BOOL CMTalkMonster::CanFollow( void ) { if ( !IsAlive() ) return FALSE; return !IsFollowing(); }
float CSyncCoreObjectMediator::GetFollowingSpeed()const { if(!IsFollowing()) return 0.0f; return m_pFolState->GetSpeed(); }
bool CTalkMonster::CanFollow() const { if ( m_MonsterState == MONSTERSTATE_SCRIPT ) { if ( !m_pCine->CanInterrupt() ) return false; } if ( !IsAlive() ) return false; return !IsFollowing(); }
BOOL CTalkMonster::CanFollow( void ) { if ( m_MonsterState == MONSTERSTATE_SCRIPT ) { if ( !m_pCine->CanInterrupt() ) return FALSE; } if ( !IsAlive() ) return FALSE; return !IsFollowing(); }
void CTalkMonster::StopFollowing( const bool clearSchedule ) { if ( IsFollowing() ) { if ( !(m_afMemory & bits_MEMORY_PROVOKED) ) { PlaySentence( m_szGrp[TLK_UNUSE], RANDOM_FLOAT(2.8, 3.2), VOL_NORM, ATTN_IDLE ); m_hTalkTarget = m_hTargetEnt; } if ( m_movementGoal == MOVEGOAL_TARGETENT ) RouteClear(); // Stop him from walking toward the player m_hTargetEnt = NULL; if ( clearSchedule ) ClearSchedule(); if ( m_hEnemy != NULL ) m_IdealMonsterState = MONSTERSTATE_COMBAT; } }
void UNavigationComponent::AsyncGeneratePath_OnCompleteCallback(uint32 QueryID, ENavigationQueryResult::Type Result, FNavPathSharedPtr ResultPath) { if (QueryID != uint32(AsynPathQueryID)) { UE_VLOG(GetOwner(), LogNavigation, Display, TEXT("Pathfinding query %u finished, but it's different from AsynPathQueryID (%d)"), QueryID, AsynPathQueryID); return; } check(GetOuter() != NULL); if (Result == ENavigationQueryResult::Success && ResultPath.IsValid() && ResultPath->IsValid()) { const bool bIsSamePath = Path.IsValid() == true && ((const FNavMeshPath*)Path.Get())->ContainsWithSameEnd((const FNavMeshPath*)ResultPath.Get()) && FVector::DistSquared(Path->GetDestinationLocation(), ResultPath->GetDestinationLocation()) < KINDA_SMALL_NUMBER; if (bIsSamePath == false) { if (IsFollowing() == true) { // make sure ticking is enabled (and it shouldn't be enabled before _first_ async path finding) SetComponentTickEnabledAsync(true); } SetPath(ResultPath); CurrentGoal = ResultPath->PathPoints[ ResultPath->PathPoints.Num() - 1 ].Location; NotifyPathUpdate(); } else { UE_VLOG(GetOwner(), LogNavigation, Display, TEXT("Skipping newly generated path due to it being the same as current one")); } } else { ResetTransientData(); if (MyPathObserver != NULL) { MyPathObserver->OnPathFailed(this); } } }
bool UNavigationComponent::ResumePath() { const bool bWasPaused = bIsPaused; bIsPaused = false; if (bWasPaused && Path.IsValid() && Path->IsValid()) { if (IsFollowing() == true) { // make sure ticking is enabled (and it shouldn't be enabled before _first_ async path finding) SetComponentTickEnabledAsync(true); } // don't notify about path update, it's the same path... CurrentGoal = Path->PathPoints[ Path->PathPoints.Num() - 1 ].Location; return true; } return false; }
void CCSBot::__MAKE_VHOOK(OnEvent)(GameEventType event, CBaseEntity *entity, CBaseEntity *other) { GetGameState()->OnEvent(event, entity, other); GetChatter()->OnEvent(event, entity, other); // Morale adjustments happen even for dead players switch (event) { case EVENT_TERRORISTS_WIN: if (m_iTeam == CT) { DecreaseMorale(); } else { IncreaseMorale(); } break; case EVENT_CTS_WIN: if (m_iTeam == CT) { IncreaseMorale(); } else { DecreaseMorale(); } break; } if (!IsAlive()) return; CBasePlayer *player = static_cast<CBasePlayer *>(entity); // If we just saw a nearby friend die, and we haven't yet acquired an enemy // automatically acquire our dead friend's killer if (!IsAttacking() && (GetDisposition() == ENGAGE_AND_INVESTIGATE || GetDisposition() == OPPORTUNITY_FIRE)) { if (event == EVENT_PLAYER_DIED) { if (BotRelationship(player) == BOT_TEAMMATE) { CBasePlayer *killer = static_cast<CBasePlayer *>(other); // check that attacker is an enemy (for friendly fire, etc) if (killer != NULL && killer->IsPlayer()) { // check if we saw our friend die - dont check FOV - assume we're aware of our surroundings in combat // snipers stay put if (!IsSniper() && IsVisible(&player->pev->origin)) { // people are dying - we should hurry Hurry(RANDOM_FLOAT(10.0f, 15.0f)); // if we're hiding with only our knife, be a little more cautious const float knifeAmbushChance = 50.0f; if (!IsHiding() || !IsUsingKnife() || RANDOM_FLOAT(0, 100) < knifeAmbushChance) { PrintIfWatched("Attacking our friend's killer!