Esempio n. 1
wxString wxWidgetsGUI::GetAppClassName(const wxString& Source,wxsCodingLang Lang)
    switch ( Lang )
    case wxsCPP:
        // Doing some trick - searching for IMPLEMENT_APP macro followed
        // by '(' and class name - here we can fetch name of application class
        int Pos = Source.Find(_T("IMPLEMENT_APP"));
        if ( Pos<0 ) return wxEmptyString;
        Pos += 13;// strlen("IMPLEMENT_APP")
        while ( IsWhite(Source,Pos) ) Pos++;
        if ( Pos >= (int)Source.Length() ) return wxEmptyString;
        if ( Source[Pos++] != _T('(') ) return wxEmptyString;
        while ( IsWhite(Source,Pos) ) Pos++;
        wxString ClassName;
        static const wxString AllowedChars(_T("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789_"));
        while ( (Pos < (int)Source.Length()) && (AllowedChars.Find(Source[Pos])>=0) )
            ClassName += Source[Pos];
        while ( IsWhite(Source,Pos) ) Pos++;
        if ( Pos >= (int)Source.Length() ) return wxEmptyString;
        if ( Source[Pos] != _T(')') ) return wxEmptyString;
        return ClassName;
    return wxEmptyString;
Esempio n. 2
WORD  NoSpaces ( void )
	BYTE   lineptr    = 0;

	for (;IsWhite(line[lineptr]); lineptr++);
	strcpy (line, line+lineptr);
	for (;(strlen(line)>0) && IsWhite(line[strlen(line)-1]); line[strlen(line)-1]=0);
	strupr (line);
Esempio n. 3
/* #508936 - CSS class naming for -clean option */
Bool ParseCSS1Selector( TidyDocImpl* doc, const TidyOptionImpl* option )
    char buf[256] = {0};
    uint i = 0;
    uint c = SkipWhite( &doc->config );

    while ( i < sizeof(buf)-2 && c != EndOfStream && !IsWhite(c) )
        buf[i++] = (tmbchar) c;
        c = AdvanceChar( &doc->config );
    buf[i] = '\0';

    if ( i == 0 || !IsCSS1Selector(buf) ) {
        ReportBadArgument( doc, option->name );
        return no;

    buf[i++] = '-';  /* Make sure any escaped Unicode is terminated */
    buf[i] = 0;      /* so valid class names are generated after */
                     /* Tidy appends last digits. */

    SetOptionValue( doc, option->id, buf );
    return yes;
Esempio n. 4
void cParsing::GetToken(OUT char * _out)
	int nReadCount = 0;

	while (true)
		char c = fgetc(m_fp);

		if (feof(m_fp)) break;

		if (IsWhite(c))
			if (nReadCount == 0)
		m_szToken[nReadCount++] = c;

	if (_out && nReadCount == 0)
		strcpy_s(_out, strlen("\0"),"\0");
	m_szToken[nReadCount] = '\0';
	m_length = strlen(m_szToken);

		strcpy_s(_out, m_length, m_szToken);
Esempio n. 5
File: GText.cpp Progetto: FEI17N/Lgi
void TextView::OnEnter(GKey &K)
	OnMoveCursor(1, 0, TRUE);
	if (bAutoIndent)
		GCursor S = User;

		char *c = S;
		int Len = 0;
		while (IsWhite(*c) AND Len < S.LineLength())

		if (Len > 0)
			OnInsertText(S, Len);
			OnMoveCursor(Len, 0, TRUE);
Esempio n. 6
Bool ParseRepeatAttr( TidyDocImpl* doc, const TidyOptionImpl* option )
    Bool status = yes;
    tmbchar buf[64] = {0};
    uint i = 0;

