bool CalibrationData::saveSLCALIB(const QString& filename){ FILE * fp = fopen(qPrintable(filename), "w"); if (!fp) return false; fprintf(fp, "#V1.0 SLStudio calibration\n"); fprintf(fp, "#Calibration time: %s\n\n", calibrationDateTime.c_str()); fprintf(fp, "Kc\n%f %f %f\n%f %f %f\n%f %f %f\n\n", Kc(0,0), Kc(0,1), Kc(0,2), Kc(1,0), Kc(1,1), Kc(1,2), Kc(2,0), Kc(2,1), Kc(2,2)); fprintf(fp, "kc\n%f %f %f %f %f\n\n", kc(0), kc(1), kc(2), kc(3), kc(4)); fprintf(fp, "Kp\n%f %f %f\n%f %f %f\n%f %f %f\n\n", Kp(0,0), Kp(0,1), Kp(0,2), Kp(1,0), Kp(1,1), Kp(1,2), Kp(2,0), Kp(2,1), Kp(2,2)); fprintf(fp, "kp\n%f %f %f %f %f\n\n", kp(0), kp(1), kp(2), kp(3), kp(4)); fprintf(fp, "Rp\n%f %f %f\n%f %f %f\n%f %f %f\n\n", Rp(0,0), Rp(0,1), Rp(0,2), Rp(1,0), Rp(1,1), Rp(1,2), Rp(2,0), Rp(2,1), Rp(2,2)); fprintf(fp, "Tp\n%f %f %f\n\n", Tp(0), Tp(1), Tp(2)); fprintf(fp, "cam_error: %f\n\n", cam_error); fprintf(fp, "proj_error: %f\n\n", proj_error); fprintf(fp, "stereo_error: %f\n\n", stereo_error); fclose(fp); return true; }
bool singleRPAJastrowBuilder::put(xmlNodePtr cur, int addOrbital) { MyName="Jep"; string rpafunc="RPA"; OhmmsAttributeSet a; a.add(MyName,"name"); a.add(rpafunc,"function"); a.put(cur); ParameterSet params; RealType Rs(-1.0); RealType Kc(-1.0); params.add(Rs,"rs","double"); params.add(Kc,"kc","double"); params.put(cur); if(Rs<0) { Rs=tlen; } if(Kc<0){ Kc = 1e-6 ; }; if (rpafunc=="RPA"){ myHandler= new LRRPAHandlerTemp<EPRPABreakup<RealType>,LPQHIBasis>(targetPtcl,Kc); app_log()<<" using e-p RPA"<<endl; } else if (rpafunc=="dRPA") { myHandler= new LRRPAHandlerTemp<derivEPRPABreakup<RealType>,LPQHIBasis>(targetPtcl,Kc); app_log()<<" using e-p derivRPA"<<endl; } myHandler->Breakup(targetPtcl,Rs); // app_log() << " Maximum K shell " << myHandler->MaxKshell << endl; // app_log() << " Number of k vectors " << myHandler->Fk.size() << endl; //Add short range part Rcut = myHandler->get_rc()-0.1; GridType* myGrid = new GridType; int npts=static_cast<int>(Rcut/0.01)+1; myGrid->set(0,Rcut,npts); //create the numerical functor nfunc = new FuncType; SRA = new ShortRangePartAdapter<RealType>(myHandler); SRA->setRmax(Rcut); nfunc->initialize(SRA, myGrid); J1s = new JneType (*sourcePtcl,targetPtcl); for(int ig=0; ig<ng; ig++) { J1s->addFunc(ig,nfunc); } app_log()<<" Only Short range part of E-I RPA is implemented"<<endl; if (addOrbital) targetPsi.addOrbital(J1s,MyName); return true; }
K itemAtIndex(K a, I i) { // Return i-th item from any type as K - TODO: oom wherever this is used I at=a->t; if( 0< at)R ci(a); if(-4==at)R Ks(kS(a)[i]); //could refactor all this if(-3==at)R Kc(kC(a)[i]); if(-2==at)R Kf(kF(a)[i]); if(-1==at)R Ki(kI(a)[i]); R ci(kK(a)[i]); }
static PyObject* _get_Kc(PyObject* self, PyObject* ko) { K kobj; int ok; ok = ko && IS_K(ko); if (!ok) goto fail; kobj = ((_K*)ko)->kobj; if (kobj && kobj->t == 3) { char c[2] = "\0\0"; c[0] = Kc(kobj); return Py_BuildValue("s", c); } fail: PyErr_BadArgument(); return NULL; }
