int resolveproto(const char *proto) { struct protoent *protocol; protocol = getprotobyname(proto); if (!protocol) { LFATAL("resolveproto : getprotobyname failed for %s", proto); return -1; } return protocol->p_proto; }
bool loadDictionaryFromString( const std::string& script, ghoul::Dictionary& dictionary, lua_State* state ) { const static std::string _loggerCat = "lua_loadDictionaryFromString"; if (state == nullptr) { if (_state == nullptr) { LDEBUG("Creating Lua state"); _state = luaL_newstate(); if (_state == nullptr) { LFATAL("Error creating new Lua state: Memory allocation error"); return false; } LDEBUG("Open libraries"); luaL_openlibs(_state); } state = _state; } LDEBUG("Loading dictionary script '" << script.substr(0, 12) << "[...]'"); int status = luaL_loadstring(state, script.c_str()); if (status != LUA_OK) { LERROR("Error loading script: '" << lua_tostring(state, -1) << "'"); return false; } LDEBUG("Executing script"); if (lua_pcall(state, 0, LUA_MULTRET, 0)) { LERROR("Error executing script: " << lua_tostring(state, -1)); return false; } if (lua_isnil(state, -1)) { LERROR("Error in script: '" << script.substr(0, 12) << "[...]'. Script did not return anything."); return false; } if (!lua_istable(state, -1)) { LERROR("Error in script: '" << script.substr(0, 12) << "[...]'. Script did not return a table."); return false; } luaDictionaryFromState(state, dictionary); // Clean up after ourselves by cleaning the stack lua_settop(state, 0); return true; }
// ###################################################################### std::string convertToString(const MapCombineType typ) { switch (typ) { case MAPCOMBINE_SUM: return "Sum"; break; case MAPCOMBINE_MAX: return "Max"; break; } LFATAL("invalid MapCombineType '%d'", int(typ)); /* can't happen */ return std::string(); }
ForegroundDetectionChannel::ForegroundDetectionChannel(OptionManager& mgr) : SingleChannel(mgr, "ForegroundDetectionChannel", "ForegroundDetectionChannel", FOREGROUND, rutz::shared_ptr<PyrBuilder<float> >()), itsMap(), itsLevelSpec(&OPT_LevelSpec, this) { #ifdef HAVE_OPENCV itsStatModel_cv = NULL; #else LFATAL("OpenCV is needed for Foreground Detection Channel!"); #endif }
// ###################################################################### Dims ForegroundDetectionChannel::getMapDims() const { if (!this->hasInput()) LFATAL("Oops! I haven't received any input yet"); const Dims indims = this->getInputDims(); return Dims(indims.w() >> itsLevelSpec.getVal().mapLevel(), indims.h() >> itsLevelSpec.getVal().mapLevel()); }
// ###################################################################### void QuickTimeGrabber::start1() { FrameIstream::start1(); #ifndef HAVE_QUICKTIME_QUICKTIME_H LFATAL("you must have QuickTime installed to use QuickTimeGrabber"); #else ASSERT(rep == 0); rep = new Impl(itsDims.getVal()); #endif }
bool CLCommandQueue::initialize(cl_context context, cl_device_id device) { int err = 0; _commands = std::make_shared<cl_command_queue>(clCreateCommandQueue(context, device, 0, &err)); if (err != CL_SUCCESS) { LFATAL("Could not create program queue: " << getErrorString(err)); _commands = 0; return false; } return true; }
cl_event CLCommandQueue::enqueueReleaseGLObjects(std::vector<cl_mem> glObjects) { int err = 0; cl_event event = 0; if (glObjects.size() > 0) { err = clEnqueueReleaseGLObjects(*_commands, glObjects.size(), &glObjects[0], 0, NULL, &event); if (err != 0) { LFATAL("Could not aquire GL object: " << getErrorString(err)); } } return event; }