    TidyConfigImpl* cfg = &doc->config;
    tchar c = SkipWhite( cfg );

    while (i < sizeof(buf)-1 && c != EndOfStream && !IsWhite(c))
        buf[i++] = (tmbchar) c;
        c = AdvanceChar( cfg );
    buf[i] = '\0';

    if ( tmbstrcasecmp(buf, "keep-first") == 0 )
        cfg->value[ TidyDuplicateAttrs ].v = TidyKeepFirst;
    else if ( tmbstrcasecmp(buf, "keep-last") == 0 )
        cfg->value[ TidyDuplicateAttrs ].v = TidyKeepLast;
        ReportBadArgument( doc, option->name );
        status = no;
    return status;
Esempio n. 7
/* cr, lf or crlf */
Bool ParseNewline( TidyDocImpl* doc, const TidyOptionImpl* entry )
    int nl = -1;
    tmbchar work[ 16 ] = {0};
    tmbstr cp = work, end = work + sizeof(work);
    TidyConfigImpl* cfg = &doc->config;
    tchar c = SkipWhite( cfg );

    while ( c!=EndOfStream && cp < end && !IsWhite(c) && c != '\r' && c != '\n' )
        *cp++ = (tmbchar) c;
        c = AdvanceChar( cfg );
    *cp = 0;

    if ( tmbstrcasecmp(work, "lf") == 0 )
        nl = TidyLF;
    else if ( tmbstrcasecmp(work, "crlf") == 0 )
        nl = TidyCRLF;
    else if ( tmbstrcasecmp(work, "cr") == 0 )
        nl = TidyCR;

    if ( nl < TidyLF || nl > TidyCR )
        ReportBadArgument( doc, entry->name );
        SetOptionInt( doc, entry->id, nl );
    return ( nl >= TidyLF && nl <= TidyCR );
Esempio n. 8
Bool ParseCharEnc( TidyDocImpl* doc, const TidyOptionImpl* option )
    tmbchar buf[64] = {0};
    uint i = 0;
    int enc = ASCII;
    Bool validEncoding = yes;
    tchar c = SkipWhite( &doc->config );

    while ( i < sizeof(buf)-2 && c != EndOfStream && !IsWhite(c) )
        buf[i++] = (tmbchar) ToLower( c );
        c = AdvanceChar( &doc->config );
    buf[i] = 0;

    enc = CharEncodingId( buf );

    /* limit support to --input-encoding */
    if (option->id != TidyInCharEncoding && enc > WIN32MLANG)
        enc = -1;

    if ( enc < 0 )
        validEncoding = no;
        ReportBadArgument( doc, option->name );
        SetOptionInt( doc, option->id, enc );

    if ( validEncoding && option->id == TidyCharEncoding )
        AdjustCharEncoding( doc, enc );
    return validEncoding;
Esempio n. 9
void StorageBase::AddedToContainer(Object const &container)
    if (container.GetHandle() == GetHandle())
        KAI_THROW_1(InternalError, "Can't add a container to itself");

    if (IsWhite())
std::vector<int> Chessboard::GetFeature(int color) {
    std::vector<int> feature;
    for (int i = 0; i < BOARDSIZE; ++i)
        for (int j = 0; j < BOARDSIZE; ++j) {
            feature.push_back(color == BLACK ? IsBlack(i, j) : IsWhite(i, j));
            feature.push_back(color == WHITE ? IsWhite(i, j) : IsBlack(i, j));
            feature.push_back(IsEmpty(i, j));
            feature.push_back(CountOpenThree(i, j, color));
            feature.push_back(CountSimpleThree(i, j, color));
            feature.push_back(CountOpenFour(i, j, color));
            feature.push_back(CountSimpleFour(i, j, color));
            feature.push_back(CountOpenTwo(i, j, color));
            feature.push_back(IsFive(i, j, color));
            feature.push_back(CountOpenThree(i, j, color ^ 1));
            feature.push_back(CountSimpleThree(i, j, color ^ 1));
            feature.push_back(CountOpenFour(i, j, color ^ 1));
            feature.push_back(CountSimpleFour(i, j, color ^ 1));
            feature.push_back(CountOpenTwo(i, j, color ^ 1));
            feature.push_back(IsFive(i, j, color ^ 1));
    return feature;
Esempio n. 11
Bool nodeHasText( TidyDocImpl* doc, Node* node )
  if ( doc && node )
    uint ix;
    Lexer* lexer = doc->lexer;
    for ( ix = node->start; ix < node->end; ++ix )
        /* whitespace */
        if ( !IsWhite( lexer->lexbuf[ix] ) )
            return yes;
  return no;
Esempio n. 12
   doctype: omit | auto | strict | loose | <fpi>

