Esempio n. 1
void UsbDeviceList::AddInterfaceFilter(LPCWSTR name, LPCWSTR value)
	// Filter name must be unique
	for (DWORD i = 0; i < mNumInterfaceFilters; i++) {
		if (wcscmp(name, mInterfaceFilters[i].name) == 0) {
			IFACEFILTER_MSG((TEXT("USBKWrapperDrv: Ignoring duplicate interface filter %s\r\n"), name));

	// Parse filter string "bInterfaceClass:bInterfaceSubclass:bInterfaceProtocol"
	// Any field can be '*', represent this "dont-care" as USB_NO_INFO.
	INTERFACE_FILTER_FIELD bInterfaceClass, bInterfaceSubClass, bInterfaceProtocol;
	DWORD nextOffset, result;

	result = FindNextInterfaceFilterField(value, 0, &nextOffset, &bInterfaceClass);
	result |= FindNextInterfaceFilterField(value, nextOffset, &nextOffset, &bInterfaceSubClass);
	result |= FindNextInterfaceFilterField(value, nextOffset, &nextOffset, &bInterfaceProtocol);
	if (result) {
		IFACEFILTER_MSG((TEXT("USBKWrapperDrv: Parse error for interface filter %s: %s\r\n"), name, value));

	// Now check for optional idVendor/idProduct fields (initialised by FindNextInterfaceFilterToken())
	INTERFACE_FILTER_FIELD idVendor, idProduct;
	FindNextInterfaceFilterField(value, nextOffset, &nextOffset, &idVendor);
	FindNextInterfaceFilterField(value, nextOffset, &nextOffset, &idProduct);

	PWCHAR filterName = (PWCHAR) malloc(sizeof(WCHAR)*(wcslen(name)+1));;
	if (!filterName) {
		ERROR_MSG((TEXT("USBKWrapperDrv!UsbDeviceList::AddInterfaceFilter() - Out of memory allocating filter name\r\n")));
	wcscpy(filterName, name);

	// Finally, check for any optional flags (we can switch to a more advanced
	// flag parsing strategy if and when we add more flags in the future).
	BOOL noAttach = FALSE;
	if (wcsstr(value, L";NO_ATTACH") != NULL) {
		noAttach = TRUE;

	INTERFACE_FILTER* newFilterList = (INTERFACE_FILTER*) realloc(mInterfaceFilters, sizeof(INTERFACE_FILTER)*(mNumInterfaceFilters+1));
	if (!newFilterList) {
		ERROR_MSG((TEXT("USBKWrapperDrv!UsbDeviceList::AddInterfaceFilter() - Out of memory reallocating filter list\r\n")));

	// Append filter to list
	mInterfaceFilters = newFilterList;
	mInterfaceFilters[mNumInterfaceFilters].name = filterName;
	mInterfaceFilters[mNumInterfaceFilters].bInterfaceClass = bInterfaceClass;
	mInterfaceFilters[mNumInterfaceFilters].bInterfaceSubClass = bInterfaceSubClass;
	mInterfaceFilters[mNumInterfaceFilters].bInterfaceProtocol = bInterfaceProtocol;
	mInterfaceFilters[mNumInterfaceFilters].idVendor = idVendor;
	mInterfaceFilters[mNumInterfaceFilters].idProduct = idProduct;
	mInterfaceFilters[mNumInterfaceFilters].noAttach = noAttach;
	LogFilter(TEXT("USBKWrapperDrv: Added interface filter"), &mInterfaceFilters[mNumInterfaceFilters]);		
void UsbDeviceList::FetchInterfaceFilters(LPCUSB_FUNCS lpUsbFuncs,
																					LPCWSTR szUniqueDriverId)
	HKEY key;
	LONG result;
	DWORD numValues = 0, maxNameLen = 0, maxValueLen = 0;
	DWORD valueType;
	PWCHAR nameBuf;
	PBYTE valueBuf;

	// We do not support dynamic updating of the filter list
	if (mInterfaceFilters) {
	key = lpUsbFuncs->lpOpenClientRegistyKey(szUniqueDriverId);
	if (!key) {
		ERROR_MSG((TEXT("USBKWrapperDrv!UsbDeviceList::FetchInterfaceFilters() - Failed to open client registry key\r\n")));

	result = RegQueryInfoKey(key, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 
		&numValues, &maxNameLen, &maxValueLen, NULL, NULL);
	if (result != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
		ERROR_MSG((TEXT("USBKWrapperDrv!UsbDeviceList::FetchInterfaceFilters() - Failed to query key info: error %i\r\n"), result));

	nameBuf = new (std::nothrow) WCHAR[maxNameLen+1];
	valueBuf = new (std::nothrow) BYTE[maxValueLen];

	if (!nameBuf || !valueBuf) {
		ERROR_MSG((TEXT("USBKWrapperDrv!UsbDeviceList::FetchInterfaceFilters() - Out of memory allocating buffers\r\n")));		
		delete[] nameBuf;
		delete[] valueBuf;

	for (DWORD index = 0; index < numValues && result == ERROR_SUCCESS; index++) {
		DWORD nameBufSize = maxNameLen + 1;
		DWORD valueBufSize = maxValueLen;
		result = RegEnumValue(key, index, nameBuf, &nameBufSize, NULL, &valueType, 
			valueBuf, &valueBufSize);

		if (result == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
			// Pay attention only to unicode strings (REG_SZ) whose name has the 
			// InterfaceFilter_ prefix
			if (nameBufSize > 16 && wcsncmp(nameBuf, TEXT("InterfaceFilter_"), 16) == 0 && 
				valueType == REG_SZ) {
				AddInterfaceFilter(&nameBuf[16], (LPCWSTR) valueBuf);

	// Log out the interface filters we have, in priority order
	PFILTER_NODE next = mInterfaceFilters;
	while(next) {
		LogFilter(TEXT("USBKWrapperDrv: Added interface filter"), &next->filter);
		next = next->next;

	delete[] nameBuf;
	delete[] valueBuf;