Esempio n. 1
static void testSignerIdentity(CuTest *tc) {
	int res;
	const char id_expected[] = "GT :: testA :: 36-test";
	KSI_Signature *sig = NULL;
	char *id_actual = NULL;

	res = KSI_Signature_fromFile(ctx, getFullResourcePath("resource/tlv/ok-sig-2014-08-01.1.ksig"), &sig);
	CuAssert(tc, "Unable to load signature", res == KSI_OK && sig != NULL);

	res = KSI_Signature_getSignerIdentity(sig, &id_actual);
	CuAssert(tc, "Unable to get signer identity from signature.", res == KSI_OK && id_actual != NULL);

	CuAssert(tc, "Unexpected signer identity", !strncmp(id_expected, id_actual, strlen(id_expected)));


Esempio n. 2
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
	KSI_CTX *ksi = NULL;

	FILE *in = NULL;
	FILE *out = NULL;

	KSI_DataHasher *hsr = NULL;
	KSI_DataHash *hsh = NULL;
	KSI_Signature *sign = NULL;

	unsigned char *raw = NULL;
	unsigned raw_len;

	unsigned char buf[1024];
	unsigned buf_len;

	char *signerIdentity = NULL;

	FILE *logFile = NULL;

	/* Handle command line parameters */
	/* Handle command line parameters */
	if (argc != 7) {
		fprintf(stderr, "Usage:\n"
				"  %s <in-data-file> <out-sign-file> <aggregator-uri> <user> <pass> <pub-file url | -> \n", argv[0]);
		goto cleanup;

	/* Input file */
	in = fopen(argv[1], "rb");
	if (in == NULL) {
		fprintf(stderr, "Unable to open input file '%s'\n", argv[1]);
		res = KSI_IO_ERROR;
		goto cleanup;

	/* Create new KSI context for this thread. */
	res = KSI_CTX_new(&ksi);
	if (res != KSI_OK) {
		fprintf(stderr, "Unable to create context.\n");
		goto cleanup;

	logFile = fopen("ksi_sign.log", "w");
	if (logFile == NULL) {
		fprintf(stderr, "Unable to open log file.\n");

	KSI_CTX_setLoggerCallback(ksi, KSI_LOG_StreamLogger, logFile);
	KSI_CTX_setLogLevel(ksi, KSI_LOG_DEBUG);

	KSI_LOG_info(ksi, "Using KSI version: '%s'", KSI_getVersion());

	res = KSI_CTX_setAggregator(ksi, argv[3], argv[4], argv[5]);
	if (res != KSI_OK) goto cleanup;

	/* Check publications file url. */
	if (strncmp("-", argv[6], 1)) {
		res = KSI_CTX_setPublicationUrl(ksi, argv[6]);
		if (res != KSI_OK) {
			fprintf(stderr, "Unable to set publications file url.\n");
			goto cleanup;

	/* Create a data hasher using default algorithm. */
	res = KSI_DataHasher_open(ksi, KSI_getHashAlgorithmByName("default"), &hsr);
	if (res != KSI_OK) {
		fprintf(stderr, "Unable to create hasher.\n");
		goto cleanup;

	/* Read the input file and calculate the hash of its contents. */
	while (!feof(in)) {
		buf_len = (unsigned)fread(buf, 1, sizeof(buf), in);

		/* Add  next block to the calculation. */
		res = KSI_DataHasher_add(hsr, buf, buf_len);
		if (res != KSI_OK) {
			fprintf(stderr, "Unable to add data to hasher.\n");
			goto cleanup;

	/* Close the data hasher and retreive the data hash. */
	res = KSI_DataHasher_close(hsr, &hsh);
	if (res != KSI_OK) {
		fprintf(stderr, "Unable to create hash.\n");
		goto cleanup;

	/* Sign the data hash. */
	res = KSI_createSignature(ksi, hsh, &sign);
	if (res != KSI_OK) {
		fprintf(stderr, "Unable to sign %d.\n", res);
		goto cleanup;

	res = KSI_Signature_verify(sign, ksi);
	if (res != KSI_OK) {
		fprintf(stderr, "Failed to verify signature.\n");
		goto cleanup;

