Esempio n. 1
 * Normalized 8bit multiplication.
 * - alpha plus one
 *     makes the following approximation to the division (Sree)
 *       a*b/255 ~= (a*(b + 1)) >> 256
 *     which is the fastest method that satisfies the following OpenGL criteria
 *       0*0 = 0 and 255*255 = 255
 * - geometric series
 *     takes the geometric series approximation to the division
 *       t/255 = (t >> 8) + (t >> 16) + (t >> 24) ..
 *     in this case just the first two terms to fit in 16bit arithmetic
 *       t/255 ~= (t + (t >> 8)) >> 8
 *     note that just by itself it doesn't satisfies the OpenGL criteria, as
 *     255*255 = 254, so the special case b = 255 must be accounted or roundoff
 *     must be used
 * - geometric series plus rounding
 *     when using a geometric series division instead of truncating the result
 *     use roundoff in the approximation (Jim Blinn)
 *       t/255 ~= (t + (t >> 8) + 0x80) >> 8
 *     achieving the exact results
 * @sa Alvy Ray Smith, Image Compositing Fundamentals, Tech Memo 4, Aug 15, 1995, 
 * @sa Michael Herf, The "double blend trick", May 2000, 
static LLVMValueRef
lp_build_mul_u8n(LLVMBuilderRef builder,
                 struct lp_type i16_type,
                 LLVMValueRef a, LLVMValueRef b)
   LLVMValueRef c8;
   LLVMValueRef ab;

   c8 = lp_build_int_const_scalar(i16_type, 8);
#if 0
   /* a*b/255 ~= (a*(b + 1)) >> 256 */
   b = LLVMBuildAdd(builder, b, lp_build_int_const_scalar(i16_type, 1), "");
   ab = LLVMBuildMul(builder, a, b, "");

   /* ab/255 ~= (ab + (ab >> 8) + 0x80) >> 8 */
   ab = LLVMBuildMul(builder, a, b, "");
   ab = LLVMBuildAdd(builder, ab, LLVMBuildLShr(builder, ab, c8, ""), "");
   ab = LLVMBuildAdd(builder, ab, lp_build_int_const_scalar(i16_type, 0x80), "");

   ab = LLVMBuildLShr(builder, ab, c8, "");

   return ab;
Esempio n. 2
 * Derive from the quad's upper left scalar coordinates the coordinates for
 * all other quad pixels
static void
generate_pos0(LLVMBuilderRef builder,
              LLVMValueRef x,
              LLVMValueRef y,
              LLVMValueRef *x0,
              LLVMValueRef *y0)
   LLVMTypeRef int_elem_type = LLVMInt32Type();
   LLVMTypeRef int_vec_type = LLVMVectorType(int_elem_type, QUAD_SIZE);
   LLVMTypeRef elem_type = LLVMFloatType();
   LLVMTypeRef vec_type = LLVMVectorType(elem_type, QUAD_SIZE);
   LLVMValueRef x_offsets[QUAD_SIZE];
   LLVMValueRef y_offsets[QUAD_SIZE];
   unsigned i;

   x = lp_build_broadcast(builder, int_vec_type, x);
   y = lp_build_broadcast(builder, int_vec_type, y);

   for(i = 0; i < QUAD_SIZE; ++i) {
      x_offsets[i] = LLVMConstInt(int_elem_type, quad_offset_x[i], 0);
      y_offsets[i] = LLVMConstInt(int_elem_type, quad_offset_y[i], 0);

   x = LLVMBuildAdd(builder, x, LLVMConstVector(x_offsets, QUAD_SIZE), "");
   y = LLVMBuildAdd(builder, y, LLVMConstVector(y_offsets, QUAD_SIZE), "");

   *x0 = LLVMBuildSIToFP(builder, x, vec_type, "");
   *y0 = LLVMBuildSIToFP(builder, y, vec_type, "");
Esempio n. 3
LLVMValueRef gen_add(struct node *ast)
	return LLVMBuildAdd(builder,
Esempio n. 4
int main(int argc, char const *argv[]) {
    LLVMModuleRef mod = LLVMModuleCreateWithName("sum");

    LLVMTypeRef param_types[] = { LLVMInt32Type(), LLVMInt32Type() };
    LLVMTypeRef ret_type = LLVMFunctionType(LLVMInt32Type(), /* ret type */
                                            param_types, /* arg types */
                                            2, /* arg count */
                                            0 /* is variadic */);
    LLVMValueRef sum = LLVMAddFunction(mod, "sum", ret_type);

    LLVMBasicBlockRef entry = LLVMAppendBasicBlock(sum, "entry");
    LLVMBuilderRef builder = LLVMCreateBuilder();
    LLVMPositionBuilderAtEnd(builder, entry);
    LLVMValueRef tmp = LLVMBuildAdd(builder, 
                            LLVMGetParam(sum, 0), 
                            LLVMGetParam(sum, 1), "tmp");
    LLVMBuildRet(builder, tmp);

    char *error = NULL;
    LLVMVerifyModule(mod, LLVMAbortProcessAction, &error);

