Esempio n. 1
int UVW_ChannelClass::EdgeIntersect(Point3 p, float threshold, int i1,int i2)

 static int startEdge = 0;
 if (startEdge >= ePtrList.Count()) startEdge = 0;
 if (ePtrList.Count() == 0) return -1;

 int ct = 0;
 BOOL done = FALSE;

 int hitEdge = -1;
 while (!done) 
 //check bounding volumes

	Box3 bounds;

	int index1 = ePtrList[startEdge]->a;
	int index2 = ePtrList[startEdge]->b;
	if (v[index1].IsHidden() && v[index2].IsHidden())
	else if (v[index1].IsFrozen() && v[index1].IsFrozen()) 
		Point3 p1(0.0f,0.0f,0.0f);
		p1[i1] = v[index1].GetP()[i1];
		p1[i2] = v[index1].GetP()[i2];
//		p1.z = 0.0f;
		bounds += p1;
		Point3 p2(0.0f,0.0f,0.0f);
		p2[i1] = v[index2].GetP()[i1];
		p2[i2] = v[index2].GetP()[i2];
//		p2.z = 0.0f;
		bounds += p2;
		if (bounds.Contains(p))
//check edge distance
			if (LineToPoint(p, p1, p2) < threshold)
				hitEdge = startEdge;
				done = TRUE;
//				LineToPoint(p, p1, p2);
	if (ct == ePtrList.Count()) done = TRUE;
	if (startEdge >= ePtrList.Count()) startEdge = 0;
 return hitEdge;
Esempio n. 2
void PointGatherer::AddWeightFromSegment(Point3 a, float radiusA, float strA,
									Point3 b, float radiusB, float strB, ICurve *pCurve,
									BOOL additveMode, BOOL isMirror,
									float currentLength)

	float segLength = Length(a-b);

//get the bounding box from the segment
	Box3 bounds;


	bounds += a;
	bounds += b;
	if (radiusA > radiusB)
	else bounds.EnlargeBy(radiusB);
	int startX, endX;
	int startY, endY;
	int startZ, endZ;
	startX = (bounds.pmin.x - upperLeft.x)/xOffset;
	startY= (bounds.pmin.y - upperLeft.y)/yOffset;
	startZ= (bounds.pmin.z - upperLeft.z)/zOffset;

	endX = (bounds.pmax.x - upperLeft.x)/xOffset;
	endY= (bounds.pmax.y - upperLeft.y)/yOffset;
	endZ= (bounds.pmax.z - upperLeft.z)/zOffset;

//need to constrains the indices since a brush envelope can exist past our bounds
	if (startX < 0) startX = 0;
	if (startX >=  width) startX = width-1;
	if (endX < 0) endX = 0;
	if (endX >=  width) endX = width-1;

	if (startY < 0) startY = 0;
	if (startY >=  width) startY = width-1;
	if (endY < 0) endY = 0;
	if (endY >=  width) endY = width-1;

	if (startZ < 0) startZ = 0;
	if (startZ >=  width) startZ = width-1;
	if (endZ < 0) endZ = 0;
	if (endZ >=  width) endZ = width-1;

//get all the cells that intersect with the bounding box
//loop through those points adding weight to em if they are within the envelope
	float u = 0.0f;
	float dist = 0.0f;
	float envDist = 0.0f;
//Brute force method checks against every point
	for (int i = 0; i < cellData.Count(); i++)

		for (int j = 0; j < cellElementCount[i]; j++)
			Point3 p = *cellData[i].p[j];

			dist = LineToPoint(p,a,b,u);
				envDist = radiusA + ((radiusB-radiusA) * u);
				if (dist <= envDist)
//DebugPrint("dist %f envdist %f\n",dist,envDist);
					float weight = 1.0f - dist/envDist;
					float str = (strA + ((strB-strA) * u)) * weight;
					float listWeight = cellData[i].weight[j];
					if (weight > listWeight) 
						cellData[i].str[j] = str;
						cellData[i].weight[j] = weight;

