo, 0, sizeof (m_ammo));

   m_currentWeapon = 0; // current weapon is not assigned at start
   m_voicePitch = engine->RandomInt (166, 250) / 2; // assign voice pitch

   // copy them over to the temp level variables
   m_agressionLevel = m_baseAgressionLevel;
   m_fearLevel = m_baseFearLevel;
   m_nextEmotionUpdate = engine->GetTime () + 0.5f;

   // just to be sure
   m_actMessageIndex = 0;
   m_pushMessageIndex = 0;

   // assign team and class
   m_wantedTeam = team;
   m_wantedClass = member;

   NewRound ();