Esempio n. 1
   * Filters a list of points for points that are of the selected
   * Range or in the given range. The filtered list will appear in
   * the navtools point list display.
   * @internal
   *   @history 2009-01-08 Jeannie Walldren - Modified to remove
   *                          new filter points from the existing
   *                          filtered list. Previously, a new
   *                          filtered list was created from the
   *                          entire control net each time.
   *   @history 2010-06-03 Jeannie Walldren - Removed "std::"
   *                          since "using namespace std"
  void QnetPointRangeFilter::filter() {
    // Make sure there is a control net loaded
    if (controlNet() == NULL) {
      QMessageBox::information((QWidget *)parent(),
          "Error", "No points to filter");

    // Make sure all the values we need have been entered by the user
    if ((m_minlat->text() == "") || (m_maxlat->text() == "") ||
        (m_minlon->text() == "") || (m_maxlon->text() == "")) {
      QMessageBox::information((QWidget *)parent(),
          "Error", "All lat/lon range values must be entered");
    else {
      // Get the user entered values for the range
      double minlat = m_minlat->text().toDouble();
      double maxlat = m_maxlat->text().toDouble();
      double minlon = m_minlon->text().toDouble();
      double maxlon = m_maxlon->text().toDouble();

      // Make sure the lat values are in order
      if (minlat > maxlat) {
        QString msg = "The minimum latitude value must be less than the maximum latitude value";
        QMessageBox::information((QWidget *)parent(), "Error", msg);
      // Make sure the lon values are in order
      else if (minlon > maxlon) {
        QString msg = "The minimum longitude value must be less than the maximum longitude value";
        QMessageBox::information((QWidget *)parent(), "Error", msg);

      // Loop through each value of the filtered points list
      // checking to see if each point falls within the rangee
      // Loop in reverse order since removal list of elements affects index number
      for (int i = filteredPoints().size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
        // Get the current control point
        ControlPoint &cp = *(*controlNet())[filteredPoints()[i]];

        Latitude lat = cp.GetBestSurfacePoint().GetLatitude();
        Longitude lon = cp.GetBestSurfacePoint().GetLongitude();
        if (lat.inRange(Latitude(minlat,Angle::Degrees),Latitude(maxlat,Angle::Degrees)) &&
            lon.inRange(Longitude(minlon,Angle::Degrees),Longitude(maxlon,Angle::Degrees))) {
        else {


    // Tell the navtool that a list has been filtered and it needs to update
    emit filteredListModified();
Esempio n. 2
   * Get the latitude in the planetographic coordinate system. If this instance
   *   was not constructed with the planetary radii, then an exception will be
   *   thrown.
   * @see CoordinateType
   * @param units The angular units to get the latitude in
   * @return The Planetographic latitude value
  double Latitude::planetographic(Angle::Units units) const {
    if (m_equatorialRadius == NULL || m_polarRadius == NULL) {
      IString msg = "Latitude [" + IString(degrees()) + " degrees] cannot "
          "be converted to Planetographic without the planetary radii, please "
          "use the other Latitude constructor";
      throw IException(IException::Programmer, msg, _FILEINFO_);

    if (*this > Angle(90.0, Angle::Degrees) ||
        *this < Angle(-90.0, Angle::Degrees)) {
      IString msg = "Latitudes outside of the -90/90 range cannot be converted "
          "between Planetographic and Planetocentric";
      throw IException(IException::Programmer, msg, _FILEINFO_);

    if(!isValid()) {
      IString msg = "Invalid planetographic latitudes are not currently "
      throw IException(IException::Programmer, msg, _FILEINFO_);

    double ographicLatitude = atan(tan(radians()) *
        (*m_equatorialRadius / *m_polarRadius) *
        (*m_equatorialRadius / *m_polarRadius));

