Esempio n. 1
 *  Should software C1e be enabled
 * @param[in]    PlatformConfig     Contains the runtime modifiable feature input data.
 * @param[in]    StdHeader          Config Handle for library, services.
 * @retval       TRUE               SW C1e is supported.
 * @retval       FALSE              SW C1e not supported.
IsSwC1eFeatureEnabled (
  IN       PLATFORM_CONFIGURATION *PlatformConfig,
  IN       AMD_CONFIG_PARAMS      *StdHeader
  BOOLEAN                IsEnabled;
  AP_MAILBOXES           ApMailboxes;
  SW_C1E_FAMILY_SERVICES *SwFamilyServices;

  ASSERT (PlatformConfig->C1eMode < MaxC1eMode);
  IsEnabled = FALSE;
  // Check whether software C1e is enabled only if hardware C1e is not supported or if the platform specifically
  // uses C1eModeSoftwareDeprecated.
  if ((PlatformConfig->C1eMode == C1eModeSoftwareDeprecated) ||
     ((PlatformConfig->C1eMode == C1eModeHardwareSoftwareDeprecated) && (!IsFeatureEnabled (HardwareC1e, PlatformConfig, StdHeader)))) {
    ASSERT ((PlatformConfig->C1ePlatformData1 < 0x10000) && (PlatformConfig->C1ePlatformData1 != 0));
    ASSERT (PlatformConfig->C1ePlatformData2 < 0x100);
    if ((PlatformConfig->C1ePlatformData1 != 0) && (PlatformConfig->C1ePlatformData1 < 0xFFFE) && (PlatformConfig->C1ePlatformData2 < 0xFF)) {
      if (!IsNonCoherentHt1 (StdHeader)) {
        if (GetNumberOfProcessors (StdHeader) == 1) {
          GetApMailbox (&ApMailboxes.ApMailInfo.Info, StdHeader);
          if (ApMailboxes.ApMailInfo.Fields.ModuleType == 0) {
            GetFeatureServicesOfCurrentCore (&SwC1eFamilyServiceTable, &SwFamilyServices, StdHeader);
            if (SwFamilyServices != NULL) {
              IsEnabled = SwFamilyServices->IsSwC1eSupported (SwFamilyServices, StdHeader);
  return IsEnabled;
Esempio n. 2
 *  Should message-based C1e be enabled
 * @param[in]    PlatformConfig     Contains the runtime modifiable feature input data.
 * @param[in]    StdHeader          Config Handle for library, services.
 * @retval       TRUE               Message-based C1e is supported.
 * @retval       FALSE              Message-based C1e cannot be enabled.
IsMsgBasedC1eFeatureEnabled (
  IN       PLATFORM_CONFIGURATION *PlatformConfig,
  IN       AMD_CONFIG_PARAMS      *StdHeader
  BOOLEAN          IsEnabled;
  UINT32           Socket;

  ASSERT (PlatformConfig->C1eMode < MaxC1eMode);

  IsEnabled = FALSE;
  if ((PlatformConfig->C1eMode == C1eModeMsgBased) || (PlatformConfig->C1eMode == C1eModeAuto)) {
    ASSERT (PlatformConfig->C1ePlatformData < 0x10000);
    ASSERT (PlatformConfig->C1ePlatformData != 0);
    if ((PlatformConfig->C1ePlatformData != 0) && (PlatformConfig->C1ePlatformData < 0xFFFE)) {
      IsEnabled = TRUE;
      if (IsNonCoherentHt1 (StdHeader)) {
        IsEnabled = FALSE;
      } else {
        for (Socket = 0; Socket < GetPlatformNumberOfSockets (); Socket++) {
          if (IsProcessorPresent (Socket, StdHeader)) {
            GetFeatureServicesOfSocket (&MsgBasedC1eFamilyServiceTable, Socket, (const VOID **)&FamilyServices, StdHeader);
            if ((FamilyServices == NULL) || !FamilyServices->IsMsgBasedC1eSupported (FamilyServices, Socket, StdHeader)) {
              IsEnabled = FALSE;
  return IsEnabled;