void GenericAgentDiscoverContext(EvalContext *ctx, GenericAgentConfig *config) { GenericAgentSetDefaultDigest(&CF_DEFAULT_DIGEST, &CF_DEFAULT_DIGEST_LEN); GenericAgentInitialize(ctx, config); time_t t = SetReferenceTime(); UpdateTimeClasses(ctx, t); SanitizeEnvironment(); THIS_AGENT_TYPE = config->agent_type; EvalContextClassPutHard(ctx, CF_AGENTTYPES[config->agent_type], "cfe_internal,source=agent"); DetectEnvironment(ctx); EvalContextHeapPersistentLoadAll(ctx); LoadSystemConstants(ctx); if (config->agent_type == AGENT_TYPE_AGENT && config->agent_specific.agent.bootstrap_policy_server) { if (!RemoveAllExistingPolicyInInputs(GetInputDir())) { Log(LOG_LEVEL_ERR, "Error removing existing input files prior to bootstrap"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if (!WriteBuiltinFailsafePolicy(GetInputDir())) { Log(LOG_LEVEL_ERR, "Error writing builtin failsafe to inputs prior to bootstrap"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } bool am_policy_server = false; { const char *canonified_bootstrap_policy_server = CanonifyName(config->agent_specific.agent.bootstrap_policy_server); am_policy_server = NULL != EvalContextClassGet(ctx, NULL, canonified_bootstrap_policy_server); { char policy_server_ipv4_class[CF_BUFSIZE]; snprintf(policy_server_ipv4_class, CF_MAXVARSIZE, "ipv4_%s", canonified_bootstrap_policy_server); am_policy_server |= NULL != EvalContextClassGet(ctx, NULL, policy_server_ipv4_class); } if (am_policy_server) { Log(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "Assuming role as policy server, with policy distribution point at %s", GetMasterDir()); EvalContextClassPutHard(ctx, "am_policy_hub", "source=bootstrap"); if (!MasterfileExists(GetMasterDir())) { Log(LOG_LEVEL_ERR, "In order to bootstrap as a policy server, the file '%s/promises.cf' must exist.", GetMasterDir()); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } else { Log(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "Not assuming role as policy server"); } WriteAmPolicyHubFile(CFWORKDIR, am_policy_server); } WritePolicyServerFile(GetWorkDir(), config->agent_specific.agent.bootstrap_policy_server); SetPolicyServer(ctx, config->agent_specific.agent.bootstrap_policy_server); /* FIXME: Why it is called here? Can't we move both invocations to before if? */ UpdateLastPolicyUpdateTime(ctx); Log(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "Bootstrapping to '%s'", POLICY_SERVER); } else { char *existing_policy_server = ReadPolicyServerFile(GetWorkDir()); if (existing_policy_server) { Log(LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "This agent is bootstrapped to '%s'", existing_policy_server); SetPolicyServer(ctx, existing_policy_server); free(existing_policy_server); UpdateLastPolicyUpdateTime(ctx); } else { Log(LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "This agent is not bootstrapped"); return; } if (GetAmPolicyHub(GetWorkDir())) { EvalContextClassPutHard(ctx, "am_policy_hub", "source=bootstrap,deprecated,alias=policy_server"); Log(LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "Additional class defined: am_policy_hub"); EvalContextClassPutHard(ctx, "policy_server", "inventory,attribute_name=CFEngine roles,source=bootstrap"); Log(LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "Additional class defined: policy_server"); } } }
