int test_kal_codegen_function() { kal_named_value *val; unsigned int arg_count = 1; char **args = malloc(sizeof(char*) * arg_count); args[0] = "foo"; LLVMModuleRef module = LLVMModuleCreateWithName("kal"); LLVMBuilderRef builder = LLVMCreateBuilder(); kal_ast_node *prototype = kal_ast_prototype_create("my_func", args, arg_count); kal_ast_node *lhs = kal_ast_variable_create("foo"); kal_ast_node *rhs = kal_ast_number_create(20); kal_ast_node *body = kal_ast_binary_expr_create(KAL_BINOP_PLUS, lhs, rhs); kal_ast_node *node = kal_ast_function_create(prototype, body); kal_codegen_reset(); LLVMValueRef value = kal_codegen(node, module, builder); mu_assert(value != NULL, ""); mu_assert(LLVMGetNamedFunction(module, "my_func") == value, ""); mu_assert(LLVMCountParams(value) == 1, ""); val = kal_codegen_named_value("foo"); mu_assert(val->value == LLVMGetParam(value, 0), ""); mu_assert(LLVMGetTypeKind(LLVMTypeOf(LLVMGetParam(value, 0))) == LLVMDoubleTypeKind, ""); LLVMDisposeBuilder(builder); LLVMDisposeModule(module); kal_ast_node_free(node); return 0; }
int main() { LLVMContextRef context = LLVMGetGlobalContext(); LLVMModuleRef module = LLVMModuleCreateWithName("test-101"); LLVMBuilderRef builder = LLVMCreateBuilder(); // LLVMInt32Type() // LLVMFunctionType(rtnType, paramType, parmCnt, isVarArg) // LLVMAddFunction(module, name, functionType) LLVMTypeRef main = LLVMFunctionType(LLVMInt32Type(), NULL, 0, 0); LLVMValueRef mainFn = LLVMAddFunction(module, "main", main); LLVMBasicBlockRef mainBlk = LLVMAppendBasicBlock(mainFn, "entry"); LLVMPositionBuilderAtEnd(builder, mainBlk); LLVMValueRef str = LLVMBuildGlobalStringPtr(builder, "Hello World!", "str"); LLVMTypeRef args[1]; args[0] = LLVMPointerType(LLVMInt8Type(), 0); LLVMTypeRef puts = LLVMFunctionType(LLVMInt32Type(), args, 1, 0); LLVMValueRef putsFn = LLVMAddFunction(module, "puts", puts); LLVMBuildCall(builder, putsFn, &str, 1, ""); LLVMBuildRet(builder, LLVMConstInt(LLVMInt32Type(), 0, 0)); LLVMDumpModule(module); return 0; }
struct vm_state * vm_state_create(const char *module_name) { struct vm_state *vm; LLVMTypeRef function_type; LLVMValueRef function_value; LLVMBasicBlockRef entry_block; vm = calloc(1, sizeof(struct vm_state)); if (vm == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Memory allocation request failed.\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } vm->module = LLVMModuleCreateWithName(module_name); vm->builder = LLVMCreateBuilder(); function_type = LLVMFunctionType(LLVMVoidType(), NULL, 0, 0); function_value = LLVMAddFunction(vm->module, "main", function_type); entry_block = LLVMAppendBasicBlock(function_value, "entry"); LLVMPositionBuilderAtEnd(vm->builder, entry_block); vm->symtab = symbol_table_create(); return vm; }
int main(int argc, char const *argv[]) { LLVMModuleRef mod = LLVMModuleCreateWithName("sum"); LLVMTypeRef param_types[] = { LLVMInt32Type(), LLVMInt32Type() }; LLVMTypeRef ret_type = LLVMFunctionType(LLVMInt32Type(), /* ret type */ param_types, /* arg types */ 2, /* arg count */ 0 /* is variadic */); LLVMValueRef sum = LLVMAddFunction(mod, "sum", ret_type); LLVMBasicBlockRef entry = LLVMAppendBasicBlock(sum, "entry"); LLVMBuilderRef builder = LLVMCreateBuilder(); LLVMPositionBuilderAtEnd(builder, entry); LLVMValueRef tmp = LLVMBuildAdd(builder, LLVMGetParam(sum, 0), LLVMGetParam(sum, 1), "tmp"); LLVMBuildRet(builder, tmp); char *error = NULL; LLVMVerifyModule(mod, LLVMAbortProcessAction, &error); LLVMDisposeMessage(error); LLVMExecutionEngineRef engine; error = NULL; LLVMLinkInJIT(); LLVMInitializeNativeTarget(); if (LLVMCreateExecutionEngineForModule(&engine, mod, &error) != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "failed to create execution engine\n"); abort(); } if (error) { fprintf(stderr, "error: %s\n", error); LLVMDisposeMessage(error); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if (argc < 3) { fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s x y\n", argv[0]); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } long long x = strtoll(argv[1], NULL, 10); long long y = strtoll(argv[2], NULL, 10); LLVMGenericValueRef args[] = { LLVMCreateGenericValueOfInt(LLVMInt32Type(), x, 0), LLVMCreateGenericValueOfInt(LLVMInt32Type(), y, 0), }; LLVMGenericValueRef res = LLVMRunFunction(engine, sum, 2, args); printf("%d\n", (int)LLVMGenericValueToInt(res, 0)); // write bitcode to file if (LLVMWriteBitcodeToFile(mod, "sum.bc") != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "error writing bitcode to file\n"); } LLVMDisposeBuilder(builder); LLVMDisposeExecutionEngine(engine); }
LLVMCompiledProgram LLVM_compile(ASTNode *node) { char *error = NULL; // Used to retrieve messages from functions LLVMLinkInJIT(); LLVMInitializeNativeTarget(); LLVMModuleRef mod = LLVMModuleCreateWithName("calc_module"); LLVMTypeRef program_args[] = { }; LLVMValueRef program = LLVMAddFunction(mod, "program", LLVMFunctionType(LLVMInt32Type(), program_args, 0, 0)); LLVMSetFunctionCallConv(program, LLVMCCallConv); LLVMBuilderRef builder = LLVMCreateBuilder(); LLVMBasicBlockRef entry = LLVMAppendBasicBlock(program, "entry"); LLVMPositionBuilderAtEnd(builder, entry); LLVMValueRef res = LLVM_visit(node, builder); LLVMBuildRet(builder, res); LLVMVerifyModule(mod, LLVMAbortProcessAction, &error); LLVMDisposeMessage(error); // Handler == LLVMAbortProcessAction -> No need to check errors LLVMDisposeBuilder(builder); return (LLVMCompiledProgram) { .module = mod, .function = program }; }
static void handle_line(char **tokens, int ntokens) { char *name = tokens[0]; LLVMValueRef param; LLVMValueRef res; LLVMModuleRef M = LLVMModuleCreateWithName(name); LLVMTypeRef I64ty = LLVMInt64Type(); LLVMTypeRef I64Ptrty = LLVMPointerType(I64ty, 0); LLVMTypeRef Fty = LLVMFunctionType(I64ty, &I64Ptrty, 1, 0); LLVMValueRef F = LLVMAddFunction(M, name, Fty); LLVMBuilderRef builder = LLVMCreateBuilder(); LLVMPositionBuilderAtEnd(builder, LLVMAppendBasicBlock(F, "entry")); LLVMGetParams(F, ¶m); LLVMSetValueName(param, "in"); res = build_from_tokens(tokens + 1, ntokens - 1, builder, param); if (res) { char *irstr = LLVMPrintModuleToString(M); puts(irstr); LLVMDisposeMessage(irstr); } LLVMDisposeBuilder(builder); LLVMDisposeModule(M); }
SCM make_llvm_module_base(void) { SCM retval; struct llvm_module_t *self; self = (struct llvm_module_t *)scm_gc_calloc(sizeof(struct llvm_module_t), "llvm"); SCM_NEWSMOB(retval, llvm_module_tag, self); self->module = LLVMModuleCreateWithName("aiscm"); return retval; }
int main (void) { LLVMModuleRef module = LLVMModuleCreateWithName("kal"); LLVMBuilderRef builder = LLVMCreateBuilder(); // LLVMInitializeNativeTarget(); LLVMTypeRef funcType = LLVMFunctionType(LLVMVoidType(), NULL, 0, 0); LLVMValueRef func = LLVMAddFunction(module, "main", funcType); LLVMSetLinkage(func, LLVMExternalLinkage); LLVMBasicBlockRef block = LLVMAppendBasicBlock(func, "entry"); LLVMPositionBuilderAtEnd(builder, block); LLVMValueRef cond = LLVMBuildICmp(builder, LLVMIntNE, LLVMConstInt(LLVMInt32Type(), 2, 0), LLVMConstInt(LLVMInt32Type(), 1, 0), "ifcond"); LLVMValueRef owning_block = LLVMGetBasicBlockParent(LLVMGetInsertBlock(builder)); //TODO: WRONG?? //LLVMValueRef owning_block = LLVMBasicBlockAsValue(LLVMGetPreviousBasicBlock(LLVMGetInsertBlock(builder))); // 2. Generate new blocks for cases. LLVMBasicBlockRef then_ref = LLVMAppendBasicBlock(owning_block, "then"); LLVMBasicBlockRef else_ref = LLVMAppendBasicBlock(owning_block, "else"); LLVMBasicBlockRef merge_ref = LLVMAppendBasicBlock(owning_block, "ifmerge"); // 3. Branch conditionally on then or else. LLVMBuildCondBr(builder, cond, then_ref, else_ref); // 4. Build then branch prologue. LLVMPositionBuilderAtEnd(builder, then_ref); LLVMValueRef hi1 = LLVMBuildXor(builder, LLVMGetUndef(LLVMInt32Type()), LLVMGetUndef(LLVMInt32Type()), "subtmp"); // 