void UMaterialGraph::RebuildGraph()



	if (!MaterialFunction)
		// Initialize the material input list.
		MaterialInputs.Add( FMaterialInputInfo( GetBaseColorPinName(), MP_BaseColor, LOCTEXT( "BaseColorToolTip", "Defines the overall color of the Material. Each channel is automatically clamped between 0 and 1" ) ) );
		MaterialInputs.Add( FMaterialInputInfo( GetMetallicPinName(), MP_Metallic, LOCTEXT( "MetallicToolTip", "Controls how \"metal-like\" your surface looks like") ) );
		MaterialInputs.Add( FMaterialInputInfo( LOCTEXT("Specular", "Specular"), MP_Specular, LOCTEXT("SpecularToolTip", "Used to scale the current amount of specularity on non-metallic surfaces and is a value between 0 and 1, default at 0.5") ) );
		MaterialInputs.Add( FMaterialInputInfo( LOCTEXT( "Roughness", "Roughness" ), MP_Roughness, LOCTEXT( "RoughnessToolTip", "Controls how rough the Material is. Roughness of 0 (smooth) is a mirror reflection and 1 (rough) is completely matte or diffuse" ) ) );
		MaterialInputs.Add( FMaterialInputInfo( GetEmissivePinName(), MP_EmissiveColor, LOCTEXT( "EmissiveToolTip", "Controls which parts of your Material will appear to glow" ) ) );
		MaterialInputs.Add( FMaterialInputInfo( LOCTEXT("Opacity", "Opacity"), MP_Opacity, LOCTEXT( "OpacityToolTip", "Controls the transluecency of the Material" ) ) );
		MaterialInputs.Add( FMaterialInputInfo( LOCTEXT("OpacityMask", "Opacity Mask"), MP_OpacityMask, LOCTEXT( "OpacityMaskToolTip", "When in Masked mode, a Material is either completely visible or completely invisible" ) ) );
		MaterialInputs.Add( FMaterialInputInfo( GetNormalPinName(), MP_Normal, LOCTEXT( "NormalToolTip", "Takes the input of a normal map" ) ) );
		MaterialInputs.Add( FMaterialInputInfo( GetWorldPositionOffsetPinName(), MP_WorldPositionOffset, LOCTEXT( "WorldPositionOffsetToolTip", "Allows for the vertices of a mesh to be manipulated in world space by the Material" ) ) );
		MaterialInputs.Add( FMaterialInputInfo( LOCTEXT( "WorldDisplacement", "World Displacement" ), MP_WorldDisplacement, LOCTEXT( "WorldDisplacementToolTip", "Allows for the tessellation vertices to be manipulated in world space by the Material" ) ) );
		MaterialInputs.Add( FMaterialInputInfo( LOCTEXT("TessellationMultiplier", "Tessellation Multiplier"), MP_TessellationMultiplier, LOCTEXT( "TessllationMultiplierToolTip", "Controls the amount tessellation along the surface" ) ) );
		MaterialInputs.Add( FMaterialInputInfo( GetSubsurfacePinName(), MP_SubsurfaceColor, LOCTEXT( "SubsurfaceToolTip", "Allows you to add a color to your Material to simulate shifts in color when light passes through the surface" ) ) );
		MaterialInputs.Add( FMaterialInputInfo( GetCustomDataPinName(0), MP_CustomData0, GetCustomDataPinName( 0 ) ) );
		MaterialInputs.Add( FMaterialInputInfo( GetCustomDataPinName(1), MP_CustomData1, GetCustomDataPinName( 1 ) ) );
		MaterialInputs.Add( FMaterialInputInfo( LOCTEXT("AmbientOcclusion", "Ambient Occlusion"), MP_AmbientOcclusion, LOCTEXT( "AmbientOcclusionToolTip", "Simulate the self-shadowing that happens within crevices of a surface" ) ) );
		MaterialInputs.Add( FMaterialInputInfo( LOCTEXT("Refraction", "Refraction"), MP_Refraction, LOCTEXT( "RefractionToolTip", "Takes in a texture or value that simulates the index of refraction of the surface" ) ) );

		for (int32 UVIndex = 0; UVIndex < ARRAY_COUNT(Material->CustomizedUVs); UVIndex++)
			//@todo - localize
			MaterialInputs.Add( FMaterialInputInfo( FText::FromString(FString::Printf(TEXT("Customized UV%u"), UVIndex)), (EMaterialProperty)(MP_CustomizedUVs0 + UVIndex), FText::FromString(FString::Printf( TEXT( "CustomizedUV%uToolTip" ), UVIndex ) ) ) );

