Esempio n. 1
static void sig_handler(int sig_num)
   // No recursion
   KDE_signal( SIGHUP, SIG_IGN);
   KDE_signal( SIGTERM, SIG_IGN);
   fprintf(stderr, "klauncher: Exiting on signal %d\n", sig_num);
   char tmp = 'x';
   write( sigpipe[ 1 ], &tmp, 1 );
Esempio n. 2
int PtyProcess::setupTTY()
    // Reset signal handlers
    for (int sig = 1; sig < NSIG; sig++)
        KDE_signal(sig, SIG_DFL);
    KDE_signal(SIGHUP, SIG_IGN);


    // Connect stdin, stdout and stderr
    int slave = d->m_pPTY->slaveFd();
    dup2(slave, 0); dup2(slave, 1); dup2(slave, 2);

    // Close all file handles
    // XXX this caused problems in KProcess - not sure why anymore. -- ???
    // Because it will close the start notification pipe. -- ossi
    struct rlimit rlp;
    getrlimit(RLIMIT_NOFILE, &rlp);
    for (int i = 3; i < (int)rlp.rlim_cur; i++)

    // Disable OPOST processing. Otherwise, '\n' are (on Linux at least)
    // translated to '\r\n'.
    struct ::termios tio;
    if (tcgetattr(0, &tio) < 0)
        kError(kdesuDebugArea()) << k_lineinfo << "tcgetattr():" << perror;
        return -1;
    tio.c_oflag &= ~OPOST;
    if (tcsetattr(0, TCSANOW, &tio) < 0)
        kError(kdesuDebugArea()) << k_lineinfo << "tcsetattr():" << perror;
        return -1;

    return 0;
Esempio n. 3
extern "C" KDE_EXPORT int kdemain(int argc, char **argv)
    // Disable Session Management the right way (C)
    // ksmserver has global shortcuts. disableSessionManagement() does not prevent Qt from
    // registering the app with the session manager. We remove the address to make sure we do not
    // get a hang on kglobalaccel restart (kglobalaccel tries to register with ksmserver,
    // ksmserver tries to register with kglobalaccel).
    unsetenv( "SESSION_MANAGER" );
#ifdef Q_OS_MAC
    CFBundleRef mainBundle = CFBundleGetMainBundle();
    if (mainBundle) {
        // get the application's Info Dictionary. For app bundles this would live in the bundle's Info.plist,
        // for regular executables it is obtained in another way.
        CFMutableDictionaryRef infoDict = (CFMutableDictionaryRef) CFBundleGetInfoDictionary(mainBundle);
        if (infoDict) {
            // Add or set the "LSUIElement" key with/to value "1". This can simply be a CFString.
            CFDictionarySetValue(infoDict, CFSTR("LSUIElement"), CFSTR("1"));
            // That's it. We're now considered as an "agent" by the window server, and thus will have
            // neither menubar nor presence in the Dock or App Switcher.

    KAboutData aboutdata(
            ki18n("KDE Global Shortcuts Service"),
            ki18n("KDE Global Shortcuts Service"),
            ki18n("(C) 2007-2009  Andreas Hartmetz, Michael Jansen"));
    aboutdata.addAuthor(ki18n("Andreas Hartmetz"),ki18n("Maintainer"),"*****@*****.**");
    aboutdata.addAuthor(ki18n("Michael Jansen"),ki18n("Maintainer"),"*****@*****.**");


    KCmdLineArgs::init( argc, argv, &aboutdata );

    // check if kglobalaccel is disabled
    if (!isEnabled())
        kDebug() << "kglobalaccel is disabled!";
        return 0;

    if (!KUniqueApplication::start())
        kDebug() << "kglobalaccel is already running!";
        return (0);

    // As in the KUniqueApplication example only create a instance AFTER
    // calling KUniqueApplication::start()
    KUniqueApplication app;

    // This app is started automatically, no need for session management
    app.setQuitOnLastWindowClosed( false );

    // Stop gracefully
    //There is no SIGINT and SIGTERM under wince
#ifndef _WIN32_WCE
    KDE_signal(SIGINT, sighandler);
    KDE_signal(SIGTERM, sighandler);
    KDE_signal(SIGHUP, sighandler);

    // Restart on a crash

    KGlobalAccelD globalaccel;
    if (!globalaccel.init()) {
        return -1;

    return app.exec();
Esempio n. 4
extern "C" KDE_EXPORT int kdemain( int argc, char**argv )
#ifndef Q_WS_WIN
   // Started via kdeinit.
   int launcherFd;
   if (argc != 2 || memcmp(argv[1], "--fd=", 5) || !(launcherFd = atoi(argv[1] + 5)))
      fprintf(stderr, "%s", i18n("klauncher: This program is not supposed to be started manually.\n"
                                 "klauncher: It is started automatically by kdeinit4.\n").toLocal8Bit().data());
      return 1;

#if defined(Q_OS_DARWIN) || defined (Q_OS_MAC)

   KComponentData componentData("klauncher", "kdelibs4");

   // WABA: Make sure not to enable session management.

   // We need a QCoreApplication to get a DBus event loop
   QCoreApplication app(argc, argv);
   app.setApplicationName( componentData.componentName() );

   int maxTry = 3;
      QString service(QLatin1String("org.kde.klauncher")); // same as ktoolinvocation.cpp
      if (!QDBusConnection::sessionBus().isConnected()) {
         kWarning() << "No DBUS session-bus found. Check if you have started the DBUS server.";
         return 1;
      QDBusReply<QDBusConnectionInterface::RegisterServiceReply> reply =
      if (!reply.isValid())
         kWarning() << "DBUS communication problem!";
         return 1;
      if (reply == QDBusConnectionInterface::ServiceRegistered)

      if (--maxTry == 0)
         kWarning() << "Another instance of klauncher is already running!";
         return 1;

      // Wait a bit...
      kWarning() << "Waiting for already running klauncher to exit.";

      // Try again...

   KLauncher *launcher = new KLauncher(launcherFd);
   KLauncher *launcher = new KLauncher();
   QDBusConnection::sessionBus().registerObject(QString::fromLatin1("/"), launcher);

   if (pipe(sigpipe) != 0) {
       perror("klauncher: pipe failed.");
       return 1;
   QSocketNotifier* signotif = new QSocketNotifier( sigpipe[ 0 ], QSocketNotifier::Read, launcher );
   QObject::connect( signotif, SIGNAL(activated(int)), launcher, SLOT(destruct()));
   KDE_signal( SIGHUP, sig_handler);
   KDE_signal( SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN);
   KDE_signal( SIGTERM, sig_handler);

   return app.exec();
Esempio n. 5
void kmsetSignalHandler(void (*handler)(int))
  KDE_signal(SIGTERM, handler);
  KDE_signal(SIGHUP,  handler);