//checks against cells first then those points only within the hit cells
//2 d gather
	for (int i = startY; i <= endY; i++)
		int currentCell = i * width;
		for (int j = startX; j <= endX; j++)
			if (CellDataXY[currentCell+j])
				for (int k = 0; k < CellDataXY[currentCell+j]->whichPoint.Count(); k++)
					int whichPoint = CellDataXY[currentCell+j]->whichPoint[k];
					int whichNode = CellDataXY[currentCell+j]->whichNode[k];
					Point3 p = *cellData[whichNode].p[whichPoint];
					dist = LineToPoint(p,a,b,u);
					envDist = radiusA + ((radiusB-radiusA) * u);
					if (dist <= envDist)
//DebugPrint("dist %f envdist %f\n",dist,envDist);
						float weight = 1.0f - dist/envDist;
						float str = (strA + ((strB-strA) * u)) * weight;
						float listWeight = cellData[whichNode].weight[whichPoint];
						if (weight > listWeight) 
			 				cellData[whichNode].str[whichPoint] = str;
							cellData[whichNode].weight[whichPoint] = weight;

	for (int i = 0; i < cellData.Count(); i++)
		int* countAmount = cellData[i].count;
/*		for (int j = 0; j < cellElementCount[i]; j++)
			*countAmount = 0;

// 3 d gather
//in xy

	for (i = startY; i <= endY; i++)
		int currentCell = i * width;
		for (int j = startX; j <= endX; j++)
			if (CellDataXY[currentCell+j])
				for (int k = 0; k < CellDataXY[currentCell+j]->whichPoint.Count(); k++)
					int whichPoint = CellDataXY[currentCell+j]->whichPoint[k];
					int whichNode = CellDataXY[currentCell+j]->whichNode[k];

//in yz
	for (i = startZ; i <= endZ; i++)
		int currentCell = i * width;
		for (int j = startY; j <= endY; j++)
			if (CellDataYZ[currentCell+j])
				for (int k = 0; k < CellDataYZ[currentCell+j]->whichPoint.Count(); k++)
					int whichPoint = CellDataYZ[currentCell+j]->whichPoint[k];
					int whichNode = CellDataYZ[currentCell+j]->whichNode[k];

//in xz
	for ( i = startZ; i <= endZ; i++)
		int currentCell = i * width;
		for (int j = startX; j <= endX; j++)
			if (CellDataXZ[currentCell+j])
				for (int k = 0; k < CellDataXZ[currentCell+j]->whichPoint.Count(); k++)
					int whichPoint = CellDataXZ[currentCell+j]->whichPoint[k];
					int whichNode = CellDataXZ[currentCell+j]->whichNode[k];
	for ( i = 0; i < cellData.Count(); i++)
		int* countAmount = cellData[i].count;
		for (int j = 0; j < cellElementCount[i]; j++)
			if (*countAmount == 3)

				int whichPoint = j;
				int whichNode =i;
				Point3 p = cellData[whichNode].p[whichPoint];
				dist = LineToPoint(p,a,b,u);
				envDist = radiusA + ((radiusB-radiusA) * u);
				if (dist <= envDist)
					float weight = 1.0f - dist/envDist;
					float str = (strA + ((strB-strA) * u));
					float listWeight = cellData[whichNode].weight[whichPoint];
					if (additveMode)
						cellData[whichNode].weight[whichPoint] += weight;
						weight =  pCurve->GetValue(0,1.0f-weight);
						cellData[whichNode].str[whichPoint] += str*weight;
						cellData[whichNode].u[whichPoint] = (currentLength + (u*segLength));

					else if (weight > listWeight) 
						cellData[whichNode].weight[whichPoint] = weight;
						weight =  pCurve->GetValue(0,1.0f-weight);
						cellData[whichNode].str[whichPoint] = str*weight;
						cellData[whichNode].u[whichPoint] = (currentLength + (u*segLength));
//if first mirror						
					if ((isMirror) && (cellData[whichNode].isMirror[whichPoint] == NO_MIRRROR))
						cellData[whichNode].isMirror[whichPoint] = MIRRRORED;
					else if ((!isMirror) && (cellData[whichNode].isMirror[whichPoint] == MIRRRORED))
						cellData[whichNode].isMirror[whichPoint] = MIRRROR_SHARED;
//if mirrored and now appliying a non mirror weight