\n"); Attack(killer); return; } } } } } } switch (event) { case EVENT_PLAYER_DIED: { CBasePlayer *victim = player; CBasePlayer *killer = (other != NULL && other->IsPlayer()) ? static_cast<CBasePlayer *>(other) : NULL; // if the human player died in the single player game, tell the team if (CSGameRules()->IsCareer() && !victim->IsBot() && BotRelationship(victim) == BOT_TEAMMATE) { GetChatter()->Say("CommanderDown", 20.0f); } // keep track of the last player we killed if (killer == this) { m_lastVictimID = victim->entindex(); } // react to teammate death if (BotRelationship(victim) == BOT_TEAMMATE) { // chastise friendly fire from humans if (killer != NULL && !killer->IsBot() && BotRelationship(killer) == BOT_TEAMMATE && killer != this) { GetChatter()->KilledFriend(); } if (IsHunting()) { PrintIfWatched("Rethinking hunt due to teammate death\n"); Idle(); return; } if (IsAttacking()) { if (GetTimeSinceLastSawEnemy() > 0.4f) { PrintIfWatched("Rethinking my attack due to teammate death\n"); // allow us to sneak past windows, doors, etc IgnoreEnemies(1.0f); // move to last known position of enemy - this could cause us to flank if // the danger has changed due to our teammate's recent death SetTask(MOVE_TO_LAST_KNOWN_ENEMY_POSITION, GetEnemy()); MoveTo(&GetLastKnownEnemyPosition()); return; } } } // an enemy was killed else { if (killer != NULL && BotRelationship(killer) == BOT_TEAMMATE) { // only chatter about enemy kills if we see them occur, and they were the last one we see if (GetNearbyEnemyCount() <= 1) { // report if number of enemies left is few and we killed the last one we saw locally GetChatter()->EnemiesRemaining(); if (IsVisible(&victim->pev->origin, CHECK_FOV)) { // congratulate teammates on their kills if (killer != this) { float delay = RANDOM_FLOAT(2.0f, 3.0f); if (killer->IsBot()) { if (RANDOM_FLOAT(0.0f, 100.0f) < 40.0f) GetChatter()->Say("NiceShot", 3.0f, delay); } else { // humans get the honorific if (CSGameRules()->IsCareer()) GetChatter()->Say("NiceShotCommander", 3.0f, delay); else GetChatter()->Say("NiceShotSir", 3.0f, delay); } } } } } } return; } case EVENT_TERRORISTS_WIN: if (m_iTeam == TERRORIST) GetChatter()->CelebrateWin(); return; case EVENT_CTS_WIN: if (m_iTeam == CT) GetChatter()->CelebrateWin(); return; case EVENT_BOMB_DEFUSED: if (m_iTeam == CT && TheCSBots()->GetBombTimeLeft() < 2.0) GetChatter()->Say("BarelyDefused"); return; case EVENT_BOMB_PICKED_UP: { if (m_iTeam == CT && player != NULL) { // check if we're close enough to hear it const float bombPickupHearRangeSq = 1000.0f * 1000.0f; if ((pev->origin - player->pev->origin).LengthSquared() < bombPickupHearRangeSq) { GetChatter()->TheyPickedUpTheBomb(); } } return; } case EVENT_BOMB_BEEP: { // if we don't know where the bomb is, but heard it beep, we've discovered it if (GetGameState()->IsPlantedBombLocationKnown() == false) { // check if we're close enough to hear it const float bombBeepHearRangeSq = 1000.0f * 1000.0f; if ((pev->origin - entity->pev->origin).LengthSquared() < bombBeepHearRangeSq) { // radio the news to our team if (m_iTeam == CT && GetGameState()->GetPlantedBombsite() == CSGameState::UNKNOWN) { const CCSBotManager::Zone *zone = TheCSBots()->GetZone(&entity->pev->origin); if (zone != NULL) GetChatter()->FoundPlantedBomb(zone->m_index); } // remember where the bomb is