void FProvider::Tick()
	bool bNotifyStateChanged = false;

	// remove commands that have finished executing from the queue
	for (int32 i = 0; i < CommandQueue.Num(); ++i)
		FCommandQueueEntry CommandQueueEntry = CommandQueue[i];
		auto* Command = CommandQueueEntry.Command;
		if (Command->HasExecuted())
			bNotifyStateChanged = Command->UpdateStates();

			if (CommandQueueEntry.bAutoDelete)
				delete Command;

			// NotifyOperationComplete() may indirectly alter the command queue 
			// so the loop must stop here, the queue cleanup will resume on the
			// next tick.

	if (bNotifyStateChanged)
Esempio n. 2
bool CScript::RunFile( WideString a_fileName )
    FILE* scriptFile = NULL;
    char* fileString = NULL;
    int fileSize = 0;
    bool result = true;

    //a_fileName = APP.useFile( wide2string(a_fileName).c_str() ).c_str();
    a_fileName = wide2string( a_fileName ).c_str();

    GM_ASSERT( this );

    if ( APP.DebugMode )
      WideString winfo = "Loading script file ";
      winfo += a_fileName;
      CONSOLE.add( winfo );

    char* ResultChar = new char[1024]; 
    wcstombs( ResultChar, a_fileName.c_str(), 1024 );

    if ( !( scriptFile = fopen( ResultChar, "rb" ) ) )
      return false;

    fseek( scriptFile, 0, SEEK_END );
    fileSize = ftell( scriptFile );
    fseek( scriptFile, 0, SEEK_SET );
    fileString = new char[fileSize + 1];
    fread( fileString, fileSize, 1, scriptFile );
    fileString[fileSize] = 0; // Terminating null
    fclose( scriptFile );

    int threadId = GM_INVALID_THREAD;
    errors = machine->ExecuteString( fileString, &threadId, true, ResultChar );
    if ( errors )
      WideString a;
      a = "Script error: "; a.append( a_fileName );
      LogErrors( a );
      result = false;

    deltaTime = 1;
    lastTime = getPreciseTime();

    delete[] fileString;
    delete ResultChar;

    return result;
Esempio n. 3
bool CScript::Run()
    if ( machine->Execute( deltaTime ) )
      // Update delta time
      curTime = getPreciseTime();
      deltaTime = curTime - lastTime;
      lastTime = curTime;

      // Dump run time errors to output
      LogErrors( "Script error: runtime" );

    return true;
ECommandResult::Type FProvider::ExecuteCommand(FCommand* Command, bool bAutoDelete)
	if (GThreadPool)
		CommandQueue.Add({Command, bAutoDelete});
		return ECommandResult::Succeeded;
	else // fall back to synchronous execution
		auto Result = Command->GetResult();
		if (bAutoDelete)
			delete Command;
		return Result;
Esempio n. 5
bool CScript::RunString( WideString a_string )
    GM_ASSERT( this );

    int threadId = GM_INVALID_THREAD;

    char* ResultChar = new char[1024]; 
    wcstombs( ResultChar, a_string.c_str(), 1024 );

    errors = machine->ExecuteString( ResultChar, &threadId, true );
    if ( errors )
      WideString a;
      a = "Script error: "; a.append( a_string );
      LogErrors( a );

    deltaTime = 1;
    lastTime = getPreciseTime();

    delete ResultChar;

    return true;
Esempio n. 6
		void teShader::BuildPass(EShaderPass passType)
			const c8 * passTypeString = NULL;

			case SP_GEN_DIFFUSE: passTypeString = "#define TE_PASS_DIFFUSE\n"; break;
			case SP_USER_0: passTypeString = "#define TE_PASS_USER_0\n"; break;
			case SP_USER_1: passTypeString = "#define TE_PASS_USER_1\n"; break;
			case SP_USER_2: passTypeString = "#define TE_PASS_USER_2\n"; break;
			case SP_USER_3: passTypeString = "#define TE_PASS_USER_3\n"; break;
			default: TE_ASSERT_NODEBUG(0); break;

			const u8 serviceStrings = 6;

			GLuint shaderVS = tglCreateShader(GL_VERTEX_SHADER);
			const c8 * sourceVSc[serviceStrings];
			GLint sourceVSl[serviceStrings];

			#if defined (TE_PLATFORM_IPHONE)
			sourceVSc[0] = "\n";
			sourceVSc[0] = "#version 120\n";

			sourceVSc[1] = "#define TE_VS\n";

			#if defined (TE_PLATFORM_IPHONE)
			sourceVSc[2] = "precision mediump int;\nprecision mediump float;\n#define TE_TEXP highp\n";
			sourceVSc[2] = "#define TE_TEXP\n";

			sourceVSc[3] = passTypeString;

			sourceVSc[4] = source.c_str();

			sourceVSc[5] = "\n";

			for(u8 i = 0; i < serviceStrings; ++i)
				sourceVSl[i] = strlen(sourceVSc[i]);

			tglShaderSource(shaderVS, serviceStrings, sourceVSc, sourceVSl);
			LogErrors("compile VS", shaderVS);

