Esempio n. 1
void * _mbufLibInit (void)
    int			ix;			/* counter for list init */

    if (mbufInit == TRUE)			/* already initialized ? */
        return ((void *) &mbufFunc);

    if ((_mbufIdHead = (MBUF_ID) KHEAP_ALLOC((sizeof (struct mbufId) *
	MBUF_ID_INC))) == NULL)			/* alloc space for ID list */
        return (NULL);

    if ((mbufDescHead = (MBUF_DESC) KHEAP_ALLOC((sizeof (struct mbufDesc) *
	MBUF_DESC_INC))) == NULL)		/* alloc space for desc list */
	KHEAP_FREE((char *)_mbufIdHead);
        return (NULL);
    /* divide up into an sll of free mbuf ID's, _mbufIdHead as the head */

    for (ix = 0; ix < (MBUF_ID_INC - 1); ix++)
        _mbufIdHead[ix].mbufIdNext = &_mbufIdHead[ix + 1];
    _mbufIdHead[ix].mbufIdNext = NULL;

    /* divide up into an sll of free buf desc, mbufDescHead as the head */

    for (ix = 0; ix < (MBUF_DESC_INC - 1); ix++)
        mbufDescHead[ix].mbufDescNext = &mbufDescHead[ix + 1];
    mbufDescHead[ix].mbufDescNext = NULL;

    mbufInit = TRUE;				/* init successful */

    return ((void *) &mbufFunc);		/* return mbuf func table */
Esempio n. 2
File: endLib.c Progetto: ariavie/bcm
STATUS endMibIfInit
    FUNCPTR pMibAllocRtn,
    FUNCPTR pMibFreeRtn,
    FUNCPTR pMibCtrUpdate,
    FUNCPTR pMibVarUpdate
    if ((pMibAllocRtn != NULL) && (pMibFreeRtn != NULL) && 
        (pMibCtrUpdate != NULL) && (pMibVarUpdate != NULL))
        if (pMibRtn == NULL)
            if ((pMibRtn = 
                 (MIB_ROUTINES *) KHEAP_ALLOC (sizeof (MIB_ROUTINES))) == NULL)
        pMibRtn->mibAlloc = (FUNCPTR)pMibAllocRtn;
        pMibRtn->mibFree = (FUNCPTR)pMibFreeRtn;
        pMibRtn->mibCntUpdate = (FUNCPTR)pMibCtrUpdate;
        pMibRtn->mibVarUpdate = (FUNCPTR)pMibVarUpdate;

Esempio n. 3
    FAST HOSTNAME *pHostName,
    char *newHostName
    FAST char *pName = (char *) KHEAP_ALLOC((unsigned) (strlen (newHostName) + 1));

    if (pName == NULL)
	return (ERROR);

    strcpy (pName, newHostName);
    pHostName->name = pName;
    pHostName->link = NULL;

    return (OK);
Esempio n. 4
MBUF_ID _mbufCreate (void)
    MBUF_ID		mbufId;			/* obtained mbuf ID */
    int			ix;			/* counter for list init */
    int			lockKey = intLock ();	/* int lock cookie */

    if ((mbufId = _mbufIdHead) != NULL)		/* free list empty ? */
        _mbufIdHead = mbufId->mbufIdNext;	/* pop first ID off list */
        intUnlock (lockKey);

        mbufId->type = MBUF_VALID;		/* init new ID type */
        mbufId->mbufHead = NULL;		/* init new ID head */
    else					/* list is empty */
        intUnlock (lockKey);

        if ((mbufId = (MBUF_ID) KHEAP_ALLOC((sizeof (struct mbufId) *
            MBUF_ID_INC))) != NULL)		/* alloc more IDs */
            for (ix = 0; ix < (MBUF_ID_INC - 1); ix++)	/* into an sll */
                mbufId[ix].mbufIdNext = &mbufId[ix + 1];

            lockKey = intLock ();
            mbufId[ix].mbufIdNext = _mbufIdHead;
            _mbufIdHead = mbufId->mbufIdNext;	/* hook head onto new list */
            intUnlock (lockKey);

            mbufId->type = MBUF_VALID;		/* init new ID type */
            mbufId->mbufHead = NULL;		/* init new ID head */

    return (mbufId);				/* return new ID */
Esempio n. 5
STATUS virtualStackInit
    VSID vsId,	  /* Stack identifier from virtualStackCreate() routine */
    int  maxUnits /* maximum number of device to be attached to IP */
    int count;
    int vsIndex;

    if (!vsId)
	return (ERROR);

