Esempio n. 1
static int modproc_get_id( INSTANCE * my, int * params )
    INSTANCE * ptr = first_instance, ** ctx ;

    if ( !params[0] )
        LOCDWORD( mod_proc, my, TYPE_SCAN ) = 0 ;
        if ( LOCDWORD( mod_proc, my, ID_SCAN ) )
            ptr = instance_get( LOCDWORD( mod_proc, my, ID_SCAN ) ) ;
            if ( ptr ) ptr = ptr->next ;

        while ( ptr )
            if (( LOCDWORD( mod_proc, ptr, STATUS ) & ~STATUS_WAITING_MASK ) >= STATUS_RUNNING )
                LOCDWORD( mod_proc, my, ID_SCAN ) = LOCDWORD( mod_proc, ptr, PROCESS_ID ) ;
                return LOCDWORD( mod_proc, ptr, PROCESS_ID ) ;
            ptr = ptr->next ;
        return 0 ;

    LOCDWORD( mod_proc, my, ID_SCAN ) = 0 ;
    /* Check if already in scan by type and we reach limit */
    ctx = ( INSTANCE ** ) LOCADDR( mod_proc, my, CONTEXT );
    if ( !*ctx && LOCDWORD( mod_proc, my, TYPE_SCAN ) )
        LOCDWORD( mod_proc, my, TYPE_SCAN ) = 0;
        return 0;
    /* Check if type change from last call */
    if ( LOCDWORD( mod_proc, my, TYPE_SCAN ) != params[0] )
        *ctx = NULL;
        LOCDWORD( mod_proc, my, TYPE_SCAN ) = params[0];

    while ( ( ptr = instance_get_by_type( params[0], ctx ) ) )
        if ( /*ptr != my &&*/ ( LOCDWORD( mod_proc, ptr, STATUS ) & ~STATUS_WAITING_MASK ) >= STATUS_RUNNING )
            return LOCDWORD( mod_proc, ptr, PROCESS_ID ) ;

    return 0 ;
Esempio n. 2
static int __collision( INSTANCE * my, int id, int colltype )
    INSTANCE * ptr, ** ctx ;
    int status, p ;
    int ( *colfunc )( INSTANCE *, GRAPH *, REGION *, INSTANCE * );
    REGION bbox1 ;
    GRAPH * bmp1 ;

    if ( id == -1 ) return ( check_collision_with_mouse( my, colltype ) ) ? 1 : 0 ;

    switch ( colltype )
        case    COLLISION_NORMAL:
                colfunc = check_collision;

        case    COLLISION_BOX:
                colfunc = check_collision_box;

        case    COLLISION_CIRCLE:
                colfunc = check_collision_circle;

                return 0;

    bmp1 = instance_graph( my ) ; if ( !bmp1 ) return 0 ;
    instance_get_bbox( my, bmp1, &bbox1 );

    int ctype = LOCDWORD( mod_grproc, my, CTYPE );

    /* Checks only for a single instance */
    if ( id >= FIRST_INSTANCE_ID ) return ( ( ( ptr = instance_get( id ) ) && ctype == LOCDWORD( mod_grproc, ptr, CTYPE ) ) ? colfunc( my, bmp1, &bbox1, ptr ) : 0 ) ;

    /* we must use full list of instances or get types from it */
    ptr = first_instance ;

    if ( !id )
        LOCDWORD( mod_grproc, my, GRPROC_TYPE_SCAN ) = 0 ;
        if ( ( p = LOCDWORD( mod_grproc, my, GRPROC_ID_SCAN ) ) )
            ptr = instance_get( p ) ;
            if ( ptr ) ptr = ptr->next ;

        while ( ptr )
            if ( ptr != my &&
                 ctype == LOCDWORD( mod_grproc, ptr, CTYPE ) &&
                    ( status = ( LOCDWORD( mod_grproc, ptr, STATUS ) & ~STATUS_WAITING_MASK ) ) == STATUS_RUNNING ||
                    status == STATUS_FROZEN
                  ) && colfunc( my, bmp1, &bbox1, ptr )
                LOCDWORD( mod_grproc, my, GRPROC_ID_SCAN ) = LOCDWORD( mod_grproc, ptr, PROCESS_ID ) ;
                return LOCDWORD( mod_grproc, ptr, PROCESS_ID ) ;
            ptr = ptr->next ;
        return 0 ;

    LOCDWORD( mod_grproc, my, GRPROC_ID_SCAN ) = 0 ;
    /* Check if already in scan by type and we reach limit */
    ctx = ( INSTANCE ** ) LOCADDR( mod_grproc, my, GRPROC_CONTEXT );
    if ( LOCDWORD( mod_grproc, my, GRPROC_TYPE_SCAN ) != id ) /* Check if type change from last call */
        *ctx = NULL;
        LOCDWORD( mod_grproc, my, GRPROC_TYPE_SCAN ) = id;

    while ( ( ptr = instance_get_by_type( id, ctx ) ) )
        if ( ptr != my &&
             ctype == LOCDWORD( mod_grproc, ptr, CTYPE ) &&
                ( status = ( LOCDWORD( mod_grproc, ptr, STATUS ) & ~STATUS_WAITING_MASK ) ) == STATUS_RUNNING ||
                  status == STATUS_FROZEN
             ) &&
             colfunc( my, bmp1, &bbox1, ptr )
            return LOCDWORD( mod_grproc, ptr, PROCESS_ID ) ;

    return 0 ;