   where the fpi is a string similar to

      "-//ACME//DTD HTML 3.14159//EN"
Bool ParseDocType( TidyDocImpl* doc, const TidyOptionImpl* option )
    tmbchar buf[ 32 ] = {0};
    uint i = 0;
    Bool status = yes;
    TidyDoctypeModes dtmode = TidyDoctypeAuto;

    TidyConfigImpl* cfg = &doc->config;
    tchar c = SkipWhite( cfg );

    /* "-//ACME//DTD HTML 3.14159//EN" or similar */

    if ( c == '"' || c == '\'' )
        status = ParseString(doc, option);
        if (status)
            SetOptionInt( doc, TidyDoctypeMode, TidyDoctypeUser );

        return status;

    /* read first word */
    while ( i < sizeof(buf)-1 && c != EndOfStream && !IsWhite(c) )
        buf[i++] = (tmbchar) c;
        c = AdvanceChar( cfg );
    buf[i] = '\0';

    if ( tmbstrcasecmp(buf, "auto") == 0 )
        dtmode = TidyDoctypeAuto;
    else if ( tmbstrcasecmp(buf, "omit") == 0 )
        dtmode = TidyDoctypeOmit;
    else if ( tmbstrcasecmp(buf, "strict") == 0 )
        dtmode = TidyDoctypeStrict;
    else if ( tmbstrcasecmp(buf, "loose") == 0 ||
              tmbstrcasecmp(buf, "transitional") == 0 )
        dtmode = TidyDoctypeLoose;
        ReportBadArgument( doc, option->name );
        status = no;
    if ( status )
        SetOptionInt( doc, TidyDoctypeMode, dtmode );
    return status;
Esempio n. 13
/* a string excluding whitespace */
Bool ParseName( TidyDocImpl* doc, const TidyOptionImpl* option )
    tmbchar buf[ 1024 ] = {0};
    uint i = 0;
    uint c = SkipWhite( &doc->config );

    while ( i < sizeof(buf)-2 && c != EndOfStream && !IsWhite(c) )
        buf[i++] = (tmbchar) c;
        c = AdvanceChar( &doc->config );
    buf[i] = 0;

    if ( i == 0 )
        ReportBadArgument( doc, option->name );
        SetOptionValue( doc, option->id, buf );
    return ( i > 0 );
Esempio n. 14
 skip over line continuations
 to start of next property
static uint NextProperty( TidyConfigImpl* config )
        /* skip to end of line */
        while ( config->c != '\n' &&  config->c != '\r' &&  config->c != EndOfStream )
             config->c = GetC( config );

        /* treat  \r\n   \r  or  \n as line ends */
        if ( config->c == '\r' )
             config->c = GetC( config );

        if ( config->c == '\n' )
            config->c = GetC( config );
    while ( IsWhite(config->c) );  /* line continuation? */

    return config->c;
Esempio n. 15
Bool ParseString( TidyDocImpl* doc, const TidyOptionImpl* option )
    TidyConfigImpl* cfg = &doc->config;
    tmbchar buf[8192];
    uint i = 0;
    tchar delim = 0;
    Bool waswhite = yes;

    tchar c = SkipWhite( cfg );

    if ( c == '"' || c == '\'' )
        delim = c;
        c = AdvanceChar( cfg );

    while ( i < sizeof(buf)-2 && c != EndOfStream && c != '\r' && c != '\n' )
        if ( delim && c == delim )

        if ( IsWhite(c) )
            if ( waswhite )
                c = AdvanceChar( cfg );
            c = ' ';
            waswhite = no;

        buf[i++] = (tmbchar) c;
        c = AdvanceChar( cfg );
    buf[i] = '\0';

