Esempio n. 1
SolverLinearPetsc<T>::getResidualHistory( std::vector<double>& hist )
    int ierr = 0;
    int its  = 0;

    // Fill the residual history vector with the residual norms
    // Note that GetResidualHistory() does not copy any values, it
    // simply sets the pointer p.  Note that for some Krylov subspace
    // methods, the number of residuals returned in the history
    // vector may be different from what you are expecting.  For
    // example, TFQMR returns two residual values per iteration step.
    double* p;
    ierr = KSPGetResidualHistory( M_ksp, &p, &its );
    CHKERRABORT( this->worldComm().globalComm(),ierr );

    // Check for early return
    if ( its == 0 ) return;

    // Create space to store the result
    hist.resize( its );

    // Copy history into the vector provided by the user.
    for ( int i=0; i<its; ++i )
        hist[i] = *p;
Esempio n. 2
typename SolverLinearPetsc<T>::real_type
    int ierr = 0;
    int its  = 0;

    // Fill the residual history vector with the residual norms
    // Note that GetResidualHistory() does not copy any values, it
    // simply sets the pointer p.  Note that for some Krylov subspace
    // methods, the number of residuals returned in the history
    // vector may be different from what you are expecting.  For
    // example, TFQMR returns two residual values per iteration step.
    double* p;
    ierr = KSPGetResidualHistory( M_ksp, &p, &its );
    CHKERRABORT( this->worldComm().globalComm(),ierr );

    // Check no residual history
    if ( its == 0 )
        std::cerr << "No iterations have been performed, returning 0." << std::endl;
        return 0.;

    // Otherwise, return the value pointed to by p.
    return *p;
Esempio n. 3
#include <petscksp.h>
#include <petsc/private/f90impl.h>

#define kspgetresidualhistoryf90_     KSPGETRESIDUALHISTORYF90
#define kspgetresidualhistoryf90_     kspgetresidualhistoryf90

PETSC_EXTERN void PETSC_STDCALL kspgetresidualhistoryf90_(KSP *ksp,F90Array1d *indices,PetscInt *n,int *ierr PETSC_F90_2PTR_PROTO(ptrd))
  PetscReal *hist;
  *ierr = KSPGetResidualHistory(*ksp,&hist,n); if (*ierr) return;
  *ierr = F90Array1dCreate(hist,PETSC_DOUBLE,1,*n,indices PETSC_F90_2PTR_PARAM(ptrd));