// Because file only specifies a number of control points, a full color table must be made from these control points by linearly interpolating
void TransferFunction::LoadLookup(std::vector<glm::vec4> &colorTable)
	glm::vec4 previousColor(0.0f);
	float previousIntensity = 0.0f;
	int next = 0;

	for (int i=0; i<256; i++)
		float currentIntensity = (float)i / (float)255;

		while (next < numIntensities && currentIntensity > intensities[next])
			previousIntensity = intensities[next];
			previousColor = colors[next];

		if (next < numIntensities)
			colorTable[i] = LERPColor(previousColor, colors[next], previousIntensity, intensities[next], currentIntensity);
			colorTable[i] = LERPColor(previousColor, glm::vec4(0.0f), previousIntensity, 1.0f, currentIntensity);

void TransferFunction::loadLookup()
	glm::vec4 previousColor(0.0f);
	float previousIntensity = 0.0f;
	int next = 0;

	for (int i=0; i<TRANSFER_FN_TABLE_SIZE; i++)
		float currentIntensity = (float)i / (float)255;

		while (next < m_numIntensities && currentIntensity > m_intensities[next])
			previousIntensity = m_intensities[next];
			previousColor = m_colors[next];

		if (next < m_numIntensities)
			m_colorTable[i] = LERPColor(previousColor, m_colors[next], previousIntensity, m_intensities[next], currentIntensity);
			m_colorTable[i] = LERPColor(previousColor, glm::vec4(0.0f), previousIntensity, 1.0f, currentIntensity);