bool CartesianImpedance::startHook() { RESTRICT_ALLOC; for (size_t i = 0; i < K; i++) { Kc(i * 6 + 0) = 1; Kc(i * 6 + 1) = 1; Kc(i * 6 + 2) = 1500; Kc(i * 6 + 3) = 150; Kc(i * 6 + 4) = 150; Kc(i * 6 + 5) = 150; Dxi(i * 6 + 0) = 0.7; Dxi(i * 6 + 1) = 0.7; Dxi(i * 6 + 2) = 0.7; Dxi(i * 6 + 3) = 0.7; Dxi(i * 6 + 4) = 0.7; Dxi(i * 6 + 5) = 0.7; geometry_msgs::Pose pos; if (port_tool_position_command_[i]->read(pos) == RTT::NewData) { tools[i](0) = pos.position.x; tools[i](1) = pos.position.y; tools[i](2) = pos.position.z; tools[i](3) = pos.orientation.w; tools[i](4) = pos.orientation.x; tools[i](5) = pos.orientation.y; tools[i](6) = pos.orientation.z; } else { return false; } } for (size_t i = 0; i < N; i++) { nullspace_torque_command_(i) = 0.0; } if ( == RTT::NewData) { robot_->fkin(&r_cmd[0], joint_position_, &tools[0]); for (size_t i = 0; i < K; i++) { geometry_msgs::Pose pos; tf::poseEigenToMsg(r_cmd[i], pos); port_cartesian_position_[i]->write(pos); } } else { return false; } UNRESTRICT_ALLOC; return true; }
static PyObject* _set_Kc(PyObject* self, PyObject* args) { PyObject* ko; char* c; if (PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "O!s", &_KType, &ko, &c)) { K k = ((_K*)ko)->kobj; if (k && k->t == 3) { Kc(k) = c[0]; Py_INCREF(ko); return ko; } else { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "wrong k type"); return NULL; } } PyErr_BadArgument(); return NULL; }
/*! Initialization of the tracking. The ellipse is defined thanks to the coordinates of n points. \warning It is better to use at least five points to well estimate the K parameters. \param I : Image in which the ellipse appears. \param n : The number of points in the list. \param iP : A pointer to a list of pointsbelonging to the ellipse edge. */ void vpMeEllipse::initTracking(const vpImage<unsigned char> &I, const unsigned int n, vpImagePoint *iP) { vpCDEBUG(1) <<" begin vpMeEllipse::initTracking()"<<std::endl ; if (circle==false) { vpMatrix A(n,5) ; vpColVector b_(n) ; vpColVector x(5) ; // Construction du systeme Ax=b //! i^2 + K0 j^2 + 2 K1 i j + 2 K2 i + 2 K3 j + K4 // A = (j^2 2ij 2i 2j 1) x = (K0 K1 K2 K3 K4)^T b = (-i^2 ) for (unsigned int k =0 ; k < n ; k++) { A[k][0] = vpMath::sqr(iP[k].get_j()) ; A[k][1] = 2* iP[k].get_i() * iP[k].get_j() ; A[k][2] = 2* iP[k].get_i() ; A[k][3] = 2* iP[k].get_j() ; A[k][4] = 1 ; b_[k] = - vpMath::sqr(iP[k].get_i()) ; } K = A.pseudoInverse(1e-26)*b_ ; std::cout << K << std::endl; } else { vpMatrix A(n,3) ; vpColVector b_(n) ; vpColVector x(3) ; vpColVector Kc(3) ; for (unsigned int k =0 ; k < n ; k++) { A[k][0] = 2* iP[k].get_i() ; A[k][1] = 2* iP[k].get_j() ; A[k][2] = 1 ; b_[k] = - vpMath::sqr(iP[k].get_i()) - vpMath::sqr(iP[k].get_j()) ; } Kc = A.pseudoInverse(1e-26)*b_ ; K[0] = 1 ; K[1] = 0 ; K[2] = Kc[0] ; K[3] = Kc[1] ; K[4] = Kc[2] ; std::cout << K << std::endl; } iP1 = iP[0]; iP2 = iP[n-1]; getParameters() ; std::cout << "vpMeEllipse::initTracking() ellipse avant: " << iPc << " " << a << " " << b << " " << vpMath::deg(e) << " alpha: " << alpha1 << " " << alpha2 << std::endl; computeAngle(iP1, iP2) ; std::cout << "vpMeEllipse::initTracking() ellipse apres: " << iPc << " " << a << " " << b << " " << vpMath::deg(e) << " alpha: " << alpha1 << " " << alpha2 << std::endl; expecteddensity = (alpha2-alpha1) / vpMath::rad((double)me->getSampleStep()); display(I, vpColor::green) ; sample(I) ; // 2. On appelle ce qui n'est pas specifique { vpMeTracker::initTracking(I) ; } try{ track(I) ; } catch(...) { vpERROR_TRACE("Error caught") ; throw ; } vpMeTracker::display(I) ; vpDisplay::flush(I) ; }
void vpMeEllipse::initTracking(const vpImage<unsigned char> &I, const unsigned int n, unsigned *i, unsigned *j) { vpCDEBUG(1) <<" begin vpMeEllipse::initTracking()"<<std::endl ; if (circle==false) { vpMatrix A(n,5) ; vpColVector b_(n) ; vpColVector x(5) ; // Construction du systeme Ax=b //! i^2 + K0 j^2 + 2 K1 i j + 2 K2 i + 2 K3 j + K4 // A = (j^2 2ij 2i 2j 1) x = (K0 K1 K2 K3 K4)^T b = (-i^2 ) for (unsigned int k =0 ; k < n ; k++) { A[k][0] = vpMath::sqr(j[k]) ; A[k][1] = 2* i[k] * j[k] ; A[k][2] = 2* i[k] ; A[k][3] = 2* j[k] ; A[k][4] = 1 ; b_[k] = - vpMath::sqr(i[k]) ; } K = A.pseudoInverse(1e-26)*b_ ; std::cout << K << std::endl; } else { vpMatrix A(n,3) ; vpColVector b_(n) ; vpColVector x(3) ; vpColVector Kc(3) ; for (unsigned int k =0 ; k < n ; k++) { A[k][0] = 2* i[k] ; A[k][1] = 2* j[k] ; A[k][2] = 1 ; b_[k] = - vpMath::sqr(i[k]) - vpMath::sqr(j[k]) ; } Kc = A.pseudoInverse(1e-26)*b_ ; K[0] = 1 ; K[1] = 0 ; K[2] = Kc[0] ; K[3] = Kc[1] ; K[4] = Kc[2] ; std::cout << K << std::endl; } iP1.set_i( i[0] ); iP1.set_j( j[0] ); iP2.set_i( i[n-1] ); iP2.set_j( j[n-1] ); getParameters() ; computeAngle(iP1, iP2) ; display(I, vpColor::green) ; sample(I) ; // 2. On appelle ce qui n'est pas specifique { vpMeTracker::initTracking(I) ; } try{ track(I) ; } catch(...) { vpERROR_TRACE("Error caught") ; throw ; } vpMeTracker::display(I) ; vpDisplay::flush(I) ; }
void CartesianImpedance::updateHook() { RESTRICT_ALLOC; // ToolMass toolsM[K]; Eigen::Affine3d r[K]; // read inputs; if (!joint_position_.allFinite()) { RTT::Logger::In in("CartesianImpedance::updateHook"); error(); RTT::log(RTT::Error) << "joint_position_ contains NaN or inf" << RTT::endlog(); return; }; if (!joint_velocity_.allFinite()) { RTT::Logger::In in("CartesianImpedance::updateHook"); error(); RTT::log(RTT::Error) << "joint_velocity_ contains NaN or inf" << RTT::endlog(); return; }; if (!nullspace_torque_command_.allFinite()) { RTT::Logger::In in("CartesianImpedance::updateHook"); error(); RTT::log(RTT::Error) << "nullspace_torque_command_ contains NaN or inf" << RTT::endlog(); return; } for (size_t i = 0; i < K; i++) { geometry_msgs::Pose pos; if (port_cartesian_position_command_[i]->read(pos) == RTT::NewData) { tf::poseMsgToEigen(pos, r_cmd[i]); } if (port_tool_position_command_[i]->read(pos) == RTT::NewData) { tools[i](0) = pos.position.x; tools[i](1) = pos.position.y; tools[i](2) = pos.position.z; tools[i](3) = pos.orientation.w; tools[i](4) = pos.orientation.x; tools[i](5) = pos.orientation.y; tools[i](6) = pos.orientation.z; } cartesian_trajectory_msgs::CartesianImpedance