Esempio n. 1
Update the player on screen. Checks key presses and converts them into move
states for the player. The player animation will be dependant on the current
state. Update the players positon and state globally.

@param deltaTimeMS time between each frame.
@return void
void Player::Update(int deltaTimeMS) {
  float deltaTimeS = (float) deltaTimeMS / 1000;  // Convert to seconds.

  if (LevelCheck()) {  // Begin function PauseGameCheck().
    // Get the current state of player based on key presses.
    state = move.PlayerType(sprite);

    // Update the player animation and movement.
    switch (state) { // Begin switch state.
      case MOVE_STATE::STILL:  // Display still animation.
      velocity.x = 0;
      render.UpdateFrame(8, 0);

      case MOVE_STATE::MOVING_RIGHT:  // Display move-right animation.
      if (!physics.WallCollisionAt(sprite, wallHandler.GetWall(3))) {
        velocity.x = 10;
        render.UpdateFrame(8, 26);
      // Stop player. Player hit the mid-left wall.
      else {
        velocity.x = 0;

      case MOVE_STATE::MOVING_LEFT:  // Display move-left animation.
      if (!physics.WallCollisionAt(sprite, wallHandler.GetWall(1))) {
        velocity.x = -10;
        render.UpdateFrame(8, 52);
      // Stop player. Player hit the left wall.
      else {
        velocity.x = 0;

      case MOVE_STATE::COLLIDING:  // Display collision animation.
      render.UpdateFrame(8, 78);
      velocity.x = -10;
    } // End switch state.

    // New position to be drawn and globals to update.
    PLAYER::STATE = state;
    PLAYER::SPRITE = sprite;
  } // End function PauseGameCheck().
Esempio n. 2
 * \brief
 *    Checks the input parameters for consistency.
static void PatchInp ()
  int bitdepth_qp_scale = 6*(input->BitDepthLuma - 8);
  // These variables are added for FMO
  FILE * sgfile=NULL;
  int i,j;
  int frame_mb_only;
  int mb_width, mb_height, mapunit_height;
  int storedBplus1;


  if (input->FrameRate == 0.0)
    input->FrameRate = INIT_FRAME_RATE;

  // Set block sizes

    // Skip/Direct16x16
    input->part_size[0][0] = 4;
    input->part_size[0][1] = 4;
  // 16x16
    input->part_size[1][0] = 4;
    input->part_size[1][1] = 4;
  // 16x8
    input->part_size[2][0] = 4;
    input->part_size[2][1] = 2;
  // 8x16
    input->part_size[3][0] = 2;
    input->part_size[3][1] = 4;
  // 8x8
    input->part_size[4][0] = 2;
    input->part_size[4][1] = 2;
  // 8x4
    input->part_size[5][0] = 2;
    input->part_size[5][1] = 1;
  // 4x8
    input->part_size[6][0] = 1;
    input->part_size[6][1] = 2;
  // 4x4
    input->part_size[7][0] = 1;
    input->part_size[7][1] = 1;

  for (j = 0; j<8;j++)
    for (i = 0; i<2; i++) 
      input->blc_size[j][i] = input->part_size[j][i] * BLOCK_SIZE;

  // set proper log2_max_frame_num_minus4.
  storedBplus1 = (input->BRefPictures ) ? input->successive_Bframe + 1: 1;

  if (input->Log2MaxFNumMinus4 == -1)
    log2_max_frame_num_minus4 = Clip3(0,12, (int) (CeilLog2(input->no_frames * storedBplus1) - 4));
    log2_max_frame_num_minus4 = input->Log2MaxFNumMinus4;
  if (log2_max_frame_num_minus4 == 0 && input->num_ref_frames == 16)
    snprintf(errortext, ET_SIZE, " NumberReferenceFrames=%d and Log2MaxFNumMinus4=%d may lead to an invalid value of frame_num.", input->num_ref_frames, input-> Log2MaxFNumMinus4);
    error (errortext, 500);

  // set proper log2_max_pic_order_cnt_lsb_minus4.
  if (input->Log2MaxPOCLsbMinus4 == - 1)
    log2_max_pic_order_cnt_lsb_minus4 = Clip3(0,12, (int) (CeilLog2( 2*input->no_frames * (input->jumpd + 1)) - 4));
    log2_max_pic_order_cnt_lsb_minus4 = input->Log2MaxPOCLsbMinus4;

  if (((1<<(log2_max_pic_order_cnt_lsb_minus4 + 3)) < input->jumpd * 4) && input->Log2MaxPOCLsbMinus4 != -1)
    error("log2_max_pic_order_cnt_lsb_minus4 might not be sufficient for encoding. Increase value.",400);