     /* Verify stack identifier. Exit if not found. */

    if (virtualStackNumGet (vsId, &vsIndex) == ERROR)
	return (ERROR);

    /* Set the task variable and initialize the virtual stack. */

    virtualStackNumTaskIdSet (vsIndex);

     /* Allocate the ipDrvCtrl array based on the given maxUnits */

    ipMaxUnits = maxUnits ? maxUnits : 1;

    ipDrvCtrl = (IP_DRV_CTRL *)KHEAP_ALLOC(ipMaxUnits * sizeof(IP_DRV_CTRL));
    if ( ipDrvCtrl == (IP_DRV_CTRL *) NULL )
       return (ERROR);

    bzero ((char *)ipDrvCtrl,ipMaxUnits * sizeof(IP_DRV_CTRL));
    ipDrvCount = 0;
    ipDrvIndex = 0;

     * Network buffer initialization: Reset pointers to NULL before
     * calling mbinit() routine to force each stack to create separate
     * memory pools.

    mClBlkConfig.memArea = NULL;
    for (count = 0; count < clDescTblNumEnt; count++)
        clDescTbl[count].memArea = NULL;
    sysMclBlkConfig.memArea = NULL;
    for (count = 0; count < sysClDescTblNumEnt; count++)
        sysClDescTbl[count].memArea = NULL;

    pM2IfRoot    = NULL;
    pM2IfRootPtr = &pM2IfRoot;

    /* Make sure that the list is empty on the first call. */
    _ifnet = NULL;
     * This code performs the same function as the static initialization
     * in the (no longer compiled) in_proto.c module. Since we don't get
     * auto-initialization from the compiler we have to do the work here.
    inetdomain.dom_family = AF_INET;
    inetdomain.dom_name = KHEAP_ALLOC (strlen("internet") + 1);
    strcpy (inetdomain.dom_name, "internet");
    inetdomain.dom_init = 0;
    inetdomain.dom_externalize = 0;
    inetdomain.dom_dispose = 0;
    inetdomain.dom_protosw = inetsw;
    inetdomain.dom_protoswNPROTOSW =
    inetdomain.dom_next = NULL;
    inetdomain.dom_rtattach = rn_inithead;
    inetdomain.dom_rtoffset = 27;
    inetdomain.dom_maxrtkey = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in);

    /* Set up for the protocol initialization. */
    bzero ((caddr_t)&inetsw, sizeof(inetsw));

    _protoSwIndex = 0;
    sb_max = SB_MAX;

    /* Set up for domain calls. */
    domains = NULL;

    raw_sendspace = RAWSNDQ;
    raw_recvspace = RAWRCVQ;

    route_proto.sp_family = PF_ROUTE;

    return (OK);
Esempio n. 6
STATUS virtualStackCreate
    char* pName, 	/* Unique stack name, or NULL for default */
    VSID* pVID 		/* Buffer for storing virtual stack identifier */
    int vsIndex, i;
    char tempName[VS_NAME_MAX + 1];
    /* Lock out access until creation is complete or error is returned. */
    semTake (vsTblLock, WAIT_FOREVER);

    /* Find the first empty slot. */

    for (vsIndex = 0; vsIndex < VSID_MAX; vsIndex++)
        if (vsTbl[vsIndex] == NULL)
            break; /* Hey, we found one! */

    if (vsIndex == VSID_MAX)
        semGive (vsTblLock);
        return (ERROR);

     * If no name is passed simply make the name the
     * VS number.

    if (pName == NULL)
        sprintf (tempName, "%d", vsIndex);
        strncpy (tempName, pName, min(VS_NAME_MAX, (strlen(pName) + 1)));

    /* null-terminate it, just in case... */

    tempName[VS_NAME_MAX] = EOS;

    /* Check that a stack with the same name doesn't already exist */
    for (i = 0; i < VSID_MAX; i++)
        if (vsTbl[i] == NULL)  /* empty slot */
        if (strcmp (vsTbl[i]->pName, tempName) == 0)
            semGive (vsTblLock);
            return (ERROR);

    /* Allocate our global structure.  */

    vsTbl[vsIndex] = (BSD_GLOBAL_DATA *) KHEAP_ALLOC ((sizeof(BSD_GLOBAL_DATA)));