5. Connect then branch to merge block. LLVMBuildBr(builder, merge_ref); then_ref = LLVMGetInsertBlock(builder); // 6. Build else branch prologue. LLVMPositionBuilderAtEnd(builder, else_ref); LLVMValueRef hi2 = LLVMBuildXor(builder, LLVMGetUndef(LLVMInt32Type()), LLVMGetUndef(LLVMInt32Type()), "subtmp2"); // 7. Connect else branch to merge block. LLVMBuildBr(builder, merge_ref); else_ref = LLVMGetInsertBlock(builder); // 8. Position ourselves after the merge block. LLVMPositionBuilderAtEnd(builder, merge_ref); // 9. Build the phi node. // LLVMValueRef phi = LLVMBuildPhi(builder, LLVMDoubleType(), "phi"); // 10. Add incoming edges. // LLVMAddIncoming(phi, &hi1, &then_ref, 1); // LLVMAddIncoming(phi, &hi2, &else_ref, 1); LLVMDumpModule(module); LLVMDisposeBuilder(builder); LLVMDisposeModule(module); return 0; }
int llvm_add_named_metadata_operand(void) { LLVMModuleRef m = LLVMModuleCreateWithName("Mod"); LLVMValueRef values[] = { LLVMConstInt(LLVMInt32Type(), 0, 0) }; // This used to trigger an assertion LLVMAddNamedMetadataOperand(m, "name", LLVMMDNode(values, 1)); LLVMDisposeModule(m); return 0; }
int test_kal_codegen_binary_expr() { LLVMModuleRef module = LLVMModuleCreateWithName("kal"); LLVMBuilderRef builder = LLVMCreateBuilder(); kal_ast_node *lhs = kal_ast_number_create(20); kal_ast_node *rhs = kal_ast_number_create(30); kal_ast_node *node = kal_ast_binary_expr_create(KAL_BINOP_PLUS, lhs, rhs); LLVMValueRef value = kal_codegen(node, module, builder); mu_assert(LLVMGetTypeKind(LLVMTypeOf(value)) == LLVMDoubleTypeKind, ""); mu_assert(LLVMIsConstant(value), ""); LLVMDisposeBuilder(builder); LLVMDisposeModule(module); kal_ast_node_free(node); return 0; }
void compile(struct node *ast, const char *outfile) { /* TODO: Free module, define "dbc" as constant */ if ((module = LLVMModuleCreateWithName("dbc")) == NULL) generror("Failed to create LLVM module"); if ((builder = LLVMCreateBuilder()) == NULL) generror("Failed to create LLVM instruction builder"); if (ast) codegen(ast); if (LLVMVerifyModule(module, LLVMPrintMessageAction, NULL) != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "\nCongratulations, you've found a bug!\n" "Please submit your program to " "<>\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if (LLVMWriteBitcodeToFile(module, outfile) != 0) generror("Failed to write bitcode"); }
int test_kal_codegen_prototype() { kal_named_value *val; unsigned int arg_count = 3; char **args = malloc(sizeof(char*) * arg_count); args[0] = "foo"; args[1] = "bar"; args[2] = "baz"; LLVMModuleRef module = LLVMModuleCreateWithName("kal"); LLVMBuilderRef builder = LLVMCreateBuilder(); kal_ast_node *node = kal_ast_prototype_create("my_func", args, 3); kal_codegen_reset(); LLVMValueRef value = kal_codegen(node, module, builder); mu_assert(value != NULL, ""); mu_assert(LLVMGetNamedFunction(module, "my_func") == value, ""); mu_assert(LLVMCountParams(value) == 3, ""); val = kal_codegen_named_value("foo"); mu_assert(val->value == LLVMGetParam(value, 0), ""); mu_assert(LLVMGetTypeKind(LLVMTypeOf(LLVMGetParam(value, 0))) == LLVMDoubleTypeKind, ""); val = kal_codegen_named_value("bar"); mu_assert(val->value == LLVMGetParam(value, 1), ""); mu_assert(LLVMGetTypeKind(LLVMTypeOf(LLVMGetParam(value, 1))) == LLVMDoubleTypeKind, ""); val = kal_codegen_named_value("baz"); mu_assert(val->value == LLVMGetParam(value, 2), ""); mu_assert(LLVMGetTypeKind(LLVMTypeOf(LLVMGetParam(value, 2))) == LLVMDoubleTypeKind, ""); LLVMDisposeBuilder(builder); LLVMDisposeModule(module); kal_ast_node_free(node); return 0; }
