Esempio n. 1
BOOL CEDClients::OnAccept(CConnection* pConnection)
	if ( ! Network.IsConnected() || ( Settings.Connection.RequireForTransfers && ! Settings.eDonkey.Enabled ) )
		theApp.Message( MSG_ERROR, IDS_ED2K_CLIENT_DISABLED, (LPCTSTR)pConnection->m_sAddress );
		return FALSE;

	CSingleLock oTransfersLock( &Transfers.m_pSection );
	if ( ! oTransfersLock.Lock( 250 ) )
		theApp.Message( MSG_DEBUG, _T("Rejecting ed2k connection from %s, network core overloaded."),
			(LPCTSTR)pConnection->m_sAddress );			// protocolNames[ PROTOCOL_ED2K ]
		return FALSE;

	CSingleLock oEDClientsLock( &m_pSection );
	if ( ! oEDClientsLock.Lock( 250 ) )
		theApp.Message( MSG_DEBUG, _T("Rejecting ed2k connection from %s, network core overloaded."),
			(LPCTSTR)pConnection->m_sAddress );			// protocolNames[ PROTOCOL_ED2K ]
		return FALSE;

	if ( IsFull() )
		// Even if we're full, we still need to accept connections from clients we have queued, etc
		if ( ( GetByIP( &pConnection->m_pHost.sin_addr ) == NULL ) || ( IsOverloaded() ) )
			theApp.Message( MSG_DEBUG, _T("Rejecting ed2k connection from %s, max client connections reached."),
				(LPCTSTR)pConnection->m_sAddress );		// protocolNames[ PROTOCOL_ED2K ]
			return FALSE;
			theApp.Message( MSG_DEBUG, _T("Accepting ed2k connection from %s despite client connection limit."),
				(LPCTSTR)pConnection->m_sAddress );		// protocolNames[ PROTOCOL_ED2K ]

	if ( CEDClient* pClient = new CEDClient() )
		pClient->AttachTo( pConnection );
		return TRUE;

	return FALSE;
Esempio n. 2
BOOL CEDClients::OnAccept(CConnection* pConnection)
	ASSERT( pConnection != NULL );
	if ( Settings.Connection.RequireForTransfers && ! Settings.eDonkey.EnableToday )
			(LPCTSTR)pConnection->m_sAddress );
		return FALSE;
	CSingleLock pLock( &Transfers.m_pSection );
	if ( ! pLock.Lock( 250 ) ) return FALSE;

	if ( IsFull() )
		// Even if we're full, we still need to accept connections from clients we have queued, etc
		if ( ( GetByIP( &pConnection->m_pHost.sin_addr ) == NULL ) || ( IsOverloaded() ) )
			theApp.Message( MSG_DEBUG, _T("Rejecting ed2k connection from %s, max client connections reached."),
				(LPCTSTR)pConnection->m_sAddress );
			return FALSE;
			theApp.Message( MSG_DEBUG, _T("Accepting ed2k connection from %s despite client connection limit."),
				(LPCTSTR)pConnection->m_sAddress );

	CEDClient* pClient = new CEDClient();
	pClient->AttachTo( pConnection );
	return TRUE;