    SetOptionValue( doc, option->id, buf );
    return yes;
char* AseLoader::GetToken()
	int readCount = 0;
	bool isQuote = false;

		char c = fgetc(filePointer);
		if (feof(filePointer)) break;
		if( c == '\"' )
			if (isQuote)

			isQuote = true;

		if(!isQuote && IsWhite(c))
			if ( readCount == 0 )

		token[readCount++] = c;

	if ( readCount == 0 )
		return nullptr;

	token[readCount] = '\0';

	return token;
Esempio n. 17
void PyrGC::ScanFrames()
	VMGlobals *g = mVMGlobals;
	PyrFrame* frame = g->frame;
	while (frame) {
#if 1
		// this is more incremental
		if (IsWhite(frame)) {
		// this is more efficient
		if (!IsBlack(frame)) {
			int32 size = ScanSize(frame);
			PyrSlot *slots = ((PyrObject*)frame)->slots;
			ScanSlots(slots, size);
		frame = slotRawFrame(&frame->caller);
Esempio n. 18
void TwitterTask::Entry(TaskServer &server, const std::atomic<bool> &cancel)
	// 初回実行時のみ
	// 自分の最後のツイート以降でフィルタする
	if (m_since_id == 0) {
		m_since_id = GetInitialSinceId();
		logger.Log(LogLevel::Info, "Initial since_id: %" PRIu64, m_since_id);

	// ホームタイムラインを取得
	auto twitter = system::Get().twitter;
	auto json = twitter.Statuses_HomeTimeline({
		{"since_id", std::to_string(m_since_id)},
		{"count", "200"}});

	auto log_tweet = [](const json11::Json &status, std::time_t timestamp) {
		logger.Log(LogLevel::Info, "id=%s time=%s local=%s screen=%s name=%s",
		logger.Log(LogLevel::Info, "%s", status["text"].string_value().c_str());

	for (const auto &status : json.array_items()) {
		// ID
		uint64_t id = util::to_uint64(status["id_str"].string_value());
		// ローカルタイムに変換
		std::time_t timestamp = util::StrToTimeTwitter(
		struct tm local;
		::localtime_r(&timestamp, &local);

		// 自分のツイートには反応しない
		if (util::to_uint64(status["id_str"].string_value()) == twitter.MyId()) {
		// リツイートには反応しない
		if (!status["retweeted_status"].is_null()) {
		if (IsWhite(status)) {
			logger.Log(LogLevel::Info, "Find White");
			log_tweet(status, timestamp);

			std::string msg = u8"@";
			msg += status["user"]["screen_name"].string_value();
			msg += ' ';
			msg += u8"ホワイト!";
			twitter.Tweet(msg, status["id_str"].string_value());

			m_since_id = std::max(id, m_since_id);
		if (IsBlack(status)) {
			logger.Log(LogLevel::Info, "Find Black");
			log_tweet(status, timestamp);

			std::string msg = u8"@";
			msg += status["user"]["screen_name"].string_value();
			msg += ' ';
			msg += u8"ブラック";
			twitter.Tweet(msg, status["id_str"].string_value());

			m_since_id = std::max(id, m_since_id);
Esempio n. 19
/* skip over leading white space */
void SkipWhite(void)
    while(IsWhite(Look)) {
Esempio n. 20
static tchar SkipWhite( TidyConfigImpl* config )
    while ( IsWhite(config->c) && !IsNewline(config->c) )
        config->c = GetC( config );
    return config->c;
Esempio n. 21
void SkipWhite(){
    while(IsWhite(Look)) GetChar();   
Esempio n. 22
inline bool StoneBoard::IsOccupied(HexPoint cell) const
    return (IsBlack(cell) || IsWhite(cell));
Esempio n. 23
inline bool wxWidgetsGUI::IsWhite(const wxString& Str,int Pos)
    if ( Pos>=(int)Str.Length() ) return false;
    return IsWhite(Str[Pos]);
Esempio n. 24
/* open the file and parse its contents
int ParseConfigFileEnc( TidyDocImpl* doc, ctmbstr file, ctmbstr charenc )
    uint opterrs = doc->optionErrors;
    tmbstr fname = (tmbstr) ExpandTilde( file );
    TidyConfigImpl* cfg = &doc->config;
    FILE* fin = fopen( fname, "r" );
    int enc = CharEncodingId( charenc );