int socketaddr_host(struct sockaddr_in *socketaddr, const char *host) { struct hostent *hostaddr; hostaddr = gethostbyname(host); if (!hostaddr) { LFATAL("socketaddr_host: gethostbyname failed for %s", host); return -1; } memcpy(&socketaddr->sin_addr, hostaddr->h_addr, hostaddr->h_length); return 0; }
// ###################################################################### void DirectFeedChannel::doInput(const InputFrame& inframe) { if (inframe.grayFloat().initialized()) LINFO("using bwimg"); else if (inframe.colorFloat().initialized()) LINFO("using colimg"); else LFATAL("Need to have either colimg or bwimg as input!"); itsInputTime = inframe.time(); LDEBUG("itsInputTime: %fms", itsInputTime.msecs()); if (itsInputTime != itsPyrTime) LFATAL("I don't have any direct-feed input for time=%fms " "(last input was at time=%fms)", itsInputTime.msecs(), itsPyrTime.msecs()); const float fac = pow(0.5f,float(itsMapLevel.getVal())); itsMapDims = Dims(int(this->getInputDims().w()*fac), int(this->getInputDims().h()*fac)); LDEBUG("itsMapDims = %s; itsInputDims = %s",toStr(itsMapDims).c_str(), toStr(this->getInputDims()).c_str()); }
void NeuralSimModule<T>::update(const SimTime& time) { //reset module if its currently not valid if (!itsStructure.is_valid()) LFATAL("The module must recieve input before it updated."); for (uint ii = 0; ii < itsInput.size(); ++ii) if (itsInput.getImage(ii).initialized()) itsStructure->input(itsInput.getImage(ii)*itsInputGain[ii], ii - 1); itsStructure->evolve(time); }
// ###################################################################### Rectangle BitObject::getBoundingBox(const BitObject::Coords coords) const { switch(coords) { case OBJECT: return Rectangle::tlbrI(0, 0, itsBoundingBox.height() - 1, itsBoundingBox.width() - 1); case IMAGE: return itsBoundingBox; default: LFATAL("Unknown Coords type - don't know what to do."); } //this is never reached but we have to make the compiler happy return Rectangle(); }
// ###################################################################### void EyeTrackerEyeLink::setBackgroundColor(nub::soft_ref<PsychoDisplay> d) { #ifndef HAVE_EYELINK LFATAL("Proprietary EyeLink developer API not installed"); #else SDL_Color bgcolor = { d->getGrey().red(), d->getGrey().green(), d->getGrey().blue()}; SDL_Color fgcolor = { 192, 192, 192}; set_calibration_colors(&fgcolor, &bgcolor); LINFO("RGB: %i %i %i", d->getGrey().red(), d->getGrey().green(), d->getGrey().blue()); #endif }
// ###################################################################### void TaskRelevanceMapGistClassify:: getPCAMatrix() { FILE* itsFile = fopen(itsPCAMatrixName.getVal().c_str(), "rb"); ASSERT(itsFile != 0); int gistDims = 0; if(fread(&gistDims, sizeof(int), 1, itsFile) != 1) LFATAL("fread failed"); Image<float> matrixTmp(gistDims, itsPCADims.getVal(), NO_INIT); size_t sz = itsPCADims.getVal()*gistDims; if(fread(matrixTmp.beginw(), sizeof(float), sz, itsFile) != sz) LFATAL("fread failed"); itsPCAMatrix = transpose(matrixTmp); LDEBUG("itsPCAMatrix first 5 num: %f, %f, %f, %f, %f", itsPCAMatrix.getVal(0,0), itsPCAMatrix.getVal(1,0), itsPCAMatrix.getVal(2,0), itsPCAMatrix.getVal(3,0), itsPCAMatrix.getVal(4,0)); fclose(itsFile); }
