Esempio n. 1
void mexFunction(int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[],
	int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[]){
	/*Declarar las variables locales*/
	mexPrintf("hios\n"); //Tarea1 termina aqui
	double *A, *B, determinante;
	int *pivot, info, Nfilas, Ncolumnas;
	/*Insertar el código */
	if (nrhs != 1){ // nº args diferente de 1
		mexErrMsgTxt("Error. myla, Debe tener un arg de entrada");
	if (!mxIsNumeric(prhs[0])){
		mexErrMsgTxt("Error. El argumento de entrada debe ser una matriz");
	Nfilas = mxGetM(prhs[0]);
	Ncolumnas = mxGetN(prhs[0]);
	if (Nfilas != Ncolumnas){
		mexErrMsgTxt("Error. La matriz debe ser cuadrada");
	if (Nfilas == 0){
		mexErrMsgTxt("Error. La matriz debe no ser vacía");
	if (nlhs > 2){
		mexErrMsgTxt("Error. Debe haber uno o dos args de salida");
	// copia de las variables
	A = mxGetPr(prhs[0]);
	B = (double *)mkl_malloc(Nfilas*Ncolumnas*sizeof(double), 64);
	memcpy(B, A, Nfilas*Ncolumnas*sizeof(double));
	pivot = (int *)mkl_malloc(Nfilas*sizeof(int), 32);
	//procesos computacionales
	info = LAPACKE_dgetrf(LAPACK_COL_MAJOR, Nfilas, Ncolumnas, B, Ncolumnas, pivot);
	determinante = 1.0;
	for (int i = 0; i < Nfilas; i++){
		if (pivot[i] != (i+1)){
			determinante *= -B[i*Ncolumnas + i];
			determinante *= B[i*Ncolumnas + i];
	// crear los resultados de salida
	plhs[0] = mxCreateDoubleScalar(determinante);
	if (nlhs == 2){
		if (fabs(determinante) < 1.0e-8){
			mexWarnMsgTxt("Matriz singular o casi singular");
		LAPACKE_dgetri(LAPACK_COL_MAJOR, Nfilas, B, Ncolumnas, pivot);
		plhs[1] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(Nfilas, Ncolumnas, mxREAL);
		double *C = mxGetPr(plhs[1]);
		memcpy(C, B, Nfilas*Ncolumnas*sizeof(double));
Esempio n. 2
//Given a value, calculates the sylvester's determinant with the use of LAPACKE_dgetrf
double SylvesterDeterminant(Sylvester * sylv, double value, int print){
	int i=0,j=0;
	int dim=sylv->dim;
	double ** matrix=NULL;
	double * matrix1d;
	double det=1;
	int * ipiv=NULL;
	if(matrix==NULL){perror("Det matrix malloc 1D");exit(0);}
		if(matrix[i]==NULL){perror("Det matrix malloc 2D");exit(0);}
	ipiv=LAPACKE_malloc(sizeof(int) * (dim*(dim>=6) + 6*(dim<6)) );
	if(ipiv==NULL){perror("ipiv malloc comp matrx creation");exit(0);}
			matrix[i][j]=get_polyonymvalue(&(sylv->matrix[i][j]), value);


	from2Dto1D_double(matrix, &matrix1d, dim, dim);
	LAPACKE_dgetrf(LAPACK_ROW_MAJOR, dim, dim, matrix1d, dim, ipiv);
			det=det*( (ipiv[i]==(i+1)) + (-1)*(ipiv[i]!=(i+1)) ) *(matrix1d[i*dim+i]);
	return det;
Esempio n. 3
doit_in_col_major (const char * description,
		   const int Anrows, const int Ancols, double A[Ancols][Anrows],
		   double packedLU[Ancols][Anrows])
  lapack_int	ldA		= Anrows;		/* leading dimension of A */

  /* Lower-triangular factor L. */
  lapack_int	Lnrows		= Anrows;
  lapack_int	Lncols		= MIN(Anrows,Ancols);
  lapack_int	ldL		= Lnrows;
  double	L[Lncols][Lnrows];

  /* Upper-triangular factor U. */
  lapack_int	Unrows		= MIN(Anrows,Ancols);
  lapack_int	Uncols		= Ancols;
  lapack_int	ldU		= Unrows;
  double	U[Uncols][Unrows];

  /* Result of computation: tuple  of partial pivot indices representing
     the permutation matrix. */
  lapack_int	IPIV_DIM	= MIN(Anrows,Ancols);
  lapack_int	ipiv[IPIV_DIM];

  /* Result of computation: error code, zero if success. */
  lapack_int	info;

  /* Data  needed  to  reconstruct  A  from  the  results:  permutations
     vector. */
  int		perms[Anrows];

  /* Data needed to reconstruct A from the results: matrix A1 = LU. */
  lapack_int	ldA1		= ldA;
  double	A1[Ancols][Anrows];