PIPE_ALIGN_STACK static boolean test_one(unsigned verbose, FILE *fp, struct lp_type src_type, struct lp_type dst_type) { LLVMModuleRef module = NULL; LLVMValueRef func = NULL; LLVMExecutionEngineRef engine = NULL; LLVMModuleProviderRef provider = NULL; LLVMPassManagerRef pass = NULL; char *error = NULL; conv_test_ptr_t conv_test_ptr; boolean success; const unsigned n = LP_TEST_NUM_SAMPLES; int64_t cycles[LP_TEST_NUM_SAMPLES]; double cycles_avg = 0.0; unsigned num_srcs; unsigned num_dsts; double eps; unsigned i, j; if(verbose >= 1) dump_conv_types(stdout, src_type, dst_type); if(src_type.length > dst_type.length) { num_srcs = 1; num_dsts = src_type.length/dst_type.length; } else { num_dsts = 1; num_srcs = dst_type.length/src_type.length; } assert(src_type.width * src_type.length == dst_type.width * dst_type.length); /* We must not loose or gain channels. Only precision */ assert(src_type.length * num_srcs == dst_type.length * num_dsts); eps = MAX2(lp_const_eps(src_type), lp_const_eps(dst_type)); module = LLVMModuleCreateWithName("test"); func = add_conv_test(module, src_type, num_srcs, dst_type, num_dsts); if(LLVMVerifyModule(module, LLVMPrintMessageAction, &error)) { LLVMDumpModule(module); abort(); } LLVMDisposeMessage(error); provider = LLVMCreateModuleProviderForExistingModule(module); if (LLVMCreateJITCompiler(&engine, provider, 1, &error)) { if(verbose < 1) dump_conv_types(stderr, src_type, dst_type); fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", error); LLVMDisposeMessage(error); abort(); } #if 0 pass = LLVMCreatePassManager(); LLVMAddTargetData(LLVMGetExecutionEngineTargetData(engine), pass); /* These are the passes currently listed in llvm-c/Transforms/Scalar.h, * but there are more on SVN. */ LLVMAddConstantPropagationPass(pass); LLVMAddInstructionCombiningPass(pass); LLVMAddPromoteMemoryToRegisterPass(pass); LLVMAddGVNPass(pass); LLVMAddCFGSimplificationPass(pass); LLVMRunPassManager(pass, module); #else (void)pass; #endif if(verbose >= 2) LLVMDumpModule(module); conv_test_ptr = (conv_test_ptr_t)LLVMGetPointerToGlobal(engine, func); if(verbose >= 2) lp_disassemble(conv_test_ptr); success = TRUE; for(i = 0; i < n && success; ++i) { unsigned src_stride = src_type.length*src_type.width/8; unsigned dst_stride = dst_type.length*dst_type.width/8; PIPE_ALIGN_VAR(16) uint8_t src[LP_MAX_VECTOR_LENGTH*LP_MAX_VECTOR_LENGTH]; PIPE_ALIGN_VAR(16) uint8_t dst[LP_MAX_VECTOR_LENGTH*LP_MAX_VECTOR_LENGTH]; double fref[LP_MAX_VECTOR_LENGTH*LP_MAX_VECTOR_LENGTH]; uint8_t ref[LP_MAX_VECTOR_LENGTH*LP_MAX_VECTOR_LENGTH]; int64_t start_counter = 0; int64_t end_counter = 0; for(j = 0; j < num_srcs; ++j) { random_vec(src_type, src + j*src_stride); read_vec(src_type, src + j*src_stride, fref + j*src_type.length); } for(j = 0; j < num_dsts; ++j) { write_vec(dst_type, ref + j*dst_stride, fref + j*dst_type.length); } start_counter = rdtsc(); conv_test_ptr(src, dst); end_counter = rdtsc(); cycles[i] = end_counter - start_counter; for(j = 0; j < num_dsts; ++j) { if(!compare_vec_with_eps(dst_type, dst + j*dst_stride, ref + j*dst_stride, eps)) success = FALSE; } if (!success) { if(verbose < 1) dump_conv_types(stderr, src_type, dst_type); fprintf(stderr, "MISMATCH\n"); for(j = 0; j < num_srcs; ++j) { fprintf(stderr, " Src%u: ", j); dump_vec(stderr, src_type, src + j*src_stride); fprintf(stderr, "\n"); } #if 1 fprintf(stderr, " Ref: "); for(j = 0; j < src_type.length*num_srcs; ++j) fprintf(stderr, " %f", fref[j]); fprintf(stderr, "\n"); #endif for(j = 0; j < num_dsts; ++j) { fprintf(stderr, " Dst%u: ", j); dump_vec(stderr, dst_type, dst + j*dst_stride); fprintf(stderr, "\n"); fprintf(stderr, " Ref%u: ", j); dump_vec(stderr, dst_type, ref + j*dst_stride); fprintf(stderr, "\n"); } } } /* * Unfortunately the output of cycle counter is not very reliable as it comes * -- sometimes we get outliers (due IRQs perhaps?) which are * better removed to avoid random or biased data. */ { double sum = 0.0, sum2 = 0.0; double avg, std; unsigned m; for(i = 0; i < n; ++i) { sum += cycles[i]; sum2 += cycles[i]*cycles[i]; } avg = sum/n; std = sqrtf((sum2 - n*avg*avg)/n); m = 0; sum = 0.0; for(i = 0; i < n; ++i) { if(fabs(cycles[i] - avg) <= 4.0*std) { sum += cycles[i]; ++m; } } cycles_avg = sum/m; } if(fp) write_tsv_row(fp, src_type, dst_type, cycles_avg, success); if (!success) { static boolean firsttime = TRUE; if(firsttime) { if(verbose < 2) LLVMDumpModule(module); LLVMWriteBitcodeToFile(module, "conv.bc"); fprintf(stderr, "conv.bc written\n"); fprintf(stderr, "Invoke as \"llc -o - conv.bc\"\n"); firsttime = FALSE; /* abort(); */ } } LLVMFreeMachineCodeForFunction(engine, func); LLVMDisposeExecutionEngine(engine); if(pass) LLVMDisposePassManager(pass); return success; }