    // This theoretically should just be an angle, but make it a Latitude so
    //   we can access angle
    return Latitude(ographicLatitude, Angle::Radians).angle(units);
Esempio n. 3
    * Adds another latitude to this one. Handles planetographic latitudes.
    * @param angleToAdd the latitude being added to this one
    * @param equatorialRadius
    * @param polarRadius
    * @param latType
    * @return The result
  Latitude Latitude::add(Angle angleToAdd, Distance equatorialRadius, Distance polarRadius,
                         CoordinateType latType) {
    Latitude result;
    switch (latType) {
      case Planetocentric:
        result = Latitude(planetocentric() + angleToAdd.radians(), equatorialRadius, polarRadius,
                          latType, Radians, m_errors);

      case Planetographic:
        result = Latitude(planetographic() + angleToAdd.radians(), equatorialRadius, polarRadius,
                          latType, Radians, m_errors);
    return result;
Esempio n. 4
   * Find the lat/lon range of the image. This will use the image footprint,
   *   camera, or projection in order to find a good result.
   * @param Cube* This is required for estimation. You can pass in NULL (it will
   *              disable estimation).
   * @param minLat This is an output: minimum latitude
   * @param maxLat This is an output: maximum latitude
   * @param minLon This is an output: minimum longitude
   * @param maxLon This is an output: maximum longitude
   * @param allowEstimation If this is true then extra efforts will be made to
   *     guess the ground range of the input. This can still fail.
   * @return True if a ground range was found, false if no ground range could
   *     be determined. Some lat/lon results may still be populated; their
   *     values are undefined.
  bool UniversalGroundMap::GroundRange(Cube *cube, Latitude &minLat,
      Latitude &maxLat, Longitude &minLon, Longitude &maxLon,
      bool allowEstimation) {
    // Do we need a RingRange method?
    // For now just return false
    if (HasCamera())
      if (p_camera->target()->shape()->name() == "Plane") return false;
    if (HasProjection()) 
      if (p_projection->projectionType() == Projection::RingPlane) return false;

    minLat = Latitude();
    maxLat = Latitude();
    minLon = Longitude();
    maxLon = Longitude();

    // If we have a footprint, use it
    try {
      if (cube) {
        ImagePolygon poly;
        geos::geom::MultiPolygon *footprint = PolygonTools::MakeMultiPolygon(

        geos::geom::Geometry *envelope = footprint->getEnvelope();
        geos::geom::CoordinateSequence *coords = envelope->getCoordinates();

        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < coords->getSize(); i++) {
          const geos::geom::Coordinate &coord = coords->getAt(i);

          Latitude coordLat(coord.y, Angle::Degrees);
          Longitude coordLon(coord.x, Angle::Degrees);

          if (!minLat.isValid() || minLat > coordLat)
            minLat = coordLat;
          if (!maxLat.isValid() || maxLat < coordLat)
            maxLat = coordLat;

          if (!minLon.isValid() || minLon > coordLon)
            minLon = coordLon;
          if (!maxLon.isValid() || maxLon < coordLon)
            maxLon = coordLon;

        delete coords;
        coords = NULL;

        delete envelope;
        envelope = NULL;

        delete footprint;
        footprint = NULL;
    catch (IException &) {

    if (!minLat.isValid() || !maxLat.isValid() ||
        !minLon.isValid() || !maxLon.isValid()) {
      if (HasCamera()) {
        // Footprint failed, ask the camera
        PvlGroup mappingGrp("Mapping");
        mappingGrp += PvlKeyword("LatitudeType", "Planetocentric");
        mappingGrp += PvlKeyword("LongitudeDomain", "360");
        mappingGrp += PvlKeyword("LongitudeDirection", "PositiveEast");