    LLVMExecutionEngineRef engine;
    error = NULL;
    if (LLVMCreateExecutionEngineForModule(&engine, mod, &error) != 0) {
        fprintf(stderr, "failed to create execution engine\n");
    if (error) {
        fprintf(stderr, "error: %s\n", error);

    if (argc < 3) {
        fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s x y\n", argv[0]);

    long long x = strtoll(argv[1], NULL, 10);
    long long y = strtoll(argv[2], NULL, 10);

    LLVMGenericValueRef args[] = {
        LLVMCreateGenericValueOfInt(LLVMInt32Type(), x, 0),
        LLVMCreateGenericValueOfInt(LLVMInt32Type(), y, 0),
    LLVMGenericValueRef res = LLVMRunFunction(engine, sum,  2, args);
    printf("%d\n", (int)LLVMGenericValueToInt(res, 0));

    // write bitcode to file
    if (LLVMWriteBitcodeToFile(mod, "sum.bc") != 0) {
        fprintf(stderr, "error writing bitcode to file\n");

Esempio n. 5
lp_build_loop_end_cond(struct lp_build_loop_state *state,
                       LLVMValueRef end,
                       LLVMValueRef step,
                       LLVMIntPredicate llvm_cond)
   LLVMBuilderRef builder = state->gallivm->builder;
   LLVMValueRef next;
   LLVMValueRef cond;
   LLVMBasicBlockRef after_block;

   if (!step)
      step = LLVMConstInt(LLVMTypeOf(end), 1, 0);

   next = LLVMBuildAdd(builder, state->counter, step, "");

   LLVMBuildStore(builder, next, state->counter_var);

   cond = LLVMBuildICmp(builder, llvm_cond, next, end, "");

   after_block = lp_build_insert_new_block(state->gallivm, "loop_end");

   LLVMBuildCondBr(builder, cond, after_block, state->block);

   LLVMPositionBuilderAtEnd(builder, after_block);

   state->counter = LLVMBuildLoad(builder, state->counter_var, "");
Esempio n. 6
static void pointer_offset(compile_t* c, reach_type_t* t, reach_type_t* t_elem)

  LLVMTypeRef params[3];
  params[0] = t->use_type;
  params[1] = c->intptr;
  start_function(c, m, t->use_type, params, 2);

  // Set up a constant integer for the allocation size.
  size_t size = (size_t)LLVMABISizeOfType(c->target_data, t_elem->use_type);
  LLVMValueRef l_size = LLVMConstInt(c->intptr, size, false);

  LLVMValueRef ptr = LLVMGetParam(m->func, 0);
  LLVMValueRef n = LLVMGetParam(m->func, 1);

  // Return ptr + (n * sizeof(len)).
  LLVMValueRef src = LLVMBuildPtrToInt(c->builder, ptr, c->intptr, "");
  LLVMValueRef offset = LLVMBuildMul(c->builder, n, l_size, "");
  LLVMValueRef result = LLVMBuildAdd(c->builder, src, offset, "");
  result = LLVMBuildIntToPtr(c->builder, result, t->use_type, "");

  LLVMBuildRet(c->builder, result);

Esempio n. 7
void genprim_string_serialise_trace(compile_t* c, reach_type_t* t)
  // Generate the serialise_trace function.
  t->serialise_trace_fn = codegen_addfun(c, genname_serialise_trace(t->name),

  codegen_startfun(c, t->serialise_trace_fn, NULL, NULL);
  LLVMSetFunctionCallConv(t->serialise_trace_fn, LLVMCCallConv);

  LLVMValueRef ctx = LLVMGetParam(t->serialise_trace_fn, 0);
  LLVMValueRef arg = LLVMGetParam(t->serialise_trace_fn, 1);
  LLVMValueRef object = LLVMBuildBitCast(c->builder, arg, t->use_type, "");

  // Read the size.
  LLVMValueRef size = field_value(c, object, 1);
  LLVMValueRef alloc = LLVMBuildAdd(c->builder, size,
    LLVMConstInt(c->intptr, 1, false), "");

  // Reserve space for the contents.
  LLVMValueRef ptr = field_value(c, object, 3);

  LLVMValueRef args[3];
  args[0] = ctx;
  args[1] = ptr;
  args[2] = alloc;
  gencall_runtime(c, "pony_serialise_reserve", args, 3, "");

Esempio n. 8
static LLVMValueRef
CreateFibFunction(LLVMModuleRef M, LLVMContextRef Context)
	LLVMBuilderRef B = LLVMCreateBuilderInContext(Context);

	// Create the fib function and insert it into module M. This function is said
	// to return an int and take an int parameter.
	LLVMTypeRef  ParamTypes[] = {LLVMInt32TypeInContext(Context)};
	LLVMTypeRef  ReturnType   = LLVMInt32TypeInContext(Context);
	LLVMTypeRef  FunctionTy   = LLVMFunctionType(ReturnType, ParamTypes, 1, 0);
	LLVMValueRef FibF         = LLVMAddFunction(M, "fib", FunctionTy);

	// Add a basic block to the function.
	LLVMBasicBlockRef BB = LLVMAppendBasicBlockInContext(Context, FibF, "EntryBlock");

	// Get pointers to the constants.
	LLVMValueRef One = LLVMConstInt(LLVMInt32TypeInContext(Context), 1, 0);
	LLVMValueRef Two = LLVMConstInt(LLVMInt32TypeInContext(Context), 2, 0);

	// Get pointer to the integer argument of the add1 function...
	LLVMValueRef ArgX = LLVMGetFirstParam(FibF); // Get the arg.
	LLVMSetValueName(ArgX, "AnArg");             // Give it a nice symbolic name for fun.

