static void SetupQuickPlayEnemies( Mission *mission, const int numEnemies, CharacterStore *store) { int i; for (i = 0; i < numEnemies; i++) { const GunDescription *gun; CArrayPushBack(&mission->Enemies, &i); for (;;) { gun = CArrayGet( &gGunDescriptions.Guns, rand() % (int)gGunDescriptions.Guns.size); if (!gun->IsRealGun) { continue; } // make at least one of each type of enemy: // - Short range weapon // - Long range weapon // - High explosive weapon if (i == 0 && !IsShortRange(gun)) { continue; } if (i == 1 && !IsLongRange(gun)) { continue; } if (i == 2 && ConfigGetBool(&gConfig, "QuickPlay.EnemiesWithExplosives") && !IsHighDPS(gun)) { continue; } if (!ConfigGetBool(&gConfig, "QuickPlay.EnemiesWithExplosives") && IsHighDPS(gun)) { continue; } break; } Character *ch = CharacterStoreAddOther(store); SetupQuickPlayEnemy(ch, gun); } }
void SetupQuickPlayEnemy(TBadGuy *enemy, gun_e gun) { enemy->armedBodyPic = BODY_ARMED; enemy->unarmedBodyPic = BODY_UNARMED; enemy->facePic = rand() % FACE_COUNT; enemy->gun = gun; if (IsShortRange(enemy->gun)) { enemy->speed = 256 + (rand() % (384 - 256 + 1)); } else { enemy->speed = 128 + (rand() % (256 - 128 + 1)); } if (IsShortRange(enemy->gun)) { enemy->probabilityToMove = 50 + (rand() % 50); } else { enemy->probabilityToMove = 25 + (rand() % 75); } enemy->probabilityToTrack = 25 + (rand() % 75); if (enemy->gun == GUN_KNIFE) { enemy->probabilityToShoot = 0; } else if (IsHighDPS(enemy->gun)) { enemy->probabilityToShoot = 10 + (rand() % 10); } else { enemy->probabilityToShoot = 25 + (rand() % 75); } enemy->actionDelay = rand() % (50 + 1); enemy->skinColor = rand() % SHADE_COUNT; enemy->armColor = rand() % SHADE_COUNT; enemy->bodyColor = rand() % SHADE_COUNT; enemy->legColor = rand() % SHADE_COUNT; enemy->hairColor = rand() % SHADE_COUNT; enemy->health = 10 + (rand() % (100 - 10 + 1)); enemy->flags = 0; }
static void SetupQuickPlayEnemy(Character *enemy, const GunDescription *gun) { CharacterShuffleAppearance(enemy); enemy->Gun = gun; enemy->speed =GenerateQuickPlayParam( ConfigGetEnum(&gConfig, "QuickPlay.EnemySpeed"), 64, 112, 160, 256); if (IsShortRange(enemy->Gun)) { enemy->speed = enemy->speed * 4 / 3; } if (IsShortRange(enemy->Gun)) { enemy->bot->probabilityToMove = 35 + (rand() % 35); } else { enemy->bot->probabilityToMove = 30 + (rand() % 30); } enemy->bot->probabilityToTrack = 10 + (rand() % 60); if (!enemy->Gun->CanShoot) { enemy->bot->probabilityToShoot = 0; } else if (IsHighDPS(enemy->Gun)) { enemy->bot->probabilityToShoot = 1 + (rand() % 3); } else { enemy->bot->probabilityToShoot = 1 + (rand() % 6); } enemy->bot->actionDelay = rand() % (50 + 1); enemy->maxHealth = GenerateQuickPlayParam( ConfigGetEnum(&gConfig, "QuickPlay.EnemyHealth"), 10, 20, 40, 60); enemy->flags = 0; }
void SetupQuickPlayCampaign(CampaignSetting *setting) { int i; gun_e gun; strcpy(gQuickPlayMission.title, ""); strcpy(gQuickPlayMission.description, ""); gQuickPlayMission.wallStyle = rand() % WALL_STYLE_COUNT; gQuickPlayMission.floorStyle = rand() % FLOOR_STYLE_COUNT; gQuickPlayMission.roomStyle = rand() % FLOOR_STYLE_COUNT; gQuickPlayMission.exitStyle = rand() % EXIT_COUNT; gQuickPlayMission.keyStyle = rand() % KEYSTYLE_COUNT; gQuickPlayMission.doorStyle = rand() % DOORSTYLE_COUNT; gQuickPlayMission.mapWidth = 16 + (rand() % (64 - 16 + 1)); gQuickPlayMission.mapHeight = 16 + (rand() % (64 - 16 + 1)); gQuickPlayMission.wallCount = rand() % (200 + 1); gQuickPlayMission.wallLength = 1 + (rand() % (200 - 1 + 1)); gQuickPlayMission.roomCount = rand() % (100 + 1); gQuickPlayMission.squareCount = rand() % (100 + 1); gQuickPlayMission.exitLeft = 0; gQuickPlayMission.exitTop = 0; gQuickPlayMission.exitRight = 0; gQuickPlayMission.exitBottom = 0; gQuickPlayMission.objectiveCount = 0; gQuickPlayMission.baddieCount = 3 + (rand() % (BADDIE_MAX - 3)); // make at least one of each type of enemy: // - Short range weapon // - Long range weapon // - High explosive weapon gQuickPlayMission.baddies[0] = 0; do { gun = rand() % GUN_COUNT; } while (!IsShortRange(gun)); SetupQuickPlayEnemy(&gQuickPlayEnemies[0], gun); gQuickPlayMission.baddies[1] = 1; do { gun = rand() % GUN_COUNT; } while (!IsLongRange(gun)); SetupQuickPlayEnemy(&gQuickPlayEnemies[1], gun); gQuickPlayMission.baddies[2] = 2; do { gun = rand() % GUN_COUNT; } while (!IsHighDPS(gun)); SetupQuickPlayEnemy(&gQuickPlayEnemies[2], gun); for (i = 3; i < gQuickPlayMission.baddieCount; i++) { gQuickPlayMission.baddies[i] = i; SetupQuickPlayEnemy(&gQuickPlayEnemies[i], rand() % GUN_COUNT); } gQuickPlayMission.specialCount = 0; gQuickPlayMission.itemCount = rand() % (ITEMS_MAX + 1); for (i = 0; i < gQuickPlayMission.itemCount; i++) { gQuickPlayMission.items[i] = i; gQuickPlayMission.itemDensity[i] = rand() % 32; } gQuickPlayMission.baddieDensity = (40 + (rand() % 20)) / gQuickPlayMission.baddieCount; gQuickPlayMission.weaponSelection = 0; strcpy(, ""); strcpy(, ""); gQuickPlayMission.wallRange = rand() % (COLORRANGE_COUNT - 1 + 1); gQuickPlayMission.floorRange = rand() % (COLORRANGE_COUNT - 1 + 1); gQuickPlayMission.roomRange = rand() % (COLORRANGE_COUNT - 1 + 1); gQuickPlayMission.altRange = rand() % (COLORRANGE_COUNT - 1 + 1); strcpy(setting->title, "Quick play"); strcpy(setting->author, ""); strcpy(setting->description, ""); setting->missionCount = 1; setting->missions = &gQuickPlayMission; setting->characterCount = BADDIE_MAX; setting->characters = gQuickPlayEnemies; }