  // B picture consistency check
  if(input->successive_Bframe > input->jumpd)
    snprintf(errortext, ET_SIZE, "Number of B-frames %d can not exceed the number of frames skipped", input->successive_Bframe);
    error (errortext, 400);

  // Direct Mode consistency check
  if(input->successive_Bframe && input->direct_spatial_mv_pred_flag != DIR_SPATIAL && input->direct_spatial_mv_pred_flag != DIR_TEMPORAL)
    snprintf(errortext, ET_SIZE, "Unsupported direct mode=%d, use TEMPORAL=0 or SPATIAL=1", input->direct_spatial_mv_pred_flag);
    error (errortext, 400);

  if (input->PicInterlace>0 || input->MbInterlace>0)
    if (input->directInferenceFlag==0)
      printf("\nDirectInferenceFlag set to 1 due to interlace coding.");

  if (input->PicInterlace>0)
    if (input->IntraBottom!=0 && input->IntraBottom!=1)
      snprintf(errortext, ET_SIZE, "Incorrect value %d for IntraBottom. Use 0 (disable) or 1 (enable).", input->IntraBottom);
      error (errortext, 400);
  // Cabac/UVLC consistency check
  if (input->symbol_mode != UVLC && input->symbol_mode != CABAC)
    snprintf (errortext, ET_SIZE, "Unsupported symbol mode=%d, use UVLC=0 or CABAC=1",input->symbol_mode);
    error (errortext, 400);

  // Open Files
  if ((p_in=open(input->infile, OPENFLAGS_READ))==-1)
    snprintf(errortext, ET_SIZE, "Input file %s does not exist",input->infile);
    error (errortext, 500);

  if (strlen (input->ReconFile) > 0 && (p_dec=open(input->ReconFile, OPENFLAGS_WRITE, OPEN_PERMISSIONS))==-1)
    snprintf(errortext, ET_SIZE, "Error open file %s", input->ReconFile);
    error (errortext, 500);

  if (strlen (input->TraceFile) > 0 && (p_trace=fopen(input->TraceFile,"w"))==NULL)
    snprintf(errortext, ET_SIZE, "Error open file %s", input->TraceFile);
    error (errortext, 500);

  if (input->img_width % 16 != 0)
    img->auto_crop_right = 16-(input->img_width % 16);
  if (input->PicInterlace || input->MbInterlace)
    if (input->img_height % 2 != 0)
      error ("even number of lines required for interlaced coding", 500);
    if (input->img_height % 32 != 0)
      img->auto_crop_bottom = 32-(input->img_height % 32);
    if (input->img_height % 16 != 0)
      img->auto_crop_bottom = 16-(input->img_height % 16);
  if (img->auto_crop_bottom || img->auto_crop_right)
    printf ("Warning: Automatical cropping activated: Coded frame Size: %dx%d\n", input->img_width+img->auto_crop_right, input->img_height+img->auto_crop_bottom);

  // add check for MAXSLICEGROUPIDS
    snprintf(errortext, ET_SIZE, "num_slice_groups_minus1 exceeds MAXSLICEGROUPIDS");
    error (errortext, 500);

  // Following codes are to read slice group configuration from SliceGroupConfigFileName for slice group type 0,2 or 6
  if( (input->num_slice_groups_minus1!=0)&&
    ((input->slice_group_map_type == 0) || (input->slice_group_map_type == 2) || (input->slice_group_map_type == 6)) )
    if (strlen (input->SliceGroupConfigFileName) > 0 && (sgfile=fopen(input->SliceGroupConfigFileName,"r"))==NULL)
      snprintf(errortext, ET_SIZE, "Error open file %s", input->SliceGroupConfigFileName);
      error (errortext, 500);
      if (input->slice_group_map_type == 0) 
        input->run_length_minus1=(int *)malloc(sizeof(int)*(input->num_slice_groups_minus1+1));
        if (NULL==input->run_length_minus1) 
          no_mem_exit("PatchInp: input->run_length_minus1");
        // each line contains one 'run_length_minus1' value
      else if (input->slice_group_map_type == 2)
        input->top_left=(int *)malloc(sizeof(int)*input->num_slice_groups_minus1);
        input->bottom_right=(int *)malloc(sizeof(int)*input->num_slice_groups_minus1);
        if (NULL==input->top_left) 
          no_mem_exit("PatchInp: input->top_left");
        if (NULL==input->bottom_right) 
          no_mem_exit("PatchInp: input->bottom_right");
        // every two lines contain 'top_left' and 'bottom_right' value
      else if (input->slice_group_map_type == 6)
        int tmp;

