Esempio n. 1
void homographyToPoseCV(at::real fx, at::real fy,
                        at::real tagSize,
                        const at::Mat& horig,
                        cv::Mat& rvec,
                        cv::Mat& tvec) {
  at::Point3 opoints[4] = {
    at::Point3(-1, -1, 0),
    at::Point3( 1, -1, 0),
    at::Point3( 1,  1, 0),
    at::Point3(-1,  1, 0)

  at::Point ipoints[4];

  at::real s = 0.5*tagSize;

  for (int i=0; i<4; ++i) {
    ipoints[i] = project(horig, opoints[i].x, opoints[i].y);
    opoints[i] *= s;

  at::real Kdata[9] = { 
    fx, 0, 0,
    0, fy, 0, 
    0, 0, 1

  at::Mat Kmat(3, 3, Kdata);

  at::Mat dcoeffs = at::Mat::zeros(4, 1);

  cv::Mat_<at::Point3> omat(4, 1, opoints);
  cv::Mat_<at::Point> imat(4, 1, ipoints);

  cv::Mat r, t;

  cv::solvePnP(omat, imat, Kmat, dcoeffs, r, t);

  if (rvec.type() == CV_32F) {
    r.convertTo(rvec, rvec.type());
  } else {
    rvec = r;

  if (tvec.type() == CV_32F) {
    t.convertTo(tvec, tvec.type());
  } else {
    tvec = t;

void krylov(const ComplexSparseMatrixType &A, ComplexVectorType &Vec,
  const ComplexType Prefactor, const size_t Kmax)
  // INFO(A);
  const RealType beta_err = 1.0E-12;
  if (DEBUG) assert( Kmax > 2 );
  RealType alpha;
  RealType beta = 1.0;
  ComplexMatrixType Vm = ComplexMatrixType::Zero(Vec.size(), Kmax);
  std::vector<RealType> Alphas;
  std::vector<RealType> Betas;
  int cntK = 0;
  //NOTE: normalized Vec
  Vm.col(cntK) = Vec;
  while ( cntK < Kmax ) {
    ComplexVectorType work = A * Vm.col(cntK);
    if( cntK > 0 ) work -= beta * Vm.col(cntK-1);
    ComplexType alpha_c = Vm.col(cntK) );
    alpha = alpha_c.real();
    work -= alpha * Vm.col(cntK);
    beta = work.norm();
    if( DEBUG > 4 ){
      INFO("@ " << cntK << " alpha is " << alpha << " beta is " << beta);
    if( beta > beta_err ){
      if( cntK+1 < Kmax ) {
        Vm.col(cntK+1) = work;
  if ( DEBUG ) {
    assert( Alphas.size() == cntK );
    assert( Betas.size() == cntK - 1 );
    if ( DEBUG > 5 ) {
      ComplexMatrixType tmpVm = Vm;
      INFO( "Vm^H * Vm " << std::endl << tmpVm * Vm);
  int Kused = cntK;
  if ( Kused == 1 ){
    /* NOTE: This is a special case that input vector is eigenvector */
    Vec = exp(Prefactor * * Vec;
  } else{
    /* NOTE: The floowing codes use Eigen to solve the tri-diagonal matrix.
             If we use this, we need the Eigen header in this file.
    // RealMatrixType TriDiag = RealMatrixType::Zero(Kused, Kused);
    // for (size_t cnt = 0; cnt < Kused; cnt++) {
    //   TriDiag(cnt, cnt) =;
    //   if (cnt > 0) {
    //     TriDiag(cnt, cnt-1) = - 1);
    //     TriDiag(cnt-1, cnt) = - 1);
    //   }
    // }
    // Eigen::SelfAdjointEigenSolver<RealMatrixType> es;
    // es.compute(TriDiag);
    // RealVectorType Dvec = es.eigenvalues();
    // ComplexMatrixType Dmat = ComplexMatrixType::Zero(Kused, Kused);
    // for (size_t cnt = 0; cnt < Kused; cnt++) {
    //   Dmat(cnt,cnt) = exp( Prefactor * Dvec(cnt) );
    // }
    // RealMatrixType Kmat = es.eigenvectors();
    /* NOTE: The floowing codes use MKL Lapack to solve the tri-diagonal matrix */
    RealType* d = &Alphas[0];
    RealType* e = &Betas[0];
    RealType* z = (RealType*)malloc(Kused * Kused * sizeof(RealType));
    RealType* work = (RealType*)malloc(4 * Kused * sizeof(RealType));
    int info;
    //dstev - LAPACK
    dstev((char*)"V", &Kused, d, e, z, &Kused, work, &info);
    Eigen::Map<RealMatrixType> Kmat(z, Kused, Kused);
    ComplexMatrixType Dmat = ComplexMatrixType::Zero(Kused, Kused);
    for (size_t cnt = 0; cnt < Kused; cnt++) {
      Dmat(cnt,cnt) = exp( Prefactor * d[cnt] );
    if(info != 0){
      INFO("Lapack INFO = " << info);
      RUNTIME_ERROR("Error in Lapack function 'dstev'");
    /* NOTE: After Solving tri-diagonal matrix, we need Kmat and Dmat to proceed further. */
    if ( DEBUG > 4 ) {
      RealMatrixType tmpKmat = Kmat;
      INFO( Kmat * Dmat * tmpKmat );
    ComplexMatrixType Otmp = Vm.block(0, 0, Vec.size(), Kused) * Kmat;
    Vec = ( Otmp * Dmat ) * ( Otmp.adjoint() * Vec );