Esempio n. 1
 * name:	ShowItem
 * class:	CPsTree
 * desc:	displays on of the items in the treeview
 * param:	iPageIndex	- the index of the treeitem in the array.
 *			needWidth	- gives and takes the width, the treeview must have to show all items properly
 * return:	TRUE if item was added successfully, FALSE otherwise
HTREEITEM CPsTree::ShowItem(const int iPageIndex, LPWORD needWidth)
	CPsTreeItem *pti;

	// check parameters
	if (!_hWndTree || 
		!IsIndexValid(iPageIndex) || 
		!(pti = _pItems[iPageIndex]) ||
		!pti->Name() ||
		MsgErr(GetParent(_hWndTree), LPGENT("Due to a parameter error, one of the treeitems can't be added!"));
		return NULL;
	// item is visible at the moment
	if ((tvii.itemex.hItem = pti->Hti()) == NULL)
		RECT rc;
		const int iParent = pti->Parent();
		// init the rest of the treeitem
		tvii.hParent = IsIndexValid(iParent) ? ShowItem(iParent, needWidth) : NULL;
		tvii.hInsertAfter		= (_dwFlags & PSTVF_SORTTREE) ? TVI_SORT : TVI_LAST;
		tvii.itemex.mask		= TVIF_TEXT|TVIF_PARAM|TVIF_STATE;
		tvii.itemex.pszText		= pti->Label();
		tvii.itemex.state		= pti->State() == DBTVIS_EXPANDED ? TVIS_EXPANDED : 0;
		tvii.itemex.stateMask	= TVIS_EXPANDED;
		tvii.itemex.lParam		= iPageIndex;
		// set images
		if ((tvii.itemex.iImage = tvii.itemex.iSelectedImage = pti->Image()) != -1)
			tvii.itemex.mask |= TVIF_IMAGE|TVIF_SELECTEDIMAGE;
		// insert item into tree if set visible
		if ((tvii.itemex.hItem = TreeView_InsertItem(_hWndTree, &tvii)) == NULL) 
			MsgErr(GetParent(_hWndTree), LPGENT("A fatal error occurred on adding a property sheet page!\nDialog creation aborted!"));
			return NULL;
		// calculate width of treeview
		if (needWidth && TreeView_GetItemRect(_hWndTree, pti->Hti(), &rc, TRUE) && rc.right > *needWidth)
			*needWidth = (WORD)rc.right;
	return tvii.itemex.hItem;
Esempio n. 2
 * name:	SaveState
 * class:	CPsTree
 * desc:	saves the current tree to database
 * param:	none
 * return:	nothing
void CPsTree::SaveState()
	CPsTreeItem *pti = CurrentItem();

		SHORT i;
		int iItem = 0;

		// save all visible items
		WORD numErrors = SaveItemsState(TREE_ROOTITEM, TVGN_ROOT, iItem);

		// save all invisible items of the current subtree
		for (i = 0; i < _numItems; i++) {
			if (!_pItems[i]->Hti()) {
				LPSTR pszGroup;

				if (!IsIndexValid(_pItems[i]->Parent()) || !(pszGroup = _pItems[_pItems[i]->Parent()]->Name()))
					pszGroup = TREE_ROOTITEM;
				numErrors += _pItems[i]->DBSaveItemState(pszGroup, iItem++, DBTVIS_INVISIBLE, _dwFlags);
		// remove changed flags

	// save current selected item
	if (pti) db_set_utf(NULL, MODNAME, SET_LASTITEM, pti->Name());
	else db_unset(NULL, MODNAME, SET_LASTITEM);
Esempio n. 3
	bool CCodeAnalysis::IsAddrValid(UINT32 addr)
		unsigned index;
		if (!analyser->GetIndexOfAddr(addr, index))
			return false;
		return IsIndexValid(index);
Esempio n. 4
	void Lights::SetLightAttenStartAndEnd(int index, float start, float end)
			m_startAndEndAtten[index].x_ = start;
			m_startAndEndAtten[index].y_ = end;
Esempio n. 5
 * name:	HideItem
 * class:	CPsTree
 * desc:	is called if icolib's icons have changed
 * param:	iPageIndex	- the index of the treeitem in the array.
 * return:	nothing
void CPsTree::HideItem(const int iPageIndex)
	if (IsIndexValid(iPageIndex)) 
		TreeView_DeleteItem(_hWndTree, _pItems[iPageIndex]->Hti());
Esempio n. 6
	void Lights::SetLightSpotLight(int index, float radius, const Vector3Df& dir, float outAngle, float inAngle)
			m_radius[index] = radius;
			m_dir[index] = dir;
			m_angleInnerCone[index] = cos(DegreesToRadians(inAngle));
			m_angleOuterCone[index] = cos(DegreesToRadians(outAngle));
Esempio n. 7
	void Lights::SetLightPoint(int index, float radius)
			m_radius[index] = radius;
			m_dir[index] = Vector3Df();
			m_angleInnerCone[index] = 0.0f;
			m_angleOuterCone[index] = 0.0f;
Esempio n. 8
	bool CCodeAnalysis::GetNextValidIndex(unsigned &index)
		if (IsIndexValid(index))
			return true;
		set<unsigned>::iterator it = validIndexSet.lower_bound(index);
		if (it == validIndexSet.end())
			return false;
		index = *it;
		return true;
Esempio n. 9
	bool CCodeAnalysis::GetNextValidAddr(UINT32 &addr)
		unsigned index;
		if (!analyser->GetIndexOfAddr(addr, index))
			return false;
		if (IsIndexValid(index))
			return true;
		set<unsigned>::iterator it = validIndexSet.lower_bound(index);
		if (it == validIndexSet.end())
			return false;
		return analyser->GetAddrOfIndex(*it, addr);