GetGameState()->UpdatePlantedBomb(&entity->pev->origin); } } return; } case EVENT_BOMB_PLANTED: { // if we're a CT, forget what we're doing and go after the bomb if (m_iTeam == CT) { Idle(); } // if we are following someone, stop following if (IsFollowing()) { StopFollowing(); Idle(); } OnEvent(EVENT_BOMB_BEEP, other); return; } case EVENT_BOMB_DEFUSE_ABORTED: PrintIfWatched("BOMB DEFUSE ABORTED\n"); return; case EVENT_WEAPON_FIRED: case EVENT_WEAPON_FIRED_ON_EMPTY: case EVENT_WEAPON_RELOADED: { if (m_enemy == entity && IsUsingKnife()) ForceRun(5.0f); break; } default: break; } // Process radio events from our team if (player != NULL && BotRelationship(player) == BOT_TEAMMATE && event > EVENT_START_RADIO_1 && event < EVENT_END_RADIO) { // TODO: Distinguish between radio commands and responses if (event != EVENT_RADIO_AFFIRMATIVE && event != EVENT_RADIO_NEGATIVE && event != EVENT_RADIO_REPORTING_IN) { m_lastRadioCommand = event; m_lastRadioRecievedTimestamp = gpGlobals->time; m_radioSubject = player; m_radioPosition = player->pev->origin; } } // player_follows needs a player if (player == NULL) return; if (!IsRogue() && event == EVENT_HOSTAGE_CALLED_FOR_HELP && m_iTeam == CT && IsHunting()) { if ((entity->pev->origin - pev->origin).IsLengthGreaterThan(1000.0f)) return; if (IsVisible(&entity->Center())) { m_task = COLLECT_HOSTAGES; m_taskEntity = NULL; Run(); m_goalEntity = entity; MoveTo(&entity->pev->origin, m_hostageEscortCount == 0 ? SAFEST_ROUTE : FASTEST_ROUTE); PrintIfWatched("I'm fetching a hostage that called out to me\n"); return; } } // don't pay attention to noise that friends make if (!IsEnemy(player)) return; float range; PriorityType priority; bool isHostile; if (IsGameEventAudible(event, entity, other, &range, &priority, &isHostile) == false) return; if (event == EVENT_HOSTAGE_USED) { if (m_iTeam == CT) return; if ((entity->pev->origin - pev->origin).IsLengthGreaterThan(range)) return; GetChatter()->HostagesBeingTaken(); if (!GetGameState()->GetNearestVisibleFreeHostage() && m_task != GUARD_HOSTAGE_RESCUE_ZONE && GuardRandomZone()) { m_task = GUARD_HOSTAGE_RESCUE_ZONE; m_taskEntity = NULL; SetDisposition(OPPORTUNITY_FIRE); PrintIfWatched("Trying to beat them to an escape zone!\n"); } } // check if noise is close enough for us to hear const Vector *newNoisePosition = &player->pev->origin; float newNoiseDist = (pev->origin - *newNoisePosition).Length(); if (newNoiseDist < range) { // we heard the sound if ((IsLocalPlayerWatchingMe() && cv_bot_debug.value == 3.0f) || cv_bot_debug.value == 4.0f) { PrintIfWatched("Heard noise (%s from %s, pri %s, time %3.1f)\n", (event == EVENT_WEAPON_FIRED) ? "Weapon fire " : "", STRING(player->pev->netname), (priority == PRIORITY_HIGH) ? "HIGH" : ((priority == PRIORITY_MEDIUM) ? "MEDIUM" : "LOW"), gpGlobals->time); } if (event == EVENT_PLAYER_FOOTSTEP && IsUsingSniperRifle() && newNoiseDist < 300.0) EquipPistol(); // should we pay attention to it // if noise timestamp is zero, there is no prior noise if (m_noiseTimestamp > 0.0f) { // only overwrite recent sound if we are louder (closer), or more important - if old noise was long ago, its faded const float shortTermMemoryTime = 3.0f; if (gpGlobals->time - m_noiseTimestamp < shortTermMemoryTime) { // prior noise is more important - ignore new one if (priority < m_noisePriority) return; float oldNoiseDist = (pev->origin - m_noisePosition).Length(); if (newNoiseDist >= oldNoiseDist) return; } } // find the area in which the noise occured // TODO: Better handle when noise occurs off the nav mesh // TODO: Make sure noise area is not through a wall or ceiling from source of noise // TODO: Change GetNavTravelTime to better deal with NULL destination areas CNavArea *noiseArea = TheNavAreaGrid.GetNavArea(newNoisePosition); if (noiseArea == NULL) noiseArea = TheNavAreaGrid.GetNearestNavArea(newNoisePosition); if (noiseArea == NULL) { PrintIfWatched(" *** Noise occurred off the nav mesh - ignoring!