	// Create the true_block.
	LLVMBasicBlockRef RetBB = LLVMAppendBasicBlockInContext(Context, FibF, "return");

	// Create an exit block.
	LLVMBasicBlockRef RecurseBB = LLVMAppendBasicBlockInContext(Context, FibF, "recurse");

	// Create the "if (arg <= 2) goto exitbb"
	LLVMPositionBuilderAtEnd(B, BB);
	LLVMValueRef CondInst = LLVMBuildICmp(B, LLVMIntSLE, ArgX, Two, "cond");
	LLVMBuildCondBr(B, CondInst, RetBB, RecurseBB);

	// Create: ret int 1
	LLVMPositionBuilderAtEnd(B, RetBB);
	LLVMBuildRet(B, One);

	// create fib(x-1)
	LLVMPositionBuilderAtEnd(B, RecurseBB);
	LLVMValueRef Sub       = LLVMBuildSub(B, ArgX, One, "arg");
	LLVMValueRef CallFibX1 = LLVMBuildCall(B, FibF, &Sub, 1, "fibx1");
	LLVMSetTailCall(CallFibX1, 1);

	// create fib(x-2)
	LLVMPositionBuilderAtEnd(B, RecurseBB);
	Sub                    = LLVMBuildSub(B, ArgX, Two, "arg");
	LLVMValueRef CallFibX2 = LLVMBuildCall(B, FibF, &Sub, 1, "fibx2");
	LLVMSetTailCall(CallFibX2, 1);

	// fib(x-1)+fib(x-2)
	LLVMPositionBuilderAtEnd(B, RecurseBB);
	LLVMValueRef Sum = LLVMBuildAdd(B, CallFibX1, CallFibX2, "addresult");

	// Create the return instruction and add it to the basic block
	LLVMPositionBuilderAtEnd(B, RecurseBB);
	LLVMBuildRet(B, Sum);

	return FibF;
Esempio n. 9
LLVMValueRef gendesc_fieldptr(compile_t* c, LLVMValueRef ptr,
  LLVMValueRef field_info)
  LLVMValueRef offset = LLVMBuildExtractValue(c->builder, field_info, 0, "");
  offset = LLVMBuildZExt(c->builder, offset, c->intptr, "");
  return LLVMBuildAdd(c->builder, ptr, offset, "");
Esempio n. 10
struct LLVMOpaqueValue *bllvm_compile_rirbop(const struct rir_expression *expr,
                                             struct llvm_traversal_ctx *ctx)
    LLVMValueRef ret;
    LLVMValueRef left = bllvm_value_from_rir_value_or_die(expr->binaryop.a, ctx);
    LLVMValueRef right = bllvm_value_from_rir_value_or_die(expr->binaryop.b, ctx);
    switch(expr->type) {
        ret = LLVMBuildAdd(ctx->builder, left, right, "");
        ret = LLVMBuildSub(ctx->builder, left, right, "");
        ret = LLVMBuildMul(ctx->builder, left, right, "");
        ret = LLVMBuildUDiv(ctx->builder, left, right, "");
        RF_CRITICAL_FAIL("Should never get anything other than binaryop here");
    return ret;
Esempio n. 11
static void
store_cached_block(struct gallivm_state *gallivm,
                   LLVMValueRef *col,
                   LLVMValueRef tag_value,
                   LLVMValueRef hash_index,
                   LLVMValueRef cache)
   LLVMBuilderRef builder = gallivm->builder;
   LLVMValueRef ptr, indices[3];
   LLVMTypeRef type_ptr4x32;
   unsigned count;

   type_ptr4x32 = LLVMPointerType(LLVMVectorType(LLVMInt32TypeInContext(gallivm->context), 4), 0);
   indices[0] = lp_build_const_int32(gallivm, 0);
   indices[1] = lp_build_const_int32(gallivm, LP_BUILD_FORMAT_CACHE_MEMBER_TAGS);
   indices[2] = hash_index;
   ptr = LLVMBuildGEP(builder, cache, indices, ARRAY_SIZE(indices), "");
   LLVMBuildStore(builder, tag_value, ptr);

