Esempio n. 1
  * Open a stream for reading/writing
 * @param s     pointer to stream
 * @param mode  either 'r' for reading or 'w' for writing
 * @return      a stream descriptor
 * @pre         only one task may open it for reading resp. writing
 *              at any given point in time
lpel_stream_desc_t *LpelStreamOpen( lpel_stream_t *s, char mode)
  lpel_stream_desc_t *sd;
  lpel_task_t *ct = LpelTaskSelf();

  assert( mode == 'r' || mode == 'w' );
  sd = (lpel_stream_desc_t *) malloc( sizeof( lpel_stream_desc_t));
  sd->task = ct;
  sd->stream = s;
  sd->mode = mode;
  sd->next  = NULL;

  /* create monitoring object, or NULL if stream
   * is not going to be monitored (depends on ct->mon)
  if (ct->mon && MON_CB(stream_open)) {
    sd->mon = MON_CB(stream_open)( ct->mon, s->uid, mode);
  } else {
    sd->mon = NULL;
  sd->mon = NULL;

  switch(mode) {
    case 'r': s->cons_sd = sd; break;
    case 'w': s->prod_sd = sd; break;

  return sd;
Esempio n. 2
File: stream.c Progetto: merijn/lpel
 * Blocking, consuming read from a stream
 * If the stream is empty, the task is suspended until
 * a producer writes an item to the stream.
 * @param sd  stream descriptor
 * @return    the next item of the stream
 * @pre       current task is single reader
void *LpelStreamRead( lpel_stream_desc_t *sd)
  void *item;
  sd->task = LpelTaskSelf();

  assert( sd->mode == 'r');

  if (sd->mon && MON_CB(stream_readprepare)) {

  /* quasi P(n_sem) */
  if ( atomic_fetch_sub( &sd->stream->n_sem, 1) == 0) {

    if (sd->mon && MON_CB(stream_blockon)) {

    /* wait on stream: */
    LpelTaskBlockStream( sd->task);

  /* read the top element */
  item = LpelBufferTop( &sd->stream->buffer);
  assert( item != NULL);
  /* pop off the top element */
  LpelBufferPop( &sd->stream->buffer);

  /* quasi V(e_sem) */
  if ( atomic_fetch_add( &sd->stream->e_sem, 1) < 0) {
    /* e_sem was -1 */
    lpel_task_t *prod = sd->stream->prod_sd->task;
    /* wakeup producer: make ready */
    LpelTaskUnblock( sd->task, prod);

    if (sd->mon && MON_CB(stream_wakeup)) {


  if (sd->mon && MON_CB(stream_readfinish)) {
    MON_CB(stream_readfinish)(sd->mon, item);
  return item;
Esempio n. 3
 * Signal an user event
void SNetThreadingEventSignal(snet_moninfo_t *moninfo)
	lpel_task_t *t = LpelTaskSelf();
	assert(t != NULL);
	mon_task_t *mt = LpelTaskGetMon(t);
	if (mt != NULL) {
		SNetThreadingMonEvent(mt, moninfo);
Esempio n. 4
File: task.c Progetto: foliern/lpel
 * Yield execution back to scheduler voluntarily
 * @pre This call must be made from within a LPEL task!
void LpelTaskYield(void)
  lpel_task_t *ct = LpelTaskSelf();
  assert( ct->state == TASK_RUNNING );

  ct->state = TASK_READY;
  TaskStop( ct);
  LpelWorkerDispatcher( ct);
  TaskStart( ct);
Esempio n. 5
File: task.c Progetto: foliern/lpel
 * Exit the current task
 * @param outarg  output argument of the task
 * @pre This call must be made within a LPEL task!
void LpelTaskExit(void *outarg)
  lpel_task_t *ct = LpelTaskSelf();
  assert( ct->state == TASK_RUNNING );

  ct->outarg = outarg;