  /* Data  needed  to  reconstruct   A  from  the  results:  permutation
     matrix. */
  int		P[Anrows][Anrows];

  /* Data needed to reconstruct A from the results:
   *     reconstructed_A_ipiv = P A1 = PLU
   * reconstructed by applying IPIV to A1 backwards.
  double	reconstructed_A_ipiv[Ancols][Anrows];

  /* Data needed to reconstruct A from the results:
   *     reconstructed_A_P = P A1 = PLU
   * reconstructed by left-multiplying A1 by the permutations matrix P.
  double	reconstructed_A_P[Ancols][Anrows];

  /* Load the original  coefficients matrix from A to  packedLU.  The LU
     factorisation  result  of  dgetrf()  will  be  stored  in  packedLU,
     overwriting it. */
  memcpy(packedLU, A, sizeof(double) * Anrows * Ancols);

  /* Do it. */
  info	= LAPACKE_dgetrf(LAPACK_COL_MAJOR, Anrows, Ancols, MREF(packedLU), ldA, VREF(ipiv));

  /* If something went wrong in the function call INFO is non-zero: exit
     with failure. */
  if (0 != info) {
    printf("Error computing solution with col-major operands: INFO=%d.\n", info);

  /* Reconstruct A from the results. */
    col_major_PLU_permutation_matrix_from_ipiv (Anrows, Ancols, ipiv, perms, P);
    real_col_major_split_LU(Anrows, Ancols, MIN(Anrows, Ancols), packedLU, L, U);

    /* Multiply L and U to verify that  the result is indeed PA; we need
     * CBLAS for this.  In general DGEMM does:
     *   \alpha A B + \beta C
     * where  A, B  and C  are matrices.   We need  to inspect  both the
     * header  file "cblas.h"  and  the source  file  "dgemm.f" for  the
     * documentation of the parameters; the prototype of "cblas_dgemm()"
     * is:
     *    void cblas_dgemm(const enum CBLAS_ORDER Order,
     *                     const enum CBLAS_TRANSPOSE TransA,
     *                     const enum CBLAS_TRANSPOSE TransB,
     *                     const int M, const int N, const int K,
     *                     const double alpha,
     *                     const double *A, const int lda,
     *                     const double *B, const int ldb,
     *                     const double beta,
     *                     double *C, const int ldc);
     * In our  case all the matrices  are in col-major order  and we the
     * representations in the  arrays A and B are not  transposed, so: M
     * is the number of rows of A and C; N is the number of columns of B
     * and of columns of C; K is the  number of columns of A and rows of
     * B.  In other words:
     *    A has dimensions M x K
     *    B has dimensions K x N
     *    C has dimensions M x N
     * obviously the product AB has dimensions M x N.
     * Here we want to do:
     *   A1 = 1.0 L U + 0 A1
     * where R  is a matrix whose  contents at input are  not important,
     * and whose contents at output are the result of the operation.
    if (1) {
      double	alpha = 1.0;
      double	beta  = 0.0;
      cblas_dgemm(CblasColMajor, CblasNoTrans, CblasNoTrans,
		  Anrows, Ancols, Lncols,
		  alpha, MREF(L), ldL, MREF(U), ldU, beta, MREF(A1), ldA1);
      real_col_major_apply_ipiv (Anrows, Ancols, ipiv, BACKWARD_IPIV_APPLICATION,
				 reconstructed_A_ipiv, A1);
      real_col_major_apply_permutation_matrix (Anrows, Ancols, reconstructed_A_P, P, A1);

  printf("Column-major dgetrf results, %s:\n", description);

  /* Result verification. */
  if (1) {
    compare_real_col_major_result_and_expected_result("reconstructed A with IPIV application",
						      Anrows, Ancols, reconstructed_A_ipiv, A);
    compare_real_col_major_result_and_expected_result("reconstructed A with P application",
						      Anrows, Ancols, reconstructed_A_P, A);

  /* Results logging. */
    print_real_col_major_matrix("A, original coefficient matrix", Anrows, Ancols, A);
    print_col_major_PLU_partial_pivoting_vectors_and_matrix (Anrows, Ancols, ipiv, perms, P);
    print_real_col_major_matrix("packedLU representing L and U packed in single matrix",
				Anrows, Ancols, packedLU);
    print_real_col_major_matrix("L, elements of packedLU", Lnrows, Lncols, L);
    print_real_col_major_matrix("U, elements of packedLU", Unrows, Uncols, U);
    print_real_col_major_matrix("A1 = LU, it must be such that A = PR", Anrows, Ancols, A1);
    print_real_col_major_matrix("reconstructed_A_ipiv = PA1 = PLU, it must be such that A = reconstructed_A",
				Anrows, Ancols, reconstructed_A_ipiv);
    print_real_col_major_matrix("reconstructed_A_P = PA1 = PLU, it must be such that A = reconstructed_A",
				Anrows, Ancols, reconstructed_A_P);
int LUDecomposition(int argc, char *argv[]) {