   indices[1] = lp_build_const_int32(gallivm, LP_BUILD_FORMAT_CACHE_MEMBER_DATA);
   hash_index = LLVMBuildMul(builder, hash_index,
                             lp_build_const_int32(gallivm, 16), "");
   for (count = 0; count < 4; count++) {
      indices[2] = hash_index;
      ptr = LLVMBuildGEP(builder, cache, indices, ARRAY_SIZE(indices), "");
      ptr = LLVMBuildBitCast(builder, ptr, type_ptr4x32, "");
      LLVMBuildStore(builder, col[count], ptr);
      hash_index = LLVMBuildAdd(builder, hash_index,
                                lp_build_const_int32(gallivm, 4), "");
Esempio n. 12
 * Special case for converting clamped IEEE-754 floats to unsigned norms.
 * The mathematical voodoo below may seem excessive but it is actually
 * paramount we do it this way for several reasons. First, there is no single
 * precision FP to unsigned integer conversion Intel SSE instruction. Second,
 * secondly, even if there was, since the FP's mantissa takes only a fraction
 * of register bits the typically scale and cast approach would require double
 * precision for accurate results, and therefore half the throughput
 * Although the result values can be scaled to an arbitrary bit width specified
 * by dst_width, the actual result type will have the same width.
lp_build_clamped_float_to_unsigned_norm(LLVMBuilderRef builder,
                                        struct lp_type src_type,
                                        unsigned dst_width,
                                        LLVMValueRef src)
   LLVMTypeRef int_vec_type = lp_build_int_vec_type(src_type);
   LLVMValueRef res;
   unsigned mantissa;
   unsigned n;
   unsigned long long ubound;
   unsigned long long mask;
   double scale;
   double bias;


   mantissa = lp_mantissa(src_type);

   /* We cannot carry more bits than the mantissa */
   n = MIN2(mantissa, dst_width);

   /* This magic coefficients will make the desired result to appear in the
    * lowest significant bits of the mantissa.
   ubound = ((unsigned long long)1 << n);
   mask = ubound - 1;
   scale = (double)mask/ubound;
   bias = (double)((unsigned long long)1 << (mantissa - n));

   res = LLVMBuildMul(builder, src, lp_build_const_scalar(src_type, scale), "");
   res = LLVMBuildAdd(builder, res, lp_build_const_scalar(src_type, bias), "");
   res = LLVMBuildBitCast(builder, res, int_vec_type, "");

   if(dst_width > n) {
      int shift = dst_width - n;
      res = LLVMBuildShl(builder, res, lp_build_int_const_scalar(src_type, shift), "");

      /* TODO: Fill in the empty lower bits for additional precision? */
#if 0
         LLVMValueRef msb;
         msb = LLVMBuildLShr(builder, res, lp_build_int_const_scalar(src_type, dst_width - 1), "");
         msb = LLVMBuildShl(builder, msb, lp_build_int_const_scalar(src_type, shift), "");
         msb = LLVMBuildSub(builder, msb, lp_build_int_const_scalar(src_type, 1), "");
         res = LLVMBuildOr(builder, res, msb, "");
#elif 0
      while(shift > 0) {
         res = LLVMBuildOr(builder, res, LLVMBuildLShr(builder, res, lp_build_int_const_scalar(src_type, n), ""), "");
         shift -= n;
         n *= 2;
      res = LLVMBuildAnd(builder, res, lp_build_int_const_scalar(src_type, mask), "");

   return res;
Esempio n. 13
lp_build_exp2_approx(struct lp_build_context *bld,
                     LLVMValueRef x,
                     LLVMValueRef *p_exp2_int_part,
                     LLVMValueRef *p_frac_part,
                     LLVMValueRef *p_exp2)
   const struct lp_type type = bld->type;
   LLVMTypeRef vec_type = lp_build_vec_type(type);
   LLVMTypeRef int_vec_type = lp_build_int_vec_type(type);
   LLVMValueRef ipart = NULL;
   LLVMValueRef fpart = NULL;
   LLVMValueRef expipart = NULL;
   LLVMValueRef expfpart = NULL;
   LLVMValueRef res = NULL;

   if(p_exp2_int_part || p_frac_part || p_exp2) {
      /* TODO: optimize the constant case */
         debug_printf("%s: inefficient/imprecise constant arithmetic\n",

      assert(type.floating && type.width == 32);

      x = lp_build_min(bld, x, lp_build_const_scalar(type,  129.0));
      x = lp_build_max(bld, x, lp_build_const_scalar(type, -126.99999));

      /* ipart = int(x - 0.5) */
      ipart = LLVMBuildSub(bld->builder, x, lp_build_const_scalar(type, 0.5f), "");
      ipart = LLVMBuildFPToSI(bld->builder, ipart, int_vec_type, "");

      /* fpart = x - ipart */
      fpart = LLVMBuildSIToFP(bld->builder, ipart, vec_type, "");
      fpart = LLVMBuildSub(bld->builder, x, fpart, "");

   if(p_exp2_int_part || p_exp2) {
      /* expipart = (float) (1 << ipart) */
      expipart = LLVMBuildAdd(bld->builder, ipart, lp_build_int_const_scalar(type, 127), "");
      expipart = LLVMBuildShl(bld->builder, expipart, lp_build_int_const_scalar(type, 23), "");
      expipart = LLVMBuildBitCast(bld->builder, expipart, vec_type, "");

   if(p_exp2) {
      expfpart = lp_build_polynomial(bld, fpart, lp_build_exp2_polynomial,

      res = LLVMBuildMul(bld->builder, expipart, expfpart, "");