    *pVID = vsTbl[vsIndex]; 

    if (vsTbl[vsIndex] == NULL)
        semGive (vsTblLock);
        return (ERROR);

    /* Clear out the structure to NULL */
    bzero ((char *)*pVID, sizeof (BSD_GLOBAL_DATA));

    /* If no name is passed simply make the name the VS number. */

    vsTbl[vsIndex]->pName = (char *)&vsTbl[vsIndex]->name;

    bcopy (tempName, vsTbl[vsIndex]->pName, sizeof(tempName));

    semGive (vsTblLock);

     * Set the virtual stack number task variable.
     * This allows the initialization code to execute unchanged.

    virtualStackNumTaskIdSet (vsIndex);

    return (OK);
Esempio n. 7
int etherMultiAdd
    LIST *pList,    /* pointer to list of multicast addresses */
    char* pAddress  /* address you want to add to list */
    ETHER_MULTI* pCurr;

     * Verify that we have valid Ethernet multicast addresses.
    if ((pAddress[0] & 0x01) != 1) {
	if (etherMultiDebug)
	    logMsg("Invalid address!\n", 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6);
	return (EINVAL);
     * See if the address range is already in the list.
    for (pCurr = (ETHER_MULTI *)lstFirst(pList); pCurr != NULL && 
	    (bcmp(pCurr->addr, pAddress, 6) != 0); 
	    pCurr = (ETHER_MULTI *)lstNext(&pCurr->node)); 
    if (pCurr != NULL) {
	 * Found it; just increment the reference count.
	if (etherMultiDebug)
	    logMsg("Address already exists!\n", 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6);
	return (0);

     * New address or range; malloc a new multicast record
     * and link it into the interface's multicast list.

    if (pCurr == NULL) {
	if (etherMultiDebug)
	    logMsg("Cannot allocate memory!\n", 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6);
	return (ENOBUFS);

    bcopy((char *)pAddress, (char *)pCurr->addr, 6);
    pCurr->refcount = 1;

    lstAdd(pList, &pCurr->node);
    if (etherMultiDebug)
	logMsg("Added address is %x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x\n",
     * Return ENETRESET to inform the driver that the list has changed
     * and its reception filter should be adjusted accordingly.
    return (ENETRESET);
Esempio n. 8
MBUF_SEG _mbufInsertBuf
    MBUF_ID		mbufId,		/* mbuf	ID which buffer is inserted */
    MBUF_SEG		mbufSeg,	/* mbuf base for <offset> */
    int			offset,		/* relative byte offset */
    caddr_t		buf,		/* user buffer for mbuf cluster */
    int			len,		/* number of bytes to insert */
    VOIDFUNCPTR		freeRtn,	/* user free routine */
    int			freeArg		/* argument to free routine */
    MBUF_ID		mbufIdNew;		/* mbuf ID containing <buf> */
    MBUF_DESC 		mbufDesc;		/* desc for <buf> cluster */
    MBUF_SEG		mbufNew;		/* mbuf for <buf> cluster */
    CL_BLK_ID		pClBlk;			/* pointer to cluster blk */
    int			lockKey;		/* int lock cookie */
    int			ix;			/* counter for list init */

    if (len <= 0)				/* have to insert some bytes */
	errno = S_mbufLib_LENGTH_INVALID;
	return (NULL);

    MBUF_ID_CREATE (mbufIdNew);			/* create new mbuf ID for buf */
    if (mbufIdNew == NULL)
	return (NULL);

    lockKey = intLock ();

    if ((mbufDesc = mbufDescHead) != NULL)	/* free list empty ? */
        mbufDescHead = mbufDesc->mbufDescNext;	/* pop first desc off list */
        intUnlock (lockKey);
    else					/* list is empty */
        intUnlock (lockKey);

	if ((mbufDesc = (MBUF_DESC) KHEAP_ALLOC((sizeof (struct mbufDesc) *
	    MBUF_DESC_INC))) != NULL)		/* alloc more desc's */
            for (ix = 0; ix < (MBUF_DESC_INC - 1); ix++)
                mbufDesc[ix].mbufDescNext = &mbufDesc[ix + 1];

            lockKey = intLock ();
            mbufDesc[ix].mbufDescNext = mbufDescHead;
            mbufDescHead = mbufDesc->mbufDescNext;/* hook head onto new list */
            intUnlock (lockKey);

    if (mbufDesc == NULL)			/* able to get a new desc ? */
	return (NULL);

    mbufDesc->buf = buf;