void GenericAgentDiscoverContext(EvalContext *ctx, GenericAgentConfig *config) { GenericAgentInitialize(ctx, config); SetReferenceTime(ctx, true); SetStartTime(); SanitizeEnvironment(); THIS_AGENT_TYPE = config->agent_type; EvalContextHeapAddHard(ctx, CF_AGENTTYPES[config->agent_type]); GenericAgentSetDefaultDigest(&CF_DEFAULT_DIGEST, &CF_DEFAULT_DIGEST_LEN); GetNameInfo3(ctx, config->agent_type); GetInterfacesInfo(ctx); Get3Environment(ctx, config->agent_type); BuiltinClasses(ctx); OSClasses(ctx); EvalContextHeapPersistentLoadAll(ctx); LoadSystemConstants(ctx); if (config->agent_type == AGENT_TYPE_AGENT && config->agent_specific.agent.bootstrap_policy_server) { if (!RemoveAllExistingPolicyInInputs(GetWorkDir())) { Log(LOG_LEVEL_ERR, "Error removing existing input files prior to bootstrap"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if (!WriteBuiltinFailsafePolicy(GetWorkDir())) { Log(LOG_LEVEL_ERR, "Error writing builtin failsafe to inputs prior to bootstrap"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } bool am_policy_server = false; { const char *canonified_bootstrap_policy_server = CanonifyName(config->agent_specific.agent.bootstrap_policy_server); am_policy_server = IsDefinedClass(ctx, canonified_bootstrap_policy_server, NULL); { char policy_server_ipv4_class[CF_BUFSIZE]; snprintf(policy_server_ipv4_class, CF_MAXVARSIZE, "ipv4_%s", canonified_bootstrap_policy_server); am_policy_server |= IsDefinedClass(ctx, policy_server_ipv4_class, NULL); } if (am_policy_server) { Log(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "Assuming role as policy server, with policy distribution point at %s/masterfiles", GetWorkDir()); EvalContextHeapAddHard(ctx, "am_policy_hub"); if (!MasterfileExists(GetWorkDir())) { Log(LOG_LEVEL_ERR, "In order to bootstrap as a policy server, the file '%s/masterfiles/promises.cf' must exist.", GetWorkDir()); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } else { Log(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "Not assuming role as policy server"); } WriteAmPolicyHubFile(CFWORKDIR, am_policy_server); } WritePolicyServerFile(GetWorkDir(), config->agent_specific.agent.bootstrap_policy_server); SetPolicyServer(ctx, config->agent_specific.agent.bootstrap_policy_server); Log(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "Bootstrapping to '%s'", POLICY_SERVER); } else { char *existing_policy_server = ReadPolicyServerFile(GetWorkDir()); if (existing_policy_server) { Log(LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "This agent is bootstrapped to '%s'", existing_policy_server); } else { Log(LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "This agent is not bootstrapped"); } SetPolicyServer(ctx, existing_policy_server); if (GetAmPolicyHub(GetWorkDir())) { EvalContextHeapAddHard(ctx, "am_policy_hub"); // DEPRECATED: use policy_server instead Log(LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "Additional class defined: am_policy_hub"); EvalContextHeapAddHard(ctx, "policy_server"); Log(LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "Additional class defined: policy_server"); } } }
void GenericInitialize(int argc,char **argv,char *agents) { enum cfagenttype ag = Agent2Type(agents); char vbuff[CF_BUFSIZE]; int ok = false; #ifdef HAVE_NOVA CF_DEFAULT_DIGEST = cf_sha256; CF_DEFAULT_DIGEST_LEN = CF_SHA256_LEN; #else CF_DEFAULT_DIGEST = cf_md5; CF_DEFAULT_DIGEST_LEN = CF_MD5_LEN; #endif InitializeGA(argc,argv); SetReferenceTime(true); SetStartTime(false); SetSignals(); SanitizeEnvironment(); strcpy(THIS_AGENT,CF_AGENTTYPES[ag]); NewClass(THIS_AGENT); THIS_AGENT_TYPE = ag; // need scope sys to set vars in expiry function SetNewScope("sys"); if (EnterpriseExpiry()) { CfOut(cf_error,"","Cfengine - autonomous configuration engine. This enterprise license is invalid.\n"); exit(1); } if (AM_NOVA) { CfOut(cf_verbose,""," -> This is CFE Nova\n"); } if (AM_CONSTELLATION) { CfOut(cf_verbose,""," -> This is CFE Constellation\n"); } NewScope("const"); NewScope("match"); NewScope("mon"); GetNameInfo3(); CfGetInterfaceInfo(ag); if (ag != cf_know) { Get3Environment(); BuiltinClasses(); OSClasses(); } LoadPersistentContext(); LoadSystemConstants(); snprintf(vbuff,CF_BUFSIZE,"control_%s",THIS_AGENT); SetNewScope(vbuff); NewScope("this"); NewScope("match"); if (BOOTSTRAP) { CheckAutoBootstrap(); } else { if (strlen(POLICY_SERVER) > 0) { CfOut(cf_verbose,""," -> Found