        frame_mb_only = !(input->PicInterlace || input->MbInterlace);
        mb_width= (input->img_width+img->auto_crop_right)/16;
        mb_height= (input->img_height+img->auto_crop_bottom)/16;
        input->slice_group_id=(byte * ) malloc(sizeof(byte)*mapunit_height*mb_width);
        if (NULL==input->slice_group_id) 
          no_mem_exit("PatchInp: input->slice_group_id");
        // each line contains slice_group_id for one Macroblock
        for (i=0;i<mapunit_height*mb_width;i++)
          fscanf(sgfile,"%d", &tmp);
          input->slice_group_id[i]= (byte) tmp;
          if ( *(input->slice_group_id+i) > input->num_slice_groups_minus1 )
            snprintf(errortext, ET_SIZE, "Error read slice group information from file %s", input->SliceGroupConfigFileName);
            error (errortext, 500);
  if (input->PyramidRefReorder && input->PyramidCoding && (input->PicInterlace || input->MbInterlace))
    snprintf(errortext, ET_SIZE, "PyramidRefReorder Not supported with Interlace encoding methods\n");
    error (errortext, 400);

  if (input->PocMemoryManagement && input->PyramidCoding && (input->PicInterlace || input->MbInterlace))
    snprintf(errortext, ET_SIZE, "PocMemoryManagement not supported with Interlace encoding methods\n");
    error (errortext, 400);

  // frame/field consistency check
  if (input->PicInterlace != FRAME_CODING && input->PicInterlace != ADAPTIVE_CODING && input->PicInterlace != FIELD_CODING)
    snprintf (errortext, ET_SIZE, "Unsupported PicInterlace=%d, use frame based coding=0 or field based coding=1 or adaptive=2",input->PicInterlace);
    error (errortext, 400);

  // frame/field consistency check
  if (input->MbInterlace != FRAME_CODING && input->MbInterlace != ADAPTIVE_CODING && input->MbInterlace != FIELD_CODING)
    snprintf (errortext, ET_SIZE, "Unsupported MbInterlace=%d, use frame based coding=0 or field based coding=1 or adaptive=2",input->MbInterlace);
    error (errortext, 400);
  if ((!input->rdopt)&&(input->MbInterlace))
    snprintf(errortext, ET_SIZE, "MB AFF is not compatible with non-rd-optimized coding.");
    error (errortext, 500);

  if (input->rdopt>2)
    snprintf(errortext, ET_SIZE, "RDOptimization=3 mode has been deactivated do to diverging of real and simulated decoders.");
    error (errortext, 500);

  // check RDoptimization mode and profile. FMD does not support Frex Profiles.
  if (input->rdopt==2 && input->ProfileIDC>=FREXT_HP)
    snprintf(errortext, ET_SIZE, "Fast Mode Decision methods does not support FREX Profiles");
    error (errortext, 500);

  // the two HEX FME schemes support FAST Subpel ME. EPZS does not but works fine with
  // Hadamard reduction with similar speed up. Subpel FME may be added at a later stage
  // for this scheme for further speed increase.
  if (input->hadamard == 2 && input->FMEnable != 0 && input->FMEnable != 3)
    snprintf(errortext, ET_SIZE, "UseHadamard=2 is not allowed when UseFME is set to 1 or 2.");
    error (errortext, 500);

  // Tian Dong: May 31, 2002
  // The number of frames in one sub-seq in enhanced layer should not exceed
  // the number of reference frame number.
  if ( input->NumFramesInELSubSeq >= input->num_ref_frames || input->NumFramesInELSubSeq < 0 )
    snprintf(errortext, ET_SIZE, "NumFramesInELSubSeq (%d) is out of range [0,%d).", input->NumFramesInELSubSeq, input->num_ref_frames);
    error (errortext, 500);
  // Tian Dong: Enhanced GOP is not supported in bitstream mode. September, 2002
  if ( input->NumFramesInELSubSeq > 0 && input->of_mode == PAR_OF_ANNEXB )
    snprintf(errortext, ET_SIZE, "Enhanced GOP is not supported in bitstream mode and RTP mode yet.");
    error (errortext, 500);
  // Tian Dong (Sept 2002)
  // The AFF is not compatible with spare picture for the time being.
  if ((input->PicInterlace || input->MbInterlace) && input->SparePictureOption == TRUE)
    snprintf(errortext, ET_SIZE, "AFF is not compatible with spare picture.");
    error (errortext, 500);

