Esempio n. 1
File: Cpu.c Progetto: jeppeter/vbox
CpuUpdateDataHub(EFI_BOOT_SERVICES * bs,
                 UINT64              FSBFrequency,
                 UINT64              TSCFrequency,
                 UINT64              CPUFrequency)
    EFI_STATUS                  Status;
    EFI_DATA_HUB_PROTOCOL       *DataHub;
    MAGIC_HUB_DATA              *MagicData;
    // Locate DataHub protocol.
    Status = bs->LocateProtocol (&gEfiDataHubProtocolGuid, NULL, (VOID**)&DataHub);
    if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
        return Status;

    MagicData = (MAGIC_HUB_DATA*)AllocatePool (0x200);
    if (MagicData == NULL) {
        return EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES;

    // Log data in format some OSes like
    LogData(DataHub, MagicData, L"FSBFrequency", &FSBFrequency, sizeof(FSBFrequency));
    // do that twice, as last variable read not really accounted for
    LogData(DataHub, MagicData, L"FSBFrequency", &FSBFrequency, sizeof(FSBFrequency));
    LogData(DataHub, MagicData, L"TSCFrequency", &TSCFrequency, sizeof(TSCFrequency));
    LogData(DataHub, MagicData, L"CPUFrequency", &CPUFrequency, sizeof(CPUFrequency));

    FreePool (MagicData);

    return EFI_SUCCESS;
Esempio n. 2
void udp_log(SOCKET s, char *p, char *p2, int bytes, struct sockaddr_in *to,
			 unsigned char *pszData, char *pSign)
	struct sockaddr_in	sa;
	char	buff[512];
	int		size;
	DWORD	dwError;
	USHORT	uLocalPort;

	dwError = GetLastError();

		bytes = 0;

	memset(buff, 0, sizeof(buff));
	size = sizeof(sa);
	getsockname(s, (struct sockaddr *)&sa, &size);
	uLocalPort = ntohs(sa.sin_port);
	sprintf(buff, "%s %s:%d %s ",pSign, inet_ntoa(sa.sin_addr), uLocalPort, p2);

		bytes = 0;
	sprintf(&buff[strlen(buff)], "%s:%d  %d bytes (%s)", inet_ntoa(to->sin_addr), ntohs(to->sin_port), bytes, p);

	LogData(buff, uLocalPort, pszData, bytes);

EXPORT_C void CImMobilityLogger::LogDataOut(TInt /*aFilePos*/, const TDesC8& /*aText*/)
	LogData(aFilePos, aText, KTxtFormatDataOut);
Esempio n. 4
// main entry
int main(int argc, char * argv[])
	FILE* fLogFile;
	int   iCount;
	int   status ;
	int*  piStatus;
	CMD   tCmd;

	// read or create new conf file
	status = configfile_Read(CONF_FILE, &tAlarmCenter);
	if (status == -1)
		printf("created new conf file\n");
		(void)configfile_Read(CONF_FILE, &tAlarmCenter);

	// create semaphore
	sem_init(&mutex_CmdBlock, 0, 1);

	// --------------------------------------------------------
	// run the command thread (TCP/IP)
	printf(" starting thread cmd ... ");
	if (pthread_create(&threadCmd, NULL, CommandThread, NULL))
		fprintf(stderr, "pthread: pthread_create() failed.\n");
	// --------------------------------------------------------

	// open Logfile
	fLogFile = fopen(LOG_FILE, "a");

	// - configure the GPIOs to use the board
	// - start display thread

	dispsw_vSetMenuValue(1,  tAlarmCenter.iOnOff);
	dispsw_vSetMenuValue(2,  tAlarmCenter.iAlarmTime);
	dispsw_vSetMenuValue(3,  tAlarmCenter.iAlarmMode);
	dispsw_vSetMenuValue(4,  tAlarmCenter.iAlarmSchwelle2);
	dispsw_vSetMenuValue(5,  tAlarmCenter.iWarningTime);
	dispsw_vSetMenuValue(6,  tAlarmCenter.iWarningMode);
	dispsw_vSetMenuValue(7,  tAlarmCenter.iAlarmSchwelle1);
	dispsw_vSetMenuValue(8,  tAlarmCenter.iOnDelay);
	dispsw_vSetMenuValue(9,  tAlarmCenter.iAlarmDelay);
	dispsw_vSetMenuValue(10, tAlarmCenter.iWarningDelay);
	dispsw_vSetMenuValue(20, tAlarmCenter.iStartHour);
	dispsw_vSetMenuValue(21, tAlarmCenter.iStopHour);

	tAlarmCenter.iState = 0;

	pinMode(A1, OUTPUT);
	pinMode(A2, OUTPUT);
	pinMode(A3, OUTPUT);
	digitalWrite(A1, 0);
	digitalWrite(A2, 0);
	digitalWrite(A3, 0);

