/* Main program */ int main(int argc, char **argv) { /* Initializes IUP */ IupOpen(&argc, &argv); /* Executes IupAlarm */ switch (IupAlarm ("IupAlarm Example", "File not saved! Save it now?", "Yes", "No", "Cancel")) { /* Shows a message for each selected button */ case 1: IupMessage ("Save file", "File saved successfully - leaving program"); break; case 2: IupMessage ("Save file", "File not saved - leaving program anyway"); break; case 3: IupMessage ("Save file", "Operation canceled"); break; } /* Finishes IUP */ IupClose(); /* Program finished successfully */ return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
static void Alarm(void) { lua_pushnumber(IupAlarm(luaL_check_string(1), luaL_check_string(2), luaL_check_string(3), luaL_opt_string(4, NULL), luaL_opt_string(5, NULL))); }
static void new_alarm(void) { int ret; IupSetGlobal("PARENTDIALOG", "_MAIN_DIALOG_TEST_"); ret = IupAlarm ("IupAlarm Test", "Message Text\nSecond Line", "But 1", "Button 2", "B3"); IupSetGlobal("PARENTDIALOG", NULL); //int ret = IupAlarm ("IupAlarm Test", "Message Text\nSecond Line\nVery long long long long long long long long long long long long text", "But 1", "Button 2", "B3"); printf("Button(%d)\n", ret); }
static void _on_crash() { int res = IupAlarm("Pic2MCMap has Crashed!", "Unfortunately, the program has crashed.\nIf this is the first time you see this message, trying repeating the same steps you made to get this " "message.\nIf this message reappears, please submit an issue to the project's GitHub page.\n\nThe program will now close.", "Open GitHub Page", "Exit", NULL); if(res == 1) IupHelp("https://github.com/wooky/pic2mcmap/issues"); exit(-1); }
static int Alarm(lua_State *L) { int n = IupAlarm(luaL_checkstring(L, 1), luaL_checkstring(L, 2), luaL_checkstring(L, 3), luaL_optstring(L, 4, NULL), luaL_optstring(L, 5, NULL)); lua_pushinteger(L, n); return 1; }
static int cancel_cb(Ihandle* ih) { int ret = IupAlarm("Warning!", "Interrupt Processing?", "Yes", "No", NULL); if (ret == 1) /* Yes Interrupt */ { IupSetAttribute(ih, "SIMULATEMODAL", "No"); IupHide(ih); return IUP_DEFAULT; } return IUP_CONTINUE; }
int save_check(Ihandle* ih) { Ihandle* multitext = IupGetDialogChild(ih, "MULTITEXT"); if (IupGetInt(multitext, "DIRTY")) { switch (IupAlarm("Warning", "File not saved! Save it now?", "Yes", "No", "Cancel")) { case 1: /* save the changes and continue */ item_save_action_cb(ih); break; case 2: /* ignore the changes and continue */ break; case 3: /* cancel */ return 0; } } return 1; }
int save_check(Ihandle* ih) { Ihandle* canvas = IupGetDialogChild(ih, "CANVAS"); if (IupGetInt(canvas, "DIRTY")) { switch (IupAlarm("Warning", "File not saved! Save it now?", "Yes", "No", "Cancel")) { case 1: /* save the changes and continue */ save_file(canvas); break; case 2: /* ignore the changes and continue */ break; case 3: /* cancel */ return 0; } } return 1; }
static void new_alarm(void) { int ret = IupAlarm ("IupAlarm Test", "Message Text\nSecond Line", "But 1", "Button 2", "B3"); //int ret = IupAlarm ("IupAlarm Test", "Message Text\nSecond Line\nVery long long long long long long long long long long long long text", "But 1", "Button 2", "B3"); printf("Button(%d)\n", ret); }
int cancelCb(){ if(IupAlarm("nwjsmanager", "If you stop the download of the nw.js runtime files, you won't be able to run the application.\nAre you sure?", "Yes", "No", NULL) == 1) stop = 1; return IUP_IGNORE; }