Esempio n. 1
void PhysicsObject::SetVelocity(const Vector3 &vel)
Esempio n. 2
void PhysicsObject::SetPosition(const Vector3 &pos)
Esempio n. 3
void PhysicsObject::SetOrientation(const Matrix &o)
Esempio n. 4
FString FAIDataProviderValue::ToString() const
	return IsDynamic() ? DataBinding->ToString(DataField) : ValueToString();
Esempio n. 5
void CEditableObject::Save(IWriter& F)
	F.open_chunk	(EOBJ_CHUNK_VERSION);
	F.close_chunk	();

	F.w_stringZ		(m_ClassScript);
	F.close_chunk	();

	F.open_chunk	(EOBJ_CHUNK_LODS);
	F.w_stringZ		(m_LODs);
	F.close_chunk	();

    F.w_chunk		(EOBJ_CHUNK_FLAGS,&m_Flags.flags,sizeof(m_Flags.flags));

//    Log("1: ",F.tell());
    // meshes
    F.open_chunk	(EOBJ_CHUNK_EDITMESHES);
    int count = 0;
    for(EditMeshIt m = m_Meshes.begin();m!=m_Meshes.end();m++){
        F.open_chunk(count); count++;
    F.close_chunk	();
//    Log("2: ",F.tell());
    // surfaces
    F.open_chunk	(EOBJ_CHUNK_SURFACES3);
    F.w_u32		(m_Surfaces.size());
    for (SurfaceIt sf_it=m_Surfaces.begin(); sf_it!=m_Surfaces.end(); sf_it++){
        F.w_stringZ	((*sf_it)->_Name			());
        F.w_stringZ	((*sf_it)->_ShaderName		());
        F.w_stringZ	((*sf_it)->_ShaderXRLCName	());
        F.w_stringZ	((*sf_it)->_GameMtlName		());
		F.w_stringZ	((*sf_it)->_Texture			());
		F.w_stringZ	((*sf_it)->_VMap			());
        F.w_u32	((*sf_it)->m_Flags.get		());
        F.w_u32	((*sf_it)->_FVF				());
        F.w_u32	(1);
    F.close_chunk	();
//    Log("3: ",F.tell());

    // bones
    if (!m_Bones.empty()){
	    F.open_chunk	(EOBJ_CHUNK_BONES2);
	    for (BoneIt b_it=m_Bones.begin(); b_it!=m_Bones.end(); b_it++){
        	F.open_chunk	(b_it-m_Bones.begin());
        	(*b_it)->Save	(F);
	    	F.close_chunk	();
    	F.close_chunk	();
//    Log("4: ",F.tell());

    // skeleton motions
    if (!m_SMotions.empty()){
        F.open_chunk	(EOBJ_CHUNK_SMOTIONS);
        F.w_u32			(m_SMotions.size());
        for (SMotionIt s_it=m_SMotions.begin(); s_it!=m_SMotions.end(); s_it++) (*s_it)->Save(F);
        F.close_chunk	();
    // skeleton motions refs
    if (m_SMotionRefs.size()){
        F.open_chunk	(EOBJ_CHUNK_SMOTIONS2);
        F.w_stringZ		(m_SMotionRefs);
        F.close_chunk	();
//    Log("5: ",F.tell());

    // bone parts
    if (!m_BoneParts.empty()){
        F.open_chunk	(EOBJ_CHUNK_BONEPARTS2);
        F.w_u32			(m_BoneParts.size());
        for (BPIt bp_it=m_BoneParts.begin(); bp_it!=m_BoneParts.end(); bp_it++){
            F.w_stringZ	(bp_it->alias);
            F.w_u32		(bp_it->bones.size());
            for (RStringVecIt s_it=bp_it->bones.begin(); s_it!=bp_it->bones.end(); s_it++)
        F.close_chunk	();
//    Log("6: ",F.tell());

    if (IsDynamic()){
        F.w_fvector3		(a_vPosition);
        F.w_fvector3		(a_vRotate);
		F.close_chunk	();
//    Log("7: ",F.tell());