      *p_exp2_int_part = expipart;

      *p_frac_part = fpart;

      *p_exp2 = res;
Esempio n. 14
static LLVMValueRef lvalue_index(struct node *ast)
	LLVMValueRef ptr;

	ptr = LLVMBuildAdd(builder, codegen(ast->one), codegen(ast->two), "");

	return rvalue_to_lvalue(ptr);
Esempio n. 15
static void emit_uadd(const struct lp_build_tgsi_action *action,
		      struct lp_build_tgsi_context *bld_base,
		      struct lp_build_emit_data *emit_data)
	LLVMBuilderRef builder = bld_base->base.gallivm->builder;
	emit_data->output[emit_data->chan] = LLVMBuildAdd(builder,
			emit_data->args[0], emit_data->args[1], "");
Esempio n. 16
static LLVMValueRef field_loc(compile_t* c, LLVMValueRef offset,
  LLVMTypeRef structure, LLVMTypeRef ftype, int index)
  LLVMValueRef f_offset = LLVMBuildAdd(c->builder, offset,
      LLVMOffsetOfElement(c->target_data, structure, index), false), "");

  return LLVMBuildIntToPtr(c->builder, f_offset,
    LLVMPointerType(ftype, 0), "");
Esempio n. 17
static LLVMValueRef
	struct lp_build_tgsi_soa_context *bld,
	const struct tgsi_full_src_register *reg,
	unsigned swizzle)
	struct gallivm_state * gallivm = bld->bld_base.base.gallivm;

	LLVMValueRef addr = LLVMBuildLoad(gallivm->builder,
	bld->addr[reg->Indirect.Index][swizzle], "");
	LLVMValueRef offset = lp_build_const_int32(gallivm, reg->Register.Index);
	LLVMValueRef hw_index = LLVMBuildAdd(gallivm->builder, addr, offset, "");
	LLVMValueRef soa_index = LLVMBuildMul(gallivm->builder, hw_index,
	lp_build_const_int32(gallivm, 4), "");
	LLVMValueRef array_index = LLVMBuildAdd(gallivm->builder, soa_index,
	lp_build_const_int32(gallivm, swizzle), "");

	return array_index;
Esempio n. 18
static LLVMValueRef
	struct lp_build_tgsi_soa_context *bld,
	const struct tgsi_ind_register *reg,
	unsigned offset)
	struct gallivm_state * gallivm = bld->bld_base.base.gallivm;

	LLVMValueRef addr = LLVMBuildLoad(gallivm->builder, bld->addr[reg->Index][reg->Swizzle], "");
	return LLVMBuildAdd(gallivm->builder, addr, lp_build_const_int32(gallivm, offset), "");
Esempio n. 19
LLVMValueRef gendesc_istrait(compile_t* c, LLVMValueRef desc, ast_t* type)
  // Get the trait identifier.
  reach_type_t* t = reach_type(c->reach, type);
  assert(t != NULL);
  LLVMValueRef trait_id = LLVMConstInt(c->i32, t->type_id, false);

  // Read the count and the trait list from the descriptor.
  LLVMValueRef count = desc_field(c, desc, DESC_TRAIT_COUNT);
  LLVMValueRef list = desc_field(c, desc, DESC_TRAITS);

  LLVMBasicBlockRef entry_block = LLVMGetInsertBlock(c->builder);
  LLVMBasicBlockRef cond_block = codegen_block(c, "cond");
  LLVMBasicBlockRef body_block = codegen_block(c, "body");
  LLVMBasicBlockRef post_block = codegen_block(c, "post");
  LLVMBuildBr(c->builder, cond_block);

  // While the index is less than the count, check an ID.
  LLVMPositionBuilderAtEnd(c->builder, cond_block);
  LLVMValueRef phi = LLVMBuildPhi(c->builder, c->i32, "");
  LLVMValueRef zero = LLVMConstInt(c->i32, 0, false);
  LLVMAddIncoming(phi, &zero, &entry_block, 1);

  LLVMValueRef test = LLVMBuildICmp(c->builder, LLVMIntULT, phi, count, "");
  LLVMBuildCondBr(c->builder, test, body_block, post_block);

  // The phi node is the index. Get ID and compare it.
  LLVMPositionBuilderAtEnd(c->builder, body_block);

  LLVMValueRef gep[2];
  gep[0] = LLVMConstInt(c->i32, 0, false);
  gep[1] = phi;

  LLVMValueRef id_ptr = LLVMBuildInBoundsGEP(c->builder, list, gep, 2, "");
  LLVMValueRef id = LLVMBuildLoad(c->builder, id_ptr, "");
  LLVMValueRef test_id = LLVMBuildICmp(c->builder, LLVMIntEQ, id, trait_id,

  // Add one to the phi node.
  LLVMValueRef one = LLVMConstInt(c->i32, 1, false);
  LLVMValueRef inc = LLVMBuildAdd(c->builder, phi, one, "");
  LLVMAddIncoming(phi, &inc, &body_block, 1);

  // Either to the post block or back to the condition.
  LLVMBuildCondBr(c->builder, test_id, post_block, cond_block);

