Esempio n. 1
    Returns true if vector (alx, aly)->(aux, auy) 
    collides with rectangular obstacle
bool obstacleCollision(double alx, double aly, double aux, double auy, Obstacles* o){
    double lx = o->lx;
    double ly = o->ly;
    double ux = o->ux;
    double uy = o->uy;
    if (LineCollision(alx, aly, aux, auy, lx, ly, lx, uy) ||
            LineCollision(alx, aly, aux, auy, lx, ly, ux, ly) ||
            LineCollision(alx, aly, aux, auy, ux, ly, ux, uy) ||
            LineCollision(alx, aly, aux, auy, lx, uy, ux, uy)) {
        //cout << "found collision" << endl;
        return true;
    return false;
SquareSides SquareCollisions::intersectLineWithSquare(glm::vec2 & squarePos, float halfSideLength, glm::vec2 & P1, glm::vec2 & P2)
	if (LineCollision(glm::vec2(squarePos.x + halfSideLength, squarePos.y + halfSideLength), glm::vec2(squarePos.x - halfSideLength, squarePos.y + halfSideLength), P1, P2))
		return top;
	if (LineCollision(glm::vec2(squarePos.x + halfSideLength, squarePos.y - halfSideLength), glm::vec2(squarePos.x - halfSideLength, squarePos.y - halfSideLength), P1, P2))
		return bottom;
	if (LineCollision(glm::vec2(squarePos.x - halfSideLength, squarePos.y + halfSideLength), glm::vec2(squarePos.x - halfSideLength, squarePos.y - halfSideLength), P1, P2))
		return right;
	if (LineCollision(glm::vec2(squarePos.x + halfSideLength, squarePos.y + halfSideLength), glm::vec2(squarePos.x + halfSideLength, squarePos.y - halfSideLength), P1, P2))
		return left;
	return none;
Esempio n. 3
glm::vec3 ColliderManager::getpointOfCollision(Collider3D &A, Collider3D &B, glm::vec3 mtv)
	glm::vec3 n = glm::normalize(mtv);

	float tolerance = 0.01f;

	int totalSuspects1 = 1, totalSuspects2 = 1;

	// the transform matrices for each object
	glm::mat4 transform1, transform2;
	glm::vec3 pointofCollision;

	glm::vec3 closestPointsA[2], ClosestPointsB[2];

	//transform matrices consist of translation and rotation matrix of each respective object
	transform1 = A.transform->returnModelMatrix() ;
	transform2 = B.transform->returnModelMatrix() ;

	float pointsA, pointsB;
	std::vector<glm::vec3>::iterator it;

	//Set the min to maximum possible value, and max to minimum possible value
	float max = -99.0f, min = 99.0f;
	int i;

	for (it = A.vertexSet.begin(); it != A.vertexSet.end(); it++)
		pointsA = (glm::dot(glm::vec3(transform1*(glm::vec4(*it, 1.0f))), n));

		if (abs(max - pointsA) <= tolerance)
			closestPointsA[1] = *it;			// If any other point lies close to the given point within the tolerance level, increment the total number of suspects. 
			totalSuspects1++;					// update the closest poitns set
			if (max < pointsA)						// If another point is found which is closer then reset the count and store the 2 closest points 
				max = pointsA;
				totalSuspects1 = 1;
				pointofCollision = *it;
				closestPointsA[0] = pointofCollision;
				closestPointsA[1] = pointofCollision;

	//Point to face or edge collision, with point of object A piercing object B
	if (totalSuspects1 == 1)
		return glm::vec3(transform1*(glm::vec4(pointofCollision, 1.0f)));

	for (it = B.vertexSet.begin(); it != B.vertexSet.end(); it++)
		pointsB = (glm::dot(glm::vec3(transform2*(glm::vec4(*it, 1.0f))), n));

		if (abs(min - pointsB) <= tolerance)
			ClosestPointsB[1] = *it;							// If any other point lies close to the given point within the tolerance level, increment the total number of suspects. 
			totalSuspects2++;									// update the closest poitns set
			if (min > pointsB)
				min = pointsB;
				totalSuspects2 = 1;									// If another point is found which is closer then reset the count and store the 2 closest points 
				pointofCollision = *it;
				ClosestPointsB[0] = pointofCollision;
				ClosestPointsB[1] = pointofCollision;

	//Point to face or edge collision, with point of object B piercing object A
	if (totalSuspects2 == 1)
		return glm::vec3(transform2*(glm::vec4(pointofCollision, 1.0f)));