    if ( fin == NULL || enc < 0 )
        FileError( doc, fname, TidyConfig );
        return -1;
        tchar c;
        cfg->cfgIn = FileInput( doc, fin, enc );
        c = FirstChar( cfg );
        for ( c = SkipWhite(cfg); c != EndOfStream; c = NextProperty(cfg) )
            uint ix = 0;
            tmbchar name[ TIDY_MAX_NAME ] = {0};

            /* // or # start a comment */
            if ( c == '/' || c == '#' )

            while ( ix < sizeof(name)-1 && c != '\n' && c != EndOfStream && c != ':' )
                name[ ix++ ] = (tmbchar) c;  /* Option names all ASCII */
                c = AdvanceChar( cfg );

            if ( c == ':' )
                const TidyOptionImpl* option = lookupOption( name );
                c = AdvanceChar( cfg );
                if ( option )
                    option->parser( doc, option );
                    if (NULL != doc->pOptCallback)
                        TidyConfigImpl* cfg = &doc->config;
                        tmbchar buf[8192];
                        uint i = 0;
                        tchar delim = 0;
                        Bool waswhite = yes;

                        tchar c = SkipWhite( cfg );

                        if ( c == '"' || c == '\'' )
                            delim = c;
                            c = AdvanceChar( cfg );

                        while ( i < sizeof(buf)-2 && c != EndOfStream && c != '\r' && c != '\n' )
                            if ( delim && c == delim )

                            if ( IsWhite(c) )
                                if ( waswhite )
                                    c = AdvanceChar( cfg );
                                c = ' ';
                                waswhite = no;

                            buf[i++] = (tmbchar) c;
                            c = AdvanceChar( cfg );
                        buf[i] = '\0';
                        if (no == (*doc->pOptCallback)( name, buf ))
                            ReportUnknownOption( doc, name );
                        ReportUnknownOption( doc, name );

        fclose( fin );
        MemFree( (void *)cfg->cfgIn->source.sourceData ); /* fix for bug #810259 */
        freeStreamIn( cfg->cfgIn );
        cfg->cfgIn = NULL;

    if ( fname != (tmbstr) file )
        MemFree( fname );

    AdjustConfig( doc );

    /* any new config errors? If so, return warning status. */
    return (doc->optionErrors > opterrs ? 1 : 0); 
Esempio n. 25
bool wxWidgetsGUI::AddSmithToApp(const wxString& RelativeFileName,wxsCodingLang Lang)
    if ( !IsAppSourceManaged(RelativeFileName,Lang) )
        wxString FullPath = GetProjectPath()+RelativeFileName;
        // Need to create some extra blocks of code.
        wxFontEncoding Encoding;
        bool UseBOM;
        wxString Source = wxsCoder::Get()->GetFullCode(FullPath,Encoding,UseBOM);
        if ( Source.empty() ) return false;

        switch ( Lang )
        case wxsCPP:
            // First thing we need is to add new includes section
            // It is added right before IMPLEMENT_APP() macro
            int Pos = Source.Find(_T("IMPLEMENT_APP"));
            while ( Pos>0 && Source[Pos]!=_T('\n') ) Pos--;
            if ( Pos>0 ) Pos++;

            // TODO: Get valid EOL mode
                          wxsCodeMarks::Beg(wxsCPP,_T("AppHeaders")) + _T("\n") +
                          wxsCodeMarks::End(wxsCPP) + _T("\n\n"));

            wxString ClassName = GetAppClassName(Source,wxsCPP);
            if ( ClassName.empty() ) return false;

