int _gnutls_auth_cipher_decrypt2(auth_cipher_hd_st * handle, const void *ciphertext, int ciphertextlen, void *text, int textlen) { int ret; if (unlikely(ciphertextlen > textlen)) return gnutls_assert_val(GNUTLS_E_INTERNAL_ERROR); if (handle->is_mac && (handle->etm != 0 && handle->cipher.e->type == CIPHER_BLOCK)) { /* The MAC is not to be hashed */ ciphertextlen -= handle->tag_size; MAC(handle, ciphertext, ciphertextlen); } if (handle->non_null != 0) { ret = _gnutls_cipher_decrypt2(&handle->cipher, ciphertext, ciphertextlen, text, textlen); if (ret < 0) return gnutls_assert_val(ret); } else if (handle->non_null == 0 && text != ciphertext) memcpy(text, ciphertext, ciphertextlen); if (handle->is_mac && (handle->etm == 0 || handle->cipher.e->type != CIPHER_BLOCK)) { /* The MAC is not to be hashed */ ciphertextlen -= handle->tag_size; MAC(handle, text, ciphertextlen); } return 0; }
/* The function performs the post modulation in the inverse transformation. */ static void postModulation(float *x, /*!< pointer to spectum */ int m, /*!< number of lines in spectrum */ const float *trigData, /*!< pointer to trigData */ int step, /*!< steps */ int trigDataSize) /*!< size of trigData */ { int i; float wre, wim, re1, re2, im1, im2; const float *sinPtr = trigData; const float *cosPtr = trigData+trigDataSize; COUNT_sub_start("postModulation"); MOVE(2); /* previous initialization */ MOVE(2); wim = *sinPtr; wre = *cosPtr; PTR_INIT(2); /* pointers for x[2*i], x[m-2-2*i] */ MULT(1); LOOP(1); for (i = 0; i < m/4; i++) { MOVE(4); re1=x[2*i]; im1=x[2*i+1]; re2=x[m-2-2*i]; im2=x[m-1-2*i]; MULT(1); MAC(1); STORE(1); x[2*i] = re1*wre + im1*wim; MULT(2); ADD(1); STORE(1); x[m-1-2*i] = re1*wim - im1*wre; ADD(2); sinPtr+=step; cosPtr-=step; MOVE(2); wim=*sinPtr; wre=*cosPtr; MULT(1); MAC(1); STORE(1); x[m-2-2*i] = re2*wim + im2* wre; MULT(2); ADD(1); STORE(1); x[2*i+1] = re2*wre - im2* wim; } COUNT_sub_end(); }
// copy tempucum -> ucum so ucum only has updates where wanted for each pl. // avoids NaN or out of bounds assignments into ucum (which shows up in, e.g., dump diagnostics) // Also ensures that final unewglobal values are only updated within the well-defined computational box // Note that inversion U->p is also within well-defined computational box. // Note that ustag->pstag occurs in fluxctstag.c in well-defined computational box [with extra face for each B1,B2,B3 as required] // So overall prim,pstag,unew are only updated where desired -- no leakage unlike fluxes, temp primitives, and other things. void copy_tempucum_finalucum(int *loop, FTYPE (*tempucum)[NSTORE2][NSTORE3][NPR], FTYPE (*ucum)[NSTORE2][NSTORE3][NPR]) { #pragma omp parallel // just copying, only need PLOOP even for ucum_check() { int i,j,k; int pl,pliter; int is,ie,js,je,ks,ke; extern void ucum_check(int i, int j, int k, int loc, int pl, FTYPE *ucum); // loop range where final ucum is set from scratch ucum that may have been set outside desired region for simplicity of loop structures is=loop[FIS]-SHIFT1*(AVOIDADVANCESHIFTX1DN==0); ie=loop[FIE]+SHIFT1*(AVOIDADVANCESHIFTX1UP==0); js=loop[FJS]-SHIFT2*(AVOIDADVANCESHIFTX2DN==0); je=loop[FJE]+SHIFT2*(AVOIDADVANCESHIFTX2UP==0); ks=loop[FKS]-SHIFT3*(AVOIDADVANCESHIFTX3DN==0); ke=loop[FKE]+SHIFT3*(AVOIDADVANCESHIFTX3UP==0); if(FLUXB==FLUXCTSTAG){ // do non-field quantities copy_3d_nofield_nowait(is, ie, js, je, ks, ke, tempucum,ucum); #if(PRODUCTION==0) #pragma omp barrier // force barrier since otherwise nowait will leak into here with undefined values in general COMPZSLOOP(is,ie,js,je,ks,ke){ PLOOPNOB1(pl) ucum_check(i,j,k,CENT,pl, MAC(ucum,i,j,k)); PLOOPNOB2(pl) ucum_check(i,j,k,CENT,pl, MAC(ucum,i,j,k)); } #endif // do pl==B1 pl=B1; is=loop[FIS]-SHIFT1*(AVOIDADVANCESHIFTX1DN==0); ie=loop[FIE]+SHIFT1*(AVOIDADVANCESHIFTX1UP==0); js=loop[FJS]-SHIFT2*(AVOIDADVANCESHIFTX2DN==0); je=loop[FJE]+SHIFT2*(AVOIDADVANCESHIFTX2UP==0); ks=loop[FKS]-SHIFT3*(AVOIDADVANCESHIFTX3DN==0); ke=loop[FKE]+SHIFT3*(AVOIDADVANCESHIFTX3UP==0); ie=loop[FIE]+SHIFT1; // always shift - override copy_3d_onepl_nowait(is, ie, js, je, ks, ke, pl, tempucum, ucum ); #if(PRODUCTION==0) #pragma omp barrier // force barrier since otherwise nowait will leak into here with undefined values in general COMPZSLOOP(is,ie,js,je,ks,ke){ ucum_check(i,j,k,FACE1,pl, MAC(ucum,i,j,k)); }
static void ajust_pos(struct cli_t *pcli, struct timeval *ti, double *a, double *b) { mac_debug(MAC(pcli->climac), "drift: %d cur: (%lf, %lf) last: (%lf, %lf)\n", argument.drift, *a, *b, pcli->pos.x, pcli->pos.y); if(pcli->pos.x == 0 && pcli->pos.y == 0) goto update; /* if(ti->tv_sec - pcli->pos.timestamp.tv_sec > argument.agetime) goto update; */ double _x = *a - pcli->pos.x; double _y = *b - pcli->pos.y; if(abs(_x) > argument.drift) *a = _x > 0 ? pcli->pos.x + argument.drift : pcli->pos.x - argument.drift; if(abs(_y) > argument.drift) *b = _y > 0 ? pcli->pos.y + argument.drift : pcli->pos.y - argument.drift; update: pcli->pos.x = *a; pcli->pos.y = *b; //pcli->pos.timestamp.tv_sec = ti->tv_sec; return; }