// ###################################################################### void SaccadeControllerEyeConfigurator:: paramChanged(ModelParamBase* const param, const bool valueChanged, ParamClient::ChangeStatus* status) { ModelComponent::paramChanged(param, valueChanged, status); // was that a change of our baby's name? if (param == &itsSacCtrlType) { // if we had one, let's unregister it (when we later reset() the // nub::ref, the current SaccadeController will unexport its // command-line options): removeSubComponent(*itsSC); // instantiate a controller of the appropriate type: if (itsSacCtrlType.getVal().compare("None") == 0 || itsSacCtrlType.getVal().compare("Stub") == 0) itsSC.reset(new StubSaccadeController(getManager(), SaccadeBodyPartEye)); else if (itsSacCtrlType.getVal().compare("Trivial") == 0) itsSC.reset(new TrivialSaccadeController(getManager(), SaccadeBodyPartEye)); else if (itsSacCtrlType.getVal().compare("Fixed") == 0) itsSC.reset(new FixedSaccadeController(getManager(), SaccadeBodyPartEye)); else if (itsSacCtrlType.getVal().compare("Friction") == 0) itsSC.reset(new FrictionSaccadeController(getManager(), SaccadeBodyPartEye)); else if (itsSacCtrlType.getVal().compare("Threshold") == 0) itsSC.reset(new ThresholdSaccadeController(getManager(), SaccadeBodyPartEye)); else if (itsSacCtrlType.getVal().compare("Threshfric") == 0) itsSC.reset(new ThresholdFrictionSaccadeController(getManager(), SaccadeBodyPartEye)); else LFATAL("Unknown eye SaccadeController type %s", itsSacCtrlType.getVal().c_str()); // add our baby as a subcomponent of us so that it will become // linked to the manager through us (hopefully we are registered // with the manager), which in turn will allow it to export its // command-line options and get configured: addSubComponent(itsSC); // tell the controller to export its options: itsSC->exportOptions(MC_RECURSE); // some info message: LINFO("Selected Eye SC of type %s", itsSacCtrlType.getVal().c_str()); } }
compr *lzo_decompress(unsigned char *buf, int buflen) { int r; lzo_bytep in; lzo_bytep out; lzo_bytep wrkmem; lzo_uint out_len = 0; lzo_uint in_len = 0; compr *retdata; FUNC; pthread_mutex_lock(&lzo_mutex); retdata = s_malloc(sizeof(compr)); in_len = buflen-1; in = (lzo_bytep) &buf[1]; out = (lzo_bytep) lzo_malloc(BLKSIZE); wrkmem = (lzo_bytep) lzo_malloc(LZO1A_MEM_COMPRESS); //FASTER if (in == NULL || out == NULL || wrkmem == NULL) { LFATAL("out of memory\n"); exit(3); } r = lzo1a_decompress(in, in_len, out, &out_len, NULL); if (r != LZO_E_OK) { /* this should NEVER happen */ LFATAL("internal error - decompression failed: %d\n", r); exit(22); } retdata->data = s_malloc(out_len); retdata->size = out_len; memcpy(retdata->data, out, out_len); lzo_free(wrkmem); lzo_free(out); pthread_mutex_unlock(&lzo_mutex); return retdata; }
// ###################################################################### void BeoWebServer::writeToLogFile(std::string line) { its_logFilename_mutex.lock(); FILE *rFile = fopen(itsLogFilename.c_str(), "at"); if (rFile != NULL) { fputs(line.c_str(), rFile); fclose (rFile); } else LFATAL("can't append to file: %s", itsLogFilename.c_str()); its_logFilename_mutex.unlock(); }
lua_State* createNewLuaState() { const std::string _loggerCat = "createNewLuaState"; lua_State* s; LDEBUG("Creating Lua state"); s = luaL_newstate(); if (s == nullptr) { LFATAL("Error creating new Lua state: Memory allocation error"); return nullptr; } LDEBUG("Open libraries"); luaL_openlibs(s); return s; }