			GLuint shaderFS = tglCreateShader(GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER);
			const c8 * sourceFSc[serviceStrings];
			GLint sourceFSl[serviceStrings];

			#if defined (TE_PLATFORM_IPHONE)
			sourceFSc[0] = "\n";
			sourceFSc[0] = "#version 120\n";

			sourceFSc[1] = "#define TE_FS\n";

			#if defined (TE_PLATFORM_IPHONE)
			sourceFSc[2] = "precision lowp int;\nprecision lowp float;\n#define TE_TEXP highp\n";
			sourceFSc[2] = "#define TE_TEXP\n";

			sourceFSc[3] = passTypeString;

			sourceFSc[4] = source.c_str();

			sourceFSc[5] = "\n";

			for(u8 i = 0; i < serviceStrings; ++i)
				sourceFSl[i] = strlen(sourceFSc[i]);

			tglShaderSource(shaderFS, serviceStrings, sourceFSc, sourceFSl);
			LogErrors("compile FS", shaderFS);


			pass[passType].program = tglCreateProgram();

			tglAttachShader(pass[passType].program, shaderVS);
			tglAttachShader(pass[passType].program, shaderFS);



			LogErrors("link", 0, pass[passType].program);


			pass[passType].attributes[SLT_POSITION] =	tglGetAttribLocation(pass[passType].program, "tePosition");
			pass[passType].attributes[SLT_NORMAL] =		tglGetAttribLocation(pass[passType].program, "teNormal");
			pass[passType].attributes[SLT_UV_0] =		tglGetAttribLocation(pass[passType].program, "teUV0");
			pass[passType].attributes[SLT_UV_1] =		tglGetAttribLocation(pass[passType].program, "teUV1");
			pass[passType].attributes[SLT_UV_2] =		tglGetAttribLocation(pass[passType].program, "teUV2");
			pass[passType].attributes[SLT_UV_3] =		tglGetAttribLocation(pass[passType].program, "teUV3");
			pass[passType].attributes[SLT_COLOR] =		tglGetAttribLocation(pass[passType].program, "teColor");
			pass[passType].attributes[SLT_TANGENT] =	tglGetAttribLocation(pass[passType].program, "teTangent");
			pass[passType].attributes[SLT_BONES_IDS] =	tglGetAttribLocation(pass[passType].program, "teBonesIds");
			pass[passType].attributes[SLT_BONES_W] =	tglGetAttribLocation(pass[passType].program, "teBonesW");
			pass[passType].attributes[SLT_USER_0] =		tglGetAttribLocation(pass[passType].program, "teUser0");
			pass[passType].attributes[SLT_USER_1] =		tglGetAttribLocation(pass[passType].program, "teUser1");
			pass[passType].attributes[SLT_USER_2] =		tglGetAttribLocation(pass[passType].program, "teUser2");

			for(u8 i = 0; i < teMaxTextures; ++i)
				c8 name[] = "teTexture ";
				name[9] = '0' + i;
				pass[passType].uniforms[UT_TEX_0 + i] = tglGetUniformLocation(pass[passType].program, name);

			pass[passType].uniforms[UT_C_DIFFUSE] = tglGetUniformLocation(pass[passType].program, "teDiffuseColor");
			pass[passType].uniforms[UT_MAT_V] =		tglGetUniformLocation(pass[passType].program, "teVmat");
			pass[passType].uniforms[UT_MAT_MV] =	tglGetUniformLocation(pass[passType].program, "teMVmat");
			pass[passType].uniforms[UT_MAT_MVP] =	tglGetUniformLocation(pass[passType].program, "teMVPmat");
			pass[passType].uniforms[UT_MAT_N] =		tglGetUniformLocation(pass[passType].program, "teNmat");
			pass[passType].uniforms[UT_MAT_BONES] =	tglGetUniformLocation(pass[passType].program, "teBoneMatrixes");
			pass[passType].uniforms[UT_TIME] =		tglGetUniformLocation(pass[passType].program, "teTime");
			pass[passType].uniforms[UT_USER0] =		tglGetUniformLocation(pass[passType].program, "teUser0");
			pass[passType].uniforms[UT_USER1] =		tglGetUniformLocation(pass[passType].program, "teUser1");
			pass[passType].uniforms[UT_USER2] =		tglGetUniformLocation(pass[passType].program, "teUser2");
			pass[passType].uniforms[UT_USER3] =		tglGetUniformLocation(pass[passType].program, "teUser3");

			currentPass = passType;

			for(u8 i = 0; i < teMaxTextures; ++i)
				SetUniform((EUniformType)(UT_TEX_0 + i), (s32)i);


			LogErrors("validate", 0, pass[passType].program);