            // Searching for ::OnInit member
            wxString SourceCpy = Source;
            Pos = 0;
            while ( !SourceCpy.empty() )
                int ClassPos = SourceCpy.Find(ClassName);
                if ( ClassPos<0 ) return false;
                ClassPos += ClassName.Length();
                Pos += ClassPos;
                int MemberPos = 0;
                while ( IsWhite(SourceCpy,MemberPos) ) MemberPos++;
                if ( MemberPos+1>=(int)(SourceCpy.Length()) ) continue;
                if ( SourceCpy[MemberPos]!=_T(':') && SourceCpy[MemberPos+1]!=_T(':') ) continue;
                while ( IsWhite(SourceCpy,MemberPos) ) MemberPos++;
                if ( SourceCpy.Mid(MemberPos,6) != _T("OnInit") ) continue;
                MemberPos += 6;
                while ( IsWhite(SourceCpy,MemberPos) ) MemberPos++;
                if ( !Match(SourceCpy,MemberPos,_T('(')) ) continue;
                while ( IsWhite(SourceCpy,MemberPos) ) MemberPos++;
                if ( !Match(SourceCpy,MemberPos,_T(')')) ) continue;
                while ( IsWhite(SourceCpy,MemberPos) ) MemberPos++;
                if ( !Match(SourceCpy,MemberPos,_T('{')) ) continue;
                // Ok, we're at function beginning, calculating indentation of {
                Pos += MemberPos;

            if ( SourceCpy.empty() ) return false;

            // Calculating indentation of source
            int IndentPos = Pos;
            while ( IndentPos>0 && Source[IndentPos-1]!=_T('\n') && Source[IndentPos-1]!='\r' ) IndentPos--;
            wxString Indent;
            while ( IndentPos<Pos && (Source[IndentPos]==_T(' ') || Source[IndentPos]==_T('\t')) ) Indent += Source[IndentPos++];

            // Inserting AppInitializeBlock
            Source = Source(0,Pos) +
                     _T("\n") +
                     Indent + wxsCodeMarks::Beg(wxsCPP,_T("AppInitialize")) + _T("\n") +
                     Indent + wxsCodeMarks::End(wxsCPP) + _T("\n") +
                     Indent + _T("return wxsOK;\n") +
                     + Source.Mid(Pos);

            // Writing new source back to files / editor

    // Applying default configuration
    m_AppFile = RelativeFileName;
    m_CallInitAll = true;
    m_CallInitAllNecessary = true;
    m_AppLanguage = Lang;
    return true;
Esempio n. 26
/* a space or comma separated list of tag names */
Bool ParseTagNames( TidyDocImpl* doc, const TidyOptionImpl* option )
    TidyConfigImpl* cfg = &doc->config;
    tmbchar buf[1024];
    uint i = 0, nTags = 0;
    uint c = SkipWhite( cfg );
    UserTagType ttyp = tagtype_null;

    switch ( option->id )
    case TidyInlineTags:  ttyp = tagtype_inline;    break;
    case TidyBlockTags:   ttyp = tagtype_block;     break;
    case TidyEmptyTags:   ttyp = tagtype_empty;     break;
    case TidyPreTags:     ttyp = tagtype_pre;       break;
       ReportUnknownOption( doc, option->name );
       return no;

    SetOptionValue( doc, option->id, NULL );
    FreeDeclaredTags( doc, ttyp );
    cfg->defined_tags |= ttyp;

        if (c == ' ' || c == '\t' || c == ',')
            c = AdvanceChar( cfg );

        if ( c == '\r' || c == '\n' )
            uint c2 = AdvanceChar( cfg );
            if ( c == '\r' && c2 == '\n' )
                c = AdvanceChar( cfg );
                c = c2;

            if ( !IsWhite(c) )
                buf[i] = 0;
                UngetChar( c, cfg->cfgIn );
                UngetChar( '\n', cfg->cfgIn );

        if ( c == '\n' )
            c = AdvanceChar( cfg );
            if ( !IsWhite(c) )
                buf[i] = 0;
                UngetChar( c, cfg->cfgIn );
                UngetChar( '\n', cfg->cfgIn );

        while ( i < sizeof(buf)-2 && c != EndOfStream && !IsWhite(c) && c != ',' )
            buf[i++] = (tmbchar) c;
            c = AdvanceChar( cfg );