static void twoChannelFiltering( const float *pQmf, float *mHybrid ) { int n; float cum0, cum1; FLC_sub_start("twoChannelFiltering"); LOOP(1); PTR_INIT(2); MULT(1); cum0 = 0.5f * pQmf[HYBRID_FILTER_DELAY]; MOVE(1); cum1 = 0; LOOP(1); PTR_INIT(2); for(n = 0; n < 6; n++) { MAC(1); MULT(1); cum1 += p2_6[n] * pQmf[2*n+1]; } ADD(1); STORE(1); mHybrid[0] = cum0 + cum1; ADD(1); STORE(1); mHybrid[1] = cum0 - cum1; FLC_sub_end(); }
static void calcPeCorrection(float *correctionFac, const float peAct, const float peLast, const int bitsLast) { COUNT_sub_start("calcPeCorrection"); ADD(4); FUNC(1); FUNC(1); MULT(4); LOGIC(4); BRANCH(1); if ((bitsLast > 0) && (peAct < (float)1.5f*peLast) && (peAct > (float)0.7f*peLast) && ((float)1.2f*bits2pe((float)bitsLast) > peLast) && ((float)0.65f*bits2pe((float)bitsLast) < peLast)) { float newFac = peLast / bits2pe((float)bitsLast); FUNC(1); DIV(1); /* counting previous operation */ /* dead zone */ ADD(1); BRANCH(1); if (newFac < (float)1.0f) { MULT(1); ADD(1); BRANCH(1); MOVE(1); newFac = min((float)1.1f*newFac, (float)1.0f); ADD(1); BRANCH(1); MOVE(1); newFac = max(newFac, (float)0.85f); } else { MULT(1); ADD(1); BRANCH(1); MOVE(1); newFac = max((float)0.9f*newFac, (float)1.0f); ADD(1); BRANCH(1); MOVE(1); newFac = min(newFac, (float)1.15f); } ADD(4); LOGIC(3); BRANCH(1); if (((newFac > (float)1.0f) && (*correctionFac < (float)1.0f)) || ((newFac < (float)1.0f) && (*correctionFac > (float)1.0f))) { MOVE(1); *correctionFac = (float)1.0f; } /* faster adaptation towards 1.0, slower in the other direction */ ADD(3); LOGIC(3); BRANCH(1); /* if() */ MULT(1); MAC(1); STORE(1); if ((*correctionFac < (float)1.0f && newFac < *correctionFac) || (*correctionFac > (float)1.0f && newFac > *correctionFac)) *correctionFac = (float)0.85f * (*correctionFac) + (float)0.15f * newFac; else *correctionFac = (float)0.7f * (*correctionFac) + (float)0.3f * newFac; ADD(2); BRANCH(2); MOVE(2); *correctionFac = min(*correctionFac, (float)1.15f); *correctionFac = max(*correctionFac, (float)0.85f); } else { MOVE(1); *correctionFac = (float)1.0f; } COUNT_sub_end(); }
static float AdvanceMAFilter( IIR_FILTER *iirFilter ) { float y; int j; int ptr = iirFilter->ptr; int i = ptr + (BUFFER_SIZE-1); COUNT_sub_start("AdvanceMAFilter"); INDIRECT(1); /* MOVE(1); --> ptr isn't needed */ ADD(1); /* counting previous operations */ INDIRECT(2); MULT(1); y = (iirFilter->coeffIIRa[0] * iirFilter->ring_buf_2[i & (BUFFER_SIZE-1)]); PTR_INIT(3); /* iirFilter->noOffCoeffs iirFilter->coeffIIRa[] iirFilter->ring_buf_2[] */ LOOP(1); for (j=1; j<iirFilter->noOffCoeffs; j++) { i--; MAC(1); y += (iirFilter->coeffIIRa[j] * iirFilter->ring_buf_2[i & (BUFFER_SIZE-1)]); } COUNT_sub_end(); return y; }
/*! \brief calc attenuation parameters - this has to take place after the 'QCMain' call because PeSum of the merged l/r-m/s signal is relevant \return nothing ****************************************************************************/ void UpdateStereoPreProcess(PSY_OUT_CHANNEL psyOutChannel[MAX_CHANNELS], QC_OUT_ELEMENT* qcOutElement, /*! provides access to PE */ HANDLE_STEREO_PREPRO hStPrePro, float weightPeFac /*! ratio of ms PE vs. lr PE */ ) { COUNT_sub_start("UpdateStereoPreProcess"); INDIRECT(1); BRANCH(1); if (hStPrePro->stereoAttenuationFlag) { float DELTA = 0.1f; INDIRECT(4); MOVE(4); hStPrePro->avrgFreqEnergyL = psyOutChannel[0].sfbEnSumLR; hStPrePro->avrgFreqEnergyR = psyOutChannel[1].sfbEnSumLR; hStPrePro->avrgFreqEnergyM = psyOutChannel[0].sfbEnSumMS; hStPrePro->avrgFreqEnergyS = psyOutChannel[1].sfbEnSumMS; INDIRECT(3); MULT(1); MAC(1); STORE(1); hStPrePro->smoothedPeSumSum = DELTA * qcOutElement->pe * weightPeFac + (1 - DELTA) * hStPrePro->smoothedPeSumSum; } COUNT_sub_end(); }
/** * Derive the multicast group used for address resolution (ARP/NDP) for an IP * * @param ip IP address (port field is ignored) * @return Multicat group for ARP/NDP */ static inline MulticastGroup deriveMulticastGroupForAddressResolution(const InetAddress &ip) throw() { if (ip.isV4()) { // IPv4 wants braodcast MACs, so we shove the V4 address itself into // the Multicast Group ADI field. Making V4 ARP work is basically why // ADI was added, as well as handling other things that want mindless // Ethernet broadcast to all. return MulticastGroup(MAC((unsigned char)0xff),Utils::ntoh(*((const uint32_t *)ip.rawIpData()))); } else if (ip.isV6()) { // IPv6 is better designed in this respect. We can compute the IPv6 // multicast address directly from the IP address, and it gives us // 24 bits of uniqueness. Collisions aren't likely to be common enough // to care about. const unsigned char *a = (const unsigned char *)ip.rawIpData(); MAC m;[0] = 0x33;[1] = 0x33;[2] = 0xff;[3] = a[13];[4] = a[14];[5] = a[15]; return MulticastGroup(m,0); } return MulticastGroup(); }
/* The function performs the pre modulation in the inverse transformation. */ static void preModulation(float *x, /*!< pointer to spectrum */ int m, /*!< number of lines in spectrum */ const float *sineWindow) /*!< pointer to modulation coefficients */ { int i; float wre, wim, re1, re2, im1, im2; COUNT_sub_start("preModulation"); PTR_INIT(4); /* pointers for x[2*i], x[m-2-2*i], sineWindow[i*2], sineWindow[m-1-2*i] */ MULT(1); LOOP(1); for (i = 0; i < m/4; i++) { MOVE(4); re1 = x[2*i]; im2 = x[2*i+1]; re2 = x[m-2-2*i]; im1 = x[m-1-2*i]; MOVE(2); wim = sineWindow[i*2]; wre = sineWindow[m-1-2*i]; MULT(2); MAC(1); STORE(1); x[2*i] = 0.5f * (im1*wim + re1*wre); MULT(3); ADD(1); STORE(1); x[2*i+1] = 0.5f * (im1*wre - re1*wim); MOVE(2); wim = sineWindow[m-2-2*i]; wre = sineWindow[2*i+1]; MULT(2); MAC(1); STORE(1); x[m-2-2*i] = 0.5f * (im2*wim + re2*wre); MULT(3); ADD(1); STORE(1); x[m-1-2*i] = 0.5f * (im2*wre - re2*wim); } COUNT_sub_end(); }
