* Function Name  : DisplayMenuItemString
* Description    : Prints menu line
* Input          : y   - line y-coordinate
*                : ptr - pointer to string
* Output         : None
* Return         : None
void DisplayMenuItemString(uint32_t y, ucint8_t *ptr)
  uint32_t x;

  LCD_PUTS(0, y, "                                        ");
  x = (MAX_X - (CurrentFont->Width * strlen((const char *)ptr))) / 2;
  LCD_PUTS(x, y, ptr);
static int lcd_send_cmd_sequence(Init_Seq_t * init)
	int i;

	/* lcd_enable_ce(false); */

	for (i = 0; init[i].type != STOP; i++) {
		if (init[i].type == WRITE_INDEX) {
			LCD_DEBUG("Index:0x%04x(0x%04x), Data:0x%04x(0x%04x)\n",
				  init[i].data >> 1, init[i].data,
				  init[i + 1].data >> 1, init[i + 1].data);
		} else if (init[i].type == WRITE_DATA) {
* Function Name  : VCOMHelp
* Description    : Prints hint to the screen.
* Input          : None
* Output         : None
* Return         : None
void VCOMHelp(void)
  sFONT *OldFont = CurrentFont;
  LCD_Method OldMethod = CurrentMethod;

  CurrentMethod = MET_AND;
  CurrentFont = &Font_6x8;
  DisplayMenuTitle("MDR_USB. Virtual COM");
  LCD_PUTS(0, CurrentFont->Height * 2 + 2,     "  To stop Press SEL");

  CurrentMethod = OldMethod;
  CurrentFont = OldFont;
* Function Name  : DisplayMenuTitle
* Description    : Prints menu header
* Input          : ptr - pointer to header string
* Output         : None
* Return         : None
void DisplayMenuTitle(ucint8_t *ptr)
  uint32_t x, y;
  sFONT *OldFont = CurrentFont;
  LCD_Method OldMethod = CurrentMethod;

  CurrentFont = &Font_6x8;
  CurrentMethod = MET_AND;

  x = (MAX_X - (CurrentFont->Width * strlen((const char *)ptr))) / 2;
  LCD_PUTS(x, 0, ptr);

  y = CurrentFont->Height + 1;
  CurrentMethod = MET_OR;
  LCD_Line(0, y, MAX_X, y);

  CurrentFont = OldFont;
  CurrentMethod = OldMethod;
* Function Name  : UpFunc
* Description    : UP - steps one one item up
* Input          : None
* Output         : None
* Return         : None
void UpFunc(void)
  /* Display current menu item as non-selected */
  psMenuItem = &psCurrentMenu->psItems[MenuItemIndex];
  CurrentMethod = MET_AND;
  DisplayMenuItemString((MenuItemIndex * (CurrentFont->Height + 2) + CurrentFont->Height + 4), psMenuItem->psTitle);

  /* Determine new menu item (iteratively) */
  if(MenuItemIndex > 0)
    MenuItemIndex = psCurrentMenu->nItems - 1;

  /* Display new menu item as selected */
  psMenuItem = &psCurrentMenu->psItems[MenuItemIndex];
  CurrentMethod = MET_NOT_XOR;
  LCD_PUTS(0, (MenuItemIndex * (CurrentFont->Height + 2) + CurrentFont->Height + 4), "                                        ");
* Function Name  : DisplayMenu
* Description    : Displays the current menu
* Input          : None
* Output         : None
* Return         : None
void DisplayMenu(void)
  uint32_t y, index;
  tMenuItem psMenuItem2;

  CurrentMethod = MET_AND;

  /* Display menu header */
  /* Display menu items */
  for (index = 0, y = CurrentFont->Height + 4;
       index < psCurrentMenu->nItems;
       index++, y += CurrentFont->Height + 2)
    psMenuItem2 = &(psCurrentMenu->psItems[index]);
    DisplayMenuItemString(y, psMenuItem2->psTitle);

  /* Determine current item */
  psMenuItem = &(psCurrentMenu->psItems[MenuItemIndex]);
  CurrentMethod = MET_NOT_XOR;
  LCD_PUTS(0, (MenuItemIndex * (CurrentFont->Height + 2) + CurrentFont->Height + 4), "                                        ");