Esempio n. 1
void CClientCheckpoint::ReCreateWithSameIdentifier ( void )
    // Recreate if we're streamed in and visible
    if ( IsStreamedIn () && m_bVisible )
        Destroy ();
        Create ( m_dwIdentifier );
Esempio n. 2
void CClientCheckpoint::ReCreate ( void )
    // Recreate if we're streamed in and visible
    if ( IsStreamedIn () && m_bVisible )
        Destroy ();
        Create ();
Esempio n. 3
void CObject::SetPosition(const CVector3& vecPosition)
	// Are we spawned?
		Scripting::SetObjectCoordinates(m_uiObjectHandle, vecPosition.fX, vecPosition.fY, vecPosition.fZ);
		Scripting::AddObjectToInteriorRoomByKey(m_uiObjectHandle, (Scripting::eInteriorRoomKey)g_pClient->GetLocalPlayer()->GetInterior());

	m_vecPosition = vecPosition;
Esempio n. 4
void CPickup::SetRotation(const CVector3& vecRotation)
	m_vecRotation = vecRotation;

	// Are we streamed in?
		// Stream ourselves out and back in
Esempio n. 5
void CPickup::SetValue(unsigned int uiValue)
	m_uiValue = uiValue;

	// Are we streamed in?
		// Stream ourselves out and back in
Esempio n. 6
void CClientPickup::SetVisible ( bool bVisible )
    // Only update visible state if we're streamed in
    if ( IsStreamedIn () )
        if ( bVisible ) Create ();
        else Destroy ();

    // Update the flag
    m_bVisible = bVisible;
Esempio n. 7
void CClientMarker::StreamOut ( void )
    // Streamed in?
    if ( IsStreamedIn ( ) )
        // Decrement streamed in counter

        // Stream the marker out
        m_pMarker->StreamOut ();
Esempio n. 8
void CClientMarker::StreamIn ( bool bInstantly )
    // Not already streamed in?
    if ( !IsStreamedIn ( ) )
        // Stream the marker in
        m_pMarker->StreamIn ();

        // Increment streamed in counter

        // Tell the streamer we've created this object
        NotifyCreate ();
Esempio n. 9
void CClientCheckpoint::SetVisible ( bool bVisible )
    // If we're streamed in, create/destroy as we're getting visible/invisible
    if ( IsStreamedIn () )
        if ( !bVisible && m_bVisible )
            Destroy ();
        else if ( bVisible && !m_bVisible )
            Create ();

    // Set the new visible state
    m_bVisible = bVisible;
Esempio n. 10
void CClientCorona::DoPulse ( void )
    CRegisteredCorona* pCorona = m_pCoronas->CreateCorona ( m_ulIdentifier, &m_Matrix.vPos );
    if ( !pCorona )

    if ( IsStreamedIn () && m_bVisible )
        SColor color = GetColor ();
        if ( m_pThis->GetInterior () != g_pGame->GetWorld ()->GetCurrentArea () )
            color.A = 0;
        pCorona->SetColor ( color.R, color.G, color.B, color.A );
        pCorona->SetSize ( m_fSize );
        pCorona->Disable ();
Esempio n. 11
void CClientMarker::SetMarkerType ( CClientMarker::eMarkerType eType )
    // Different from current type?
    eMarkerType eCurrentType = GetMarkerType ();
    if ( eCurrentType != eType )
        // Current type is a checkpoint and new type is a ring?
        if ( eCurrentType == MARKER_CHECKPOINT && eType == MARKER_RING )
            // Just change the type
            static_cast < CClientCheckpoint* > ( m_pMarker ) ->SetCheckpointType ( CClientCheckpoint::TYPE_RING );

        // Or current type is a ring and new type is a checkpoint?
        if ( eCurrentType == MARKER_RING && eType == MARKER_CHECKPOINT )
            // Just change the type
            static_cast < CClientCheckpoint* > ( m_pMarker ) ->SetCheckpointType ( CClientCheckpoint::TYPE_NORMAL );

        // Current type is a cylinder and new type is an arrow
        if ( eCurrentType == MARKER_CYLINDER && eType == MARKER_ARROW )
            // Just change the type
            static_cast < CClient3DMarker* > ( m_pMarker ) ->Set3DMarkerType ( CClient3DMarker::TYPE_ARROW );

        // Current type is an arrow and new type is an cylinder
        if ( eCurrentType == MARKER_ARROW && eType == MARKER_CYLINDER )
            // Just change the type
            static_cast < CClient3DMarker* > ( m_pMarker ) ->Set3DMarkerType ( CClient3DMarker::TYPE_CYLINDER );

        // No easy way of changing the type. Different classes. Remember position and color and recreate it.
        CVector vecPosition;
        m_pMarker->GetPosition ( vecPosition );
        bool bVisible = m_pMarker->IsVisible ();
        float fSize = m_pMarker->GetSize ();
        SColor color = m_pMarker->GetColor ();
        bool bStreamedIn = IsStreamedIn ();

        // Destroy the old.
        delete m_pMarker;
        m_pMarker = NULL;

        // Create a new one of the correct type
        CreateOfType ( eType );

        // Set the properties back
        SetPosition ( vecPosition );
        SetSize ( fSize );
        SetColor ( color );
        SetVisible ( bVisible );

        // Stream it in if it was streamed in
        if ( bStreamedIn )
            m_pMarker->StreamIn ();