//// ###################################################################### bool Bayes::load(const char *filename) { int fd; if ((fd = open(filename, 0644)) == -1) { printf("Can not open %s for reading\n", filename); return false; } itsNumClasses = 0; itsNumFeatures = 0; //read the # Features and Classes if(read(fd, &itsNumFeatures, sizeof(uint)) != sizeof(uint)) LFATAL("Failed to read from: %s", filename); if(read(fd, &itsNumClasses, sizeof(uint)) != sizeof(uint)) LFATAL("Failed to read from: %s", filename); //read the class freq itsClassFreq.clear(); itsClassFreq.resize(itsNumClasses); itsClassNames.resize(itsNumClasses); for(uint i=0; i<itsNumClasses; i++) { if(read(fd, &itsClassFreq[i], sizeof(uint64)) != sizeof(uint64)) LFATAL("Failed to read from: %s", filename); uint clsNameLength; if(read(fd, &clsNameLength, sizeof(uint)) != sizeof(uint)) LFATAL("Failed to read from: %s", filename); char clsName[clsNameLength]; int sz = sizeof(char)*clsNameLength; if(read(fd, &clsName, sz) != sz) LFATAL("Failed to read from: %s", filename); itsClassNames[i] = std::string(clsName); } //Write the mean and stdev itsMean.clear(); itsMean.resize(itsNumClasses, std::vector<double>(itsNumFeatures,0)); itsStdevSq.clear(); itsStdevSq.resize(itsNumClasses, std::vector<double>(itsNumFeatures,0)); for(uint cls=0; cls<itsNumClasses; cls++) { for (uint i=0; i<itsNumFeatures; i++) //get the posterior prob { if(read(fd, &itsMean[cls][i], sizeof(double)) != sizeof(double)) LFATAL("Failed to read from: %s", filename); if(read(fd, &itsStdevSq[cls][i], sizeof(double)) != sizeof(double)) LFATAL("Failed to read from: %s", filename); } } close(fd); return true; }
// ###################################################################### void EyeTrackerEyeLink::openSDL() { #ifdef HAVE_EYELINK // set the display characteristics: DISPLAYINFO di; di.width = itsDims.getVal().w(); di.height = itsDims.getVal().h(); di.left = 0; = 0; di.right = di.width-1; di.bottom = di.height-1; di.bits = 24; di.palsize = 0; di.pages = 0; di.refresh = 60.0F; di.winnt = 0; // open the display with our wishes: if (init_expt_graphics(NULL, &di)) LFATAL("Cannot open display"); // see what we actually got: get_display_information(&di); LINFO("DISPLAYINFO: [%dx%d}: (%d,%d)-(%d,%d) %dbpp %.1fHz", int(di.width), int(di.height), int(di.left), int(, int(di.right), int(di.bottom), int(di.bits), di.refresh); if (di.palsize) LFATAL("Paletized color modes not supported"); // Prepare for calibration and other settings: set_target_size(10, 2); set_calibration_colors(&target_foreground_color, &target_background_color); set_cal_sounds(const_cast<char*>(""), const_cast<char*>(""), const_cast<char*>("")); set_dcorr_sounds(const_cast<char*>(""), const_cast<char*>("off"), const_cast<char*>("off")); // Setup calibration type: eyecmd_printf(const_cast<char*>("calibration_type = HV9")); // Configure tracker for display: eyecmd_printf(const_cast<char*>("screen_pixel_coords = %ld %ld %ld %ld"), di.left,, di.right, di.bottom); if (di.refresh > 40.0F) eyemsg_printf(const_cast<char*>("FRAMERATE %1.2f Hz."), di.refresh); #endif }
// ############################################################################################################## void jevois::VideoDisplay::send(jevois::RawImage const & img) { // OpenCV uses BGR color for display: cv::Mat imgbgr; // Convert the image to openCV and to BGR: switch (img.fmt) { case V4L2_PIX_FMT_YUYV: { cv::Mat imgcv(img.height, img.width, CV_8UC2, img.buf->data()); cv::cvtColor(imgcv, imgbgr, CV_YUV2BGR_YUYV); } break; case V4L2_PIX_FMT_GREY: { cv::Mat imgcv(img.height, img.width, CV_8UC1, img.buf->data()); cv::cvtColor(imgcv, imgbgr, CV_GRAY2BGR); } break; case V4L2_PIX_FMT_SRGGB8: { cv::Mat imgcv(img.height, img.width, CV_8UC1, img.buf->data()); cv::cvtColor(imgcv, imgbgr, CV_BayerBG2BGR); } break; case