Esempio n. 1
guard_t can_start_guarding(const unit * u)
    if (u->status >= ST_FLEE || fval(u, UFL_FLEEING))
        return E_GUARD_FLEEING;
    /* Monster der Monsterpartei duerfen immer bewachen */
    if (is_monsters(u->faction) || fval(u_race(u), RCF_UNARMEDGUARD))
        return E_GUARD_OK;
    if (!armedmen(u, true))
        return E_GUARD_UNARMED;
    if (IsImmune(u->faction))
        return E_GUARD_NEWBIE;
    return E_GUARD_OK;
Esempio n. 2
  Chiunque veda il Verme della Morte, viene addormentato dal suo sguardo
  ipnotico, a meno con non azzecchi un tiro salvezza contro paralisi.
int VermeDellaMorte( struct char_data *pChar, int nCmd, const char *szArg, 
                     struct char_data *pMob, int nType )
  if( nType == EVENT_TICK && AWAKE( pMob ) )
    struct room_data *pRoom;
    if( ( pRoom = real_roomp( pMob->in_room ) ) != NULL )
      struct char_data *pNext, *pTar;
      for( pTar = pRoom->people; pTar; pTar = pNext )
        pNext = pTar->next_in_room;
        if( CAN_SEE( pTar, pMob ) && 
            ( ( IS_PC( pTar ) && 
                !IS_SET( pTar->specials.act, PLR_NOHASSLE ) ) ||
              ( IS_NPC( pTar ) && 
                ( ( pTar-> != pMob-> &&
                    !strchr( zone_table[ pTar-> ].races, 
                             GET_RACE( pTar ) ) ) ||
                  IS_SET( pTar->specials.act, ACT_ANNOYING ) ) ) ) && 
            GET_POS( pTar ) > POSITION_SLEEPING &&
            !IsImmune( pTar, IMM_SLEEP ) )
          if( IsSusc( pTar, IMM_SLEEP ) || 
              ( !saves_spell( pTar, SAVING_PARA ) && 
                ( !IsResist( pTar, IMM_SLEEP ) || 
                  !saves_spell( pTar, SAVING_PARA ) ) ) )
            act( "$N ti guarda fisso. La tua vista si sdoppia.", FALSE,
                 pTar, 0, pMob, TO_CHAR );
            act( "$n cade a terra addormentat$b.", TRUE, pTar, 0, 0, 
                 TO_ROOM );
            if( pTar->specials.fighting )
              stop_fighting( pTar );
            GET_POS( pTar ) = POSITION_SLEEPING;
      mudlog( LOG_SYSERR, 
              "pMob in invalid room in VermeDellaMorte( carceri.c )" );
  return FALSE;
Esempio n. 3
** m_kick
**      parv[0] = sender prefix
**      parv[1] = channel
**      parv[2] = client to kick
**      parv[3] = kick comment
static int
m_kick(struct Client *client_p, struct Client *source_p, int parc, const char *parv[])
	struct membership *msptr;
	struct Client *who;
	struct Channel *chptr;
	int chasing = 0;
	char *comment;
	const char *name;
	char *p = NULL;
	const char *user;
	static char buf[BUFSIZE];

	if(MyClient(source_p) && !IsFloodDone(source_p))

	comment = LOCAL_COPY((EmptyString(parv[3])) ? parv[2] : parv[3]);
	if(strlen(comment) > (size_t) REASONLEN)
		comment[REASONLEN] = '\0';

	*buf = '\0';
	if((p = strchr(parv[1], ',')))
		*p = '\0';

	name = parv[1];

	chptr = find_channel(name);
	if(chptr == NULL)
		sendto_one_numeric(source_p, ERR_NOSUCHCHANNEL,
				   form_str(ERR_NOSUCHCHANNEL), name);
		return 0;

		msptr = find_channel_membership(chptr, source_p);

		if((msptr == NULL) && MyConnect(source_p))
			sendto_one_numeric(source_p, ERR_NOTONCHANNEL,
					   form_str(ERR_NOTONCHANNEL), name);
			return 0;

				sendto_one(source_p, form_str(ERR_CHANOPRIVSNEEDED),, source_p->name, name);
				return 0;

			/* If its a TS 0 channel, do it the old way */
			if(chptr->channelts == 0)
				sendto_one(source_p, form_str(ERR_CHANOPRIVSNEEDED),
					   get_id(&me, source_p), 
					   get_id(source_p, source_p), name);
				return 0;

		/* Its a user doing a kick, but is not showing as chanop locally
		 * its also not a user ON -my- server, and the channel has a TS.
		 * There are two cases we can get to this point then...
		 *     1) connect burst is happening, and for some reason a legit
		 *        op has sent a KICK, but the SJOIN hasn't happened yet or 
		 *        been seen. (who knows.. due to lag...)
		 *     2) The channel is desynced. That can STILL happen with TS
		 *     Now, the old code roger wrote, would allow the KICK to 
		 *     go through. Thats quite legit, but lets weird things like
		 *     KICKS by users who appear not to be chanopped happen,
		 *     or even neater, they appear not to be on the channel.
		 *     This fits every definition of a desync, doesn't it? ;-)
		 *     So I will allow the KICK, otherwise, things are MUCH worse.
		 *     But I will warn it as a possible desync.
		 *     -Dianora

	if((p = strchr(parv[2], ',')))
		*p = '\0';

	user = parv[2];		/* strtoken(&p2, parv[2], ","); */

	if(!(who = find_chasing(source_p, user, &chasing)))
		return 0;

	msptr = find_channel_membership(chptr, who);

	if(msptr != NULL)
		if(MyClient(source_p) && IsService(who))
			sendto_one(source_p, form_str(ERR_ISCHANSERVICE),, source_p->name, who->name,
			return 0;
		if(MyClient(source_p) && IsImmune(who))
			sendto_one_numeric(source_p, ERR_ISCHANSERVICE,
					"%s %s User is immune from kick/deop", who->name, chptr->chname);
			return 0;

		/* jdc
		 * - In the case of a server kicking a user (i.e. CLEARCHAN),
		 *   the kick should show up as coming from the server which did
		 *   the kick.
		 * - Personally, flame and I believe that server kicks shouldn't
		 *   be sent anyways.  Just waiting for some oper to abuse it...
			sendto_channel_local(ALL_MEMBERS, chptr, ":%s KICK %s %s :%s",
					     source_p->name, name, who->name, comment);
			sendto_channel_local(ALL_MEMBERS, chptr,
					     ":%s!%s@%s KICK %s %s :%s",
					     source_p->name, source_p->username,
					     source_p->host, name, who->name, comment);

		sendto_server(client_p, chptr, CAP_TS6, NOCAPS,
			      ":%s KICK %s %s :%s", 
			      use_id(source_p), chptr->chname, 
			      use_id(who), comment);
		sendto_server(client_p, chptr, NOCAPS, CAP_TS6,
			      ":%s KICK %s %s :%s", 
			      source_p->name, chptr->chname, who->name, comment);
	else if (MyClient(source_p))
		sendto_one_numeric(source_p, ERR_USERNOTINCHANNEL,
				   form_str(ERR_USERNOTINCHANNEL), user, name);

	return 0;