void R_init_Rllvm(DllInfo *dll) { RLLVM_ModuleTag = install("LLVMModuleRef"); RLLVM_TypeTag = install("LLVMTypeRef"); RLLVM_ValueTag = install("LLVMValueRef"); mainModule = LLVMModuleCreateWithName("R Default Module"); }
void lp_build_init(void) { #ifdef DEBUG gallivm_debug = debug_get_option_gallivm_debug(); #endif lp_set_target_options(); LLVMInitializeNativeTarget(); LLVMLinkInJIT(); if (!lp_build_module) lp_build_module = LLVMModuleCreateWithName("gallivm"); if (!lp_build_provider) lp_build_provider = LLVMCreateModuleProviderForExistingModule(lp_build_module); if (!lp_build_engine) { enum LLVM_CodeGenOpt_Level optlevel; char *error = NULL; if (gallivm_debug & GALLIVM_DEBUG_NO_OPT) { optlevel = None; } else { optlevel = Default; } if (LLVMCreateJITCompiler(&lp_build_engine, lp_build_provider, (unsigned)optlevel, &error)) { _debug_printf("%s\n", error); LLVMDisposeMessage(error); assert(0); } #if defined(DEBUG) || defined(PROFILE) lp_register_oprofile_jit_event_listener(lp_build_engine); #endif } if (!lp_build_target) lp_build_target = LLVMGetExecutionEngineTargetData(lp_build_engine); if (!lp_build_pass) { lp_build_pass = LLVMCreateFunctionPassManager(lp_build_provider); LLVMAddTargetData(lp_build_target, lp_build_pass); if ((gallivm_debug & GALLIVM_DEBUG_NO_OPT) == 0) { /* These are the passes currently listed in llvm-c/Transforms/Scalar.h, * but there are more on SVN. */ /* TODO: Add more passes */ LLVMAddCFGSimplificationPass(lp_build_pass); LLVMAddPromoteMemoryToRegisterPass(lp_build_pass); LLVMAddConstantPropagationPass(lp_build_pass); if(util_cpu_caps.has_sse4_1) { /* FIXME: There is a bug in this pass, whereby the combination of fptosi * and sitofp (necessary for trunc/floor/ceil/round implementation) * somehow becomes invalid code. */ LLVMAddInstructionCombiningPass(lp_build_pass); } LLVMAddGVNPass(lp_build_pass); } else { /* We need at least this pass to prevent the backends to fail in * unexpected ways. */ LLVMAddPromoteMemoryToRegisterPass(lp_build_pass); } } util_cpu_detect(); #if 0 /* For simulating less capable machines */ util_cpu_caps.has_sse3 = 0; util_cpu_caps.has_ssse3 = 0; util_cpu_caps.has_sse4_1 = 0; #endif }
PIPE_ALIGN_STACK static boolean test_round(unsigned verbose, FILE *fp) { LLVMModuleRef module = NULL; LLVMValueRef test_round = NULL, test_trunc, test_floor, test_ceil; LLVMExecutionEngineRef engine = lp_build_engine; LLVMPassManagerRef pass = NULL; char *error = NULL; test_round_t round_func, trunc_func, floor_func, ceil_func; float unpacked[4]; unsigned packed; boolean success = TRUE; int i; module = LLVMModuleCreateWithName("test"); test_round = add_test(module, "round", lp_build_round); test_trunc = add_test(module, "trunc", lp_build_trunc); test_floor = add_test(module, "floor", lp_build_floor); test_ceil = add_test(module, "ceil", lp_build_ceil); if(LLVMVerifyModule(module, LLVMPrintMessageAction, &error)) { printf("LLVMVerifyModule: %s\n", error); LLVMDumpModule(module); abort(); } LLVMDisposeMessage(error); #if 0 pass = LLVMCreatePassManager(); LLVMAddTargetData(LLVMGetExecutionEngineTargetData(engine), pass); /* These are the passes currently listed in llvm-c/Transforms/Scalar.h, * but there are more on SVN. */ LLVMAddConstantPropagationPass(pass); LLVMAddInstructionCombiningPass(pass); LLVMAddPromoteMemoryToRegisterPass(pass); LLVMAddGVNPass(pass); LLVMAddCFGSimplificationPass(pass); LLVMRunPassManager(pass, module); #else (void)pass; #endif round_func = (test_round_t) pointer_to_func(LLVMGetPointerToGlobal(engine, test_round)); trunc_func = (test_round_t) pointer_to_func(LLVMGetPointerToGlobal(engine, test_trunc)); floor_func = (test_round_t) pointer_to_func(LLVMGetPointerToGlobal(engine, test_floor)); ceil_func = (test_round_t) pointer_to_func(LLVMGetPointerToGlobal(engine, test_ceil)); memset(unpacked, 0, sizeof unpacked); packed = 0; if (0) LLVMDumpModule(module); for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { v4sf xvals[3] = { {-10.0, -1, 0, 12.0}, {-1.5, -0.25, 1.25, 2.5}, {-0.99, -0.01, 0.01, 0.99} }; v4sf x = xvals[i]; v4sf y, ref; float *xp = (float *) &x; float *refp = (float *) &ref; printf("\n"); printv("x ", x); refp[0] = round(xp[0]); refp[1] = round(xp[1]); refp[2] = round(xp[2]); refp[3] = round(xp[3]); y = round_func(x); printv("C round(x) ", ref); printv("LLVM round(x)", y); compare(ref, y); refp[0] = trunc(xp[0]); refp[1] = trunc(xp[1]); refp[2] = trunc(xp[2]); refp[3] = trunc(xp[3]); y = trunc_func(x); printv("C trunc(x) ", ref); printv("LLVM trunc(x)", y); compare(ref, y); refp[0] = floor(xp[0]); refp[1] = floor(xp[1]); refp[2] = floor(xp[2]); refp[3] = floor(xp[3]); y = floor_func(x); printv("C floor(x) ", ref); printv("LLVM floor(x)", y); compare(ref, y); refp[0] = ceil(xp[0]); refp[1] = ceil(xp[1]); refp[2] = ceil(xp[2]); refp[3] = ceil(xp[3]); y = ceil_func(x); printv("C ceil(x) ", ref); printv("LLVM ceil(x) ", y); compare(ref, y); } LLVMFreeMachineCodeForFunction(engine, test_round); LLVMFreeMachineCodeForFunction(engine, test_trunc); LLVMFreeMachineCodeForFunction(engine, test_floor); LLVMFreeMachineCodeForFunction(engine, test_ceil); LLVMDisposeExecutionEngine(engine); if(pass) LLVMDisposePassManager(pass); return success; }
int main(int argc, char** argv) { llvm::llvm_shutdown_obj Y; llvm::error_code ec; std::string se; std::string file; if (argc < 2) { llvm::errs() << "Usage llvm-disasm <file>\n"; return 1; } llvm::InitializeAllTargetInfos(); llvm::InitializeAllTargetMCs(); llvm::InitializeAllAsmParsers(); llvm::InitializeAllDisassemblers(); file = argv[1]; llvm::OwningPtr<llvm::object::Binary> bin; ec = llvm::object::createBinary(file, bin); if (ec) { llvm::errs() << file << ": " << ec.message() << "\n"; return 1; } if (!bin->isELF()) { llvm::errs() << file << " isn't an object file\n"; return 1; } llvm::object::ObjectFile* obj = llvm::dyn_cast<llvm::object::ObjectFile>(bin.get()); if (!obj) { llvm::errs() << file << ": failed to cast to llvm::ObjectFile\n"; return 1; } llvm::Triple tri; tri.setArch(llvm::Triple::ArchType(obj->getArch())); std::string targetName = tri.str(); const llvm::Target* target = llvm::TargetRegistry::lookupTarget(targetName, se); if (!target) { llvm::errs() << file << ": failed to get the target descriptor for " << targetName << "\n"; return 1; } STI = target->createMCSubtargetInfo(targetName, "", ""); if (!STI) { llvm::errs() << file << ": " << ": to get the subtarget info!\n"; return 1; } disasm = target->createMCDisassembler(*STI); if (!disasm) { llvm::errs() << file << ": " << ": to get the disassembler!\n"; return 1; } MII = target->createMCInstrInfo(); if (!MII) { llvm::errs() << file << ": no instruction info for target\n"; return 1; } MRI = target->createMCRegInfo(targetName); if (!MRI) { llvm::errs() << file << ": no register info for target\n"; return 1; } llvmBuilder = LLVMCreateBuilder(); LLVMModuleRef llvmModule = LLVMModuleCreateWithName("test"); LLVMTypeRef mainType = LLVMFunctionType(LLVMInt32Type(), NULL, 0, 0); LLVMValueRef mainFn = LLVMAddFunction(llvmModule, "main", mainType); LLVMBasicBlockRef blk = LLVMAppendBasicBlock(mainFn, ""); LLVMPositionBuilderAtEnd(llvmBuilder, blk); for (llvm::object::section_iterator i = obj->begin_sections(), e = obj->end_sections(); i != e; i.increment(ec)) { if (ec) { llvm::errs() << "Failed to increment the section iterator!