\n"); return; } m_noiseArea = noiseArea; // remember noise priority m_noisePriority = priority; // randomize noise position in the area a bit - hearing isn't very accurate // the closer the noise is, the more accurate our placement // TODO: Make sure not to pick a position on the opposite side of ourselves. const float maxErrorRadius = 400.0f; const float maxHearingRange = 2000.0f; float errorRadius = maxErrorRadius * newNoiseDist / maxHearingRange; m_noisePosition.x = newNoisePosition->x + RANDOM_FLOAT(-errorRadius, errorRadius); m_noisePosition.y = newNoisePosition->y + RANDOM_FLOAT(-errorRadius, errorRadius); // make sure noise position remains in the same area m_noiseArea->GetClosestPointOnArea(&m_noisePosition, &m_noisePosition); m_isNoiseTravelRangeChecked = false; // note when we heard the noise m_noiseTimestamp = gpGlobals->time; } }
Schedule_t *CScientist :: GetSchedule ( void ) { // so we don't keep calling through the EHANDLE stuff CBaseEntity *pEnemy = m_hEnemy; if ( HasConditions( bits_COND_HEAR_SOUND ) ) { CSound *pSound; pSound = PBestSound(); ASSERT( pSound != NULL ); if ( pSound && (pSound->m_iType & bits_SOUND_DANGER) ) return GetScheduleOfType( SCHED_TAKE_COVER_FROM_BEST_SOUND ); } switch( m_MonsterState ) { case MONSTERSTATE_ALERT: case MONSTERSTATE_IDLE: if ( pEnemy ) { if ( HasConditions( bits_COND_SEE_ENEMY ) ) m_fearTime = gpGlobals->time; else if ( DisregardEnemy( pEnemy ) ) // After 15 seconds of being hidden, return to alert { m_hEnemy = NULL; pEnemy = NULL; } } if ( HasConditions(bits_COND_LIGHT_DAMAGE | bits_COND_HEAVY_DAMAGE)) { // flinch if hurt return GetScheduleOfType( SCHED_SMALL_FLINCH ); } // Cower when you hear something scary if ( HasConditions( bits_COND_HEAR_SOUND ) ) { CSound *pSound; pSound = PBestSound(); ASSERT( pSound != NULL ); if ( pSound ) { if ( pSound->m_iType & (bits_SOUND_DANGER | bits_SOUND_COMBAT) ) { if ( gpGlobals->time - m_fearTime > 3 ) // Only cower every 3 seconds or so { m_fearTime = gpGlobals->time; // Update last fear return GetScheduleOfType( SCHED_STARTLE ); // This will just duck for a second } } } } // Behavior for following the player if ( IsFollowing() ) { if ( !m_hTargetEnt->IsAlive() ) { // UNDONE: Comment about the recently dead player here? StopFollowing( FALSE ); break; } int relationship = R_NO; // Nothing scary, just me and the player if ( pEnemy != NULL ) relationship = IRelationship( pEnemy ); // UNDONE: Model fear properly, fix R_FR and add multiple levels of fear if ( relationship != R_DL && relationship != R_HT ) { // If I'm already close enough to my target if ( TargetDistance() <= 128 ) { if ( CanHeal() ) // Heal opportunistically return slHeal; if ( HasConditions( bits_COND_CLIENT_PUSH ) ) // Player wants me to move return GetScheduleOfType( SCHED_MOVE_AWAY_FOLLOW ); } return GetScheduleOfType( SCHED_TARGET_FACE ); // Just face and follow. } else // UNDONE: When afraid, scientist won't move out of your way. Keep This? If not, write move away scared { if ( HasConditions( bits_COND_NEW_ENEMY ) ) // I just saw something new and scary, react return GetScheduleOfType( SCHED_FEAR ); // React to something scary return GetScheduleOfType( SCHED_TARGET_FACE_SCARED ); // face and follow, but I'm scared! } } if ( HasConditions( bits_COND_CLIENT_PUSH ) ) // Player wants me to move return GetScheduleOfType( SCHED_MOVE_AWAY ); // try to say something about smells TrySmellTalk(); break; case MONSTERSTATE_COMBAT: if ( HasConditions( bits_COND_NEW_ENEMY ) ) return slFear; // Point and scream! if ( HasConditions( bits_COND_SEE_ENEMY ) ) return slScientistCover; // Take Cover if ( HasConditions( bits_COND_HEAR_SOUND ) ) return slTakeCoverFromBestSound; // Cower and panic from the scary sound! return slScientistCover; // Run & Cower break; } return CTalkMonster::GetSchedule(); }