	/* Output the signer id */
	res = KSI_Signature_getSignerIdentity(sign, &signerIdentity);
	if (res == KSI_OK) {
		printf("Signer id: %s\n", signerIdentity);
	} else {
		fprintf(stderr, "Unable to extract signer identity.\n");
	/* Serialize the signature. */
	res = KSI_Signature_serialize(sign, &raw, &raw_len);
	if (res != KSI_OK) {
		fprintf(stderr, "Unable to serialize signature.");
		goto cleanup;

	/* Output file */
	out = fopen(argv[2], "wb");
	if (out == NULL) {
		fprintf(stderr, "Unable to open input file '%s'\n", argv[2]);
		res = KSI_IO_ERROR;
		goto cleanup;

	/* Write the signature file. */
	if (!fwrite(raw, 1, raw_len, out)) {
		fprintf(stderr, "Unable to write output file.\n");
		res = KSI_IO_ERROR;
		goto cleanup;

	/* Only print message when signature output is not stdout. */
	if (out != NULL) {
		printf("Signature saved.\n");

	res = KSI_OK;


	if (logFile != NULL) fclose(logFile);

	if (res != KSI_OK && ksi != NULL) {
		KSI_ERR_statusDump(ksi, stderr);

	if (in != NULL) fclose(in);
	if (out != NULL) fclose(out);





	return res;

Esempio n. 3
static void testMedaData(CuTest *tc) {
#define TEST_AGGR_RESPONSE_FILE  "resource/tlv/test_meta_data_response.tlv"
	KSI_BlockSigner *bs = NULL;
	KSI_MetaData *md = NULL;
	char data[] = "LAPTOP";
	char *clientId[] = { "Alice", "Bob", "Claire", NULL };
	size_t i;
	KSI_DataHash *hsh = NULL;
	KSI_BlockSignerHandle *hndl[] = {NULL, NULL, NULL};
	KSI_Signature *sig = NULL;
	char *id = NULL;

	res = KSI_DataHash_create(ctx, data, strlen(data), KSI_HASHALG_SHA2_256, &hsh);
	CuAssert(tc, "Unable to create data hash.", res == KSI_OK && hsh != NULL);

	res = KSI_BlockSigner_new(ctx, KSI_HASHALG_SHA2_256, NULL, NULL, &bs);
	CuAssert(tc, "Unable to create block signer instance.", res == KSI_OK && bs != NULL);

	for (i = 0; clientId[i] != NULL; i++) {
		res = createMetaData(clientId[i], &md);
		CuAssert(tc, "Unable to create meta-data.", res == KSI_OK && md != NULL);

		res = KSI_BlockSigner_addLeaf(bs, hsh, 0, md, &hndl[i]);
		CuAssert(tc, "Unable to add leaf to the block signer.", res == KSI_OK && hndl[i] != NULL);

		md = NULL;


	res = KSI_CTX_setAggregator(ctx, getFullResourcePathUri(TEST_AGGR_RESPONSE_FILE), TEST_USER, TEST_PASS);
	CuAssert(tc, "Unable to set aggregator file URI.", res == KSI_OK);

	res = KSI_BlockSigner_close(bs, NULL);
	CuAssert(tc, "Unable to close the blocksigner.", res == KSI_OK);

	/* Loop over all the handles, and extract the signature. */
	for (i = 0; clientId[i] != NULL; i++) {
		char expId[0xff];

		/* Extract the signature. */
		res = KSI_BlockSignerHandle_getSignature(hndl[i], &sig);
		CuAssert(tc, "Unable to extract signature.", res == KSI_OK && sig != NULL);

		/* Verify the signature. */
		res = KSI_verifySignature(ctx, sig);
		CuAssert(tc, "Unable to verify the extracted signature.", res == KSI_OK);

		/* Extract the id attribution. */
		res = KSI_Signature_getSignerIdentity(sig, &id);
		CuAssert(tc, "Unable to extract the signer identity.", res == KSI_OK && id != NULL);

		/* Create the expected id value. */
		KSI_snprintf(expId, sizeof(expId), "%s :: %s", "GT :: GT :: release test :: anon http", clientId[i]);
		CuAssert(tc, "Client id not what expected.", !strcmp(id, expId));

		/* Cleanup. */
		sig = NULL;

		id = NULL;