impedance; if (port_cartesian_impedance_command_[i]->read(impedance) == RTT::NewData) { Kc(i * 6 + 0) = impedance.stiffness.force.x; Kc(i * 6 + 1) = impedance.stiffness.force.y; Kc(i * 6 + 2) = impedance.stiffness.force.z; Kc(i * 6 + 3) = impedance.stiffness.torque.x; Kc(i * 6 + 4) = impedance.stiffness.torque.y; Kc(i * 6 + 5) = impedance.stiffness.torque.z; Dxi(i * 6 + 0) = impedance.damping.force.x; Dxi(i * 6 + 1) = impedance.damping.force.y; Dxi(i * 6 + 2) = impedance.damping.force.z; Dxi(i * 6 + 3) = impedance.damping.torque.x; Dxi(i * 6 + 4) = impedance.damping.torque.y; Dxi(i * 6 + 5) = impedance.damping.torque.z; } }; if (!M.allFinite()) { RTT::Logger::In in("CartesianImpedance::updateHook"); error(); RTT::log(RTT::Error) << "M contains NaN or inf" << RTT::endlog(); return; } // calculate robot data robot_->jacobian(J, joint_position_, &tools[0]); if (!J.allFinite()) { RTT::Logger::In in("CartesianImpedance::updateHook"); error(); RTT::log(RTT::Error) << "J contains NaN or inf" << RTT::endlog(); return; } robot_->fkin(r, joint_position_, &tools[0]); JT = J.transpose(); lu_.compute(M); Mi = lu_.inverse(); if (!Mi.allFinite()) { RTT::Logger::In in("CartesianImpedance::updateHook"); error(); RTT::log(RTT::Error) << "Mi contains NaN or inf" << RTT::endlog(); return; } // calculate stiffness component for (size_t i = 0; i < K; i++) { Eigen::Affine3d tmp; tmp = r[i].inverse() * r_cmd[i]; p(i * 6) = tmp.translation().x(); p(i * 6 + 1) = tmp.translation().y(); p(i * 6 + 2) = tmp.translation().z(); Eigen::Quaternion<double> quat = Eigen::Quaternion<double>( tmp.rotation()); p(i * 6 + 3) = quat.x(); p(i * 6 + 4) = quat.y(); p(i * 6 + 5) = quat.z(); } F.noalias() = (Kc.array() * p.array()).matrix(); joint_torque_command_.noalias() = JT * F; if (!joint_torque_command_.allFinite()) { RTT::Logger::In in("CartesianImpedance::updateHook"); error(); RTT::log(RTT::Error) << "joint_torque_command_ contains NaN or inf" << RTT::endlog(); return; } // calculate damping component #if 1 tmpNK_.noalias() = J * Mi; A.noalias() = tmpNK_ * JT; luKK_.compute(A); A = luKK_.inverse(); tmpKK_ = Kc.asDiagonal(); UNRESTRICT_ALLOC; es_.compute(tmpKK_, A); RESTRICT_ALLOC; K0 = es_.eigenvalues(); luKK_.compute(es_.eigenvectors()); Q = luKK_.inverse(); tmpKK_ = Dxi.asDiagonal(); Dc.noalias() = Q.transpose() * tmpKK_; tmpKK_ = K0.cwiseSqrt().asDiagonal(); tmpKK2_.noalias() = Dc * tmpKK_; Dc.noalias() = tmpKK2_ * Q; tmpK_.noalias() = J * joint_velocity_; F.noalias() = Dc * tmpK_; if (!F.allFinite()) { RTT::Logger::In in("CartesianImpedance::updateHook"); error(); RTT::log(RTT::Error) << "F contains NaN or inf" << RTT::endlog(); return; } joint_torque_command_.noalias() -= JT * F; #else UNRESTRICT_ALLOC; tmpNN_.noalias() = JT * Kc.asDiagonal() * J; es_.compute(tmpNN_, M, Eigen::ComputeEigenvectors | Eigen::BAx_lx); K0 = es_.eigenvalues(); Q = es_.eigenvectors(); RESTRICT_ALLOC; tmpNN_ = K0.cwiseSqrt().asDiagonal(); UNRESTRICT_ALLOC; Dc.noalias() = Q * 0.7 * tmpNN_ * Q.adjoint(); RESTRICT_ALLOC; joint_torque_command_.noalias() -= Dc * joint_velocity_; #endif // calculate null-space component tmpNK_.noalias() = J * Mi; tmpKK_.noalias() = tmpNK_ * JT; luKK_.compute(tmpKK_); tmpKK_ = luKK_.inverse(); tmpKN_.noalias() = Mi * JT; Ji.noalias() = tmpKN_ * tmpKK_; P.noalias() = Eigen::MatrixXd::Identity(P.rows(), P.cols()); P.noalias() -= J.transpose() * A * J * Mi; if (!P.allFinite()) { RTT::Logger::In in("CartesianImpedance::updateHook"); error(); RTT::log(RTT::Error) << "P contains NaN or inf" << RTT::endlog(); return; } joint_torque_command_.noalias() += P * nullspace_torque_command_; // write outputs UNRESTRICT_ALLOC; port_joint_torque_command_.write(joint_torque_command_); for (size_t i = 0; i < K; i++) { geometry_msgs::Pose pos; tf::poseEigenToMsg(r[i], pos); port_cartesian_position_[i]->write(pos); } }
static PyObject* _ktoarray(PyObject* self, PyObject* k) { PyArrayObject *ret; if (!PyK_KCheck(k)) { return PyErr_Format(PyExc_TypeError, "not k object"); } K kobj = ((PyK_K*)k)->kobj; if (!kobj) { return PyErr_Format(PyExc_AssertionError, "null kobj"); } int t = kobj->t; /* XXX k objects of type 0 should be converted * to non-contiguous arrays rather than trigger * an error. */ if (abs(t) >= LEN(types) && t != 5 ) { return PyErr_Format(PyExc_TypeError, "cannot create an array from a " "k object of type %d", t); } int type = types[abs(t)]; /* PyArray type */ int nd = t <= 0 || t == 5; /* Number of dimensions (0 or 1) */ int* d = &kobj->n; /* Shape */ char* data; switch (t) { case 1: data = (char*)&Ki(kobj); break; case 3: data = &Kc(kobj); break; case 4: data = Ks(kobj); break; default: data = KC(kobj); } /* Special handling for symbols arrays: convert data to Python strings */ PyObject** buf = 0; if (t == -4) { int n = *d, i = 0; buf = (PyObject**)malloc(n * sizeof(PyObject*)); for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) { char* s = KS(kobj)[i]; if (!s) goto fail; buf[i] = PyString_FromString(s); if (!buf[i]) goto fail; } data = (char*)buf; } else if (t == 0 || t == 5) { int n = *d, i = 0; buf = (PyObject**)malloc(n * sizeof(PyObject*)); for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) { K ki = KK(kobj)[i]; if (!ki) goto fail; ci(ki); buf[i] = PyK_mk_K(ki); if (!buf[i]) { cd(ki); goto fail; } } data = (char*)buf; } if (!(ret = (PyArrayObject *)PyArray_FromDimsAndData(nd, d, type, data))) { goto fail; } if (buf) { ret->flags |= OWN_DATA; } else { Py_INCREF(k); ret->base = k; } return (PyObject*)ret; fail: if (buf) free(buf); return NULL; }
/* XXX unfortunately API function gnk of which pyk.gk is based is a vararg function and therefore cannot be portably exported to Python. It would be better if libk20 supplied a function gnk_(I, K*) in addition to gnk(I,...) which would take an array of K objects as the second argument */ static PyObject* _gk(PyObject* self, PyObject* args) { int n = PyTuple_Size(args); if (!n) { return _mk_K(gtn(0,0)); } int i, type = INT_MAX; K* ks = (K*)malloc(n*sizeof(K)); K kobj; for(i = 0; i < n; i++) { K ki; int t; PyObject* argi = PyTuple_GET_ITEM(args, i); if (!IS_K(argi)) { goto fail; } ks[i] = ki = ((_K*)argi)->kobj; t = ki->t; if (INT_MAX == type) { type = t; } else if (t > 4 || t < 1 || t != type) { type = 0; } } kobj = gtn((type>0 && type<5)?