  /* context switch happens, this task is cleaned up then */
  ct->state = TASK_ZOMBIE;
  TaskStop( ct);
  LpelWorkerDispatcher( ct);
  /* execution never comes back here */
Esempio n. 6
  * Open a stream for reading/writing
 * @param s     pointer to stream
 * @param mode  either 'r' for reading or 'w' for writing
 * @return      a stream descriptor
 * @pre         only one task may open it for reading resp. writing
 *              at any given point in time
lpel_stream_desc_t *LpelStreamOpen( lpel_stream_t *s, char mode)
  lpel_stream_desc_t *sd;
  lpel_task_t *ct = LpelTaskSelf();

  assert( mode == 'r' || mode == 'w' );
  sd = LpelWorkerGetSd(ct->worker_context);			// try to get from the free list
  if (sd == NULL)
   	sd = (lpel_stream_desc_t *) malloc( sizeof( lpel_stream_desc_t));
  sd->task = ct;
  sd->stream = s;
  sd->mode = mode;
  sd->next  = NULL;

  /* create monitoring object, or NULL if stream
   * is not going to be monitored (depends on ct->mon)
  if (ct->mon && MON_CB(stream_open)) {
    sd->mon = MON_CB(stream_open)( ct->mon, s->uid, mode);
  } else {
    sd->mon = NULL;
  sd->mon = NULL;

  switch(mode) {
    case 'r': s->cons_sd = sd; break;
    case 'w': s->prod_sd = sd; break;

  /* set entry/exit stream */
  if (LpelTaskIsWrapper(ct))
  	s->type = (mode == 'r' ? LPEL_STREAM_EXIT : LPEL_STREAM_ENTRY);

  STREAM_DBG("task %d open stream %d, mode %c\n", ct->uid, s->uid, mode);
  LpelTaskAddStream(ct, sd, mode);

  return sd;
Esempio n. 7
const char *SNetThreadingGetName(void)
{ return LpelGetName(LpelTaskSelf()); }
Esempio n. 8
unsigned long SNetThreadingGetId()
	/* FIXME more convenient way */
	/* returns the thread id */
	return (unsigned long) LpelTaskSelf();
Esempio n. 9
File: stream.c Progetto: merijn/lpel
 * Poll a set of streams
 * This is a blocking function called by a consumer which wants to wait
 * for arrival of data on any of a specified set of streams.
 * The consumer task is suspended while there is no new data on all streams.
 * @param set     a stream descriptor set the task wants to poll
 * @pre           set must not be empty (*set != NULL)
 * @post          The first element when iterating through the set after
 *                LpelStreamPoll() will be the one after the one which
 *                caused the task to wakeup,
 *                i.e., the first stream where data arrived.
lpel_stream_desc_t *LpelStreamPoll( lpel_streamset_t *set)
  lpel_task_t *self;
  lpel_stream_iter_t *iter;
  int do_ctx_switch = 1;
  int cnt = 0;

  assert( *set != NULL);

  /* get 'self', i.e. the task calling LpelStreamPoll() */
  (*set)->task = LpelTaskSelf();
  self = (*set)->task;

  iter = LpelStreamIterCreate( set);

  /* fast path*/
  while( LpelStreamIterHasNext( iter)) {
    lpel_stream_desc_t *sd = LpelStreamIterNext( iter);
    lpel_stream_t *s = sd->stream;
    if ( LpelBufferTop( &s->buffer) != NULL) {
      *set = sd;
      return sd;

  /* place a poll token */
  atomic_store( &self->poll_token, 1);

  /* for each stream in the set */
  LpelStreamIterReset(iter, set);
  while( LpelStreamIterHasNext( iter)) {
    lpel_stream_desc_t *sd = LpelStreamIterNext( iter);
    sd->task = LpelTaskSelf();
    lpel_stream_t *s = sd->stream;
    /* lock stream (prod-side) */
    PRODLOCK_LOCK( &s->prod_lock);
    { /* CS BEGIN */
      /* check if there is something in the buffer */
      if ( LpelBufferTop( &s->buffer) != NULL) {
        /* yes, we can stop iterating through streams.
         * determine, if we have been woken up by another producer:
        int tok = atomic_exchange( &self->poll_token, 0);
        if (tok) {
          /* we have not been woken yet, no need for ctx switch */
          do_ctx_switch = 0;
          self->wakeup_sd = sd;
        /* unlock stream */
        PRODLOCK_UNLOCK( &s->prod_lock);
        /* exit loop */