		MaterialInputs.Add(FMaterialInputInfo(LOCTEXT("PixelDepthOffset", "Pixel Depth Offset"), MP_PixelDepthOffset, LOCTEXT( "PixelDepthOffsetToolTip", "Pixel Depth Offset" ) ));

		//^^^ New material properties go above here. ^^^^
		MaterialInputs.Add(FMaterialInputInfo(LOCTEXT("MaterialAttributes", "Material Attributes"), MP_MaterialAttributes, LOCTEXT( "MaterialAttributesToolTip", "Material Attributes" ) ));

		// Add Root Node
		FGraphNodeCreator<UMaterialGraphNode_Root> NodeCreator(*this);
		RootNode = NodeCreator.CreateNode();
		RootNode->Material = Material;

	for (int32 Index = 0; Index < Material->Expressions.Num(); Index++)

	for (int32 Index = 0; Index < Material->EditorComments.Num(); Index++)

Esempio n. 2
void UMaterialGraph::RebuildGraph()



	if (!MaterialFunction)
		// Initialize the material input list.
		MaterialInputs.Add( FMaterialInputInfo( LOCTEXT("BaseColor", "Base Color"), MP_BaseColor ) );	
		MaterialInputs.Add( FMaterialInputInfo( LOCTEXT("Metallic", "Metallic"), MP_Metallic ) );
		MaterialInputs.Add( FMaterialInputInfo( LOCTEXT("Specular", "Specular"), MP_Specular ) );
		MaterialInputs.Add( FMaterialInputInfo( LOCTEXT("Roughness", "Roughness"), MP_Roughness ) );
		MaterialInputs.Add( FMaterialInputInfo( LOCTEXT("EmissiveColor", "Emissive Color"), MP_EmissiveColor ) );
		MaterialInputs.Add( FMaterialInputInfo( LOCTEXT("Opacity", "Opacity"), MP_Opacity ) );
		MaterialInputs.Add( FMaterialInputInfo( LOCTEXT("OpacityMask", "Opacity Mask"), MP_OpacityMask ) );
		MaterialInputs.Add( FMaterialInputInfo( LOCTEXT("Normal", "Normal"), MP_Normal ) );
		MaterialInputs.Add( FMaterialInputInfo( LOCTEXT("WorldPositionOffset", "World Position Offset"), MP_WorldPositionOffset ) );
		MaterialInputs.Add( FMaterialInputInfo( LOCTEXT("WorldDisplacement", "World Displacement"), MP_WorldDisplacement ) );
		MaterialInputs.Add( FMaterialInputInfo( LOCTEXT("TessellationMultiplier", "Tessellation Multiplier"), MP_TessellationMultiplier ) );
		MaterialInputs.Add( FMaterialInputInfo( LOCTEXT("SubsurfaceColor", "Subsurface Color"), MP_SubsurfaceColor ) );
		MaterialInputs.Add( FMaterialInputInfo( LOCTEXT("ClearCoat", "Clear Coat"), MP_ClearCoat ) );
		MaterialInputs.Add( FMaterialInputInfo( LOCTEXT("ClearCoatRoughness", "Clear Coat Roughness"), MP_ClearCoatRoughness ) );
		MaterialInputs.Add( FMaterialInputInfo( LOCTEXT("AmbientOcclusion", "Ambient Occlusion"), MP_AmbientOcclusion ) );
		MaterialInputs.Add( FMaterialInputInfo( LOCTEXT("Refraction", "Refraction"), MP_Refraction) );

		for (int32 UVIndex = 0; UVIndex < ARRAY_COUNT(Material->CustomizedUVs); UVIndex++)
			//@todo - localize
			MaterialInputs.Add( FMaterialInputInfo( FText::FromString(FString::Printf(TEXT("Customized UV%u"), UVIndex)), (EMaterialProperty)(MP_CustomizedUVs0 + UVIndex)) );

		MaterialInputs.Add( FMaterialInputInfo( LOCTEXT("MaterialAttributes", "Material Attributes"), MP_MaterialAttributes) );

		// Add Root Node
		FGraphNodeCreator<UMaterialGraphNode_Root> NodeCreator(*this);
		RootNode = NodeCreator.CreateNode();
		RootNode->Material = Material;

	for (int32 Index = 0; Index < Material->Expressions.Num(); Index++)

	for (int32 Index = 0; Index < Material->EditorComments.Num(); Index++)