MONSTERSTATE CScientist :: GetIdealState ( void ) { switch ( m_MonsterState ) { case MONSTERSTATE_ALERT: case MONSTERSTATE_IDLE: if ( HasConditions( bits_COND_NEW_ENEMY ) ) { if ( IsFollowing() ) { int relationship = IRelationship( m_hEnemy ); if ( relationship != R_FR || relationship != R_HT && !HasConditions( bits_COND_LIGHT_DAMAGE | bits_COND_HEAVY_DAMAGE ) ) { // Don't go to combat if you're following the player m_IdealMonsterState = MONSTERSTATE_ALERT; return m_IdealMonsterState; } StopFollowing( TRUE ); } } else if ( HasConditions( bits_COND_LIGHT_DAMAGE | bits_COND_HEAVY_DAMAGE ) ) { // Stop following if you take damage if ( IsFollowing() ) StopFollowing( TRUE ); } break; case MONSTERSTATE_COMBAT: { CBaseEntity *pEnemy = m_hEnemy; if ( pEnemy != NULL ) { if ( DisregardEnemy( pEnemy ) ) // After 15 seconds of being hidden, return to alert { // Strip enemy when going to alert m_IdealMonsterState = MONSTERSTATE_ALERT; m_hEnemy = NULL; return m_IdealMonsterState; } // Follow if only scared a little if ( m_hTargetEnt != NULL ) { m_IdealMonsterState = MONSTERSTATE_ALERT; return m_IdealMonsterState; } if ( HasConditions ( bits_COND_SEE_ENEMY ) ) { m_fearTime = gpGlobals->time; m_IdealMonsterState = MONSTERSTATE_COMBAT; return m_IdealMonsterState; } } } break; } return CTalkMonster::GetIdealState(); }
void CSyncCoreObjectMediator::SetDirectorMaxSpeed(float fDirectorMaxSpeed) { if(fDirectorMaxSpeed < 0) fDirectorMaxSpeed = 0; if(fDirectorMaxSpeed == m_fDirectorMaxSpeed) return; bool bNeedToNotify = m_pConn?true:false; if( fDirectorMaxSpeed == 0) { ++m_uDirBlockCount; //对象要切换到主动工作模式 Ast( !GetMovState() ); #ifdef LOG_COREOBJ_MOVE LogMsg("SetDirectorMaxSpeed 0"); #endif m_queDirMaxSpeed.clear(); StopFollowing(); if( m_pConn ) { //告诉主动对象,我的工作模式改变了 CGas2GacOC_Set_Dir_Max_Speed_Zero Cmd; Cmd.uqbGlobalID=GetGlobalID(); Cmd.PixelPos=GetPixelPos(); m_pConn->SendCoreCmd(&Cmd); bNeedToNotify = false; } } else { #ifdef LOG_COREOBJ_MOVE LogMsg("fDirectorMaxSpeed !0"); #endif if(m_fDirectorMaxSpeed == 0) { //对象要切换到被动工作模式 Ast( !IsFollowing() ); //如果对象此时正在进行主动移动,那么就应该终止移动 StopMoving(); //会间接触发StopTracing() if( m_pConn ) { CGas2GacGC_Tell_Server_Time cmd; cmd.uobGlobalTime = CSyncTimeSystemServer::Inst()->GetFrameTime(); m_pConn->SendCoreCmd(&cmd); //告诉主动对象,我的工作模式改变了 CGas2GacOC_Set_Dir_Max_Speed Cmd; Cmd.uqbGlobalID = GetGlobalID(); Cmd.fDirectorMaxSpeed = fDirectorMaxSpeed; Cmd.uqbSessionID = m_uCurDirMaxSpeedChangeSessionID++; CreateDirMaxSpeedChangeSession(Cmd.uqbSessionID, Cmd.fDirectorMaxSpeed); m_pConn->SendCoreCmd(&Cmd); bNeedToNotify = false; } } AdjustMaxStepNumInOneCheck(fDirectorMaxSpeed); } //cout << fDirectorMaxSpeed << endl; m_fDirectorMaxSpeed = fDirectorMaxSpeed; if(m_pConn) { if(bNeedToNotify) NotifyDirToSetMaxSpeed(); } else { Ast(m_fDirKnownMaxSpeed == 0); } }
bool UNavigationComponent::GeneratePathTo(const FVector& GoalLocation, TSharedPtr<const FNavigationQueryFilter> QueryFilter) { if (GetWorld() == NULL || GetWorld()->GetNavigationSystem() == NULL || GetOuter() == NULL) { return false; } // Make sure we're trying to path to the closest valid location TO that location rather than the absolute location. // After talking with Steve P., if we need to ever allow pathing WITHOUT projecting to nav-mesh, it will probably be // best to do so using a flag while keeping this as the default behavior. NOTE:` If any changes to this behavior // are made, you should search for other places in UNavigationComponent using NavMeshGoalLocation and make sure the // behavior remains consistent. // make sure that nav data is updated GetNavData(); const FNavAgentProperties* NavAgentProps = MyNavAgent ? MyNavAgent->GetNavAgentProperties() : NULL; if (NavAgentProps != NULL) { FVector NavMeshGoalLocation; #if