        Pvl mappingPvl;
        mappingPvl += mappingGrp;
        double minLatDouble;
        double maxLatDouble;
        double minLonDouble;
        double maxLonDouble;
            minLatDouble, maxLatDouble,
            minLonDouble, maxLonDouble, mappingPvl);
        minLat = Latitude(minLatDouble, Angle::Degrees);
        maxLat = Latitude(maxLatDouble, Angle::Degrees);
        minLon = Longitude(minLonDouble, Angle::Degrees);
        maxLon = Longitude(maxLonDouble, Angle::Degrees);
      else if (HasProjection()) {
        // Footprint failed, look in the mapping group
        PvlGroup mappingGrp = p_projection->Mapping();
        if (mappingGrp.hasKeyword("MinimumLatitude") &&
            mappingGrp.hasKeyword("MaximumLatitude") &&
            mappingGrp.hasKeyword("MinimumLongitude") &&
            mappingGrp.hasKeyword("MaximumLongitude")) {

          minLat = Latitude(mappingGrp["MinimumLatitude"],
                            mappingGrp, Angle::Degrees);
          maxLat = Latitude(mappingGrp["MaximumLatitude"],
                            mappingGrp, Angle::Degrees);
          minLon = Longitude(mappingGrp["MinimumLongitude"],
                             mappingGrp, Angle::Degrees);
          maxLon = Longitude(mappingGrp["MaximumLongitude"],
                             mappingGrp, Angle::Degrees);

        else if (allowEstimation && cube) {
          // Footprint and mapping failed... no lat/lon range of any kind is
          //   available. Let's test points in the image to try to make our own
          //   extent.
          QList<QPointF> imagePoints;

          // Reset to TProjection
          TProjection *tproj = (TProjection *) p_projection;

           * This is where we're testing:
           *  |---------------|
           *  |***************|
           *  |**     *     **|
           *  |*  *   *   *  *|
           *  |*    * * *    *|
           *  |***************|
           *  |*    * * *    *|
           *  |*  *   *   *  *|
           *  |**     *     **|
           *  |***************|
           *  |---------------|
           * We'll test at the edges, a plus (+) and an (X) to help DEMs work.

          int sampleCount = cube->sampleCount();
          int lineCount = cube->lineCount();

          int stepsPerLength = 20; //number of steps per length
          double aspectRatio = (double)lineCount / (double)sampleCount;
          double xStepSize = sampleCount / stepsPerLength;
          double yStepSize = xStepSize * aspectRatio;

          if (lineCount > sampleCount) {
            aspectRatio = (double)sampleCount / (double)lineCount;
            yStepSize = lineCount / stepsPerLength;
            xStepSize = yStepSize * aspectRatio;

          double yWalked = 0.5;

          //3 vertical lines
          for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
            double xValue = 0.5 + ( i * (sampleCount / 2) );

            while (yWalked <= lineCount) {
              imagePoints.append( QPointF(xValue, yWalked) );
              yWalked += yStepSize;

            yWalked = 0.5;

          double xWalked = 0.5;

          //3 horizontal lines
          for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
            double yValue = 0.5 + ( i * (lineCount / 2) );

            while (xWalked <= sampleCount) {
              imagePoints.append( QPointF(xWalked, yValue) );
              xWalked += xStepSize;

            xWalked = 0.5;

          double xDiagonalWalked = 0.5;
          double yDiagonalWalked = 0.5;
          xStepSize = sampleCount / stepsPerLength;
          yStepSize = lineCount / stepsPerLength;

          //Top-Down Diagonal
          while ( (xDiagonalWalked <= sampleCount) && (yDiagonalWalked <= lineCount) ) {
            imagePoints.append( QPointF(xDiagonalWalked, yDiagonalWalked) );
            xDiagonalWalked += xStepSize;
            yDiagonalWalked += yStepSize;

          xDiagonalWalked = 0.5;

