Esempio n. 1
J2534_protocol_flags J2534misc::parseProtocol(const std::string& s)
	const std::string key = toupper(s);
	const std::map<std::string, J2534_protocol_flags>::const_iterator it = protocolsMap.find(key);
	return (it != protocolsMap.end()) ? it->second : J2534_protocol_flags(0);
Esempio n. 2
std::vector<J2534Library> J2534_API::searchLibValuesRecursive(HKEY hKey, std::vector<J2534Library> PTlibs)
	HKEY hKey2;
	DWORD index = 0;
	char KeyName[256] = "";
	J2534Library PTlib;
	PTlib.api = J2534_API_v0404;
	char ValueName[256] = "";
	unsigned long szValueName = 256;// variable that specifies the size (in characters, including the terminating null char) of the buffer pointed to by the "ValueName" parameter.
	unsigned char Data[256] = "";	// buffer that receives the data for the value entry. This parameter can be NULL if the data is not required
	unsigned long szData = 256;	// variable that specifies the size, in bytes, of the buffer pointed to by the lpData parameter.
	long ret = 0;
	unsigned long ValueDataType = REG_NONE;
	// Check values :
	while ((RegEnumValueA(hKey, index, ValueName, &szValueName, NULL, &ValueDataType, Data, &szData)) != ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS)
		if (ValueDataType == REG_SZ)
			if (!strncmp(ValueName,"FunctionLibrary",15))
				PTlib.path = (char*)(Data);
			else if (!strncmp(ValueName,"Name",4))
			{ = (char*)(Data);
			else if (!strncmp(ValueName,"ProtocolsSupported",18))	// 02.02-API
				PTlib.api = J2534_API_v0202;
				std::string protocol_str = (char*)(Data);
				// TODO split string, then use loop using existing parse function instead
				if (protocol_str.find("J1850VPW") != std::string::npos)
					PTlib.protocols = J2534_protocol_flags(PTlib.protocols | PROTOCOL_FLAG_J1850VPW);
				if (protocol_str.find("J1850PWM") != std::string::npos)
					PTlib.protocols = J2534_protocol_flags(PTlib.protocols | PROTOCOL_FLAG_J1850PWM);
				if (protocol_str.find("ISO9141") != std::string::npos)
					PTlib.protocols = J2534_protocol_flags(PTlib.protocols | PROTOCOL_FLAG_ISO9141);
				if (protocol_str.find("ISO14230") != std::string::npos)
					PTlib.protocols = J2534_protocol_flags(PTlib.protocols | PROTOCOL_FLAG_ISO14230);
				if (protocol_str.find("ISO15765") != std::string::npos)
					PTlib.protocols = J2534_protocol_flags(PTlib.protocols | PROTOCOL_FLAG_ISO15765);
				if (protocol_str.find("CAN") != std::string::npos)
					PTlib.protocols = J2534_protocol_flags(PTlib.protocols | PROTOCOL_FLAG_CAN);
				if (protocol_str.find("SCI_A_ENGINE") != std::string::npos)
					PTlib.protocols = J2534_protocol_flags(PTlib.protocols | PROTOCOL_FLAG_SCI_A_ENGINE);
				if (protocol_str.find("SCI_A_TRANS") != std::string::npos)
					PTlib.protocols = J2534_protocol_flags(PTlib.protocols | PROTOCOL_FLAG_SCI_A_TRANS);
				if (protocol_str.find("SCI_B_ENGINE") != std::string::npos)
					PTlib.protocols = J2534_protocol_flags(PTlib.protocols | PROTOCOL_FLAG_SCI_B_ENGINE);
				if (protocol_str.find("SCI_B_TRANS") != std::string::npos)
					PTlib.protocols = J2534_protocol_flags(PTlib.protocols | PROTOCOL_FLAG_SCI_B_TRANS);
		else if (ValueDataType == REG_DWORD)	// 04.04-API
			PTlib.api = J2534_API_v0404;
			DWORD key_value = (DWORD)(*Data);
			if (key_value)
				std::string protocol_str = (char*)(ValueName);
				PTlib.protocols = J2534_protocol_flags(PTlib.protocols | J2534misc::parseProtocol(protocol_str));
		szValueName = 256;	// because RegEnumValue has changed value !
		szData = 256;		// because RegEnumValue has changed value !
	if (PTlib.path.size() > 0)
		PTlibs.push_back( PTlib );
	// Check sub-keys:
	index = 0;
	while (RegEnumKeyA(hKey, index, KeyName, 256) != ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS)
		ret = RegOpenKeyExA(hKey, KeyName, 0, KEY_READ, &hKey2);
		if (ret == ERROR_SUCCESS)
			PTlibs = searchLibValuesRecursive(hKey2, PTlibs);
			ret = RegCloseKey(hKey2);
#ifdef __J2534_API_DEBUG__
			if (ret != ERROR_SUCCESS)
				std::cout << "J2534interface::searchLibValuesRecursive():   RegCloseKey(...) failed with error " << ret << "\n";
#ifdef __J2534_API_DEBUG__
			std::cout << "J2534interface::getAvailableJ2534Libs():   RegOpenKexEx(...) for key " << KeyName << " failed with error " << ret << "\n";
	return PTlibs;