V4L2_PIX_FMT_RGB565: { cv::Mat imgcv(img.height, img.width, CV_8UC2, img.buf->data()); cv::cvtColor(imgcv, imgbgr, CV_BGR5652BGR); } break; default: LFATAL("Unsupported video format"); } // Display image: cv::imshow(itsName, imgbgr); // OpenCV needs this to actually update the display. Delay is in millisec: cv::waitKey(1); // Just push the buffer back into our queue. Note: we do not bother clearing the data or checking that the image is // legit, i.e., matches one that was obtained via get(): itsImageQueue.push(img); LDEBUG("Empty image " << img.bufindex << " ready for filling in by application code"); }
// ###################################################################### void PrimaryMotorCortexI::updateMessage(const RobotSimEvents::EventMessagePtr& eMsg, const Ice::Current&) { if(eMsg->ice_isA("::RobotSimEvents::ActionMessage")) { RobotSimEvents::ActionMessagePtr actionMsg = RobotSimEvents::ActionMessagePtr::dynamicCast(eMsg); if (!itsRobot) LFATAL("Invalid robot proxy"); itsRobot->setSteering(actionMsg->rotVel); itsRobot->setSpeed(actionMsg->transVel); } }
int clientconnect(const char *host, const char *port, const char *proto) { struct sockaddr_in socketaddr; int sockid; socketaddr_init(&socketaddr); socketaddr_service(&socketaddr, port, proto); socketaddr_host(&socketaddr, host); sockid = socket(PF_INET, prototype(proto), resolveproto(proto)); if (sockid < 0) { LFATAL("clientconnect socket failed, %s", strerror(errno)); return -1; } if (connect (sockid, (struct sockaddr *) &socketaddr, sizeof(socketaddr)) < 0) { LFATAL("clientconnect connect failed, %s", strerror(errno)); return -1; } return sockid; }
// ###################################################################### void TaskRelevanceMapConfigurator:: paramChanged(ModelParamBase* const param, const bool valueChanged, ParamClient::ChangeStatus* status) { ModelComponent::paramChanged(param, valueChanged, status); // was that a change of our baby's name? if (param == &itsTRMtype) { // if we had one, let's unregister it (when we later reset() the // nub::ref, the current TaskRelevanceMap will unexport its // command-line options): removeSubComponent(*itsTRM); // instantiate a SM of the appropriate type: if (itsTRMtype.getVal().compare("None") == 0 || itsTRMtype.getVal().compare("Stub") == 0) // no TRM itsTRM.reset(new TaskRelevanceMapStub(getManager())); else if (itsTRMtype.getVal().compare("Std") == 0) // standard itsTRM.reset(new TaskRelevanceMapStd(getManager())); else if (itsTRMtype.getVal().compare("KillStatic") == 0) // kill-static itsTRM.reset(new TaskRelevanceMapKillStatic(getManager())); else if (itsTRMtype.getVal().compare("KillN") == 0) // kill-n itsTRM.reset(new TaskRelevanceMapKillN(getManager())); else if (itsTRMtype.getVal().compare("GistClassify") == 0) // gist-classify itsTRM.reset(new TaskRelevanceMapGistClassify(getManager())); else if (itsTRMtype.getVal().compare("Tigs") == 0) // Tigs itsTRM.reset(new TaskRelevanceMapTigs(getManager())); else if (itsTRMtype.getVal().compare("Tigs2") == 0) // Tigs(gist and pca image) itsTRM.reset(new TaskRelevanceMapTigs2(getManager())); else if (itsTRMtype.getVal().compare("Social") == 0) // Social(requires XML of data) itsTRM.reset(new TaskRelevanceMapSocial(getManager())); else LFATAL("Unknown TRM type %s", itsTRMtype.getVal().c_str()); // add our baby as a subcomponent of us so that it will become // linked to the manager through us (hopefully we are registered // with the manager), which in turn will allow it to export its // command-line options and get configured: addSubComponent(itsTRM); // tell the controller to export its options: itsTRM->exportOptions(MC_RECURSE); // some info message: LINFO("Selected TRM of type %s", itsTRMtype.getVal().c_str()); } }