        buf[i] = '\0';
        if (i == 0)          /* Skip empty tag definition.  Possible when */
            continue;        /* there is a trailing space on the line. */
        /* add tag to dictionary */
        DeclareUserTag( doc, option->id, ttyp, buf );
        i = 0;
    while ( c != EndOfStream );

    if ( i > 0 )
      DeclareUserTag( doc, option->id, ttyp, buf );
    return ( nTags > 0 );
Esempio n. 27
bool MmlParser::FeedChar(int ch)
	bool continueFlag;
	if ('a' <= ch && ch <= 'z') ch = ch - 'a' + 'A';
	do {
		continueFlag = false;
		if (_stat == STAT_Begin) {
			if (IsEOD(ch)) {
				// nothing to do
			} else if ('A' <= ch && ch <= 'G') {
				_operator = ch;
				_operatorSub = '\0';
				_numAccum = 0;
				_cntDot = 0;
				_stat = STAT_Note;
			} else if (ch == 'R') {
				_operator = ch;
				_numAccum = 0;
				_cntDot = 0;
				_stat = STAT_RestLengthPre;
			} else if (ch == '&') {
				_operator = ch;
			} else if (ch == 'O') {
				_operator = ch;
				_numAccum = 0;
				_stat = STAT_OctavePre;
			} else if (ch == '>') {
				_operator = ch;
				if (_octave < 255) _octave++;
			} else if (ch == '<') {
				_operator = ch;
				if (_octave > 0) _octave--;
			} else if (ch == 'L') {
				_operator = ch;
				_numAccum = 0;
				_cntDot = 0;
				_stat = STAT_LengthPre;
			} else if (ch == 'V') {
				_operator = ch;
				_numAccum = 0;
				_stat = STAT_VolumePre;
			} else if (ch == '@') {
				_operator = ch;
				_numAccum = 0;
				_stat = STAT_TonePre;
			} else if (ch == 'T') {
				_operator = ch;
				_numAccum = 0;
				_stat = STAT_TempoPre;
			} else {
				// nothing to do
		} else if (_stat == STAT_Note) {		// -------- Note --------
			if (ch == '#' || ch == '+' || ch == '-') {
				_operatorSub = ch;
				_stat = STAT_NoteLengthPre;
			} else if (IsDigit(ch)) {
				continueFlag = true;
				_stat = STAT_NoteLength;
			} else if (IsWhite(ch)) {
				// nothing to do
			} else {
				continueFlag = true;
				_stat = STAT_NoteFix;
		} else if (_stat == STAT_NoteLengthPre) {
			if (IsDigit(ch)) {
				continueFlag = true;
				_stat = STAT_NoteLength;
			} else if (IsWhite(ch)) {
				// nothing to do
			} else {
				continueFlag = true;
				_stat = STAT_NoteFix;
		} else if (_stat == STAT_NoteLength) {
			if (IsDigit(ch)) {
				_numAccum = _numAccum * 10 + (ch - '0');
			} else if (ch == '.') {
			} else {
				continueFlag = true;
				_stat = STAT_NoteFix;
		} else if (_stat == STAT_NoteFix) {
			static const unsigned char noteTbl[] = {
				9, 11, 0, 2, 4, 5, 7,
			unsigned char note = noteTbl[_operator - 'A'] + _octave * 12;
			if (_operatorSub == '#' || _operatorSub == '+') {
				if (note < 127) note++;
			} else if (_operatorSub == '-') {
				if (note > 0) note--;
			} else {
				// nothing to do
			int length = CalcLength(_numAccum, _cntDot, _lengthDefault);
			_handler.MmlNote(*this, note, length);
			continueFlag = true;
			_stat = STAT_Begin;
		} else if (_stat == STAT_RestLengthPre) {// -------- Rest --------
			if (IsDigit(ch)) {
				continueFlag = true;
				_stat = STAT_RestLength;
			} else if (IsWhite(ch)) {
				// nothing to do
			} else {
				continueFlag = true;
				_stat = STAT_RestFix;