	// --------------------------------------------------------
	// welcome to the machine
	while(tAlarmCenter.iExit == 0)
		// Commando Verarbeitung
		if(tAlarmCenter.iCmd == 1)
			getcmd(CmdBuffer, &tCmd);
			LogData(fLogFile, &tCmd);
			tAlarmCenter.iCmd = 0;
			if (strcmp(tCmd.acBuf2, "ALARM") == 0) tAlarmCenter.iAlarms++;
			if (strcmp(tCmd.acBuf2, "EXIT") == 0)  tAlarmCenter.iExit = 1;
			if (tAlarmCenter.iAlarms > 1000) tAlarmCenter.iAlarms = 1000;

		// Alarm funktion
		if (iCount % 20 == 0)  // 1.0 second

		printf("OnOff=%d A-Time=%d A-Mode=%d A-Schwelle=%d W-Time=%d W-Mode=%d W-Schwelle=%d A3A2A1=%d%d%d #=%d state=%d port=%d\n",
					    tAlarmCenter.iOnOff, tAlarmCenter.iAlarmTime, tAlarmCenter.iAlarmMode, tAlarmCenter.iAlarmSchwelle2,
				        tAlarmCenter.iWarningTime, tAlarmCenter.iWarningMode, tAlarmCenter.iAlarmSchwelle1, 
						digitalRead(A3), digitalRead(A2), digitalRead(A1), tAlarmCenter.iAlarms, tAlarmCenter.iState, tAlarmCenter.iTcpPort);

		// flush logfile each 10 second
		if (iCount % 200 == 0)  // 10 second flush logfile

		// update display
		dispsw_vSetMenuValue(11, tAlarmCenter.iAlarms);
		dispsw_vSetMenuValue(12, tAlarmCenter.iState);
		dispsw_vSetMenuValue(13, iAlarmCountDown);
		dispsw_vSetMenuValue(14, iWarningCountDown);
		dispsw_vSetMenuValue(15, iOnOffCountDown);

		// process user inputs and update the
		// menu.

		// process the menu

	// --------------------------------------------------------

	// wait for the threads to stop
	pthread_join(threadCmd, (void*)piStatus);

	// stop the display from working. 
	// release CPU power.


    return status ;
Esempio n. 5
 std::string LogBinaryLarge(const void *data, int size, int minSize)
     return (size >= minSize) ? LogData(data, size, size) : "";
Esempio n. 6
    std::string LogBinaryShort(const void *data, int size, int maxSize)
		if(maxSize == -1) maxSize = size;

        return LogData(data, size, maxSize, " (...)");
Esempio n. 7
 std::string LogBinaryAll(const void *data, int size)
     return LogData(data, size, size);
Esempio n. 8
    /// <summary>
    ///     External call passing statistical information to hill climbing. Based on these
    ///     statistics, hill climbing will give a recommendation on the number of resources to be used.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="currentControlSetting">
    ///     The control setting used in this period of time.
    /// </param>
    /// <param name="completionRate">
    ///     The number of completed units or work in that period of time.
    /// </param>
    /// <param name="arrivalRate">
    ///     The number of incoming units or work in that period of time.
    /// </param>
    /// <param name="queueLength">
    ///     The total length of the work queue.
    /// </param>
    /// <returns>
    ///     The recommended number of resources to be used.
    /// </returns>
    unsigned int HillClimbing::Update(unsigned int currentControlSetting, unsigned int completionRate, unsigned int arrivalRate, unsigned int queueLength)
        HillClimbingStateTransition transition = Undefined;
        int recommendedSetting = 0;

        // If there are no resources devoted to this scheduler proxy then there is
        // no statistical analysis needed.
        if (currentControlSetting == 0)
            return 0;

        // Hill climbing made a recommendation for a number of resources to be used the next time around. However, that
        // does not mean that this recommendation was accepted by the consumer of that information. Thus, first establish
        // the control setting passed in by the consumer so that we can accurately track history information. Also, it is
        // necessary to flush old, stale history information before trying to hill climb.