// ###################################################################### Image<float> mapCombine(const MapCombineType typ, const Image<float>& a, const Image<float>& b) { // a+[] -> a; []+b -> b if (!a.initialized()) return b; else if (!b.initialized()) return a; if (a.getDims() != b.getDims()) LFATAL("can't combine images of unequal dimensions " "%dx%d and %dx%d", a.getWidth(), a.getHeight(), b.getWidth(), b.getHeight()); switch (typ) { case MAPCOMBINE_SUM: return a + b; break; case MAPCOMBINE_MAX: return takeMax(a, b); break; } LFATAL("invalid MapCombineType '%d'", int(typ)); /* can't happen */ return Image<float>(); }
static void load_data() { int error; FILE *input = 0; LINFO("loading from the file: '%s'", config.worker.data_file); if ((input = fopen(config.worker.data_file, "r"))) { if (!rooms_deserialize(&config.rooms, input, 10000)) { LFATAL("deserialization failure, probably disk error/version mismatch;\n" "please rename or remove the data file to start from scratch"); } fclose(input); } else { error = errno; LERRNO("failed to load data", error); } }
int main(int argc, const char* argv[]) { MYLOGVERB = LOG_INFO ; // suppress debug messages try { ContextBasedSimulation S("train-gecb Model") ; S.parse_command_line(argc, argv) ; ; } catch (std::exception& e) { LFATAL("%s", e.what()) ; return 1 ; } return 0 ; }
void GUI::handleButtonPress() { // Get the QObject that triggered this signal QObject* sender = QObject::sender(); // Determine which callback to call with which parameters if (sender == _sourcePointButton) _sourceAddedCallback(SourceType::Point, sourcePosition(), sourceValue()); else if (sender == _sourceConeButton) _sourceAddedCallback(SourceType::Cone, sourcePosition(), sourceValue()); else if (sender == _effectGravityButton) _effectAddedCallback(EffectType::Gravity, effectPosition(), effectValue()); else if (sender == _effectWindButton) _effectAddedCallback(EffectType::Wind, effectPosition(), effectValue()); else LFATAL("Missing handler for button press"); }
// ###################################################################### void convertFromString(const std::string& str1, RescaleType& ftype) { const std::string str = toLowerCase(str1); if ("nointerp") == 0) ftype = RESCALE_SIMPLE_NOINTERP; else if ("bilinear") == 0) ftype = RESCALE_SIMPLE_BILINEAR; else if ("box") == 0) ftype = RESCALE_FILTER_BOX ; else if ("triangle") == 0) ftype = RESCALE_FILTER_TRIANGLE; else if ("bell") == 0) ftype = RESCALE_FILTER_BELL ; else if ("bspline") == 0) ftype = RESCALE_FILTER_BSPLINE ; else if ("hermite") == 0) ftype = RESCALE_FILTER_HERMITE ; else if ("lanczos3") == 0) ftype = RESCALE_FILTER_LANCZOS3; else if ("mitchell") == 0) ftype = RESCALE_FILTER_MITCHELL; else LFATAL("invalid rescale type '%s'", str1.c_str()); }
// ###################################################################### void EyeTrackerEyeLink::manualDriftCorrection(Point2D<double> eyepos, Point2D<double> targetpos) { #ifndef HAVE_EYELINK LFATAL("Proprietary EyeLink developer API not installed"); #else char message[256]; eyecmd_printf(const_cast<char*>("drift_correction %ld %ld %ld %ld"), targetpos.i-eyepos.i, targetpos.j-eyepos.j, targetpos.i, targetpos.j); // Get drift correction result eyelink_cal_message(message); eyemsg_printf(message); #endif }