void CalcBandEnergyMS(const float *mdctSpectrumLeft, const float *mdctSpectrumRight, const int *bandOffset, const int numBands, float *bandEnergyMid, float *bandEnergyMidSum, float *bandEnergySide, float *bandEnergySideSum) { int i, j; COUNT_sub_start("CalcBandEnergyMS"); MOVE(3); j = 0; *bandEnergyMidSum = 0.0f; *bandEnergySideSum = 0.0f; PTR_INIT(5); /* pointers for bandEnergyMid[], bandEnergySide[], bandOffset[], mdctSpectrumLeft[], mdctSpectrumRight[] */ LOOP(1); for(i=0; i<numBands; i++) { MOVE(2); bandEnergyMid[i] = 0.0f; bandEnergySide[i] = 0.0f; LOOP(1); while (j < bandOffset[i+1]) { float specm, specs; ADD(2); MULT(2); specm = 0.5f * (mdctSpectrumLeft[j] + mdctSpectrumRight[j]); specs = 0.5f * (mdctSpectrumLeft[j] - mdctSpectrumRight[j]); MAC(2); STORE(2); bandEnergyMid[i] += specm * specm; bandEnergySide[i] += specs * specs; j++; } ADD(2); STORE(2); *bandEnergyMidSum += bandEnergyMid[i]; *bandEnergySideSum += bandEnergySide[i]; } COUNT_sub_end(); }
/* * * \brief Perform inverse filtering level emphasis * */ static void inverseFilteringLevelEmphasis(HANDLE_SBR_LPP_TRANS hLppTrans, unsigned char nInvfBands, INVF_MODE *sbr_invf_mode, INVF_MODE *sbr_invf_mode_prev, float * bwVector ) { int i; float accu; float w1, w2; COUNT_sub_start("inverseFilteringLevelEmphasis"); PTR_INIT(1); /* pointer for hLppTrans->bwVectorOld[] */ LOOP(1); for(i = 0; i < nInvfBands; i++) { INDIRECT(1); FUNC(2); MOVE(1); bwVector[i] = mapInvfMode (sbr_invf_mode[i], sbr_invf_mode_prev[i]); ADD(1); BRANCH(1); if(bwVector[i] < hLppTrans->bwVectorOld[i]) { MOVE(2); w1 = 0.75f; w2 = 0.25f; } else { MOVE(2); w1 = 0.90625f; w2 = 0.09375f; } MULT(1); MAC(1); accu = w1*bwVector[i] + w2*hLppTrans->bwVectorOld[i]; ADD(1); BRANCH(1); if (accu < 0.015625f) { MOVE(1); accu=0; } ADD(1); BRANCH(1); MOVE(1); accu = min(accu,0.99609375f); MOVE(1); bwVector[i] = accu; } COUNT_sub_end(); }
int _gnutls_auth_cipher_add_auth(auth_cipher_hd_st * handle, const void *text, int textlen) { int ret; if (handle->is_mac) { MAC(handle, text, textlen); } else if (_gnutls_cipher_is_aead(&handle->cipher)) return _gnutls_cipher_auth(&handle->cipher, text, textlen); return 0; }
signed char parse( etherPacket_t * pstr_reply, char tch_replySrcIp[], char tch_replySrcHwAddr[], char tch_replyHwAddr[], char tch_replyAddrIp[] ) { struct in_addr str_tmpIpAddr; /* Fill the string tch_srcIpAddr, that is the IP address of the reply sender with the address contained in received packet */ memset( &str_tmpIpAddr, 0, sizeof( struct in_addr ) ); memcpy( &str_tmpIpAddr, pstr_reply->str_packet.tuc_srcIpAddr, 4 ); strncpy( tch_replySrcIp, inet_ntoa( str_tmpIpAddr ), IP_ADDR_SIZE ); /* * Fill the string tch_replyIpAddr, that is the IP address of the host which MAC address is the one we requested about * This is the "real" answer to the request sent */ memset( &str_tmpIpAddr, 0, sizeof( struct in_addr ) ); memcpy( &str_tmpIpAddr, pstr_reply->str_packet.tuc_targetIpAddr, 4 ); strncpy( tch_replyAddrIp, inet_ntoa( str_tmpIpAddr ), IP_ADDR_SIZE ); /* this is the answer */ /* * Fill the string tch_replySrcHwAddr with formatted MAC address contained in received datas * This is the hardware address of the sender of the parsed reply */ #define MAC(i) pstr_reply->tuc_senderHwAddr[(i)] snprintf( tch_replySrcHwAddr, MAC_ADDR_SIZE+1, "%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x", MAC(0), MAC(1), MAC(2), MAC(3), MAC(4), MAC(5) ); /* The same way, but with Hardware Address of the host we requested about (this must be the same than the one specified by user)) */ #define _MAC(i) pstr_reply->str_packet.tuc_targetHwAddr[(i)] snprintf( tch_replyHwAddr, MAC_ADDR_SIZE+1, "%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x", _MAC(0), _MAC(1), _MAC(2), _MAC(3), _MAC(4), _MAC(5) ); /* --- -- --- -- --- */ return 0; }
/* * * \brief Perform complex-valued forward modulation of the time domain * data of timeIn and stores the real part of the subband * samples in rSubband, and the imaginary part in iSubband * */ static void sbrForwardModulation (const float *timeIn, float *rSubband, float *iSubband, HANDLE_SBR_QMF_FILTER_BANK anaQmf ) { int i, offset; float real, imag; COUNT_sub_start("sbrForwardModulation"); MOVE(1); offset = 2 * NO_ANALYSIS_CHANNELS; PTR_INIT(1); /* pointer for timeIn[offset - 1 - i] */ LOOP(1); for (i = 0; i < NO_ANALYSIS_CHANNELS; i++) { ADD(2); STORE(2); rSubband[i] = timeIn[i] - timeIn[offset - 1 - i]; iSubband[i] = timeIn[i] + timeIn[offset - 1 - i]; } FUNC(2); cosMod (rSubband, anaQmf); FUNC(2); sinMod (iSubband, anaQmf); PTR_INIT(4); /* pointers for rSubband[i], iSubband[i], anaQmf->t_cos[i], anaQmf->t_sin[i] */ INDIRECT(1); LOOP(1); for (i = 0; i < anaQmf->lsb; i++) { MOVE(2); real = rSubband[i]; imag = iSubband[i]; MULT(1); MAC(1); STORE(1); rSubband[i] = real * anaQmf->t_cos[i] + imag * anaQmf->t_sin[i]; MULT(2); ADD(1); STORE(1); iSubband[i] = imag * anaQmf->t_cos[i] - real * anaQmf->t_sin[i]; } COUNT_sub_end(); }