	//If the number of suspects is exactly 2 on both sides, then the collision is edge to edge
	//Edge to edge collision
	if (totalSuspects1 == 2 && totalSuspects2 == 2)
		Line l1, l2;																		// Create two lines with the values we stored earlier in the previous steps. 
		l1.point1 = glm::vec3(transform1 * glm::vec4(closestPointsA[0], 1.0f));
		l1.point2 = glm::vec3(transform1 * glm::vec4(closestPointsA[1], 1.0f));

		l2.point1 = glm::vec3(transform2 * glm::vec4(ClosestPointsB[0], 1.0f));
		l2.point2 = glm::vec3(transform2 * glm::vec4(ClosestPointsB[1], 1.0f));

		return LineCollision(l1, l2);														// Pass them to deduce the point of collision

	//If we have reached this point, then the face of one of the objects is colliding with the edge or the face of
	//the other object, as the suspects count has to be greater than 2 for both the objects.
	// edge-face collision or face face collision;

	//here v1,v2 and v3 are the basis vector we will derive from n, using grahm-schmidt's process
	//v1 = x-axis
	//v2 = y-axis
	//v3 = z-axis
	glm::vec3 v1, v2, v3;
	v1 = glm::vec3(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f) - n * n.x;									// Subtract the component of the vector n on X-axis to get the first basis vector. 									
	v2 = glm::vec3(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f) - n*n.y - v1 * v1.y;						// Subtract the component of the vector n on Y axis and v1 on Yaxis to get the second vector
	v3 = glm::vec3(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f) - n*n.z - (v1* v1.z) - (v2* v2.z);			// subtract the component of the vector n on Z axis and v1 on Z axis and v2 on Zaxis to get the third basis vector

	//We only need 2 basis vectors, So we choose 2 of those which are not 0.
	// Since we are dealing with a small system here, FLT_EPSILON is not enough of a error margin, so we multiply it by 2 to increase it.

	//This section of code basically, swaps the three vectors v1,v2,and v3 such that the non-zero vectors are always stored in v1 and v2
	if (glm::length(v1) < 2.0f*FLT_EPSILON)
		if (glm::length(v3) > 2.0f*FLT_EPSILON)
			v1 = v3;
	else if (glm::length(v2) < 2.0f * FLT_EPSILON)
		if (glm::length(v3) > 2.0f * FLT_EPSILON)
			v2 = v3;

	v1 = glm::normalize(v1);
	v2 = glm::normalize(v2);

	glm::vec3 component1, component2, component3, POC;

	//get the component along the two vectors and add it.
	component1 = getPOCin1D(A, B, v1);
	component2 = getPOCin1D(A, B, v2);

	POC = component1 + component2;

	//adding the resultant with the distance of the plane from the origin multiplied by the normal(plane) will give us the position of the point.
	float d = glm::dot(n, (glm::vec3(transform2*(glm::vec4(ClosestPointsB[0], 1.0f)))));

	return POC + d * n;

Esempio n. 4
		void Corpse::ApplyConstraint(float dt) {
							Torso1, Torso2);
							Torso2, Torso3);
							Torso3, Torso4);
							Torso4, Torso1);
							Torso1, Arm1);
							Torso2, Arm2);
							Torso3, Leg1);
							Torso4, Leg2);
			Spring(Torso1, Torso2,
				   0.8f, dt);
			Spring(Torso3, Torso4,
				   0.8f, dt);
			Spring(Torso1, Torso4,
				   0.9f, dt);
			Spring(Torso2, Torso3,
				   0.9f, dt);
			Spring(Torso1, Torso3,
				   1.204f, dt);
			Spring(Torso2, Torso4,
				   1.204f, dt);
			Spring(Arm1, Torso1,
				   1.f, dt);
			Spring(Arm2, Torso2,
				   1.f, dt);
			Spring(Leg1, Torso3,
				   1.f, dt);
			Spring(Leg2, Torso4,
				   1.f, dt);
						Arm1, Torso3,
						-1.f, 0.6f, dt);
						Arm2, Torso4,
						-1.f, 0.6f, dt);
						Leg1, Torso2,
						-1.f, -0.2f, dt);
						Leg2, Torso1,
						-1.f, -0.2f, dt);
			Spring(Torso1, Torso2, Head,
				   .6f, dt);
						Torso2, Head,
						0.5f, 1.f, dt);
						Torso1, Head,
						0.5f, 1.f, dt);
			LineCollision(Torso1, Torso2, dt);
			LineCollision(Torso2, Torso3, dt);
			LineCollision(Torso3, Torso4, dt);
			LineCollision(Torso4, Torso1, dt);
			LineCollision(Torso1, Torso3, dt);
			LineCollision(Torso2, Torso4, dt);
			LineCollision(Torso1, Arm1, dt);
			LineCollision(Torso2, Arm2, dt);
			LineCollision(Torso3, Leg1, dt);
			LineCollision(Torso4, Leg2, dt);
						Torso1, Head,
						0.5f, 1.f, dt);
						Torso2, Head,
						0.5f, 1.f, dt);
						Torso2, Head,
						0.5f, 1.f, dt);
						Torso1, Head,
						0.5f, 1.f, dt);