  LLVMPositionBuilderAtEnd(c->builder, post_block);
  LLVMValueRef result = LLVMBuildPhi(c->builder, c->i1, "");
  LLVMAddIncoming(result, &test, &cond_block, 1);
  LLVMAddIncoming(result, &test_id, &body_block, 1);

  return result;
Esempio n. 20
 * SI implements derivatives using the local data store (LDS)
 * All writes to the LDS happen in all executing threads at
 * the same time. TID is the Thread ID for the current
 * thread and is a value between 0 and 63, representing
 * the thread's position in the wavefront.
 * For the pixel shader threads are grouped into quads of four pixels.
 * The TIDs of the pixels of a quad are:
 *  +------+------+
 *  |4n + 0|4n + 1|
 *  +------+------+
 *  |4n + 2|4n + 3|
 *  +------+------+
 * So, masking the TID with 0xfffffffc yields the TID of the top left pixel
 * of the quad, masking with 0xfffffffd yields the TID of the top pixel of
 * the current pixel's column, and masking with 0xfffffffe yields the TID
 * of the left pixel of the current pixel's row.
 * Adding 1 yields the TID of the pixel to the right of the left pixel, and
 * adding 2 yields the TID of the pixel below the top pixel.
ac_build_ddxy(struct ac_llvm_context *ctx,
	      bool has_ds_bpermute,
	      uint32_t mask,
	      int idx,
	      LLVMValueRef lds,
	      LLVMValueRef val)
	LLVMValueRef thread_id, tl, trbl, tl_tid, trbl_tid, args[2];
	LLVMValueRef result;

	thread_id = ac_get_thread_id(ctx);

	tl_tid = LLVMBuildAnd(ctx->builder, thread_id,
			      LLVMConstInt(ctx->i32, mask, false), "");

	trbl_tid = LLVMBuildAdd(ctx->builder, tl_tid,
				LLVMConstInt(ctx->i32, idx, false), "");

	if (has_ds_bpermute) {
		args[0] = LLVMBuildMul(ctx->builder, tl_tid,
				       LLVMConstInt(ctx->i32, 4, false), "");
		args[1] = val;
		tl = ac_build_intrinsic(ctx,
					"llvm.amdgcn.ds.bpermute", ctx->i32,
					args, 2,

		args[0] = LLVMBuildMul(ctx->builder, trbl_tid,
				       LLVMConstInt(ctx->i32, 4, false), "");
		trbl = ac_build_intrinsic(ctx,
					  "llvm.amdgcn.ds.bpermute", ctx->i32,
					  args, 2,
	} else {
		LLVMValueRef store_ptr, load_ptr0, load_ptr1;

		store_ptr = ac_build_gep0(ctx, lds, thread_id);
		load_ptr0 = ac_build_gep0(ctx, lds, tl_tid);
		load_ptr1 = ac_build_gep0(ctx, lds, trbl_tid);

		LLVMBuildStore(ctx->builder, val, store_ptr);
		tl = LLVMBuildLoad(ctx->builder, load_ptr0, "");
		trbl = LLVMBuildLoad(ctx->builder, load_ptr1, "");

	tl = LLVMBuildBitCast(ctx->builder, tl, ctx->f32, "");
	trbl = LLVMBuildBitCast(ctx->builder, trbl, ctx->f32, "");
	result = LLVMBuildFSub(ctx->builder, trbl, tl, "");
	return result;
Esempio n. 21
LLVMValueRef build_store_mrs(
	struct llvm_ctx *ctx,
	LLVMValueRef pos,
	const LLVMValueRef *words,
	int num_words)
	for(int i=0; i<num_words; i++) {
		V t_addr = UTCB_ADDR_VAL(ctx, pos, "");
		LLVMBuildStore(ctx->builder, words[i], t_addr);
		pos = LLVMBuildAdd(ctx->builder, pos, CONST_INT(1), "t.pos");
	return pos;
Esempio n. 22
LLVMValueRef gendesc_ptr_to_fields(compile_t* c, LLVMValueRef object,
  LLVMValueRef desc)
  // Skip the descriptor.
  LLVMValueRef offset = desc_field(c, desc, DESC_FIELD_OFFSET);
  offset = LLVMBuildZExt(c->builder, offset, c->intptr, "");

  LLVMValueRef base = LLVMBuildPtrToInt(c->builder, object, c->intptr, "");
  LLVMValueRef result = LLVMBuildAdd(c->builder, base, offset, "");