a policy server (hub) on %s",POLICY_SERVER); } else { CfOut(cf_verbose,""," -> No policy server (hub) watch yet registered"); } } SetPolicyServer(POLICY_SERVER); if (ag != cf_keygen) { if (!MissingInputFile()) { bool check_promises = false; if (SHOWREPORTS) { check_promises = true; CfOut(cf_verbose, "", " -> Reports mode is enabled, force-validating policy"); } if (IsFileOutsideDefaultRepository(VINPUTFILE)) { check_promises = true; CfOut(cf_verbose, "", " -> Input file is outside default repository, validating it"); } if (NewPromiseProposals()) { check_promises = true; CfOut(cf_verbose, "", " -> Input file is changed since last validation, validating it"); } if (check_promises) { ok = CheckPromises(ag); if (BOOTSTRAP && !ok) { CfOut(cf_verbose, "", " -> Policy is not valid, but proceeding with bootstrap"); ok = true; } } else { CfOut(cf_verbose, "", " -> Policy is already validated"); ok = true; } } if (ok) { ReadPromises(ag,agents); } else { CfOut(cf_error,"","cf-agent was not able to get confirmation of promises from cf-promises, so going to failsafe\n"); snprintf(VINPUTFILE,CF_BUFSIZE-1,"failsafe.cf"); ReadPromises(ag,agents); } if (SHOWREPORTS) { CompilationReport(VINPUTFILE); } CheckLicenses(); } XML = 0; }
void GenericAgentDiscoverContext(EvalContext *ctx, GenericAgentConfig *config) { strcpy(VPREFIX, ""); Log(LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE, " %s", NameVersion()); Banner("Initialization preamble"); GenericAgentSetDefaultDigest(&CF_DEFAULT_DIGEST, &CF_DEFAULT_DIGEST_LEN); GenericAgentInitialize(ctx, config); time_t t = SetReferenceTime(); UpdateTimeClasses(ctx, t); SanitizeEnvironment(); THIS_AGENT_TYPE = config->agent_type; LoggingSetAgentType(CF_AGENTTYPES[config->agent_type]); EvalContextClassPutHard(ctx, CF_AGENTTYPES[config->agent_type], "cfe_internal,source=agent"); DetectEnvironment(ctx); EvalContextHeapPersistentLoadAll(ctx); LoadSystemConstants(ctx); const char *bootstrap_arg = config->agent_specific.agent.bootstrap_policy_server; /* Are we bootstrapping the agent? */ if (config->agent_type == AGENT_TYPE_AGENT && bootstrap_arg != NULL) { EvalContextClassPutHard(ctx, "bootstrap_mode", "source=environment"); if (!RemoveAllExistingPolicyInInputs(GetInputDir())) { Log(LOG_LEVEL_ERR, "Error removing existing input files prior to bootstrap"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if (!WriteBuiltinFailsafePolicy(GetInputDir())) { Log(LOG_LEVEL_ERR, "Error writing builtin failsafe to inputs prior to bootstrap"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } char canonified_ipaddr[strlen(bootstrap_arg) + 1]; StringCanonify(canonified_ipaddr, bootstrap_arg); bool am_policy_server = EvalContextClassGet(ctx, NULL, canonified_ipaddr) != NULL; if (am_policy_server) { Log(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "Assuming role as policy server," " with policy distribution point at: %s", GetMasterDir()); MarkAsPolicyServer(ctx); if (!MasterfileExists(GetMasterDir())) { Log(LOG_LEVEL_ERR, "In order to bootstrap as a policy server," " the file '%s/promises.cf' must exist.", GetMasterDir()); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } CheckAndSetHAState(GetWorkDir(), ctx); } else { Log(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "Assuming role as regular client," " bootstrapping to policy server: %s", bootstrap_arg); if (config->agent_specific.agent.bootstrap_trust_server) { EvalContextClassPutHard(ctx, "trust_server", "source=agent"); Log(LOG_LEVEL_NOTICE, "Bootstrap mode: implicitly trusting server, " "use --trust-server=no if server trust is already established"); } } WriteAmPolicyHubFile(am_policy_server); WritePolicyServerFile(GetWorkDir(), bootstrap_arg); SetPolicyServer(ctx, bootstrap_arg); /* FIXME: Why it is called here? Can't we move both invocations to before if? */ UpdateLastPolicyUpdateTime(ctx); } else { char *existing_policy_server = ReadPolicyServerFile(GetWorkDir()); if (existing_policy_server) { Log(LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "This agent is bootstrapped to: %s", existing_policy_server); SetPolicyServer(ctx, existing_policy_server); free(existing_policy_server); UpdateLastPolicyUpdateTime(ctx); } else { Log(LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "This agent is not bootstrapped -" " can't find policy_server.dat in: %s", GetWorkDir()); return; } if (GetAmPolicyHub()) { MarkAsPolicyServer(ctx); /* Should this go in MarkAsPolicyServer() ? */ CheckAndSetHAState(GetWorkDir(), ctx); } } }
static Item *MonReSample(EvalContext *ctx, int slot, Attributes a, const Promise *pp, PromiseResult *result) { CfLock thislock; char eventname[CF_BUFSIZE]; char comm[20]; struct timespec start; FILE *fin = NULL; mode_t maskval = 0; if (a.measure.stream_type && strcmp(a.measure.stream_type, "pipe") == 0) { if (!IsExecutable(CommandArg0(pp->promiser))) { cfPS(ctx, LOG_LEVEL_ERR, PROMISE_RESULT_FAIL, pp, a, "%s promises to be executable but isn't\n", pp->promiser); *result = PromiseResultUpdate(*result, PROMISE_RESULT_FAIL); return NULL; } else { Log(LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "Promiser string contains a valid executable (%s) - ok", CommandArg0(pp->promiser)); } } TransactionContext tc = { .expireafter = a.transaction.expireafter, .ifelapsed = MONITOR_RESTARTED ? 0 : a.transaction.ifelapsed, // Force a measurement if restarted }; CFSTARTTIME = time(NULL); thislock = AcquireLock(ctx, pp->promiser, VUQNAME, CFSTARTTIME, tc, pp, false); if (thislock.lock == NULL) { if (a.measure.history_type && (strcmp(a.measure.history_type, "log") == 0)) { DeleteItemList(ENTERPRISE_DATA[slot].output); ENTERPRISE_DATA[slot].output = NULL; } else { /* If static or time-series, and too soon or busy then use a cached value to avoid artificial gaps in the history */ } MONITOR_RESTARTED = false; return ENTERPRISE_DATA[slot].output; } else { DeleteItemList(ENTERPRISE_DATA[slot].output); ENTERPRISE_DATA[slot].output = NULL; Log(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "Sampling \'%s\' ...(timeout=%d,owner=%ju,group=%ju)", pp->promiser, a.contain.timeout, (uintmax_t)a.contain.owner, (uintmax_t)a.contain.group); start = BeginMeasure(); CommandPrefix(pp->promiser, comm); if (a.contain.timeout != 0) { SetTimeOut(a.contain.timeout); } /* Stream types */ if (a.measure.stream_type && strcmp(a.measure.stream_type, "file") == 0) { long filepos = 0; struct stat sb; Log(LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "Stream \"%s\" is a plain file", pp->promiser); if (stat(pp->promiser, &sb) == -1) { Log(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "Unable to find stream '%s'. (stat: %s)", pp->promiser, GetErrorStr()); YieldCurrentLock(thislock); MONITOR_RESTARTED = false; return NULL; } fin = safe_fopen(pp->promiser, "r"); if (a.measure.growing) { filepos = Mon_RestoreFilePosition(pp->promiser); if (sb.st_size >= filepos) { fseek(fin, filepos, SEEK_SET); } } } else if (a.measure.stream_type && strcmp(a.measure.stream_type, "pipe") == 0) { Log(LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "(Setting pipe umask to %jo)", (uintmax_t)a.contain.umask); maskval = umask(a.contain.umask); if (a.contain.umask == 0) { Log(LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "Programming %s running with umask 0! Use umask= to set", pp->promiser); } // Mark: This is strange that we used these wrappers. Currently no way of setting these a.contain.owner = -1; a.contain.group = -1; a.contain.chdir = NULL; a.contain.chroot = NULL; // Mark: they were unset, and would fail for non-root(!) if (a.contain.shelltype == SHELL_TYPE_POWERSHELL) { #ifdef __MINGW32__ fin = cf_popen_powershell_setuid(pp->promiser, "r", a.contain.owner, a.contain.group, a.contain.chdir, a.contain.chroot, false); #else // !