      } else {
        /* nothing in the buffer, register stream as activator */
        s->is_poll = 1;
        //sd->event_flags |= STDESC_WAITON;
        /* TODO marking all streams does potentially flood the log-files
           - is it desired to have anyway?
        MarkDirty( sd);
    } /* CS END */
    /* unlock stream */
    PRODLOCK_UNLOCK( &s->prod_lock);
  } /* end for each stream */

  /* context switch */
  if (do_ctx_switch) {
    /* set task as blocked */
    LpelTaskBlockStream( self);
  assert( atomic_load( &self->poll_token) == 0);

  /* unregister activators
   * - would only be necessary, if the consumer task closes the stream
   *   while the producer is in an is_poll state,
   *   as this could result in a SEGFAULT when the producer
   *   is trying to dereference sd->stream->cons_sd
   * - a consumer closes the stream if it reads
   *   a terminate record or a sync record, and between reading the record
   *   and closing the stream the consumer issues no LpelStreamPoll()
   *   and no entity writes a record on the stream after these records.
   * UPDATE: with static/dynamc collectors in S-Net, this is possible!
  LpelStreamIterReset(iter, set);
  while( LpelStreamIterHasNext( iter)) {
    lpel_stream_t *s = (LpelStreamIterNext(iter))->stream;
    PRODLOCK_LOCK( &s->prod_lock);
    s->is_poll = 0;
    PRODLOCK_UNLOCK( &s->prod_lock);
    if (--cnt == 0) break;


  /* 'rotate' set to stream descriptor for non-empty buffer */
  *set = self->wakeup_sd;

  return self->wakeup_sd;
Esempio n. 10
File: stream.c Progetto: merijn/lpel
 * Blocking write to a stream
 * If the stream is full, the task is suspended until the consumer
 * reads items from the stream, freeing space for more items.
 * @param sd    stream descriptor
 * @param item  data item (a pointer) to write
 * @pre         current task is single writer
 * @pre         item != NULL
void LpelStreamWrite( lpel_stream_desc_t *sd, void *item)
  int poll_wakeup = 0;
  sd->task = LpelTaskSelf();

  /* check if opened for writing */
  assert( sd->mode == 'w' );
  assert( item != NULL );

  if (sd->mon && MON_CB(stream_writeprepare)) {
    MON_CB(stream_writeprepare)(sd->mon, item);

  /* quasi P(e_sem) */
  if ( atomic_fetch_sub( &sd->stream->e_sem, 1)== 0) {

    if (sd->mon && MON_CB(stream_blockon)) {

    /* wait on stream: */
    LpelTaskBlockStream( sd->task);

  /* writing to the buffer and checking if consumer polls must be atomic */
  PRODLOCK_LOCK( &sd->stream->prod_lock);
    /* there must be space now in buffer */
    assert( LpelBufferIsSpace( &sd->stream->buffer) );
    /* put item into buffer */
    LpelBufferPut( &sd->stream->buffer, item);

    if ( sd->stream->is_poll) {
      /* get consumer's poll token */
      poll_wakeup = atomic_exchange( &sd->stream->cons_sd->task->poll_token, 0);
      sd->stream->is_poll = 0;
  PRODLOCK_UNLOCK( &sd->stream->prod_lock);

  /* quasi V(n_sem) */
  if ( atomic_fetch_add( &sd->stream->n_sem, 1) < 0) {
    /* n_sem was -1 */
    lpel_task_t *cons = sd->stream->cons_sd->task;
    /* wakeup consumer: make ready */
    LpelTaskUnblock( sd->task, cons);

    if (sd->mon && MON_CB(stream_wakeup)) {
  } else {
    /* we are the sole producer task waking the polling consumer up */
    if (poll_wakeup) {
      lpel_task_t *cons = sd->stream->cons_sd->task;
      cons->wakeup_sd = sd->stream->cons_sd;

      LpelTaskUnblock( sd->task, cons);

      if (sd->mon && MON_CB(stream_wakeup)) {

  if (sd->mon && MON_CB(stream_writefinish)) {