ENABLE_VISUAL_LOG UE_VLOG_LOCATION(GetOwner(), GoalLocation, 34, FColor(0,127,14), TEXT("GoalLocation")); const FVector ProjectionExtent = MyNavData ? MyNavData->GetDefaultQueryExtent() : FVector(DEFAULT_NAV_QUERY_EXTENT_HORIZONTAL, DEFAULT_NAV_QUERY_EXTENT_HORIZONTAL, DEFAULT_NAV_QUERY_EXTENT_VERTICAL); UE_VLOG_BOX(GetOwner(), FBox(GoalLocation - ProjectionExtent, GoalLocation + ProjectionExtent), FColor::Green, TEXT_EMPTY); #endif if (ProjectPointToNavigation(GoalLocation, NavMeshGoalLocation) == QuerySuccess) { UE_VLOG_SEGMENT(GetOwner(), GoalLocation, NavMeshGoalLocation, FColor::Blue, TEXT_EMPTY); UE_VLOG_LOCATION(GetOwner(), NavMeshGoalLocation, 34, FColor::Blue, TEXT_EMPTY); UNavigationSystem* NavSys = GetWorld()->GetNavigationSystem(); FPathFindingQuery Query(MyNavData, MyNavAgent->GetNavAgentLocation(), NavMeshGoalLocation, QueryFilter); const EPathFindingMode::Type Mode = bDoHierarchicalPathfinding ? EPathFindingMode::Hierarchical : EPathFindingMode::Regular; FPathFindingResult Result = NavSys->FindPathSync(*MyNavAgent->GetNavAgentProperties(), Query, Mode); // try reversing direction if (bSearchFromGoalWhenOutOfNodes && !bDoHierarchicalPathfinding && Result.Path.IsValid() && Result.Path->DidSearchReachedLimit()) { // quick check if path exists bool bPathExists = false; { DECLARE_SCOPE_CYCLE_COUNTER(TEXT("Pathfinding: HPA* test time"), STAT_Navigation_PathVerifyTime, STATGROUP_Navigation); bPathExists = NavSys->TestPathSync(Query, EPathFindingMode::Hierarchical); } UE_VLOG(GetOwner(), LogNavigation, Log, TEXT("GeneratePathTo: out of nodes, HPA* path: %s"), bPathExists ? TEXT("exists, trying reversed search") : TEXT("doesn't exist")); // reverse search if (bPathExists) { DECLARE_SCOPE_CYCLE_COUNTER(TEXT("Pathfinding: reversed test time"), STAT_Navigation_PathReverseTime, STATGROUP_Navigation); TSharedPtr<FNavigationQueryFilter> Filter = QueryFilter.IsValid() ? QueryFilter->GetCopy() : MyNavData->GetDefaultQueryFilter()->GetCopy(); Filter->SetBacktrackingEnabled(true); FPathFindingQuery ReversedQuery(MyNavData, Query.EndLocation, Query.StartLocation, Filter); Result = NavSys->FindPathSync(*MyNavAgent->GetNavAgentProperties(), Query, Mode); } } if (Result.IsSuccessful() || Result.IsPartial()) { CurrentGoal = NavMeshGoalLocation; SetPath(Result.Path); if (IsFollowing() == true) { // make sure ticking is enabled (and it shouldn't be enabled before _first_ async path finding) SetComponentTickEnabledAsync(true); } NotifyPathUpdate(); return true; } else { UE_VLOG(GetOwner(), LogNavigation, Display, TEXT("Failed to generate path to destination")); } } else { UE_VLOG(GetOwner(), LogNavigation, Display, TEXT("Destination not on navmesh (and nowhere near!)")); } } else { UE_VLOG(GetOwner(), LogNavigation, Display, TEXT("UNavigationComponent::GeneratePathTo: NavAgentProps == NULL (Probably Pawn died)")); } return false; }
//========================================================= // GetSchedule - Decides which type of schedule best suits // the monster's current state and conditions. Then calls // monster's member function to get a pointer to a schedule // of the proper type. //========================================================= Schedule_t *CBarney :: GetSchedule ( void ) { if ( HasConditions( bits_COND_HEAR_SOUND ) ) { CSound *pSound; pSound = PBestSound(); ASSERT( pSound != NULL ); if ( pSound && (pSound->m_iType & bits_SOUND_DANGER) ) return GetScheduleOfType( SCHED_TAKE_COVER_FROM_BEST_SOUND ); } if ( HasConditions( bits_COND_ENEMY_DEAD ) && FOkToSpeak() ) { // Hey, be careful with that if (m_iszSpeakAs) { char szBuf[32]; strcpy(szBuf,STRING(m_iszSpeakAs)); strcat(szBuf,"_KILL"); PlaySentence( szBuf, 4, VOL_NORM, ATTN_NORM ); } else { PlaySentence( "BA_KILL", 4, VOL_NORM, ATTN_NORM ); } } switch( m_MonsterState ) { case MONSTERSTATE_COMBAT: { // dead enemy if ( HasConditions( bits_COND_ENEMY_DEAD ) ) { // call base class, all code to handle dead enemies is centralized there. return CBaseMonster :: GetSchedule(); } // always act surprized with a new enemy if ( HasConditions( bits_COND_NEW_ENEMY ) && HasConditions( bits_COND_LIGHT_DAMAGE) ) return GetScheduleOfType( SCHED_SMALL_FLINCH ); // wait for one schedule to draw gun if (!m_fGunDrawn ) return GetScheduleOfType( SCHED_ARM_WEAPON ); if ( HasConditions( bits_COND_HEAVY_DAMAGE ) ) return GetScheduleOfType( SCHED_TAKE_COVER_FROM_ENEMY ); } break; case MONSTERSTATE_ALERT: case MONSTERSTATE_IDLE: if ( HasConditions(bits_COND_LIGHT_DAMAGE | bits_COND_HEAVY_DAMAGE)) { // flinch if hurt return GetScheduleOfType( SCHED_SMALL_FLINCH ); } if ( m_hEnemy == NULL && IsFollowing() ) { if ( !m_hTargetEnt->IsAlive() ) { // UNDONE: Comment about the recently dead player here? StopFollowing( FALSE ); break; } else { if ( HasConditions( bits_COND_CLIENT_PUSH ) ) { return GetScheduleOfType( SCHED_MOVE_AWAY_FOLLOW ); } return GetScheduleOfType( SCHED_TARGET_FACE ); } } if ( HasConditions( bits_COND_CLIENT_PUSH ) ) { return GetScheduleOfType( SCHED_MOVE_AWAY ); } // try to say something about smells TrySmellTalk(); break; } return CTalkMonster::GetSchedule(); }
// Respond to radio commands from HUMAN players void CCSBot::RespondToRadioCommands() { // bots use the chatter system to respond to each other if (m_radioSubject.IsValid() && m_radioSubject->IsPlayer()) { if (m_radioSubject->IsBot()) { m_lastRadioCommand = EVENT_INVALID; return; } } if (m_lastRadioCommand == EVENT_INVALID) return; // a human player has issued a radio command GetChatter()->ResetRadioSilenceDuration(); // if we are doing something important, ignore the radio // unless it is a "report in" request - we can do that while we continue to do other things // TODO: Create "uninterruptable" flag if (m_lastRadioCommand != EVENT_RADIO_REPORT_IN_TEAM) { if (IsBusy()) { // consume command m_lastRadioCommand = EVENT_INVALID; return; } } // wait for reaction time before responding // delay needs to be long enough for the radio message we're responding to to finish float respondTime = 1.0f + 2.0f * GetProfile()->GetReactionTime(); if (IsRogue()) respondTime += 2.0f; if (gpGlobals->time - m_lastRadioRecievedTimestamp < respondTime) return; // rogues won't follow commands, unless already following the player if (!IsFollowing() && IsRogue()) { if (IsRadioCommand(m_lastRadioCommand)) { GetChatter()->Negative(); } // consume command m_lastRadioCommand = EVENT_INVALID; return; } if (!m_radioSubject) return; // respond to command bool canDo = false; const float inhibitAutoFollowDuration = 60.0f; switch (m_lastRadioCommand) { case EVENT_RADIO_REPORT_IN_TEAM: { GetChatter()->ReportingIn(); break; } case EVENT_RADIO_FOLLOW_ME: case EVENT_RADIO_COVER_ME: case EVENT_RADIO_STICK_TOGETHER_TEAM: case EVENT_RADIO_REGROUP_TEAM: { if (!IsFollowing()) { Follow(m_radioSubject); m_radioSubject->AllowAutoFollow(); canDo = true; } break; } case EVENT_RADIO_ENEMY_SPOTTED: case EVENT_RADIO_NEED_BACKUP: case EVENT_RADIO_TAKING_FIRE: { if (!IsFollowing()) { Follow(m_radioSubject); GetChatter()->Say("OnMyWay"); m_radioSubject->AllowAutoFollow(); canDo = false; } break; } case EVENT_RADIO_TEAM_FALL_BACK: { if (TryToRetreat()) canDo = true; break; } case EVENT_RADIO_HOLD_THIS_POSITION: { // find the leader's area SetTask(HOLD_POSITION); StopFollowing(); m_radioSubject->InhibitAutoFollow(inhibitAutoFollowDuration); Hide(TheNavAreaGrid.GetNearestNavArea(&m_radioPosition)); canDo = true; break; } case EVENT_RADIO_GO_GO_GO: case EVENT_RADIO_STORM_THE_FRONT: { StopFollowing(); Hunt(); canDo = true; m_radioSubject->InhibitAutoFollow(inhibitAutoFollowDuration); break; } case EVENT_RADIO_GET_OUT_OF_THERE: { if (TheCSBots()->IsBombPlanted()) { EscapeFromBomb(); m_radioSubject->InhibitAutoFollow(inhibitAutoFollowDuration); canDo = true; } break; } case EVENT_RADIO_SECTOR_CLEAR: { // if this is a defusal scenario, and the bomb is planted, // and a human player cleared a bombsite, check it off our list too if (TheCSBots()->GetScenario() == CCSBotManager::SCENARIO_DEFUSE_BOMB) { if (m_iTeam == CT && TheCSBots()->IsBombPlanted()) { const CCSBotManager::Zone *zone = TheCSBots()->GetClosestZone(m_radioSubject); if (zone) { GetGameState()->ClearBombsite(zone->m_index); // if we are huting for the planted bomb, re-select bombsite if (GetTask() == FIND_TICKING_BOMB) Idle(); canDo = true; } } } break; } default: // ignore all other radio commands for now return; } if (canDo) { // affirmative GetChatter()->Affirmative(); // if we agreed to follow a new command, put away our grenade if (IsRadioCommand(m_lastRadioCommand) && IsUsingGrenade()) { EquipBestWeapon(); } } // consume command m_lastRadioCommand = EVENT_INVALID; }
//========================================================= // GetSchedule - Decides which type of schedule best suits // the monster's current state and conditions. Then calls // monster's member function to get a pointer to a schedule // of the proper type. //========================================================= Schedule_t *CFriend :: GetSchedule ( void ) { if ( HasConditions( bits_COND_HEAR_SOUND ) ) { CSound *pSound; pSound = PBestSound(); ASSERT( pSound != NULL ); if ( pSound && (pSound->m_iType & bits_SOUND_DANGER) ) return GetScheduleOfType( SCHED_TAKE_COVER_FROM_BEST_SOUND ); } if ( HasConditions( bits_COND_ENEMY_DEAD ) && FOkToSpeak() ) { // Hey, be careful with that if (m_iszSpeakAs) { char szBuf[32]; strcpy(szBuf,STRING(m_iszSpeakAs)); strcat(szBuf,"_KILL"); PlaySentence( szBuf, 4, VOL_NORM, ATTN_NORM ); } else { PlaySentence( "FG_KILL", 4, VOL_NORM, ATTN_NORM ); } } switch( m_MonsterState ) { case MONSTERSTATE_COMBAT: { // dead enemy if ( HasConditions( bits_COND_ENEMY_DEAD ) ) { // call base class, all code to handle dead enemies is centralized there. return CBaseMonster :: GetSchedule(); } // always act surprized with a new enemy if ( HasConditions( bits_COND_NEW_ENEMY ) && HasConditions( bits_COND_LIGHT_DAMAGE) ) return GetScheduleOfType( SCHED_SMALL_FLINCH ); // wait for one schedule to draw gun if (!m_fGunDrawn ) return GetScheduleOfType( SCHED_ARM_WEAPON ); if ( HasConditions( bits_COND_HEAVY_DAMAGE ) ) return GetScheduleOfType( SCHED_TAKE_COVER_FROM_ENEMY ); // no ammo else if ( HasConditions ( bits_COND_NO_AMMO_LOADED ) ) { //!!!KELLY - this individual just realized he's out of bullet ammo. // He's going to try to find cover to run to and reload, but rarely, if // none is available, he'll drop and reload in the open here. return GetScheduleOfType ( SCHED_GRUNT_COVER_AND_RELOAD ); } //new add //enemy is occluded else if ( HasConditions( bits_COND_ENEMY_OCCLUDED ) ) { if ( HasConditions( bits_COND_CAN_RANGE_ATTACK2 ) ) { //!!!KELLY - this grunt is about to throw or fire a grenade at the player. Great place for "fire in the hole" "frag out" etc if (FOkToSpeak()) { } return GetScheduleOfType( SCHED_RANGE_ATTACK2 ); } } } break; case MONSTERSTATE_ALERT: case MONSTERSTATE_IDLE: if ( HasConditions(bits_COND_LIGHT_DAMAGE | bits_COND_HEAVY_DAMAGE)) { // flinch if hurt return GetScheduleOfType( SCHED_SMALL_FLINCH ); } if ( m_hEnemy == NULL && IsFollowing() ) { if ( !m_hTargetEnt->IsAlive() ) { // UNDONE: Comment about the recently dead player here? StopFollowing( FALSE ); break; } else { if ( HasConditions( bits_COND_CLIENT_PUSH ) ) { return GetScheduleOfType( SCHED_MOVE_AWAY_FOLLOW ); } return GetScheduleOfType( SCHED_TARGET_FACE ); } } if ( HasConditions( bits_COND_CLIENT_PUSH ) ) { return GetScheduleOfType( SCHED_MOVE_AWAY ); } // try to say something about smells TrySmellTalk(); break; } return CTalkMonster::GetSchedule(); }