Esempio n. 1
AwtScrollbar::HandleEvent(MSG *msg, BOOL synthetic)
    // SCROLLBAR control doesn't cause activation on mouse/key events,
    // so we can safely (for synthetic focus) pass them to the system proc.

    if (IsFocusingMouseMessage(msg)) {
        // Left button press was already routed to default window
        // procedure in the WmMouseDown above.  Propagating synthetic
        // press seems like a bad idea as internal message loop
        // doesn't know how to unwrap synthetic release.
        delete msg;
        return mrConsume;
    return AwtComponent::HandleEvent(msg, synthetic);
Esempio n. 2
MsgRouting AwtCheckbox::HandleEvent(MSG *msg, BOOL synthetic)
    if (IsFocusingMouseMessage(msg)) {
        SendMessage(BM_SETSTATE, (WPARAM)(msg->message == WM_LBUTTONDOWN ? TRUE : FALSE));
        delete msg;
        return mrConsume;
    if (IsFocusingKeyMessage(msg)) {
        SendMessage(BM_SETSTATE, (WPARAM)(msg->message == WM_KEYDOWN ? TRUE : FALSE));
        if (msg->message == WM_KEYDOWN) {
            m_fLButtonDowned = TRUE;
        } else if (m_fLButtonDowned == TRUE) {
            m_fLButtonDowned = TRUE;
        delete msg;
        return mrConsume;
    return AwtComponent::HandleEvent(msg, synthetic);
Esempio n. 3
MsgRouting AwtList::HandleEvent(MSG *msg, BOOL synthetic)
    if (IsFocusingMouseMessage(msg)) {
        LONG item = static_cast<LONG>(SendListMessage(LB_ITEMFROMPOINT, 0, msg->lParam));
        if (item != LB_ERR) {
            if (isMultiSelect) {
                if (IsItemSelected(item)) {
                } else {
            } else {
        delete msg;
        return mrConsume;
    if (msg->message == WM_KEYDOWN && msg->wParam == VK_RETURN) {
    return AwtComponent::HandleEvent(msg, synthetic);
Esempio n. 4
AwtTextField::HandleEvent(MSG *msg, BOOL synthetic)
    MsgRouting returnVal;
     * RichEdit 1.0 control starts internal message loop if the
     * left mouse button is pressed while the cursor is not over
     * the current selection or the current selection is empty.
     * Because of this we don't receive WM_MOUSEMOVE messages
     * while the left mouse button is pressed. To work around
     * this behavior we process the relevant mouse messages
     * by ourselves.
     * By consuming WM_MOUSEMOVE messages we also don't give
     * the RichEdit control a chance to recognize a drag gesture
     * and initiate its own drag-n-drop operation.
     * The workaround also allows us to implement synthetic focus mechanism.
    if (IsFocusingMouseMessage(msg)) {

        LONG lCurPos = EditGetCharFromPos(msg->pt);

         * NOTE: Plain EDIT control always clears selection on mouse
         * button press. We are clearing the current selection only if
         * the mouse pointer is not over the selected region.
         * In this case we sacrifice backward compatibility
         * to allow dnd of the current selection.
        if (msg->message == WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK) {
            jchar echo = SendMessage(EM_GETPASSWORDCHAR);

            if(echo == 0){
                  EM_FINDWORDBREAK, WB_MOVEWORDLEFT, lCurPos)));
                  EM_FINDWORDBREAK, WB_MOVEWORDRIGHT, lCurPos)));

        } else {
        CHARRANGE cr;
        cr.cpMin = GetStartSelectionPos();
        cr.cpMax = GetEndSelectionPos();

        delete msg;
        return mrConsume;
    } else if (msg->message == WM_LBUTTONUP) {

         * If the left mouse button is pressed on the selected region
         * we don't clear the current selection. We clear it on button
         * release instead. This is to allow dnd of the current selection.
        if (GetStartSelectionPos() == -1 && GetEndSelectionPos() == -1) {
            CHARRANGE cr;

            LONG lCurPos = EditGetCharFromPos(msg->pt);

            cr.cpMin = lCurPos;
            cr.cpMax = lCurPos;

         * Cleanup the state variables when left mouse button is released.
         * These state variables are designed to reflect the selection state
         * while the left mouse button is pressed and be set to -1 otherwise.

        delete msg;
        return mrConsume;
    } else if (msg->message == WM_MOUSEMOVE && (msg->wParam & MK_LBUTTON)) {

         * We consume WM_MOUSEMOVE while the left mouse button is pressed,
         * so we have to simulate autoscrolling when mouse is moved outside
         * of the client area.
        POINT p;
        RECT r;
        BOOL bScrollLeft = FALSE;
        BOOL bScrollRight = FALSE;
        BOOL bScrollUp = FALSE;
        BOOL bScrollDown = FALSE;

        p.x = msg->pt.x;
        p.y = msg->pt.y;
        VERIFY(::GetClientRect(GetHWnd(), &r));

        if (p.x < 0) {
            bScrollLeft = TRUE;
            p.x = 0;
        } else if (p.x > r.right) {
            bScrollRight = TRUE;
            p.x = r.right - 1;
        LONG lCurPos = EditGetCharFromPos(p);

        if (GetStartSelectionPos() != -1 &&
            GetEndSelectionPos() != -1 &&
            lCurPos != GetLastSelectionPos()) {

            CHARRANGE cr;


            cr.cpMin = GetStartSelectionPos();
            cr.cpMax = GetLastSelectionPos();


        if (bScrollLeft == TRUE || bScrollRight == TRUE) {
            SCROLLINFO si;
            memset(&si, 0, sizeof(si));
            si.cbSize = sizeof(si);
            si.fMask = SIF_PAGE | SIF_POS | SIF_RANGE;

            VERIFY(::GetScrollInfo(GetHWnd(), SB_HORZ, &si));
            if (bScrollLeft == TRUE) {
                si.nPos = si.nPos - si.nPage / 2;
                si.nPos = max(si.nMin, si.nPos);
            } else if (bScrollRight == TRUE) {
                si.nPos = si.nPos + si.nPage / 2;
                si.nPos = min(si.nPos, si.nMax);
             * Okay to use 16-bit position since RichEdit control adjusts
             * its scrollbars so that their range is always 16-bit.
            DASSERT(abs(si.nPos) < 0x8000);
                        MAKEWPARAM(SB_THUMBPOSITION, LOWORD(si.nPos)));
        delete msg;
        return mrConsume;
     * Store the 'synthetic' parameter so that the WM_PASTE security check
     * happens only for synthetic events.
    m_synthetic = synthetic;
    returnVal = AwtComponent::HandleEvent(msg, synthetic);
    m_synthetic = FALSE;

    return returnVal;