    F.open_chunk		(EOBJ_CHUNK_DESC);
    F.w_stringZ			(m_CreateName.c_str());
    F.w					(&m_CreateTime,sizeof(m_CreateTime));
    F.w_stringZ			(m_ModifName.c_str());
    F.w					(&m_ModifTime,sizeof(m_ModifTime));
    F.close_chunk		();

    // set modif desc
	SetVersionToCurrent	(FALSE, TRUE);

	bOnModified		= false;
Esempio n. 6
bool FCollection::CheckinCollection(FText& OutError)
	if ( !ensure(SourceFilename.Len()) )
		OutError = LOCTEXT("Error_Internal", "There was an internal error.");
		return false;

	ISourceControlProvider& SourceControlProvider = ISourceControlModule::Get().GetProvider();
	if ( !ISourceControlModule::Get().IsEnabled() )
		OutError = LOCTEXT("Error_SCCDisabled", "Source control is not enabled. Enable source control in the preferences menu.");
		return false;

	if ( !SourceControlProvider.IsAvailable() )
		OutError = LOCTEXT("Error_SCCNotAvailable", "Source control is currently not available. Check your connection and try again.");
		return false;

	FString AbsoluteFilename = FPaths::ConvertRelativePathToFull(SourceFilename);
	FSourceControlStatePtr SourceControlState = SourceControlProvider.GetState(AbsoluteFilename, EStateCacheUsage::ForceUpdate);

	if ( SourceControlState.IsValid() && !(SourceControlState->IsCheckedOut() || SourceControlState->IsAdded()) )
		OutError = LOCTEXT("Error_SCCNotCheckedOut", "Collection not checked out or open for add.");
		return false;

	// Form an appropriate summary for the changelist
	const FText CollectionNameText = FText::FromName( CollectionName );
	FText ChangelistDesc = FText::Format( LOCTEXT("CollectionGenericModifiedDesc", "Modified collection: {0}"), CollectionNameText );
	if ( SourceControlState.IsValid() && SourceControlState->IsAdded() )
		ChangelistDesc = FText::Format( LOCTEXT("CollectionAddedNewDesc", "Added collection"), CollectionNameText);
	else if ( IsDynamic() )
		// @todo collection Change description for dynamic collections
		// Gather differences from disk
		TArray<FName> AssetsAdded;
		TArray<FName> AssetsRemoved;
		GetDifferencesFromDisk(AssetsAdded, AssetsRemoved);

		// Clear description
		ChangelistDesc = FText::GetEmpty();

		// Report added files
		FFormatNamedArguments Args;
		Args.Add( TEXT("AssetAdded"), AssetsAdded.Num() > 0 ? FText::FromName( AssetsAdded[0] ) : NSLOCTEXT( "Core", "None", "None" ) );
		Args.Add( TEXT("NumberAdded"), FText::AsNumber( FMath::Max( AssetsAdded.Num() - 1, 0 ) ));
		Args.Add( TEXT("CollectionName"), CollectionNameText );

		if ( AssetsRemoved.Num() == 0 )
			if (AssetsAdded.Num() == 1)
				ChangelistDesc = FText::Format( LOCTEXT("CollectionAddedSingleDesc", "Added {AssetAdded} to collection: {CollectionName}"), Args );
			else if (AssetsAdded.Num() > 1)
				ChangelistDesc = FText::Format( LOCTEXT("CollectionAddedMultipleDesc", "Added {AssetAdded} and {NumberAdded} other(s) to collection: {CollectionName}"), Args );
			Args.Add( TEXT("AssetRemoved"), FText::FromName( AssetsRemoved[0] ) );
			Args.Add( TEXT("NumberRemoved"), FText::AsNumber( AssetsRemoved.Num() - 1 ) );