  // Return as a c->intptr.
  return result;
Esempio n. 23
LLVMValueRef gen_preinc(struct node *ast)
	LLVMValueRef result;

	result = LLVMBuildAdd(builder,

	check_store(result, lvalue(ast->one));

	return result;
Esempio n. 24
LLVMValueRef gen_postinc(struct node *ast)
	LLVMValueRef orig, result;

	orig = codegen(ast->one);

	result = LLVMBuildAdd(builder,

	check_store(result, lvalue(ast->one));

	return orig;
Esempio n. 25
 * Small vector x scale multiplication optimization.
lp_build_mul_imm(struct lp_build_context *bld,
                 LLVMValueRef a,
                 int b)
   LLVMValueRef factor;

   if(b == 0)
      return bld->zero;

   if(b == 1)
      return a;

   if(b == -1)
      return LLVMBuildNeg(bld->builder, a, "");

   if(b == 2 && bld->type.floating)
      return lp_build_add(bld, a, a);

   if(util_is_pot(b)) {
      unsigned shift = ffs(b) - 1;

      if(bld->type.floating) {
#if 0
          * Power of two multiplication by directly manipulating the mantissa.
          * XXX: This might not be always faster, it will introduce a small error
          * for multiplication by zero, and it will produce wrong results
          * for Inf and NaN.
         unsigned mantissa = lp_mantissa(bld->type);
         factor = lp_build_int_const_scalar(bld->type, (unsigned long long)shift << mantissa);
         a = LLVMBuildBitCast(bld->builder, a, lp_build_int_vec_type(bld->type), "");
         a = LLVMBuildAdd(bld->builder, a, factor, "");
         a = LLVMBuildBitCast(bld->builder, a, lp_build_vec_type(bld->type), "");
         return a;
      else {
         factor = lp_build_const_scalar(bld->type, shift);
         return LLVMBuildShl(bld->builder, a, factor, "");

   factor = lp_build_const_scalar(bld->type, (double)b);
   return lp_build_mul(bld, a, factor);
Esempio n. 26
static void trace_array_elements(compile_t* c, reach_type_t* t,
  LLVMValueRef ctx, LLVMValueRef object, LLVMValueRef pointer)
  // Get the type argument for the array. This will be used to generate the
  // per-element trace call.
  ast_t* typeargs = ast_childidx(t->ast, 2);
  ast_t* typearg = ast_child(typeargs);


  reach_type_t* t_elem = reach_type(c->reach, typearg);
  pointer = LLVMBuildBitCast(c->builder, pointer,
    LLVMPointerType(t_elem->use_type, 0), "");

  LLVMBasicBlockRef entry_block = LLVMGetInsertBlock(c->builder);
  LLVMBasicBlockRef cond_block = codegen_block(c, "cond");
  LLVMBasicBlockRef body_block = codegen_block(c, "body");
  LLVMBasicBlockRef post_block = codegen_block(c, "post");

  // Read the size.
  LLVMValueRef size = field_value(c, object, 1);
  LLVMBuildBr(c->builder, cond_block);

  // While the index is less than the size, trace an element. The initial
  // index when coming from the entry block is zero.
  LLVMPositionBuilderAtEnd(c->builder, cond_block);
  LLVMValueRef phi = LLVMBuildPhi(c->builder, c->intptr, "");
  LLVMValueRef zero = LLVMConstInt(c->intptr, 0, false);
  LLVMAddIncoming(phi, &zero, &entry_block, 1);
  LLVMValueRef test = LLVMBuildICmp(c->builder, LLVMIntULT, phi, size, "");
  LLVMBuildCondBr(c->builder, test, body_block, post_block);

  // The phi node is the index. Get the element and trace it.
  LLVMPositionBuilderAtEnd(c->builder, body_block);
  LLVMValueRef elem_ptr = LLVMBuildGEP(c->builder, pointer, &phi, 1, "elem");
  LLVMValueRef elem = LLVMBuildLoad(c->builder, elem_ptr, "");
  gentrace(c, ctx, elem, typearg);

  // Add one to the phi node and branch back to the cond block.
  LLVMValueRef one = LLVMConstInt(c->intptr, 1, false);
  LLVMValueRef inc = LLVMBuildAdd(c->builder, phi, one, "");
  body_block = LLVMGetInsertBlock(c->builder);
  LLVMAddIncoming(phi, &inc, &body_block, 1);
  LLVMBuildBr(c->builder, cond_block);

  LLVMPositionBuilderAtEnd(c->builder, post_block);
Esempio n. 27
static LLVMValueRef get_instance_index(
	struct radeon_llvm_context * radeon_bld,
	unsigned divisor)
	struct gallivm_state * gallivm = radeon_bld->soa.bld_base.base.gallivm;

	LLVMValueRef result = LLVMGetParam(radeon_bld->main_fn, SI_PARAM_INSTANCE_ID);
	result = LLVMBuildAdd(gallivm->builder, result, LLVMGetParam(
			radeon_bld->main_fn, SI_PARAM_START_INSTANCE), "");

	if (divisor > 1)
		result = LLVMBuildUDiv(gallivm->builder, result,
				lp_build_const_int32(gallivm, divisor), "");