__MINGW32__ Log(LOG_LEVEL_ERR, "Powershell is only supported on Windows"); YieldCurrentLock(thislock); MONITOR_RESTARTED = false; return NULL; #endif // !__MINGW32__ } else if (a.contain.shelltype == SHELL_TYPE_USE) { fin = cf_popen_shsetuid(pp->promiser, "r", a.contain.owner, a.contain.group, a.contain.chdir, a.contain.chroot, false); } else { fin = cf_popensetuid(pp->promiser, "r", a.contain.owner, a.contain.group, a.contain.chdir, a.contain.chroot, false); } } /* generic file stream */ if (fin == NULL) { cfPS(ctx, LOG_LEVEL_ERR, PROMISE_RESULT_FAIL, pp, a, "Couldn't open pipe to command '%s'. (cf_popen: %s)", pp->promiser, GetErrorStr()); *result = PromiseResultUpdate(*result, PROMISE_RESULT_FAIL); YieldCurrentLock(thislock); MONITOR_RESTARTED = false; return ENTERPRISE_DATA[slot].output; } size_t line_size = CF_BUFSIZE; char *line = xmalloc(line_size); for (;;) { ssize_t res = CfReadLine(&line, &line_size, fin); if (res == -1) { if (!feof(fin)) { cfPS(ctx, LOG_LEVEL_ERR, PROMISE_RESULT_TIMEOUT, pp, a, "Sample stream '%s'. (fread: %s)", pp->promiser, GetErrorStr()); *result = PromiseResultUpdate(*result, PROMISE_RESULT_TIMEOUT); YieldCurrentLock(thislock); free(line); return ENTERPRISE_DATA[slot].output; } else { break; } } AppendItem(&(ENTERPRISE_DATA[slot].output), line, NULL); } free(line); if (a.measure.stream_type && strcmp(a.measure.stream_type, "file") == 0) { long fileptr = ftell(fin); fclose(fin); Mon_SaveFilePosition(pp->promiser, fileptr); } else if (a.measure.stream_type && strcmp(a.measure.stream_type, "pipe") == 0) { cf_pclose(fin); } } if (a.contain.timeout != 0) { alarm(0); signal(SIGALRM, SIG_DFL); } Log(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "Collected sample of %s", pp->promiser); umask(maskval); YieldCurrentLock(thislock); MONITOR_RESTARTED = false; snprintf(eventname, CF_BUFSIZE - 1, "Sample(%s)", pp->promiser); EndMeasure(eventname, start); return ENTERPRISE_DATA[slot].output; } /************************************************************************************/ void HistoryUpdate(EvalContext *ctx, Averages newvals) { CfLock thislock; time_t now = time(NULL); /* We do this only once per hour - this should not be changed */ Log(LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "(Updating long-term history database)"); Policy *history_db_policy = PolicyNew(); Promise *pp = NULL; Bundle *bp = PolicyAppendBundle(history_db_policy, NamespaceDefault(), "history_db_bundle", "agent", NULL, NULL); PromiseType *tp = BundleAppendPromiseType(bp, "history_db"); pp = PromiseTypeAppendPromise(tp, "the long term memory", (Rval) { NULL, RVAL_TYPE_NOPROMISEE }, NULL); assert(pp); TransactionContext tc = { .expireafter = 0, .ifelapsed = 59 }; thislock = AcquireLock(ctx, pp->promiser, VUQNAME, now, tc, pp, false); if (thislock.lock == NULL) { PolicyDestroy(history_db_policy); return; } /* Refresh the class context of the agent */ EvalContextClear(ctx); DetectEnvironment(ctx); time_t t = SetReferenceTime(); UpdateTimeClasses(ctx, t); EvalContextHeapPersistentLoadAll(ctx); LoadSystemConstants(ctx); YieldCurrentLock(thislock); PolicyDestroy(history_db_policy); Mon_HistoryUpdate(CFSTARTTIME, &newvals); Mon_DumpSlowlyVaryingObservations(); } /************************************************************************************/ static Item *MonGetMeasurementStream(EvalContext *ctx, Attributes a, const Promise *pp, PromiseResult *result) { int i; for (i = 0; i < CF_DUNBAR_WORK; i++) { if (ENTERPRISE_DATA[i].path == NULL) { break; } if (strcmp(ENTERPRISE_DATA[i].path, pp->promiser) == 0) { ENTERPRISE_DATA[i].output = MonReSample(ctx, i, a, pp, result); return ENTERPRISE_DATA[i].output; } } ENTERPRISE_DATA[i].path = xstrdup(pp->promiser); ENTERPRISE_DATA[i].output = MonReSample(ctx, i, a, pp, result); return ENTERPRISE_DATA[i].output; }