  // Only the RTP mode is compatible with spare picture for the time being.
  if (input->of_mode != PAR_OF_RTP && input->SparePictureOption == TRUE)
    snprintf(errortext, ET_SIZE, "Only RTP output mode is compatible with spare picture features.");
    error (errortext, 500);

  if( (input->WeightedPrediction > 0 || input->WeightedBiprediction > 0) && (input->MbInterlace))
    printf("Weighted prediction coding is not supported for MB AFF currently.");
    error (errortext, 500);
  if ( input->NumFramesInELSubSeq > 0 && input->WeightedPrediction > 0)
    snprintf(errortext, ET_SIZE, "Enhanced GOP is not supported in weighted prediction coding mode yet.");
    error (errortext, 500);

  //! the number of slice groups is forced to be 1 for slice group type 3-5
  if(input->num_slice_groups_minus1 > 0)
    if( (input->slice_group_map_type >= 3) && (input->slice_group_map_type<=5) ) 
      input->num_slice_groups_minus1 = 1;
  // Rate control
    if ( ((input->img_height+img->auto_crop_bottom)*(input->img_width+img->auto_crop_right)/256)%input->basicunit!=0)
      snprintf(errortext, ET_SIZE, "Frame size in macroblocks must be a multiple of BasicUnit.");
      error (errortext, 500);

  if ((input->successive_Bframe)&&(input->BRefPictures)&&(input->idr_enable)&&(input->intra_period)&&(input->pic_order_cnt_type!=0))
    error("Stored B pictures combined with IDR pictures only supported in Picture Order Count type 0\n",-1000);
  if( !input->direct_spatial_mv_pred_flag && input->num_ref_frames<2 && input->successive_Bframe >0)
    error("temporal direct needs at least 2 ref frames\n",-1000);

  // frext
  if(input->Transform8x8Mode && input->sp_periodicity /*SP-frames*/)
    snprintf(errortext, ET_SIZE, "\nThe new 8x8 mode is not implemented for sp-frames.");
    error (errortext, 500);

  if(input->Transform8x8Mode && (input->ProfileIDC<FREXT_HP || input->ProfileIDC>FREXT_Hi444))
    snprintf(errortext, ET_SIZE, "\nTransform8x8Mode may be used only with ProfileIDC %d to %d.", FREXT_HP, FREXT_Hi444);
    error (errortext, 500);
  if(input->ScalingMatrixPresentFlag && (input->ProfileIDC<FREXT_HP || input->ProfileIDC>FREXT_Hi444))
    snprintf(errortext, ET_SIZE, "\nScalingMatrixPresentFlag may be used only with ProfileIDC %d to %d.", FREXT_HP, FREXT_Hi444);
    error (errortext, 500);

  if(input->yuv_format==YUV422 && input->ProfileIDC < FREXT_Hi422)
    snprintf(errortext, ET_SIZE, "\nFRExt Profile(YUV Format) Error!\nYUV422 can be used only with ProfileIDC %d or %d\n",FREXT_Hi422, FREXT_Hi444);
    error (errortext, 500);
  if(input->yuv_format==YUV444 && input->ProfileIDC < FREXT_Hi444)
    snprintf(errortext, ET_SIZE, "\nFRExt Profile(YUV Format) Error!\nYUV444 can be used only with ProfileIDC %d.\n",FREXT_Hi444);
    error (errortext, 500);
  // Residue Color Transform
  if(input->yuv_format!=YUV444 && input->residue_transform_flag)
    snprintf(errortext, ET_SIZE, "\nResidue color transform is supported only in YUV444.");
    error (errortext, 500);

  if ((input->BiPredMotionEstimation) && (input->search_range < input->BiPredMESearchRange))
    snprintf(errortext, ET_SIZE, "\nBiPredMESearchRange must be smaller or equal SearchRange.");
    error (errortext, 500);

  if (input->EnableOpenGOP) input->PyramidRefReorder = 1;
  if (input->EnableOpenGOP && input->PicInterlace) 
    snprintf(errortext, ET_SIZE, "Open Gop currently not supported for Field coded pictures.");
    error (errortext, 500);