          //Bottom-Up Diagonal
          while ( (xDiagonalWalked <= sampleCount) && (yDiagonalWalked >= 0) ) {
            imagePoints.append( QPointF(xDiagonalWalked, yDiagonalWalked) );
            xDiagonalWalked += xStepSize;
            yDiagonalWalked -= yStepSize;

          foreach (QPointF imagePoint, imagePoints) {
            if (tproj->SetWorld(imagePoint.x(), imagePoint.y())) {
              Latitude latResult(tproj->UniversalLatitude(),
              Longitude lonResult(tproj->UniversalLongitude(),
              if (minLat.isValid())
                minLat = qMin(minLat, latResult);
                minLat = latResult;

              if (maxLat.isValid())
                maxLat = qMax(maxLat, latResult);
                maxLat = latResult;

              if (minLon.isValid())
                minLon = qMin(minLon, lonResult);
                minLon = lonResult;

              if (maxLon.isValid())
                maxLon = qMax(maxLon, lonResult);
                maxLon = lonResult;
Esempio n. 5
long Shred::GlobalX(const int x) const {
    return (Latitude()  - CoordOfShred(x))*SHRED_WIDTH + x;
Esempio n. 6
int main()
    return 0;

    Wgs84d2 coord(Latitude(30), Longitude(50.));
Esempio n. 7
int main (void)
  xmlTextReaderPtr xml = xmlReaderForFd (STDIN_FILENO, "", NULL, 0);
  FILE *file = fopen ("gosmore.pak", "r");
  if (!xml || !file || fseek (file, 0, SEEK_END) != 0 ||
        !GosmInit (mmap (NULL, ftell (file), PROT_READ, MAP_SHARED,
                              fileno (file), 0), ftell (file))) {
    fprintf (stderr, "Unable to open gosmore.pak\n");
    return 1;
  int ptCnt = 0;
  printf ("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n"
  " version=\"1.0\"\n"
  " creator=\"osmunda\"\n"
  " xmlns:xsi=\"\"\n"
  " xmlns=\"\"\n"
  " xsi:schemaLocation=\"\">\n");
  while (xmlTextReaderRead (xml)) {
    char *name = (char *) BAD_CAST xmlTextReaderName (xml);
    if (xmlTextReaderNodeType (xml) == XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT) {
      while (stricmp (name, "trkpt") == 0 &&
             xmlTextReaderMoveToNextAttribute (xml)) {
        char *aname = (char *) BAD_CAST xmlTextReaderName (xml);
        char *avalue = (char *) BAD_CAST xmlTextReaderValue (xml);
        if (stricmp (aname, "lat") == 0) tlat = Latitude (atof (avalue));
        if (stricmp (aname, "lon") == 0) tlon = Longitude (atof (avalue));
        xmlFree (aname);
        xmlFree (avalue);
    if (xmlTextReaderNodeType (xml) == XML_READER_TYPE_END_ELEMENT) {
      if (stricmp (name, "trkpt") == 0) {
        if (ptCnt++ > 0) {
          int vehicle[] = { bicycleR, motorcarR, footR }, i;
          for (i = 0; i < sizeof (vehicle) / sizeof (vehicle[0]); i++) {
            Route (TRUE, 0, 0, /*tlon - flon, tlat - flat,*/ bicycleR, 0);
            //routeNode *itr;
            //for (itr = shortest; itr->shortest; itr = itr->shortest) {}
            if (routeHeapSize > 0 && (!shortest || !shortest->shortest ||
                !shortest->shortest->shortest)) break;
          if (i == sizeof (vehicle) / sizeof (vehicle[0])) {
//                fprintf (stderr, "%d\n", shortest->best);
            printf ("<trk>\n<trkseg>\n<trkpt lat=\"%.5lf\" "
              "lon=\"%.5lf\"/>\n<trkpt lat=\"%.5lf\" lon=\"%.5lf\"/>\n"
              "</trkseg>\n</trk>\n", LatInverse (flat), LonInverse (flon),
              LatInverse (tlat), LonInverse (tlon));
        flat = tlat;
        flon = tlon;
      if (stricmp (name, "trk") == 0) ptCnt = 0; // Gap in track
    xmlFree (name);
  printf ("</gpx>\n");
  return 0;