Esempio n. 1
* Set the interrupt service option, which can configure the driver so that it
* services only a single interrupt at a time when an interrupt occurs, or
* services all pending interrupts when an interrupt occurs. The default
* behavior when using the driver interface given in xintc.h file is to service
* only a single interrupt, whereas the default behavior when using the driver
* interface given in this file is to service all outstanding interrupts when an
* interrupt occurs.
* @param	BaseAddress is the unique identifier for a device.
* @param 	Option is XIN_SVC_SGL_ISR_OPTION if you want only a single
*		interrupt serviced when an interrupt occurs, or
*		XIN_SVC_ALL_ISRS_OPTION if you want all pending interrupts
*		serviced when an interrupt occurs.
* @return	None.
* @note
* Note that this function has no effect if the input base address is invalid.
void XIntc_SetIntrSvcOption(u32 BaseAddress, int Option)
	XIntc_Config *CfgPtr;

	CfgPtr = LookupConfigByBaseAddress(BaseAddress);
	if (CfgPtr != NULL) {
		CfgPtr->Options = Option;
Esempio n. 2
* Register a handler function for a specific interrupt ID.  The vector table
* of the interrupt controller is updated, overwriting any previous handler.
* The handler function will be called when an interrupt occurs for the given
* interrupt ID.
* @param	BaseAddress is the CPU Interface Register base address of the
*		interrupt controller whose vector table will be modified.
* @param	InterruptId is the interrupt ID to be associated with the input
*		handler.
* @param	Handler is the function pointer that will be added to
*		the vector table for the given interrupt ID.
* @param	CallBackRef is the argument that will be passed to the new
*		handler function when it is called. This is user-specific.
* @return	None.
* @note
* Note that this function has no effect if the input base address is invalid.
void XScuGic_RegisterHandler(u32 BaseAddress, int InterruptId,
			     Xil_InterruptHandler Handler, void *CallBackRef)
	XScuGic_Config *CfgPtr;

	CfgPtr = LookupConfigByBaseAddress(BaseAddress);
	if (CfgPtr != NULL) {
		CfgPtr->HandlerTable[InterruptId].Handler = Handler;
		CfgPtr->HandlerTable[InterruptId].CallBackRef = CallBackRef;
Esempio n. 3
* Register a handler function for a specific interrupt ID.  The vector table
* of the interrupt controller is updated, overwriting any previous handler.
* The handler function will be called when an interrupt occurs for the given
* interrupt ID.
* @param	BaseAddress is the CPU Interface Register base address of the
*		interrupt controller whose vector table will be modified.
* @param	InterruptId is the interrupt ID to be associated with the input
*		handler.
* @param	Handler is the function pointer that will be added to
*		the vector table for the given interrupt ID.
* @param	CallBackRef is the argument that will be passed to the new
*		handler function when it is called. This is user-specific.
* @return	None.
* @note
* Note that this function has no effect if the input base address is invalid.
void XScuGic_RegisterHandler(u32 BaseAddress, s32 InterruptID,
			     Xil_InterruptHandler IntrHandler, void *CallBackRef)
	XScuGic_Config *CfgPtr;
	CfgPtr = LookupConfigByBaseAddress(BaseAddress);

	if(CfgPtr != NULL) {
		if( IntrHandler != NULL) {
			CfgPtr->HandlerTable[InterruptID].Handler = IntrHandler;
		if( CallBackRef != NULL) {
			CfgPtr->HandlerTable[InterruptID].CallBackRef = CallBackRef;
Esempio n. 4
* Set the interrupt service option, which can configure the driver so that it
* services only a single interrupt at a time when an interrupt occurs, or
* services all pending interrupts when an interrupt occurs. The default
* behavior when using the driver interface given in xintc.h file is to service
* only a single interrupt, whereas the default behavior when using the driver
* interface given in this file is to service all outstanding interrupts when an
* interrupt occurs. In Cascade mode same Option is set to Slave controllers.
* @param	BaseAddress is the unique identifier for a device.
* @param 	Option is XIN_SVC_SGL_ISR_OPTION if you want only a single
*		interrupt serviced when an interrupt occurs, or
*		XIN_SVC_ALL_ISRS_OPTION if you want all pending interrupts
*		serviced when an interrupt occurs.
* @return	None.
* @note
* Note that this function has no effect if the input base address is invalid.
void XIntc_SetIntrSvcOption(u32 BaseAddress, int Option)
	XIntc_Config *CfgPtr;

	CfgPtr = LookupConfigByBaseAddress(BaseAddress);
	if (CfgPtr != NULL) {
		CfgPtr->Options = Option;
		/* If Cascade mode set the option for all Slaves */
		if (CfgPtr->IntcType != XIN_INTC_NOCASCADE) {
			int Index;
			for (Index = 1; Index <= XPAR_XINTC_NUM_INSTANCES - 1;
					Index++) {
				CfgPtr = XIntc_LookupConfig(Index);
				CfgPtr->Options = Option;
Esempio n. 5
* Register a handler function for a specific interrupt ID.  The vector table
* of the interrupt controller is updated, overwriting any previous handler.
* The handler function will be called when an interrupt occurs for the given
* interrupt ID.
* This function can also be used to remove a handler from the vector table
* by passing in the XIntc_DefaultHandler() as the handler and NULL as the
* callback reference.
* In Cascade mode Interrupt Id is used to set Handler for corresponding Slave
* Controller
* @param 	BaseAddress is the base address of the interrupt controller
*		whose vector table will be modified.
* @param 	InterruptId is the interrupt ID to be associated with the input
*		handler.
* @param 	Handler is the function pointer that will be added to
*		the vector table for the given interrupt ID.
* @param	CallBackRef is the argument that will be passed to the new
*		handler function when it is called. This is user-specific.
* @return	None.
* @note
* Note that this function has no effect if the input base address is invalid.
void XIntc_RegisterHandler(u32 BaseAddress, int InterruptId,
			   XInterruptHandler Handler, void *CallBackRef)
	XIntc_Config *CfgPtr;

	CfgPtr = LookupConfigByBaseAddress(BaseAddress);

	if (CfgPtr != NULL) {

		if (InterruptId > 31) {
			CfgPtr = XIntc_LookupConfig(InterruptId/32);
			CfgPtr->HandlerTable[InterruptId%32].Handler = Handler;
			CfgPtr->HandlerTable[InterruptId%32].CallBackRef =
		else {
			CfgPtr->HandlerTable[InterruptId].Handler = Handler;
			CfgPtr->HandlerTable[InterruptId].CallBackRef =