\n"; return 1; } bool isText; llvm::StringRef secName; if (i->getName(secName)) { llvm::errs() << file << ": failed to get the section name\n"; break; } if (i->isText(isText)) { llvm::errs() << file << ": " << secName << ": failed to determine the section type\n"; break; } if (!isText) { continue; } std::set<llvm::object::SymbolRef> symbols; for (llvm::object::symbol_iterator isym = obj->begin_symbols(); isym != obj->end_symbols(); isym.increment(ec)) { bool res; llvm::StringRef symName; llvm::object::SymbolRef::Type symType; if (ec) { llvm::errs() << "Failed to increment the symbol iterator!\n"; return 1; } if (isym->getName(symName)) { llvm::errs() << file << ": " << secName << ": failed to get the symbol name!\n"; return 1; } /* uint64_t secSize, secBase, symAddr; i->getAddress(secBase); i->getSize(secSize); isym->getAddress(symAddr); if (i->containsSymbol(*isym, res)) { llvm::errs() << file << ": " << secName << ": " << symName << ": failed to check whether the symbol is in the section!\n"; return 1; } if (!res) { continue; } if (symAddr < secBase || symAddr >= secBase + secSize) { continue; } */ llvm::object::section_iterator i2 = llvm::object::section_iterator(llvm::object::SectionRef()); isym->getSection(i2); if (i2 != i) { continue; } if (isym->getType(symType)) { llvm::errs() << file << ": " << secName << ": " << symName << ": failed to get the symbol type!\n"; return 1; } if (symType != llvm::object::SymbolRef::ST_Function) { continue; } symbols.insert(*isym); } for (std::set<llvm::object::SymbolRef>::const_iterator isym = symbols.begin(); isym != symbols.end(); ++isym) { if (analyzeSymbol(*isym)) { return 1; } } } LLVMDumpModule(llvmModule); LLVMDisposeModule(llvmModule); LLVMDisposeBuilder(llvmBuilder); return 0; }
ALIGN_STACK static boolean test_one(unsigned verbose, FILE *fp, const struct pipe_blend_state *blend, enum vector_mode mode, struct lp_type type) { LLVMModuleRef module = NULL; LLVMValueRef func = NULL; LLVMExecutionEngineRef engine = NULL; LLVMModuleProviderRef provider = NULL; LLVMPassManagerRef pass = NULL; char *error = NULL; blend_test_ptr_t blend_test_ptr; boolean success; const unsigned n = LP_TEST_NUM_SAMPLES; int64_t cycles[LP_TEST_NUM_SAMPLES]; double cycles_avg = 0.0; unsigned i, j; if(verbose >= 1) dump_blend_type(stdout, blend, mode, type); module = LLVMModuleCreateWithName("test"); func = add_blend_test(module, blend, mode, type); if(LLVMVerifyModule(module, LLVMPrintMessageAction, &error)) { LLVMDumpModule(module); abort(); } LLVMDisposeMessage(error); provider = LLVMCreateModuleProviderForExistingModule(module); if (LLVMCreateJITCompiler(&engine, provider, 1, &error)) { if(verbose < 1) dump_blend_type(stderr, blend, mode, type); fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", error); LLVMDisposeMessage(error); abort(); } #if 0 pass = LLVMCreatePassManager(); LLVMAddTargetData(LLVMGetExecutionEngineTargetData(engine), pass); /* These are the passes currently listed in llvm-c/Transforms/Scalar.h, * but there are more on SVN. */ LLVMAddConstantPropagationPass(pass); LLVMAddInstructionCombiningPass(pass); LLVMAddPromoteMemoryToRegisterPass(pass); LLVMAddGVNPass(pass); LLVMAddCFGSimplificationPass(pass); LLVMRunPassManager(pass, module); #else (void)pass; #endif if(verbose >= 2) LLVMDumpModule(module); blend_test_ptr = (blend_test_ptr_t)LLVMGetPointerToGlobal(engine, func); if(verbose >= 2) lp_disassemble(blend_test_ptr); success = TRUE; for(i = 0; i < n && success; ++i) { if(mode == AoS) { ALIGN16_ATTRIB uint8_t src[LP_NATIVE_VECTOR_WIDTH/8]; ALIGN16_ATTRIB uint8_t dst[LP_NATIVE_VECTOR_WIDTH/8]; ALIGN16_ATTRIB uint8_t con[LP_NATIVE_VECTOR_WIDTH/8]; ALIGN16_ATTRIB uint8_t res[LP_NATIVE_VECTOR_WIDTH/8]; ALIGN16_ATTRIB uint8_t ref[LP_NATIVE_VECTOR_WIDTH/8]; int64_t start_counter = 0; int64_t end_counter = 0; random_vec(type, src); random_vec(type, dst); random_vec(type, con); { double fsrc[LP_MAX_VECTOR_LENGTH]; double fdst[LP_MAX_VECTOR_LENGTH]; double fcon[LP_MAX_VECTOR_LENGTH]; double fref[LP_MAX_VECTOR_LENGTH]; read_vec(type, src, fsrc); read_vec(type, dst, fdst); read_vec(type, con, fcon); for(j = 0; j < type.length; j += 4) compute_blend_ref(blend, fsrc + j, fdst + j, fcon + j, fref + j); write_vec(type, ref, fref); } start_counter = rdtsc(); blend_test_ptr(src, dst, con, res); end_counter = rdtsc(); cycles[i] = end_counter - start_counter; if(!compare_vec(type, res, ref)) { success = FALSE; if(verbose < 1) dump_blend_type(stderr, blend, mode, type); fprintf(stderr, "MISMATCH\n"); fprintf(stderr, " Src: "); dump_vec(stderr, type, src); fprintf(stderr, "\n"); fprintf(stderr, " Dst: "); dump_vec(stderr, type, dst); fprintf(stderr, "\n"); fprintf(stderr, " Con: "); dump_vec(stderr, type, con); fprintf(stderr, "\n"); fprintf(stderr, " Res: "); dump_vec(stderr, type, res); fprintf(stderr, "\n"); fprintf(stderr, " Ref: "); dump_vec(stderr, type, ref); fprintf(stderr, "\n"); } } if(mode == SoA) { const unsigned stride = type.length*type.width/8; ALIGN16_ATTRIB uint8_t src[4*LP_NATIVE_VECTOR_WIDTH/8]; ALIGN16_ATTRIB uint8_t dst[4*LP_NATIVE_VECTOR_WIDTH/8]; ALIGN16_ATTRIB uint8_t con[4*LP_NATIVE_VECTOR_WIDTH/8]; ALIGN16_ATTRIB uint8_t res[4*LP_NATIVE_VECTOR_WIDTH/8]; ALIGN16_ATTRIB uint8_t ref[4*LP_NATIVE_VECTOR_WIDTH/8]; int64_t start_counter = 0; int64_t end_counter = 0; boolean mismatch; for(j = 0; j < 4; ++j) { random_vec(type, src + j*stride); random_vec(type, dst + j*stride); random_vec(type, con + j*stride); } { double fsrc[4]; double fdst[4]; double fcon[4]; double fref[4]; unsigned k; for(k = 0; k < type.length; ++k) { for(j = 0; j < 4; ++j) { fsrc[j] = read_elem(type, src + j*stride, k); fdst[j] = read_elem(type, dst + j*stride, k); fcon[j] = read_elem(type, con + j*stride, k); } compute_blend_ref(blend, fsrc, fdst, fcon, fref); for(j = 0; j < 4; ++j) write_elem(type, ref + j*stride, k, fref[j]); } } start_counter = rdtsc(); blend_test_ptr(src, dst, con, res); end_counter = rdtsc(); cycles[i] = end_counter - start_counter; mismatch = FALSE; for (j = 0; j < 4; ++j) if(!compare_vec(type, res + j*stride, ref + j*stride)) mismatch = TRUE; if (mismatch) { success = FALSE; if(verbose < 1) dump_blend_type(stderr, blend, mode, type); fprintf(stderr, "MISMATCH\n"); for(j = 0; j < 4; ++j) { char channel = "RGBA"[j]; fprintf(stderr, " Src%c: ", channel); dump_vec(stderr, type, src + j*stride); fprintf(stderr, "\n"); fprintf(stderr, " Dst%c: ", channel); dump_vec(stderr, type, dst + j*stride); fprintf(stderr, "\n"); fprintf(stderr, " Con%c: ", channel); dump_vec(stderr, type, con + j*stride); fprintf(stderr, "\n"); fprintf(stderr, " Res%c: ", channel); dump_vec(stderr, type, res + j*stride); fprintf(stderr, "\n"); fprintf(stderr, " Ref%c: ", channel); dump_vec(stderr, type, ref + j*stride); fprintf(stderr, "\n"); } } } } /* * Unfortunately the output of cycle counter is not very reliable as it comes * -- sometimes we get outliers (due IRQs perhaps?) which are * better removed to avoid random or biased data. */ { double sum = 0.0, sum2 = 0.0; double avg, std; unsigned m; for(i = 0; i < n; ++i) { sum += cycles[i]; sum2 += cycles[i]*cycles[i]; } avg = sum/n; std = sqrtf((sum2 - n*avg*avg)/n); m = 0; sum = 0.0; for(i = 0; i < n; ++i) { if(fabs(cycles[i] - avg) <= 4.0*std) { sum += cycles[i]; ++m; } } cycles_avg = sum/m; } if(fp) write_tsv_row(fp, blend, mode, type, cycles_avg, success); if (!success) { if(verbose < 2) LLVMDumpModule(module); LLVMWriteBitcodeToFile(module, "blend.bc"); fprintf(stderr, "blend.bc written\n"); fprintf(stderr, "Invoke as \"llc -o - blend.bc\"\n"); abort(); } LLVMFreeMachineCodeForFunction(engine, func); LLVMDisposeExecutionEngine(engine); if(pass) LLVMDisposePassManager(pass); return success; }