-type:0, n); if (!kobj) { free(ks); return PyErr_Format(PyExc_TypeError, "gtn(%d,%d) returned null", -type, n); } switch (type) { case 1: for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { KI(kobj)[i] = Ki(ks[i]); } break; case 2: for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { KF(kobj)[i] = Kf(ks[i]); } break; case 3: for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { KC(kobj)[i] = Kc(ks[i]); } break; case 4: for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { KS(kobj)[i] = Ks(ks[i]); } break; default: memcpy(KK(kobj), ks, n*sizeof(K)); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { ci(ks[i]); } break; } free(ks); return _mk_K(kobj); fail: free(ks); PyErr_BadArgument(); return NULL; }
real SH::YCheby(int l, int m, real theta, real phi) { if(m==0) return Kc(l,0)*T(l,cos(theta)); else if(m>0) return Kc(l,m)*cos(m*phi)*Tlm(l,m,cos(theta)); else return Kc(l,-m)*sin(-m*phi)*Tlm(l,-m,cos(theta)); }
// Calculate local stiffness matrix. Use reduced integration with hourglass stabilization. void ElementQuadrangleLin::set_K_isoparametric() { double shear = E / (2 + 2 * nu); double lame = E * nu / ((1 + nu) * (1 - 2 * nu)); Eigen::Matrix3d C; C << 2 * shear + lame, lame, 0., lame, 2 * shear + lame, 0., 0., 0., shear; Eigen::Vector4d x, y; int i; for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { x(i) = domain->nodes[nodes[i] - 1].x; y(i) = domain->nodes[nodes[i] - 1].y; } const double gp = sqrt(1. / 3.); double gps[5][2] = { {-gp,-gp},{ gp,-gp },{ gp,gp },{ -gp,gp },{0.,0.} }; Eigen::Vector4d g_xi(-0.25, 0.25, 0.25, -0.25); Eigen::Vector4d g_eta(-0.25, -0.25, 0.25, 0.25); Eigen::Vector4d h(0.25, -0.25, 0.25, -0.25); Eigen::Matrix2d J[5]; Eigen::Matrix2d J_inv[5]; for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) { double xi = gps[i][0]; double eta = gps[i][1]; J[i](0, 0) = + eta*h); J[i](0, 1) = + xi*h); J[i](1, 0) = + eta*h); J[i](1, 1) = + xi*h); J_inv[i] = J[i].inverse(); } Eigen::MatrixXd xieta(4, 2); xieta << g_xi, g_eta; Eigen::MatrixXd b(4, 2); b = xieta*J_inv[4]; Eigen::MatrixXd B_0T(8,3); Eigen::Vector4d zers = Eigen::Vector4d::Zero(); B_0T << b.block<4,1>(0,0), zers, b.block<4, 1>(0, 1), zers, b.block<4, 1>(0, 1), b.block<4, 1>(0, 0); Eigen::MatrixXd xy(4,2); xy << x,y; Eigen::Matrix4d m_gamma; Eigen::Vector4d gamma; m_gamma = Eigen::Matrix4d::Identity() - b*xy.transpose(); gamma = m_gamma * h; Eigen::MatrixXd j_0_dev(3, 4); Eigen::Matrix2d j0iT = J_inv[4].transpose(); j_0_dev << 2 * j0iT.block<1, 2>(0, 0), -1 * j0iT.block<1, 2>(1, 0), -1 * j0iT.block<1, 2>(0, 0), 2 * j0iT.block<1, 2>(1, 0), 3 * j0iT.block<1, 2>(0, 0), 3 * j0iT.block<1, 2>(1, 0); j_0_dev *= 1. / 3.; Eigen::MatrixXd L_hg[4]; for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { double xi = gps[i][0]; double eta = gps[i][1]; L_hg[i].resize(4,2); L_hg[i] << eta, 0.0, xi, 0.0, 0.0, eta, 0.0, xi; } Eigen::MatrixXd M_hg(8,2); M_hg << gamma, zers, zers, gamma; M_hg.transposeInPlace(); // 2x8 Eigen::MatrixXd B_red[4]; Eigen::MatrixXd K_red = Eigen::MatrixXd::Zero(8,8); Eigen::MatrixXd B[4]; Eigen::MatrixXd Bc[4]; volume = 4 * J[4].determinant()*thickness; for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { B_red[i].resize(3, 8); B[i].resize(3, 8); Bc[i].resize(3, 8); B_red[i] = j_0_dev * L_hg[i] * M_hg; // 3x4 * 4x2 * 2x8 = 3x8 K_red += B_red[i].transpose()*C*B_red[i]; // 8x3 * 3x3 * 3x8 = 8x8 Bc[i] = B_0T.transpose() + B_red[i]; // 3x8 + 3x8 = 3x8 B[i] << Bc[i].block<3, 1>(0, 0), Bc[i].block<3, 1>(0, 4), Bc[i].block<3, 1>(0, 1), Bc[i].block<3, 1>(0, 5), Bc[i].block<3, 1>(0, 2), Bc[i].block<3, 1>(0, 6), Bc[i].block<3, 1>(0, 3), Bc[i].block<3, 1>(0, 7); // 3x8 } K_red *= volume / 4.0; Eigen::MatrixXd K(8, 8); Eigen::MatrixXd Kc(8, 8); Eigen::MatrixXd Kc2(8, 8); Kc = K_red + volume*B_0T*C*B_0T.transpose(); // 8x8 + 8x3 * 3x3 * 3x8 Kc2 << Kc.block<8, 1>(0, 0), Kc.block<8, 1>(0, 4), Kc.block<8, 1>(0, 1), Kc.block<8, 1>(0, 5), Kc.block<8, 1>(0, 2), Kc.block<8, 1>(0, 6), Kc.block<8, 1>(0, 3), Kc.block<8, 1>(0, 7); K << Kc2.block<1, 8>(0, 0), Kc2.block<1, 8>(4, 0), Kc2.block<1, 8>(1, 0), Kc2.block<1, 8>(5, 0), Kc2.block<1, 8>(2, 0), Kc2.block<1, 8>(6, 0), Kc2.block<1, 8>(3, 0), Kc2.block<1, 8>(7, 0); // Don't forget to swap rows and/or columns of B and K matrix and store it in the object. K_loc = K; B_matrices = B; }
K gc(C x) {K z=newK(3,1); Kc(z)=x; R z;}
int main(int argc, char** argv) { F pi = atan(1.0)*4; K a = gi(2); K b = gi(3); K c = gi(4); K* v; cd(ksk("",0)); tst(Ki(a)==2); tst(Ki(b) + 1 == Ki(c)); cd(a); cd(b); cd(c); b = gf(1.0); c = gf(2); tst(Kf(b) + 1 == Kf(c)); cd(b); cd(c); a = gs(sp("foo")); b = ksk("`foo", 0); tst(Ks(a) == Ks(b)); cd(a); cd(b); a = ksk("2 + 3", 0); tst(Ki(a) == 5); cd(a); a = ksk("_ci 65", 0); tst(Kc(a) == 'A'); // XXX this should return type 1 uniform vector a=gnk(3,gi(11),gi(22),gi(33)); tst(a->t == 0); v = (K*)a->k; tst(Ki(v[0])+Ki(v[1])==Ki(v[2])); cd(a); { b = gsk("pi",gf(pi)); kap(&KTREE, &b); a = X(".pi"); tst(Kf(a) == pi); cd(a); } { K dir = gtn(5,0); K t; t = gsk("x",gi(1)); kap(&dir, &t); t = gsk("y",gi(2)); kap(&dir, &t); t = gsk("z",dir); kap(&KTREE, &t); a = X(".z.x"); tst(Ki(a) == 1); cd(a); a = X(".z.y"); tst(Ki(a) == 2); cd(a); } { I i; K d = gtn(5,0); K c0 = gtn(0,0); K c1 = gtn(-1,0); K t0, t1, e; t0 = gsk("a", c0); kap(&d,&t0); t1 = gsk("b", c1); kap(&d,&t1); e = gp("hello1"); kap(&c0,&e); e = gp("hello2"); kap(&c0,&e); KK(KK(d)[0])[1] = c0; i = 1; kap(&KK(KK(d)[1])[1], &i); i = 2; kap(&KK(KK(d)[1])[1], &i); //i = 1; kap(&c1, &i); //i = 2; kap(&c1, &i); //KK(KK(d)[1])[1] = c1; show(d); } //b = ksk("+/", a); //tst(Ki(b) == 66); //argc--;argv++; //DO(i, argc, {a=ksk(argv[i], 0); //ksk("`0:,/$!10;`0:,\"\n\"", 0); fprintf(stderr, "Pass:%4d, fail:%4d\n", pass, fail); if (argc > 1 && strcmp(argv[1], "-i") == 0) { boilerplate(); attend(); } }