			if ( AssetsAdded.Num() == 1 )
				if ( AssetsRemoved.Num() == 1 )
					ChangelistDesc = FText::Format( LOCTEXT("CollectionRemovedSingle_AddedSingleDesc", "Added {AssetAdded} to collection: {CollectionName} : Removed {AssetRemoved} from collection: {CollectionName}"), Args );
				else if (AssetsRemoved.Num() > 1)
					ChangelistDesc = FText::Format( LOCTEXT("CollectionRemovedMultiple_AddedSingleDesc", "Added {AssetAdded} to collection: {CollectionName} : Removed {AssetRemoved} and {NumberRemoved} other(s) from collection: {CollectionName}"), Args );
			else if (AssetsAdded.Num() > 1)
				if ( AssetsRemoved.Num() == 1 )
					ChangelistDesc = FText::Format( LOCTEXT("CollectionRemovedSingle_AddedMultpleDesc", "Added {AssetAdded} and {NumberAdded} other(s) to collection: {CollectionName} : Removed {AssetRemoved} from collection: {CollectionName}"), Args );
				else if (AssetsRemoved.Num() > 1)
					ChangelistDesc = FText::Format( LOCTEXT("CollectionRemovedMultiple_AddedMultpleDesc", "Added {AssetAdded} and {NumberAdded} other(s) to collection: {CollectionName} : Removed {AssetRemoved} and {NumberRemoved} other(s) from collection: {CollectionName}"), Args );
				if ( AssetsRemoved.Num() == 1 )
					ChangelistDesc = FText::Format( LOCTEXT("CollectionRemovedSingleDesc", "Removed {AssetRemoved} from collection: {CollectionName}"), Args );
				else if (AssetsRemoved.Num() > 1)
					ChangelistDesc = FText::Format( LOCTEXT("CollectionRemovedMultipleDesc", "Removed {AssetRemoved} and {NumberRemoved} other(s) from collection: {CollectionName}"), Args );

	if ( ChangelistDesc.IsEmpty() )
		// No files were added or removed
		FFormatNamedArguments Args;
		Args.Add( TEXT("CollectionName"), CollectionNameText );
		ChangelistDesc = FText::Format( LOCTEXT("CollectionNotModifiedDesc", "Collection not modified: {CollectionName}"), Args );

	// Finally check in the file
	TSharedRef<FCheckIn, ESPMode::ThreadSafe> CheckInOperation = ISourceControlOperation::Create<FCheckIn>();
	CheckInOperation->SetDescription( ChangelistDesc.ToString() );
	if ( SourceControlProvider.Execute( CheckInOperation, AbsoluteFilename ) )
		return true;
		OutError = LOCTEXT("Error_SCCCheckIn", "Failed to check in collection.");
		return false;
Esempio n. 7
bool FCollection::LoadFromFile(const FString& InFilename, bool InUseSCC)

	FString FullFileContentsString;
	if ( !FFileHelper::LoadFileToString(FullFileContentsString, *InFilename) )
		return false;

	// Initialize the FCollection and set up the collection name
	bUseSCC = InUseSCC;
	SourceFilename = InFilename;
	CollectionName = FName(*FPaths::GetBaseFilename(InFilename));
	// Normalize line endings and parse into array
	TArray<FString> FileContents;
	FullFileContentsString.ReplaceInline(TEXT("\r"), TEXT(""));
	FullFileContentsString.ParseIntoArray(&FileContents, TEXT("\n"), /*bCullEmpty=*/false);

	if ( FileContents.Num() == 0 )
		// Empty file, assume static collection with no items
		return true;

	// Load the header from the contents array
	TMap<FString,FString> HeaderPairs;
	while ( FileContents.Num() )
		// Pop the 0th element from the contents array and read it
		const FString Line = FileContents[0].Trim().TrimTrailing();

		if (Line.Len() == 0)
			// Empty line. Done reading headers.