    /* get mbuf for cluster */
    if ( (mbufNew = mBlkGet (_pNetDpool, M_WAIT, MT_DATA)) == NULL)
	/* release on fail */

	lockKey = intLock ();
	mbufDescHead = mbufDesc;
	intUnlock (lockKey);

	return (NULL);

    pClBlk = clBlkGet (_pNetDpool, M_WAIT); 
    if (pClBlk == NULL)			/* out of cl Blks */
        m_free (mbufNew);

	lockKey = intLock ();
	mbufDescHead = mbufDesc;
	intUnlock (lockKey);

	return (NULL);

    mbufNew->pClBlk		= pClBlk;

    /* build <buf> into an mbuf cluster */
    mbufNew->m_data		= buf;
    mbufNew->m_len		= len;
    mbufNew->m_flags		|= M_EXT;
    mbufNew->m_extBuf		= buf;
    mbufNew->m_extSize		= len;
    mbufNew->m_extFreeRtn	= (FUNCPTR) _mbufBufFree;
    mbufNew->m_extRefCnt	= 1;
    mbufNew->m_extArg1		= (int) mbufDesc;
    mbufNew->m_extArg2		= (int) freeRtn;
    mbufNew->m_extArg3		= freeArg;

    mbufIdNew->mbufHead = mbufNew;		/* put cluster into new ID */

    /* insert the new mbuf ID with <buf> into <mbufId> */

    if ((mbufSeg = _mbufInsert (mbufId, mbufSeg, offset, mbufIdNew)) == NULL)
        mbufNew->m_extArg2 = (int)NULL;		/* don't call freeRtn on fail */

    return (mbufSeg);				/* return inserted mbuf */
Esempio n. 9
STATUS hostAdd
    char *hostName,     /* host name */
    char *hostAddr      /* host addr in standard Internet format */
    HOSTNAME *pHostNamePrev = NULL;	/* pointer to previous host name entry */
    FAST HOSTNAME *pHostName;		/* pointer to host name entry */
    FAST HOSTENTRY *pHostEntry;
    struct in_addr netAddr;		/* network address */

    if (hostName == NULL || hostAddr == NULL)
        errnoSet (S_hostLib_INVALID_PARAMETER);
        return (ERROR);

    if ((netAddr.s_addr = inet_addr (hostAddr)) == ERROR)
	return (ERROR);

    if (semTake (hostListSem, WAIT_FOREVER) == ERROR)
	return (ERROR);

    for (pHostEntry = (HOSTENTRY *)lstFirst (&hostList);
	 pHostEntry != NULL;
	 pHostEntry = (HOSTENTRY *)lstNext (&pHostEntry->node))
	if (pHostEntry->netAddr.s_addr == netAddr.s_addr)
	    /* host internet address already in table, add name as an alias */

	    pHostNamePrev = &pHostEntry->hostName;

	    for (pHostName = &pHostEntry->hostName;
		 pHostName != NULL;
		 pHostName = pHostName->link)
		/* make sure name is not already used for this address */

		if (strcmp (pHostName->name, hostName) == 0)
		    semGive (hostListSem);
		    errnoSet (S_hostLib_HOST_ALREADY_ENTERED);
		    return (ERROR);

		pHostNamePrev = pHostName;

	    if (pHostNamePrev == NULL)
		/* XXX corrupted list! */
		return (ERROR);

	    /* name not used for this address, add it as an alias */

	    if ((pHostNamePrev->link = (HOSTNAME *)
		semGive (hostListSem);
		return (ERROR);

	    bzero ((char *)pHostNamePrev->link, sizeof(HOSTNAME));

	    if (hostNameFill (pHostNamePrev->link, hostName) == ERROR)
		semGive (hostListSem);
		return (ERROR);

	    semGive (hostListSem);
	    return (OK);

    /* host name and internet address not in host table, add new host */

    if ((pHostEntry = (HOSTENTRY *) KHEAP_ALLOC(sizeof (HOSTENTRY))) == NULL)
	semGive (hostListSem);
	return (ERROR);
    bzero ((char *)pHostEntry, sizeof(HOSTENTRY));

    if ((hostNameFill (&pHostEntry->hostName, hostName)) == ERROR)
	semGive (hostListSem);
	return (ERROR);

    pHostEntry->netAddr = netAddr;

    lstAdd (&hostList, &pHostEntry->node);

    semGive (hostListSem);
    return (OK);