        // If we had some invalid samples, then carefully modify the actual parameters to this function
        if (m_invalidCount > 0)
            completionRate += m_saveCompleted;
            arrivalRate += m_saveIncoming;

        // If we have long running tasks that are not yet completed, report completions and arrivals for those
        // tasks, effectively chunking them up into sample sized tasks. A long running task scenario is defined as:
        //  a) Number or completed tasks is smaller than number of resources used in the time interval, AND
        //  b) Number of completed tasks is smaller than a length of the queue (resources cannot be invalid)
        if (completionRate < currentControlSetting && completionRate < queueLength)
            arrivalRate += (currentControlSetting - completionRate);
            completionRate = currentControlSetting;

        // Check if reported statistics are within the bounds of a valid sample. A sample is invalid iff:
        // it is not a warmup run AND it is EITHER too short of a measurement OR there were not enough completions.
        if (m_sampleCount >= WarmupSampleCount && MinCompletionsPerSample > completionRate && MinCompletionsPerSample > arrivalRate && queueLength == 0)
            // If this is an invalid sample, save the data
            m_saveCompleted = completionRate;
            m_saveIncoming = arrivalRate;

            unsigned int minimumSetting = m_pSchedulerProxy->MinHWThreads();
            unsigned int maximumSetting = m_pSchedulerProxy->DesiredHWThreads();

            recommendedSetting = (m_invalidCount < MaxInvalidCount) ? m_currentControlSetting : minimumSetting;

                L"********** Invalid sample!\n Process: %u\n Scheduler: %d\n Invalid count: %d\n Completions: %d\n Arrivals: %d\n Queue length: %d\n Minimum: %d\n Maximum: %d\n Current setting: %d\n Last setting: %d\n -----\n Recommended setting: %d\n**********\n",

            return recommendedSetting;

        unsigned int numberOfSamples = m_invalidCount + 1;

        // Reset the statistics kept for invalid samples and initiate a valid sample
        m_saveCompleted = 0;
        m_saveIncoming = 0;
        m_invalidCount = 0;

        // Unless there is a good reason to climb, the current setting (set by EstablishControlSetting) will remain the same.
        recommendedSetting = m_currentControlSetting;

        // Calculate the throughput for this given instance
        double throughput = CalculateThroughput(numberOfSamples, completionRate, arrivalRate, queueLength);

        if (m_sampleCount <= WarmupSampleCount)
            // We're in the "warmup" phase, where we simply bide our time (and initialize our current control setting).
            _CONCRT_ASSERT(m_currentControlSetting != 0);
            m_lastControlSetting = m_currentControlSetting;
            transition = Warmup;
            MeasuredHistory * currentHistory = GetHistory(m_currentControlSetting);
            MeasuredHistory * lastHistory = GetHistory(m_lastControlSetting);

            currentHistory->Add(throughput, m_totalSampleCount);

            if (AlwaysIncrease > 0)
                // We're in the "always increase" diagnostic mode.  Just increase the control setting
                // along the desired slope.
                unsigned int newSetting = (unsigned int) ((AlwaysIncrease / 1000.0) * m_sampleCount);

                if (newSetting > m_currentControlSetting)
                    recommendedSetting = RecommendControlSetting(newSetting);
                    transition = DoClimbing;
                    transition = ContinueLookingForClimb;
            else if (lastHistory->Count() == 0 || currentHistory == lastHistory)
                // If we have no previous history, then we need to initialize.  We wait until
                // the current history is stable, then make our first move.
                if (IsStableHistory(currentHistory))
                    // This is our first move; we have no history to use to predict the correct move.
                    // We'll just make a random move, and see what happens.
                    recommendedSetting = RecommendControlSetting(m_currentControlSetting + GetRandomMove());
                    transition = CompletedInitialization;
                    transition = ContinueInitializing;
            else if (!IsStableHistory(currentHistory))
                transition = ContinueLookingForClimb;
                // We have two separate stable histories.  We can compare them, and make a real climbing move.
                double slope = CalculateThroughputSlope(m_lastControlSetting, m_currentControlSetting);
                double controlSettingAdjustment = slope * m_controlGain;
                unsigned int newControlSetting = (unsigned int) (m_currentControlSetting + controlSettingAdjustment);

                if (newControlSetting == m_currentControlSetting)
                    newControlSetting = (unsigned int) (m_currentControlSetting + sign(controlSettingAdjustment));

                recommendedSetting = RecommendControlSetting(newControlSetting);
                transition = DoClimbing;

        _CONCRT_ASSERT(transition != Undefined); // Unhandled case for HillClimbing controller

#if defined(CONCRT_TRACING)
        LogData(recommendedSetting, transition, numberOfSamples, completionRate, arrivalRate, queueLength, throughput);

        return recommendedSetting;
Esempio n. 9
void LogManager::Log( Severity severity, const char* message, const char * logFile, int logLine, int verbosity) {
		logList.push_back(LogData(severity,logFile,logLine,message,verbosity));//timestamp auto added