	int 			ret_code = 1;
	int 			option;

	unsigned long 		*II;
	unsigned long 		*J;
	double 			*values;
	unsigned long 		M;
	unsigned long 		N;
	unsigned long long 	nz;
	int			_M;
	int			_N;
	char			*outputFileName = NULL;
	char			*inputMatrixFile = NULL;
	int			inputFormatRow = 0;
	while ((option = getopt(argc, argv,"ro:")) >= 0) {
		switch (option) {
			case 'o' : 
				outputFileName = (char *) malloc(sizeof(char)*strlen(optarg)+1);
			case 'r':
				inputFormatRow = 1;
			default: break;
	if ((optind + 1 > argc) || (optind + 2 <= argc)) {
		return 0;
	if(outputFileName == NULL) {
		outputFileName = (char *) malloc(sizeof(char)*7);
	inputMatrixFile = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char)*strlen(argv[optind])+1);

	//Read matrix
			fprintf(stderr, "[%s] Can not read Matrix\n",__func__);
			return 0;
	else {
			fprintf(stderr, "[%s] Can not read Matrix\n",__func__);
			return 0;

	_M = (int) M;
	_N = (int) N;
	int ipiv[_M];
	lapack_int LAPACKE_dgetrf( int matrix_layout, lapack_int m, lapack_int n,
                           double* a, lapack_int lda, lapack_int* ipiv );
        ret_code = LAPACKE_dgetrf(LAPACK_ROW_MAJOR,_M,_N, values,_N, ipiv);
		writeLUCoordinateMatrixRowLine(outputFileName, values,M,N,nz, ipiv);
		writeLUCoordinateMatrix(outputFileName, values,M,N,nz, ipiv);
		return 1;
		return 0;

Esempio n. 5
/* Main program */
int main() {
        /* Locals */
        lapack_int n = N, nrhs = NRHS, lda = LDA, ldb = LDB, info;
        /* Local arrays */
        lapack_int ipiv[N];
        double a[LDA*N] = {
            6.80, -6.05, -0.45,  8.32, -9.67,
           -2.11, -3.30,  2.58,  2.71, -5.14,
            5.66, 5.36, -2.70,  4.35, -7.26,
            5.97, -4.44,  0.27, -7.17, 6.08,
            8.23, 1.08,  9.04,  2.14, -6.87
        double b[LDB*N] = {
            4.02, -1.56, 9.81,
            6.19,  4.00, -4.09,
           -8.22, -8.67, -4.57,
           -7.57,  1.75, -8.61,
           -3.03,  2.86, 8.99

       double aNorm;
       double rcond;
       char ONE_NORM = '1';
       lapack_int NROWS = n;
       lapack_int NCOLS = n;
       lapack_int LEADING_DIMENSION_A = n;

              /* Print Entry Matrix */
        print_matrix( "Entry Matrix A", n, n, a, lda );
        /* Print Right Rand Side */
        print_matrix( "Right Rand Side", n, nrhs, b, ldb );
        printf( "\n" );
        /* Executable statements */
        printf( "LAPACKE_dgecon Example Program Results\n" );
        info = LAPACKE_dgecon(LAPACK_ROW_MAJOR, ONE_NORM, n, a, LEADING_DIMENSION_A, aNorm, &rcond); // aNorm should be 35.019999999999996
        double work[4*N];
        int iwork[N];
        //info = LAPACKE_dgecon_work(LAPACK_ROW_MAJOR, ONE_NORM, n, a, LEADING_DIMENSION_A, aNorm, &rcond, work, iwork); // aNorm should be 35.019999999999996
        //dgecon_( &ONE_NORM, &n, a, &LEADING_DIMENSION_A, &aNorm, &rcond, work, iwork, &info );
        /* Check for the exact singularity */
              if (info == 0)
                     printf("LAPACKE_dgecon completed SUCCESSFULLY...\n");
              else if ( info < 0 )
            printf( "Element %d of A had an illegal value\n", -info );
            exit( 1 );
            printf( "Unrecognized value of INFO = %d\n", info );
            exit( 1 );

        /* Print solution */
       printf("LAPACKE_dlange / One-norm of A = %lf\n", aNorm);
        printf("LAPACKE_dgecon / RCOND of A    = %f\n", rcond);
        exit( 0 );
} /* End of LAPACKE_dgesv Example */
void runSequentialLU(double *matrix, int matrixSize)
  int *piv = new int[matrixSize*matrixSize];
  LAPACKE_dgetrf(LAPACK_COL_MAJOR, matrixSize, matrixSize, matrix, matrixSize, piv);