//DebugPrint("Solving Stroke %f %f %f \n",a.x,a.y,a.z);
//DebugPrint("               %f %f %f \n",b.x,b.y,b.z);

Esempio n. 3
int TDrawingItem::CheckDrag(float x, float y, int size)

    m_fDragStartX = x;
    m_fDragStartY = y;
    memcpy(m_DragRect, m_Rect, sizeof(m_Rect));

    int rx = x * size;
    int ry = y * size;

    for (int i = 0 ; i < 4 ; i++){
        if (m_nType != 2 || i == 0 || i == 3){
            if (rx >= size * m_Rect[(i % 2) * 2] - 4 &&
                ry >= size * m_Rect[(i / 2) * 2 + 1] - 4 &&
                rx < size * m_Rect[(i % 2) * 2] + 4 &&
                ry < size * m_Rect[(i / 2) * 2 + 1] + 4){

                return 0x10 | i;

    case 1://FreeHand
            float w2 = m_Rect[2] - m_Rect[0];
            float h2 = m_Rect[3] - m_Rect[1];
            int result = 0;
            if (w2 != 0.0f && h2 != 0.0f){
                float *p = new float[Count];
                for (int i = 0 ; i < Count / 2 ; i++){
                    int ix = (int)Items[i * 2];
                    float fx = *(float*)&ix;
                    int iy = (int)Items[i * 2 + 1];
                    float fy = *(float*)&iy;

                    p[i * 2] = m_Rect[0] + fx * w2;
                    p[i * 2 + 1] = m_Rect[1] + fy * h2;

                for (int i = 1 ; i < Count / 2 ; i++){
                    if (LineToPoint(size * p[(i - 1) * 2], size * p[(i - 1) * 2 + 1], size * p[i * 2], size * p[i * 2 + 1], rx, ry) <= 4){
                        result = 0x01;    

                delete[] p;
            if (result) {
                return result;
    case 2://Line
        if (LineToPoint(size * m_Rect[0], size * m_Rect[1], size * m_Rect[2], size * m_Rect[3], rx, ry) <= 4){
            return 0x01;
    case 3://Box
        if (LineToPoint(size * m_Rect[0], size * m_Rect[1], size * m_Rect[0], size * m_Rect[3], rx, ry) <= 4 ||
            LineToPoint(size * m_Rect[0], size * m_Rect[1], size * m_Rect[2], size * m_Rect[1], rx, ry) <= 4 ||
            LineToPoint(size * m_Rect[2], size * m_Rect[1], size * m_Rect[2], size * m_Rect[3], rx, ry) <= 4 ||
            LineToPoint(size * m_Rect[0], size * m_Rect[3], size * m_Rect[2], size * m_Rect[3], rx, ry) <= 4){
            return 0x01;
    case 4://Circle
            if (m_Rect[3] - m_Rect[1] == 0.0f || m_Rect[2] - m_Rect[0] == 0.0f) {
                if (LineToPoint(size * m_Rect[0], size * m_Rect[1], size * m_Rect[2], size * m_Rect[3], rx, ry) <= 4){
                    return 0x01;
                double xx = (m_Rect[3] - m_Rect[1]) / (m_Rect[2] - m_Rect[0]);//楕円を円にするためのXにかける係数
                double cx = (m_Rect[2] + m_Rect[0]) * 0.5 * xx;//円にした場合のX座標中心
                double cy = (m_Rect[3] + m_Rect[1]) * 0.5;//Y座標中心
                double dx = x * xx;//円にした場合のカーソル位置
                double dist = sqrt((dx - cx) * (dx - cx) + (y - cy) * (y - cy));//円にした場合の中心とカーソルの距離
                double r = fabs(m_Rect[3] - m_Rect[1]) * 0.5;//円にした場合の半径
                double rd = r / dist;//中心からカーソル位置にrdだけ近づけた点が円周上の点
                double ccx = (cx * (1.0 - rd) + dx * rd) / xx;//円周上のX
                double ccy = cy * (1.0 - rd) + y * rd;//円周上のY
                if (sqrt((x - ccx) * (x - ccx) * size * size + (y - ccy) * (y - ccy) * size * size) <= 6){
                    return 0x01;

    return 0;//ドラッグ不能