Esempio n. 1
int read32le(u32 *Bufo, EMUFILE *fp)
	u32 buf = 0;
		return 0;
	*Bufo = LE_TO_LOCAL_32(buf);
	return 1;
Esempio n. 2
static int read32le(u32 *Bufo, std::istream *is)
	u32 buf;
	if(is->read((char*)&buf,4).gcount() != 4)
		return 0;

	*Bufo = LE_TO_LOCAL_32(buf);
	return 1;
Esempio n. 3
size_t EMUFILE::read32le(u32* Bufo)
	u32 buf;
		return 0;
	*Bufo = LE_TO_LOCAL_32(buf);
	return 1;
Esempio n. 4
// ============================================= ADVANsCEne
u8 ADVANsCEne::checkDB(const char *serial, u32 crc)
	loaded = false;
	FILE *fp = fopen(database_path, "rb");
	if (fp)
		char buf[64];
		memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf));
		if (fread(buf, 1, strlen(_ADVANsCEne_BASE_ID), fp) == strlen(_ADVANsCEne_BASE_ID))
			//printf("ID: %s\n", buf);
			if (strcmp(buf, _ADVANsCEne_BASE_ID) == 0)
				if (fread(&versionBase[0], 1, 2, fp) == 2)
					//printf("Version base: %i.%i\n", versionBase[0], versionBase[1]);
					if (fread(&version[0], 1, 4, fp) == 4)
						//printf("Version: %c%c%c%c\n", version[3], version[2], version[1], version[0]);
						if (fread(&createTime, 1, sizeof(time_t), fp) == sizeof(time_t))
							memset(buf, 0,sizeof(buf));
							// serial(8) + crc32(4) + save_type(1) = 13 + reserved(8) = 21
							while (true)
								if (fread(buf, 1, 21, fp) != 21) break;

								bool serialFound = (memcmp(&buf[4], serial, 4) == 0);
								u32 dbcrc = LE_TO_LOCAL_32(*(u32*)(buf+8));
								bool crcFound = (crc == dbcrc);

								if(serialFound || crcFound)
									foundAsCrc = crcFound;
									foundAsSerial = serialFound;
									memcpy(&crc32, &buf[8], 4);
									//printf("%s founded: crc32=%04X, save type %02X\n", serial, crc32, buf[12]);
									saveType = buf[12];
									loaded = true;
									return true;
	return false;
void ColorspaceHandlerInit()
	static bool needInitTables = true;
	if (needInitTables)
#define RGB15TO18_BITLOGIC(col)         ( (material_5bit_to_6bit[((col)>>10)&0x1F]<<16) | (material_5bit_to_6bit[((col)>>5)&0x1F]<<8) |  material_5bit_to_6bit[(col)&0x1F] )
#define RGB15TO18_SWAP_RB_BITLOGIC(col) (  material_5bit_to_6bit[((col)>>10)&0x1F]      | (material_5bit_to_6bit[((col)>>5)&0x1F]<<8) | (material_5bit_to_6bit[(col)&0x1F]<<16) )
#define RGB15TO24_BITLOGIC(col)         ( (material_5bit_to_8bit[((col)>>10)&0x1F]<<16) | (material_5bit_to_8bit[((col)>>5)&0x1F]<<8) |  material_5bit_to_8bit[(col)&0x1F] )
#define RGB15TO24_SWAP_RB_BITLOGIC(col) (  material_5bit_to_8bit[((col)>>10)&0x1F]      | (material_5bit_to_8bit[((col)>>5)&0x1F]<<8) | (material_5bit_to_8bit[(col)&0x1F]<<16) )
		for (size_t i = 0; i < 32768; i++)
			color_555_to_666[i]					= LE_TO_LOCAL_32( RGB15TO18_BITLOGIC(i) );
			color_555_to_6665_opaque[i]			= LE_TO_LOCAL_32( RGB15TO18_BITLOGIC(i) | 0x1F000000 );
			color_555_to_6665_opaque_swap_rb[i]	= LE_TO_LOCAL_32( RGB15TO18_SWAP_RB_BITLOGIC(i) | 0x1F000000 );
			color_555_to_888[i]					= LE_TO_LOCAL_32( RGB15TO24_BITLOGIC(i) );
			color_555_to_8888_opaque[i]			= LE_TO_LOCAL_32( RGB15TO24_BITLOGIC(i) | 0xFF000000 );
			color_555_to_8888_opaque_swap_rb[i]	= LE_TO_LOCAL_32( RGB15TO24_SWAP_RB_BITLOGIC(i) | 0xFF000000 );
Esempio n. 6
u32 Slot1Comp_Rom::read()
	case eSlot1Operation_00_ReadHeader_Unencrypted:
			u32 ret = gameInfo.readROM(address);
			address = (address + 4) & 0xFFF;
			return ret;

	case eSlot1Operation_2x_SecureAreaLoad:
			//see B7 for details

			//zero 15-sep-2014 - this is meaningless. newer mask is actually reasonable
			//address &= gameInfo.mask; //sanity check 
			u32 secureAreaAddress = (address - 0x4000);
			secureAreaAddress &= 0x3FFF; //memory safe sanity test
			u32 ret = LE_TO_LOCAL_32(*(u32*)(gameInfo.secureArea + secureAreaAddress));
			address = (address&~0xFFF) + ((address+4)&0xFFF);
			return ret;

	case eSlot1Operation_B7_Read:
			//TODO - check about non-4-byte aligned addresses

			//it seems that etrian odyssey 3 doesnt work unless we mask this to cart size.
			//but, a thought: does the internal rom address counter register wrap around? we may be making a mistake by keeping the extra precision
			//but there is no test case yet
			address &= gameInfo.mask;

			//feature of retail carts: 
			//B7 "Can be used only for addresses 8000h and up, smaller addresses will be silently redirected to address `8000h+(addr AND 1FFh)`"
			if(address < 0x8000)
				address = (0x8000 + (address & 0x1FF));

			//1. as a sanity measure for funny-sized roms (homebrew and perhaps truncated retail roms) we need to protect ourselves by returning 0xFF for things still out of range.
			//2. this isnt right, unless someone documents otherwise:
			//if (address > gameInfo.header.endROMoffset)
			//  ... the cart hardware doesnt know anything about the rom header. if it has a totally bogus endROMoffset, the cart will probably work just fine. and, the +4 is missing anyway:
			//3. this is better: it just allows us to read 0xFF anywhere we dont have rom data. forget what the header says
			//note: we allow the reading to proceed anyway, because the readROM method is built to allow jaggedy reads off the end of the rom to support trimmed roms
			if(address+4 > gameInfo.romsize)

			//actually read from the ROM provider
			u32 ret = gameInfo.readROM(address);

			//"However, the datastream wraps to the begin of the current 4K block when address+length crosses a 4K boundary (1000h bytes)"
			address = (address&~0xFFF) + ((address+4)&0xFFF);

			return ret;

		return 0;

	} //switch(operation)
} //Slot1Comp_Rom::read()