		} else if (_stat == STAT_RestLength) {
			if (IsDigit(ch)) {
				_numAccum = _numAccum * 10 + (ch - '0');
			} else if (ch == '.') {
			} else {
				continueFlag = true;
				_stat = STAT_RestFix;
		} else if (_stat == STAT_RestFix) {
			int length = CalcLength(_numAccum, _cntDot, _lengthDefault);
			_handler.MmlRest(*this, length);
			continueFlag = true;
			_stat = STAT_Begin;
		} else if (_stat == STAT_OctavePre) {	// -------- Octave --------
			if (IsDigit(ch)) {
				continueFlag = true;
				_stat = STAT_Octave;
			} else if (IsWhite(ch)) {
				// nothing to do
			} else {
				continueFlag = true;
				_stat = STAT_OctaveFix;
		} else if (_stat == STAT_Octave) {
			if (IsDigit(ch)) {
				_numAccum = _numAccum * 10 + (ch - '0');
			} else {
				continueFlag = true;
				_stat = STAT_OctaveFix;
		} else if (_stat == STAT_OctaveFix) {
			_octave = _numAccum;
			continueFlag = true;
			_stat = STAT_Begin;
		} else if (_stat == STAT_LengthPre) {	// -------- Length --------
			if (IsDigit(ch)) {
				continueFlag = true;
				_stat = STAT_Length;
			} else if (IsWhite(ch)) {
				// nothing to do
			} else {
				continueFlag = true;
				_stat = STAT_LengthFix;
		} else if (_stat == STAT_Length) {
			if (IsDigit(ch)) {
				_numAccum = _numAccum * 10 + (ch - '0');
			} else if (ch == '.') {
			} else {
				continueFlag = true;
				_stat = STAT_LengthFix;
		} else if (_stat == STAT_LengthFix) {
			_lengthDefault = CalcLength(_numAccum, _cntDot, _lengthDefault);
			continueFlag = true;
			_stat = STAT_Begin;
		} else if (_stat == STAT_VolumePre) {	// -------- Volume --------
			if (IsDigit(ch)) {
				continueFlag = true;
				_stat = STAT_Volume;
			} else if (IsWhite(ch)) {
				// nothing to do
			} else {
				continueFlag = true;
				_stat = STAT_VolumeFix;
		} else if (_stat == STAT_Volume) {
			if (IsDigit(ch)) {
				_numAccum = _numAccum * 10 + (ch - '0');
			} else {
				continueFlag = true;
				_stat = STAT_VolumeFix;
		} else if (_stat == STAT_VolumeFix) {
			_volume = _numAccum;
			continueFlag = true;
			_stat = STAT_Begin;
		} else if (_stat == STAT_TonePre) {		// ------- Tone --------
			if (IsDigit(ch)) {
				continueFlag = true;
				_stat = STAT_Tone;
			} else if (IsWhite(ch)) {
				// nothing to do
			} else {
				continueFlag = true;
				_stat = STAT_ToneFix;
		} else if (_stat == STAT_Tone) {
			if (IsDigit(ch)) {
				_numAccum = _numAccum * 10 + (ch - '0');
			} else {
				continueFlag = true;
				_stat = STAT_ToneFix;
		} else if (_stat == STAT_ToneFix) {
			_tone = _numAccum;
			continueFlag = true;
			_stat = STAT_Begin;
		} else if (_stat == STAT_TempoPre) {	// -------- Tempo --------
			if (IsDigit(ch)) {
				continueFlag = true;
				_stat = STAT_Tempo;
			} else if (IsWhite(ch)) {
				// nothing to do
			} else {
				continueFlag = true;
				_stat = STAT_TempoFix;
		} else if (_stat == STAT_Tempo) {
			if (IsDigit(ch)) {
				_numAccum = _numAccum * 10 + (ch - '0');
			} else {
				continueFlag = true;
				_stat = STAT_TempoFix;
		} else if (_stat == STAT_TempoFix) {
			_tempo = _numAccum;
			continueFlag = true;
			_stat = STAT_Begin;
	} while (continueFlag);
	return true;