		FString Key;
		FString Value;
		if ( Line.Split(TEXT(":"), &Key, &Value) )
			HeaderPairs.Add(Key, Value);

	// Now process the header pairs to prepare and validate this collection
	if ( !LoadHeaderPairs(HeaderPairs) )
		// Bad header
		return false;

	// Now load the content if the header load was successful
	if ( IsDynamic() )
		// @todo collection Load dynamic collections
		// Static collection, a flat list of asset paths
		for (int32 LineIdx = 0; LineIdx < FileContents.Num(); ++LineIdx)
			const FString Line = FileContents[LineIdx].Trim().TrimTrailing();

			if ( Line.Len() )

		DiskAssetList = AssetList;

	return true;
Esempio n. 8
bool FCollection::Save(FText& OutError)
	if ( !ensure(SourceFilename.Len()) )
		OutError = LOCTEXT("Error_Internal", "There was an internal error.");
		return false;

	// Store the start time for profiling reasons
	double SaveStartTime = FPlatformTime::Seconds();

	// Keep track of save progress to update the slow task dialog
	const int32 SaveProgressDenominator = 3;
	int32 SaveProgressNumerator = 0;

	GWarn->BeginSlowTask( FText::Format( LOCTEXT("SavingCollection", "Saving Collection {0}"), FText::FromName( CollectionName ) ), true);
	GWarn->UpdateProgress(SaveProgressNumerator++, SaveProgressDenominator);

	if ( bUseSCC )
		// Checkout the file
		if ( !CheckoutCollection(OutError) )
			UE_LOG(LogCollectionManager, Error, TEXT("Failed to check out a collection file: %s"), *CollectionName.ToString());
			return false;

	GWarn->UpdateProgress(SaveProgressNumerator++, SaveProgressDenominator);

	// Generate a string with the file contents
	FString FileOutput;

	// Start with the header
	TMap<FString,FString> HeaderPairs;
	for (TMap<FString,FString>::TConstIterator HeaderIt(HeaderPairs); HeaderIt; ++HeaderIt)
		FileOutput += HeaderIt.Key() + TEXT(":") + HeaderIt.Value() + LINE_TERMINATOR;

	// Now for the content
	if ( IsDynamic() )
		// @todo Dynamic collections
		// Static collection. Save a flat list of all assets in the collection.
		for (int32 AssetIdx = 0; AssetIdx < AssetList.Num(); ++AssetIdx)
			FileOutput += AssetList[AssetIdx].ToString() + LINE_TERMINATOR;

	// Attempt to save the file
	bool bSaveSuccessful = false;
	if ( ensure(FileOutput.Len()) )
		// We have some output, write it to file
		if ( FFileHelper::SaveStringToFile(FileOutput, *SourceFilename) )
			bSaveSuccessful = true;
			OutError = LOCTEXT("Error_WriteFailed", "Failed to write to collection file.");
			UE_LOG(LogCollectionManager, Error, TEXT("%s %s"), *OutError.ToString(), *CollectionName.ToString());
		OutError = LOCTEXT("Error_Internal", "There was an internal error.");

	GWarn->UpdateProgress(SaveProgressNumerator++, SaveProgressDenominator);

	if ( bSaveSuccessful )
		if ( bUseSCC )
			// Check in the file if the save was successful
			if ( bSaveSuccessful )
				if ( !CheckinCollection(OutError) )
					UE_LOG(LogCollectionManager, Error, TEXT("Failed to check in a collection successfully saving: %s"), *CollectionName.ToString());
					bSaveSuccessful = false;
			// If the save was not successful or the checkin failed, revert
			if ( !bSaveSuccessful )
				FText Unused;
				if ( !RevertCollection(Unused) )
					// The revert failed... file will be left on disk as it was saved.
					// DiskAssetList will still hold the version of the file when this collection was last loaded or saved successfully so nothing will be out of sync.
					// If the user closes the editor before successfully saving, this file may not be exactly what was seen at the time the editor closed.
					UE_LOG(LogCollectionManager, Warning, TEXT("Failed to revert a checked out collection after failing to save or checkin: %s"), *CollectionName.ToString());

	GWarn->UpdateProgress(SaveProgressNumerator++, SaveProgressDenominator);

	if ( bSaveSuccessful )
		DiskAssetList = AssetList;


	UE_LOG(LogCollectionManager, Verbose, TEXT("Saved collection %s in %0.6f seconds"), *CollectionName.ToString(), FPlatformTime::Seconds() - SaveStartTime);

	return bSaveSuccessful;