	return result;
Esempio n. 28
 * Build LLVM code for texture coord wrapping, for nearest filtering,
 * for scaled integer texcoords.
 * \param block_length  is the length of the pixel block along the
 *                      coordinate axis
 * \param coord  the incoming texcoord (s,t,r or q) scaled to the texture size
 * \param length  the texture size along one dimension
 * \param stride  pixel stride along the coordinate axis (in bytes)
 * \param is_pot  if TRUE, length is a power of two
 * \param wrap_mode  one of PIPE_TEX_WRAP_x
 * \param out_offset  byte offset for the wrapped coordinate
 * \param out_i  resulting sub-block pixel coordinate for coord0
static void
lp_build_sample_wrap_nearest_int(struct lp_build_sample_context *bld,
                                 unsigned block_length,
                                 LLVMValueRef coord,
                                 LLVMValueRef length,
                                 LLVMValueRef stride,
                                 boolean is_pot,
                                 unsigned wrap_mode,
                                 LLVMValueRef *out_offset,
                                 LLVMValueRef *out_i)
   struct lp_build_context *int_coord_bld = &bld->int_coord_bld;
   LLVMBuilderRef builder = bld->gallivm->builder;
   LLVMValueRef length_minus_one;

   length_minus_one = lp_build_sub(int_coord_bld, length, int_coord_bld->one);

   switch(wrap_mode) {
         coord = LLVMBuildAnd(builder, coord, length_minus_one, "");
      else {
         /* Add a bias to the texcoord to handle negative coords */
         LLVMValueRef bias = lp_build_mul_imm(int_coord_bld, length, 1024);
         coord = LLVMBuildAdd(builder, coord, bias, "");
         coord = LLVMBuildURem(builder, coord, length, "");

      coord = lp_build_max(int_coord_bld, coord, int_coord_bld->zero);
      coord = lp_build_min(int_coord_bld, coord, length_minus_one);


   lp_build_sample_partial_offset(int_coord_bld, block_length, coord, stride,
                                  out_offset, out_i);
Esempio n. 29
 * Generate a + b
lp_build_add(struct lp_build_context *bld,
             LLVMValueRef a,
             LLVMValueRef b)
   const struct lp_type type = bld->type;
   LLVMValueRef res;

   if(a == bld->zero)
      return b;
   if(b == bld->zero)
      return a;
   if(a == bld->undef || b == bld->undef)
      return bld->undef;

   if(bld->type.norm) {
      const char *intrinsic = NULL;

      if(a == bld->one || b == bld->one)
        return bld->one;

      if(util_cpu_caps.has_sse2 &&
         type.width * type.length == 128 &&
         !type.floating && !type.fixed) {
         if(type.width == 8)
            intrinsic = type.sign ? "llvm.x86.sse2.padds.b" : "llvm.x86.sse2.paddus.b";
         if(type.width == 16)
            intrinsic = type.sign ? "llvm.x86.sse2.padds.w" : "llvm.x86.sse2.paddus.w";
         return lp_build_intrinsic_binary(bld->builder, intrinsic, lp_build_vec_type(bld->type), a, b);

   if(LLVMIsConstant(a) && LLVMIsConstant(b))
      res = LLVMConstAdd(a, b);
      res = LLVMBuildAdd(bld->builder, a, b, "");

   /* clamp to ceiling of 1.0 */
   if(bld->type.norm && (bld->type.floating || bld->type.fixed))
      res = lp_build_min_simple(bld, res, bld->one);

   /* XXX clamp to floor of -1 or 0??? */

   return res;
Esempio n. 30
static void pointer_delete(compile_t* c, reach_type_t* t, reach_type_t* t_elem)

  LLVMTypeRef params[3];
  params[0] = t->use_type;
  params[1] = c->intptr;
  params[2] = c->intptr;
  start_function(c, m, t_elem->use_type, params, 3);

  // Set up a constant integer for the allocation size.
  size_t size = (size_t)LLVMABISizeOfType(c->target_data, t_elem->use_type);
  LLVMValueRef l_size = LLVMConstInt(c->intptr, size, false);

  LLVMValueRef ptr = LLVMGetParam(m->func, 0);
  LLVMValueRef n = LLVMGetParam(m->func, 1);
  LLVMValueRef len = LLVMGetParam(m->func, 2);

  LLVMValueRef elem_ptr = LLVMBuildBitCast(c->builder, ptr,
    LLVMPointerType(t_elem->use_type, 0), "");
  LLVMValueRef result = LLVMBuildLoad(c->builder, elem_ptr, "");

  LLVMValueRef dst = LLVMBuildPtrToInt(c->builder, elem_ptr, c->intptr, "");
  LLVMValueRef offset = LLVMBuildMul(c->builder, n, l_size, "");
  LLVMValueRef src = LLVMBuildAdd(c->builder, dst, offset, "");
  LLVMValueRef elen = LLVMBuildMul(c->builder, len, l_size, "");

  LLVMValueRef args[5];
  args[0] = LLVMBuildIntToPtr(c->builder, dst, c->void_ptr, "");
  args[1] = LLVMBuildIntToPtr(c->builder, src, c->void_ptr, "");
  args[2] = elen;
  args[3] = LLVMConstInt(c->i32, 1, false);
  args[4] = LLVMConstInt(c->i1, 0, false);

  // llvm.memmove.*(ptr, ptr + (n * sizeof(elem)), len * sizeof(elem))
    gencall_runtime(c, "llvm.memmove.p0i8.p0i8.i32", args, 5, "");
  } else {
    gencall_runtime(c, "llvm.memmove.p0i8.p0i8.i64", args, 5, "");

  // Return ptr[0].
  LLVMBuildRet(c->builder, result);