bool ProtocolDHCP::dissect(const FrameBuffer& buffer, size_t& offset, Protocol::Ptr& next) { if (!enoughFor(buffer, offset, sizeof (DHCPHeader))) { return false; } struct DHCPHeader * dhcp = (struct DHCPHeader*) (buffer.begin() + offset); _type = dhcp->type; _clientMAC = MAC(dhcp->macAddress); Poco::UInt32 ipAddress = ntohl(dhcp->ipYour); _assignedIP = Poco::Net::IPAddress(&ipAddress, sizeof (Poco::UInt32)); offset += sizeof (struct DHCPHeader); bool more = parseOption(buffer, offset); while (more) { more = parseOption(buffer, offset); }; next = nullptr; return true; }
void doMAC(uint8_t *cc_nr_p, uint8_t *div_key_p, uint8_t mac[4]) { uint8_t cc_nr[13] = { 0 }; uint8_t div_key[8]; //cc_nr=(uint8_t*)malloc(length+1); memcpy(cc_nr,cc_nr_p,12); memcpy(div_key,div_key_p,8); reverse_arraybytes(cc_nr,12); BitstreamIn bitstream = {cc_nr,12 * 8,0}; uint8_t dest []= {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}; BitstreamOut out = { dest, sizeof(dest)*8, 0 }; MAC(div_key,bitstream, out); //The output MAC must also be reversed reverse_arraybytes(dest, sizeof(dest)); memcpy(mac, dest, 4); //free(cc_nr); return; }
static void AdvanceARFilter( IIR_FILTER *iirFilter, float input ) { int j; float y; int ptr = iirFilter->ptr; int i = ptr + (BUFFER_SIZE-1); COUNT_sub_start("AdvanceARFilter"); INDIRECT(1); MOVE(1); ADD(1); /* counting previous operations */ INDIRECT(2); MULT(1); ADD(1); y = input + (iirFilter->coeffIIRb[1] * (-iirFilter->ring_buf_2[i & (BUFFER_SIZE-1)])); PTR_INIT(4); /* iirFilter->noOffCoeffs iirFilter->coeffIIRb[] iirFilter->ring_buf_2[i] iirFilter->ring_buf_2[ptr] */ LOOP(1); for (j=2; j<iirFilter->noOffCoeffs; j++) { i--; MULT(1); MAC(1); y += (iirFilter->coeffIIRb[j] * (-iirFilter->ring_buf_2[i & (BUFFER_SIZE-1)])); } MOVE(1); iirFilter->ring_buf_2[ptr] = y; /* pointer update */ iirFilter->ptr = (ptr+1) & (BUFFER_SIZE-1); COUNT_sub_end(); }
void CalcBandEnergy(const float *mdctSpectrum, const int *bandOffset, const int numBands, float *bandEnergy, float *bandEnergySum) { int i, j; COUNT_sub_start("CalcBandEnergy"); MOVE(2); j = 0; *bandEnergySum = 0.0f; PTR_INIT(3); /* pointers for bandEnergy[], bandOffset[], mdctSpectrum[] */ LOOP(1); for(i=0; i<numBands; i++) { MOVE(1); bandEnergy[i] = 0.0f; LOOP(1); while (j < bandOffset[i+1]) { MAC(1); STORE(1); bandEnergy[i] += mdctSpectrum[j] * mdctSpectrum[j]; j++; } ADD(1); STORE(1); *bandEnergySum += bandEnergy[i]; } COUNT_sub_end(); }
void BSDEthernetTap::scanMulticastGroups(std::vector<MulticastGroup> &added,std::vector<MulticastGroup> &removed) { std::vector<MulticastGroup> newGroups; struct ifmaddrs *ifmap = (struct ifmaddrs *)0; if (!getifmaddrs(&ifmap)) { struct ifmaddrs *p = ifmap; while (p) { if (p->ifma_addr->sa_family == AF_LINK) { struct sockaddr_dl *in = (struct sockaddr_dl *)p->ifma_name; struct sockaddr_dl *la = (struct sockaddr_dl *)p->ifma_addr; if ((la->sdl_alen == 6)&&(in->sdl_nlen <= _dev.length())&&(!memcmp(,in->sdl_data,in->sdl_nlen))) newGroups.push_back(MulticastGroup(MAC(la->sdl_data + la->sdl_nlen,6),0)); } p = p->ifma_next; } freeifmaddrs(ifmap); } std::vector<InetAddress> allIps(ips()); for(std::vector<InetAddress>::iterator ip(allIps.begin());ip!=allIps.end();++ip) newGroups.push_back(MulticastGroup::deriveMulticastGroupForAddressResolution(*ip)); std::sort(newGroups.begin(),newGroups.end()); std::unique(newGroups.begin(),newGroups.end()); for(std::vector<MulticastGroup>::iterator m(newGroups.begin());m!=newGroups.end();++m) { if (!std::binary_search(_multicastGroups.begin(),_multicastGroups.end(),*m)) added.push_back(*m); } for(std::vector<MulticastGroup>::iterator m(_multicastGroups.begin());m!=_multicastGroups.end();++m) { if (!std::binary_search(newGroups.begin(),newGroups.end(),*m)) removed.push_back(*m); } _multicastGroups.swap(newGroups); }
/* * \brief Perform transposition by patching of subband samples. */ void lppTransposer (HANDLE_SBR_LPP_TRANS hLppTrans, float **qmfBufferReal, #ifndef LP_SBR_ONLY float **qmfBufferImag, #endif float *degreeAlias, int timeStep, int firstSlotOffs, int lastSlotOffs, unsigned char nInvfBands, INVF_MODE *sbr_invf_mode, INVF_MODE *sbr_invf_mode_prev, int bUseLP ) { int bwIndex[MAX_NUM_PATCHES]; float bwVector[MAX_NUM_PATCHES]; int i,j; int loBand, hiBand; PATCH_PARAM *patchParam; int patch; float alphar[LPC_ORDER], a0r, a1r; float alphai[LPC_ORDER], a0i, a1i; float bw; int autoCorrLength; float k1, k1_below, k1_below2; ACORR_COEFS ac; int startSample; int stopSample; int stopSampleClear; int lb, hb; int targetStopBand; COUNT_sub_start("lppTransposer"); INDIRECT(1); PTR_INIT(1); patchParam = hLppTrans->pSettings->patchParam; MOVE(1); bw = 0.0f; MOVE(2); k1_below=0, k1_below2=0; MULT(1); startSample = firstSlotOffs * timeStep; INDIRECT(1); MULT(1); ADD(1); stopSample = hLppTrans->pSettings->nCols + lastSlotOffs * timeStep; FUNC(5); inverseFilteringLevelEmphasis(hLppTrans, nInvfBands, sbr_invf_mode, sbr_invf_mode_prev, bwVector); MOVE(1); stopSampleClear = stopSample; PTR_INIT(2); /* pointers for qmfBufferReal[], qmfBufferImag[] */ INDIRECT(1); LOOP(1); for ( patch = 0; patch < hLppTrans->pSettings->noOfPatches; patch++ ) { LOOP(1); for (i = startSample; i < stopSampleClear; i++) { INDIRECT(1); ADD(1); LOOP(1); for(j=patchParam[patch].guardStartBand; j<patchParam[patch].guardStartBand+GUARDBANDS; j++){ MOVE(1); qmfBufferReal[i][j] = 0.0; #ifndef LP_SBR_ONLY BRANCH(1); if (!bUseLP) { MOVE(1); qmfBufferImag[i][j] = 0.0; } #endif } } } INDIRECT(4); ADD(1); targetStopBand = patchParam[hLppTrans->pSettings->noOfPatches-1].targetStartBand + patchParam[hLppTrans->pSettings->noOfPatches-1].numBandsInPatch; PTR_INIT(2); /* pointers for qmfBufferReal[], qmfBufferImag[] */ LOOP(1); for (i = startSample; i < stopSampleClear; i++) { LOOP(1); for (j=targetStopBand; j<NO_SYNTHESIS_CHANNELS; j++) { MOVE(1); qmfBufferReal[i][j] = 0.0; #ifndef LP_SBR_ONLY BRANCH(1); if (!bUseLP) { MOVE(1); qmfBufferImag[i][j] = 0.0; } #endif } } INDIRECT(1); ADD(1); autoCorrLength = hLppTrans->pSettings->nCols + 6; PTR_INIT(1); /* pointer for bwIndex[patch] */ INDIRECT(1); LOOP(1); for ( patch=0; patch<hLppTrans->pSettings->noOfPatches; patch++ ) { MOVE(1); bwIndex[patch] = 0; } BRANCH(1); if (bUseLP) { INDIRECT(1); ADD(1); BRANCH(1); MOVE(1); lb = max(1, hLppTrans->pSettings->lbStartPatching - 2); INDIRECT(1); hb = patchParam[0].targetStartBand; } #ifndef LP_SBR_ONLY else { INDIRECT(2); MOVE(2); lb = hLppTrans->pSettings->lbStartPatching; hb = hLppTrans->pSettings->lbStopPatching; } #endif PTR_INIT(2); /* pointers for qmfBufferReal[], qmfBufferImag[] */ INDIRECT(1); LOOP(1); for ( loBand = lb; loBand < hb; loBand++ ) { float lowBandReal[MAX_ENV_COLS+LPC_ORDER]; #ifndef LP_SBR_ONLY float lowBandImag[MAX_ENV_COLS+LPC_ORDER]; #endif int lowBandPtr =0; int resetLPCCoeffs=0; PTR_INIT(4); /* pointers for lowBandReal[], lowBandImag[], lpcFilterStatesReal, lpcFilterStatesImag */ LOOP(1); for(i=0;i<LPC_ORDER;i++){ MOVE(1); lowBandReal[lowBandPtr] = hLppTrans->lpcFilterStatesReal[i][loBand]; #ifndef LP_SBR_ONLY if (!bUseLP) { MOVE(1); lowBandImag[lowBandPtr] = hLppTrans->lpcFilterStatesImag[i][loBand]; } #endif lowBandPtr++; } LOOP(1); for(i=0;i< 6;i++){ MOVE(1); lowBandReal[lowBandPtr] = (float) qmfBufferReal[i][loBand]; #ifndef LP_SBR_ONLY BRANCH(1); if (!bUseLP) { MOVE(1); lowBandImag[lowBandPtr] = (float) qmfBufferImag[i][loBand]; } #endif lowBandPtr++; } INDIRECT(1); ADD(1); LOOP(1); for(i=6;i<hLppTrans->pSettings->nCols+6;i++){ MOVE(1); lowBandReal[lowBandPtr] = (float) qmfBufferReal[i][loBand]; #ifndef LP_SBR_ONLY BRANCH(1); if (!bUseLP) { MOVE(1); lowBandImag[lowBandPtr] = (float) qmfBufferImag[i][loBand]; } #endif lowBandPtr++; } BRANCH(1); if (bUseLP) { PTR_INIT(1); ADD(1); FUNC(3); autoCorrelation2ndLP(&ac, lowBandReal+LPC_ORDER, autoCorrLength); } #ifndef LP_SBR_ONLY else { PTR_INIT(1); ADD(2); FUNC(3); autoCorrelation2nd(&ac, lowBandReal+LPC_ORDER, lowBandImag+LPC_ORDER, autoCorrLength); } #endif MOVE(2); alphar[1] = 0; alphai[1] = 0; INDIRECT(1); BRANCH(1); if (ac.det != 0.0f) { float fac; DIV(1); fac = 1.0f / ac.det; MULT(4); ADD(2); STORE(1); alphar[1] = ( ac.r01r * ac.r12r - ac.r01i * ac.r12i - ac.r02r * ac.r11r ) * fac; #ifndef LP_SBR_ONLY BRANCH(1); if (!bUseLP) { MULT(3); MAC(1); ADD(1); STORE(1); alphai[1] = ( ac.r01i * ac.r12r + ac.r01r * ac.r12i - ac.r02i * ac.r11r ) * fac; } #endif } MOVE(2); alphar[0] = 0; alphai[0] = 0; INDIRECT(1); BRANCH(1); if ( ac.r11r != 0.0f ) { float fac; DIV(1); fac = 1.0f / ac.r11r; MULT(3); MAC(1); ADD(1); STORE(1); alphar[0] = - ( ac.r01r + alphar[1] * ac.r12r + alphai[1] * ac.r12i ) * fac; #ifndef LP_SBR_ONLY BRANCH(1); if (!bUseLP) { MULT(4); ADD(2); STORE(1); alphai[0] = - ( ac.r01i + alphai[1] * ac.r12r - alphar[1] * ac.r12i ) * fac; } #endif } MULT(1); MAC(1); ADD(1); BRANCH(1); if(alphar[0]*alphar[0] + alphai[0]*alphai[0] >= 16.0f) { MOVE(1); resetLPCCoeffs=1; } MULT(1); MAC(1); ADD(1); BRANCH(1); if(alphar[1]*alphar[1] + alphai[1]*alphai[1] >= 16.0f) { MOVE(1); resetLPCCoeffs=1; } BRANCH(1); if(resetLPCCoeffs){ MOVE(4); alphar[0] = alphar[1] = 0; alphai[0] = alphai[1] = 0; } BRANCH(1); if (bUseLP) { INDIRECT(1); BRANCH(1); if(ac.r11r==0.0f) { MOVE(1); k1 = 0.0f; } else { INDIRECT(2); DIV(1); MULT(1); k1 = -(ac.r01r/ac.r11r); ADD(1); BRANCH(1); MOVE(1); k1 = min(k1, 1.0f); ADD(1); BRANCH(1); MOVE(1); k1 = max(k1,-1.0f); } ADD(1); BRANCH(1); if(loBand > 1){ float deg; MULT(1); ADD(1); deg = 1.0f - (k1_below * k1_below); MOVE(1); degreeAlias[loBand] = 0; PTR_INIT(1); /* pointer for degreeAlias[] */ LOGIC(2); BRANCH(1); if (((loBand & 1) == 0) && (k1 < 0)){ BRANCH(1); if (k1_below < 0) { MOVE(1); degreeAlias[loBand] = 1.0f; BRANCH(1); if ( k1_below2 > 0 ) { MOVE(1); degreeAlias[loBand-1] = deg; } } else { BRANCH(1); if ( k1_below2 > 0 ) { MOVE(1); degreeAlias[loBand] = deg; } } } LOGIC(2); BRANCH(1); if (((loBand & 1) == 1) && (k1 > 0)){ BRANCH(1); if (k1_below > 0) { MOVE(1); degreeAlias[loBand] = 1.0f; BRANCH(1); if ( k1_below2 < 0 ) { MOVE(1); degreeAlias[loBand-1] = deg; } } else { BRANCH(1); if ( k1_below2 < 0 ) { MOVE(1); degreeAlias[loBand] = deg; } } } } MOVE(2); k1_below2 = k1_below; k1_below = k1; } MOVE(1); patch = 0; PTR_INIT(1); /* pointer for patchParam[patch] */ INDIRECT(1); LOOP(1); while ( patch < hLppTrans->pSettings->noOfPatches ) { ADD(1); hiBand = loBand + patchParam[patch].targetBandOffs; ADD(2); LOGIC(1); BRANCH(1); if ( loBand < patchParam[patch].sourceStartBand || loBand >= patchParam[patch].sourceStopBand ) { ADD(1); patch++; continue; } assert( hiBand < NO_SYNTHESIS_CHANNELS ); LOOP(1); while (hiBand >= hLppTrans->pSettings->bwBorders[bwIndex[patch]]) { INDIRECT(1); /* while() condition */ ADD(1); STORE(1); bwIndex[patch]++; } INDIRECT(1); bw = bwVector[bwIndex[patch]]; INDIRECT(4); MULT(5); a0r = bw * alphar[0]; a0i = bw * alphai[0]; bw = bw*bw; a1r = bw * alphar[1]; a1i = bw * alphai[1]; PTR_INIT(4); /* pointers for lowBandReal[], lowBandImag[], qmfBufferReal[], qmfBufferImag[] */ LOOP(1); for(i = startSample; i < stopSample; i++ ) { MOVE(1); qmfBufferReal[i][hiBand] = lowBandReal[LPC_ORDER+i]; BRANCH(1); if (bUseLP) { BRANCH(1); if ( bw > 0 ) { MAC(2); STORE(1); qmfBufferReal[i][hiBand] = qmfBufferReal[i][hiBand] + a0r * lowBandReal[LPC_ORDER+i-1] + a1r * lowBandReal[LPC_ORDER+i-2]; } } #ifndef LP_SBR_ONLY else { MOVE(1); qmfBufferImag[i][hiBand] = lowBandImag[LPC_ORDER+i]; BRANCH(1); if ( bw > 0 ) { float accu; MULT(4); ADD(3); accu = a0r * lowBandReal[LPC_ORDER+i-1] - a0i * lowBandImag[LPC_ORDER+i-1]+ a1r * lowBandReal[LPC_ORDER+i-2] - a1i * lowBandImag[LPC_ORDER+i-2]; ADD(1); STORE(1); qmfBufferReal[i][hiBand] = qmfBufferReal[i][hiBand] + accu; MAC(4); accu = a0i * lowBandReal[LPC_ORDER+i-1] + a0r * lowBandImag[LPC_ORDER+i-1]+ a1i * lowBandReal[LPC_ORDER+i-2] + a1r * lowBandImag[LPC_ORDER+i-2]; ADD(1); STORE(1); qmfBufferImag[i][hiBand] = qmfBufferImag[i][hiBand] + accu; } } #endif } patch++; } /* Patch */ } /* loBand (band) */ PTR_INIT(4); /* pointers for lpcFilterStatesReal[][loBand], lpcFilterStatesImag[][loBand], qmfBufferReal[], qmfBufferImag[] */ LOOP(1); for(i=0;i<LPC_ORDER;i++){ INDIRECT(1); LOOP(1); for (loBand=0; loBand<patchParam[0].targetStartBand; loBand++) { MOVE(1); hLppTrans->lpcFilterStatesReal[i][loBand] = qmfBufferReal[hLppTrans->pSettings->nCols-LPC_ORDER+i][loBand]; #ifndef LP_SBR_ONLY BRANCH(1); if (!bUseLP) { MOVE(1); hLppTrans->lpcFilterStatesImag[i][loBand] = qmfBufferImag[hLppTrans->pSettings->nCols-LPC_ORDER+i][loBand]; } #endif } } BRANCH(1); if (bUseLP) { PTR_INIT(2); /* pointers for degreeAlias[loBand], degreeAlias[hiBand] */ INDIRECT(2); LOOP(1); for ( loBand = hLppTrans->pSettings->lbStartPatching; loBand < hLppTrans->pSettings->lbStopPatching; loBand++ ) { MOVE(1); patch = 0; INDIRECT(1); LOOP(1); while ( patch < hLppTrans->pSettings->noOfPatches ) { INDIRECT(1); ADD(1); hiBand = loBand + patchParam[patch].targetBandOffs; LOGIC(2); ADD(3); BRANCH(1); if ( loBand < patchParam[patch].sourceStartBand || loBand >= patchParam[patch].sourceStopBand || hiBand >= NO_SYNTHESIS_CHANNELS ) { ADD(1); patch++; continue; } INDIRECT(1); ADD(1); BRANCH(1); if(hiBand != patchParam[patch].targetStartBand) { MOVE(1); degreeAlias[hiBand] = degreeAlias[loBand]; } else { MOVE(1); degreeAlias[hiBand] = 0; } patch++; } }/* end for loop */ } PTR_INIT(2); /* pointers for bwVectorOld[], bwVector[] */ LOOP(1); for (i = 0; i < nInvfBands; i++ ) { MOVE(1); hLppTrans->bwVectorOld[i] = bwVector[i]; } COUNT_sub_end(); }
/* * * \brief Calculate second order autocorrelation using 2 accumulators * */ static void autoCorrelation2ndLP(ACORR_COEFS *ac, float *realBuf, int len ) { int j; float accu1, accu2; COUNT_sub_start("autoCorrelation2ndLP"); MOVE(1); accu1 = 0.0; PTR_INIT(1); /* pointer for realBuf[] */ ADD(1); LOOP(1); for ( j = 0; j < len - 1; j++ ) { MAC(1); accu1 += realBuf[j-1] * realBuf[j-1]; } MULT(1); accu2 = realBuf[-2] * realBuf[-2]; ADD(1); accu2 += accu1; MAC(1); accu1 += realBuf[j-1] * realBuf[j-1]; MOVE(2); ac->r11r = accu1; ac->r22r = accu2; MOVE(1); accu1 = 0.0; PTR_INIT(1); /* pointer for realBuf[] */ LOOP(1); for ( j = 0; j < len - 1; j++ ) { MAC(1); accu1 += realBuf[j] * realBuf[j-1]; } MULT(1); accu2 = realBuf[-1] * realBuf[-2]; ADD(1); accu2 += accu1; MAC(1); accu1 += realBuf[j] * realBuf[j-1]; MOVE(2); ac->r01r = accu1; ac->r12r = accu2; MOVE(1); accu1=0.0; PTR_INIT(1); /* pointer for realBuf[] */ LOOP(1); for ( j = 0; j < len; j++ ) { MAC(1); accu1 += realBuf[j] * realBuf[j-2]; } MOVE(1); ac->r02r = accu1; MULT(2); ADD(1); STORE(1); ac->det = ac->r11r * ac->r22r - ac->r12r * ac->r12r; MOVE(3); ac->r01i = ac->r02i = ac->r12i = 0.0f; INDIRECT(10); MOVE(10); /* move all register variables to the structure ac->... */ COUNT_sub_end(); }
/* The caller must make sure that textlen+pad_size+tag_size is divided by the block size of the cipher */ int _gnutls_auth_cipher_encrypt2_tag(auth_cipher_hd_st * handle, const uint8_t * text, int textlen, void *_ciphertext, int ciphertextlen, int pad_size) { int ret; uint8_t *ciphertext = _ciphertext; unsigned blocksize = _gnutls_cipher_get_block_size(handle->cipher.e); unsigned l; if (handle->is_mac) { /* cipher + mac */ if (handle->non_null == 0) { /* NULL cipher + MAC */ MAC(handle, text, textlen); if (unlikely(textlen + pad_size + handle->tag_size) > ciphertextlen) return gnutls_assert_val(GNUTLS_E_INTERNAL_ERROR); if (text != ciphertext) memcpy(ciphertext, text, textlen); ret = _gnutls_auth_cipher_tag(handle, ciphertext + textlen, handle->tag_size); if (ret < 0) return gnutls_assert_val(ret); } else { uint8_t *orig_ciphertext = ciphertext; if (handle->etm == 0 || handle->cipher.e->type != CIPHER_BLOCK) { MAC(handle, text, textlen); } if (unlikely(textlen + pad_size + handle->tag_size) > ciphertextlen) return gnutls_assert_val(GNUTLS_E_INTERNAL_ERROR); l = (textlen / blocksize) * blocksize; if (l > 0) { ret = _gnutls_cipher_encrypt2(&handle->cipher, text, l, ciphertext, ciphertextlen); if (ret < 0) return gnutls_assert_val(ret); textlen -= l; text += l; ciphertext += l; ciphertextlen -= l; } if (ciphertext != text && textlen > 0) memcpy(ciphertext, text, textlen); if (handle->etm == 0 || handle->cipher.e->type != CIPHER_BLOCK) { ret = _gnutls_auth_cipher_tag(handle, ciphertext + textlen, handle->tag_size); if (ret < 0) return gnutls_assert_val(ret); textlen += handle->tag_size; } /* TLS 1.0 style padding */ if (pad_size > 0) { memset(ciphertext + textlen, pad_size - 1, pad_size); textlen += pad_size; } ret = _gnutls_cipher_encrypt2(&handle->cipher, ciphertext, textlen, ciphertext, ciphertextlen); if (ret < 0) return gnutls_assert_val(ret); if (handle->etm != 0 && handle->cipher.e->type == CIPHER_BLOCK) { MAC(handle, orig_ciphertext, l); MAC(handle, ciphertext, textlen); ret = _gnutls_auth_cipher_tag(handle, ciphertext + textlen, handle->tag_size); if (ret < 0) return gnutls_assert_val(ret); } } } else if (_gnutls_cipher_is_aead(&handle->cipher)) { ret = _gnutls_cipher_encrypt2(&handle->cipher, text, textlen, ciphertext, ciphertextlen); if (unlikely(ret < 0)) return gnutls_assert_val(ret); ret = _gnutls_auth_cipher_tag(handle, ciphertext + textlen, handle->tag_size); if (unlikely(ret < 0)) return gnutls_assert_val(ret); } else if (handle->non_null == 0 && text != ciphertext) /* NULL cipher - no MAC */ memcpy(ciphertext, text, textlen); return 0; }
/*! \brief do an appropriate attenuation on the side channel of a stereo signal \return nothing ****************************************************************************/ void ApplyStereoPreProcess(HANDLE_STEREO_PREPRO hStPrePro, /*!st.-preproc handle */ int nChannels, /*! total number of channels */ ELEMENT_INFO *elemInfo, float *timeData, /*! lr time data (modified) */ int granuleLen) /*! num. samples to be processed */ { /* inplace operation on inData ! */ float SMRatio, StoM; float LRRatio, LtoR, deltaLtoR, deltaNrg; float EnImpact, PeImpact, PeNorm; float Att, AttAimed; float maxInc, maxDec, swiftfactor; float DELTA=0.1f; float fac = hStPrePro->stereoAttFac; float mPart, upper, div; float lFac,rFac; int i; COUNT_sub_start("ApplyStereoPreProcess"); INDIRECT(1); MOVE(2); /* counting previous operations */ INDIRECT(1); BRANCH(1); if (!hStPrePro->stereoAttenuationFlag) { COUNT_sub_end(); return; } /* calc L/R ratio */ INDIRECT(1); MULT(3); ADD(1); mPart = 2.0f * hStPrePro->avrgFreqEnergyM * (1.0f - fac*fac); INDIRECT(2); ADD(4); MULT(2); MAC(2); upper = hStPrePro->avrgFreqEnergyL * (1.0f+fac) + hStPrePro->avrgFreqEnergyR * (1.0f-fac) - mPart; div = hStPrePro->avrgFreqEnergyR * (1.0f+fac) + hStPrePro->avrgFreqEnergyL * (1.0f-fac) - mPart; LOGIC(1); BRANCH(1); if (div == 0.0f || upper == 0.0f) { INDIRECT(1); MOVE(1); LtoR = hStPrePro->LRMax; } else { DIV(1); MISC(1); LRRatio = (float) fabs ( upper / div ) ; TRANS(1); MULT(1); MISC(1); LtoR = (float) fabs(10.0 * log10(LRRatio)); } /* calc delta energy to previous frame */ INDIRECT(3); ADD(3); DIV(1); deltaNrg = ( hStPrePro->avrgFreqEnergyL + hStPrePro->avrgFreqEnergyR + 1.0f) / ( hStPrePro->lastNrgLR + 1.0f ); TRANS(1); MULT(1); MISC(1); deltaNrg = (float) (fabs(10.0 * log10(deltaNrg))); /* Smooth S/M over time */ INDIRECT(2); ADD(2); DIV(1); SMRatio = (hStPrePro->avrgFreqEnergyS + 1.0f) / (hStPrePro->avrgFreqEnergyM + 1.0f); TRANS(1); MULT(1); StoM = (float) (10.0 * log10(SMRatio)); INDIRECT(2); MULT(1); MAC(1); STORE(1); hStPrePro->avgStoM = DELTA * StoM + (1-DELTA) * hStPrePro->avgStoM; MOVE(1); EnImpact = 1.0f; INDIRECT(2); ADD(1); BRANCH(1); if (hStPrePro->avgStoM > hStPrePro->SMMin) { INDIRECT(1); ADD(1); BRANCH(1); if (hStPrePro->avgStoM > hStPrePro->SMMax) { MOVE(1); EnImpact = 0.0f; } else { ADD(2); DIV(1); EnImpact = (hStPrePro->SMMax - hStPrePro->avgStoM) / (hStPrePro->SMMax - hStPrePro->SMMin); } } INDIRECT(1); ADD(1); BRANCH(1); if (LtoR > hStPrePro->LRMin) { INDIRECT(1); ADD(1); BRANCH(1); if ( LtoR > hStPrePro->LRMax) { MOVE(1); EnImpact = 0.0f; } else { ADD(2); DIV(1); MULT(1); EnImpact *= (hStPrePro->LRMax - LtoR) / (hStPrePro->LRMax - hStPrePro->LRMin); } } MOVE(1); PeImpact = 0.0f; INDIRECT(2); MULT(1); PeNorm = hStPrePro->smoothedPeSumSum * hStPrePro->normPeFac; INDIRECT(1); ADD(1); BRANCH(1); if ( PeNorm > hStPrePro->PeMin ) { INDIRECT(1); ADD(2); DIV(1); PeImpact= ((PeNorm - hStPrePro->PeMin) / (hStPrePro->PeCrit - hStPrePro->PeMin)); } INDIRECT(1); ADD(1); BRANCH(1); if (PeImpact > hStPrePro->PeImpactMax) { MOVE(1); PeImpact = hStPrePro->PeImpactMax; } INDIRECT(1); MULT(2); AttAimed = EnImpact * PeImpact * hStPrePro->ImpactFactor; INDIRECT(1); ADD(1); BRANCH(1); if (AttAimed > hStPrePro->stereoAttMax) { MOVE(1); AttAimed = hStPrePro->stereoAttMax; } /* only accept changes if they are large enough */ INDIRECT(1); ADD(2); MISC(1); LOGIC(1); BRANCH(1); if ( fabs(AttAimed - hStPrePro->stereoAttenuation) < 1.0f && AttAimed != 0.0f) { MOVE(1); AttAimed = hStPrePro->stereoAttenuation; } MOVE(1); Att = AttAimed; INDIRECT(1); ADD(1); MULT(1); BRANCH(1); /* max() */ ADD(2); DIV(1); MULT(1); swiftfactor = (6.0f + hStPrePro->stereoAttenuation) / (10.0f + LtoR) * max(1.0f, 0.2f * deltaNrg ); INDIRECT(1); ADD(2); BRANCH(1); MOVE(1); deltaLtoR = max(3.0f, LtoR - hStPrePro->lastLtoR ); MULT(2); DIV(1); maxDec = deltaLtoR * deltaLtoR / 9.0f * swiftfactor; ADD(1); BRANCH(1); MOVE(1); maxDec = min( maxDec, 5.0f ); INDIRECT(1); MULT(1); maxDec *= hStPrePro->stereoAttenuationDec; INDIRECT(1); MULT(1); ADD(1); BRANCH(1); if (maxDec > hStPrePro->stereoAttenuation * 0.8f) { MOVE(1); maxDec = hStPrePro->stereoAttenuation * 0.8f; } INDIRECT(1); ADD(2); BRANCH(1); MOVE(1); deltaLtoR = max(3.0f, hStPrePro->lastLtoR - LtoR ); MULT(2); DIV(1); maxInc = deltaLtoR * deltaLtoR / 9.0f * swiftfactor; ADD(1); BRANCH(1); MOVE(1); maxInc = min( maxInc, 5.0f ); INDIRECT(1); MULT(1); maxInc *= hStPrePro->stereoAttenuationInc; INDIRECT(1); MULT(1); ADD(1); BRANCH(1); if (maxDec > hStPrePro->stereoAttenuation * 0.8f) { MOVE(1); maxDec = hStPrePro->stereoAttenuation * 0.8f; } INDIRECT(1); ADD(2); BRANCH(1); MOVE(1); deltaLtoR = max(3.0f, hStPrePro->lastLtoR - LtoR ); MULT(2); DIV(1); maxInc = deltaLtoR * deltaLtoR / 9.0f * swiftfactor; ADD(1); BRANCH(1); MOVE(1); maxInc = min( maxInc, 5.0f ); INDIRECT(1); MULT(1); maxInc *= hStPrePro->stereoAttenuationInc; INDIRECT(1); ADD(2); BRANCH(1); if (Att > hStPrePro->stereoAttenuation + maxInc) { MOVE(1); Att = hStPrePro->stereoAttenuation + maxInc; } INDIRECT(1); ADD(2); BRANCH(1); if (Att < hStPrePro->stereoAttenuation - maxDec) { MOVE(1); Att = hStPrePro->stereoAttenuation - maxDec; } INDIRECT(2); BRANCH(1); MOVE(1); if (hStPrePro->ConstAtt == 0) hStPrePro->stereoAttenuation = Att; else hStPrePro->stereoAttenuation = hStPrePro->ConstAtt; /* perform attenuation of Side Channel */ INDIRECT(2); MULT(1); TRANS(1); STORE(1); hStPrePro->stereoAttFac = (float) pow(10.0f, 0.05f*(-hStPrePro->stereoAttenuation )); INDIRECT(1); ADD(2); MULT(2); lFac = 0.5f * (1.0f + hStPrePro->stereoAttFac); rFac = 0.5f * (1.0f - hStPrePro->stereoAttFac); PTR_INIT(2); /* pointer for timeData[nChannels * i + elemInfo->ChannelIndex[0]], timeData[nChannels * i + elemInfo->ChannelIndex[1]] */ LOOP(1); for (i = 0; i < granuleLen; i++){ float L = lFac * timeData[nChannels * i+elemInfo->ChannelIndex[0]] + rFac * timeData[nChannels * i + elemInfo->ChannelIndex[1]]; float R = rFac * timeData[nChannels * i+elemInfo->ChannelIndex[0]] + lFac * timeData[nChannels * i + elemInfo->ChannelIndex[1]]; MULT(2); MAC(2); /* counting operations above */ MOVE(2); timeData[nChannels * i + elemInfo->ChannelIndex[0]]= L; timeData[nChannels * i + elemInfo->ChannelIndex[1]]= R; } INDIRECT(1); MOVE(1); hStPrePro->lastLtoR = LtoR; INDIRECT(3); ADD(1); STORE(1); hStPrePro->lastNrgLR = hStPrePro->avrgFreqEnergyL + hStPrePro->avrgFreqEnergyR; COUNT_sub_end(); }
int cmack_init(drew_kdf_t *ctx, int flags, DrewLoader *ldr, const drew_param_t *param) { return cmac_init(MAC(ctx), flags, ldr, param); }
static void adjustPeMinMax(const float currPe, float *peMin, float *peMax) { float minFacHi = 0.3f, maxFacHi = 1.0f, minFacLo = 0.14f, maxFacLo = 0.07f; float diff; float minDiff = currPe * (float)0.1666666667f; COUNT_sub_start("adjustPeMinMax"); MOVE(4); MULT(1); /* counting previous operations */ ADD(1); BRANCH(1); if (currPe > *peMax) { ADD(1); diff = (currPe-*peMax) ; MAC(2); STORE(2); *peMin += diff * minFacHi; *peMax += diff * maxFacHi; } else { ADD(1); BRANCH(1); if (currPe < *peMin) { ADD(1); diff = (*peMin-currPe) ; MAC(2); STORE(2); *peMin -= diff * minFacLo; *peMax -= diff * maxFacLo; } else { ADD(1); MAC(1); STORE(1); *peMin += (currPe - *peMin) * minFacHi; ADD(2); MULT(1); STORE(1); *peMax -= (*peMax - currPe) * maxFacLo; } } ADD(2); BRANCH(1); if ((*peMax - *peMin) < minDiff) { float partLo, partHi; ADD(2); BRANCH(1); MOVE(1); partLo = max((float)0.0f, currPe - *peMin); ADD(2); BRANCH(1); MOVE(1); partHi = max((float)0.0f, *peMax - currPe); ADD(2 * 2); DIV(2); MULT(2); STORE(2); *peMax = currPe + partHi/(partLo+partHi) * minDiff; *peMin = currPe - partLo/(partLo+partHi) * minDiff; ADD(1); BRANCH(1); MOVE(1); *peMin = max((float)0.0f, *peMin); } COUNT_sub_end(); }
void *get_pos(void *arg) { struct timeval ti; int ret; struct ap_t *ap; int i, j, k, num = 0; long interval; struct point_t *pi = NULL; double a,b; replay: for(i = 0; i < MAX_CLI; i++) { if(clihead[i].key == IDLE_CLI) continue; now(&ti); if((ti.tv_sec - clihead[i].timestamp.tv_sec) > argument.losttime) { cli_del(&clihead[i]); continue; } pthread_mutex_lock(&clihead[i].lock); if(clihead[i].key == IDLE_CLI) goto unlock; clr_bit(&clihead[i].bitmap); num = 0; for(j = 0; j < MAX_AP; j++) { ap = &clihead[i].ap[j]; interval = ti.tv_sec - ap->timestamp.tv_sec; if((ap->valid) && (interval < argument.agetime)) { num++; set_bit(&clihead[i].bitmap, j); } } if(num < 3) goto unlock; pi = malloc(sizeof(struct point_t) * num); if(pi == NULL) { sys_warn("Malloc memory failed: %s\n", strerror(errno)); continue; } for(j = 0, k = 0; j < MAX_AP && k < num; j++) { if(isset(&clihead[i].bitmap, j)) { ret = getap_pos(clihead[i].ap[j].apmac, pi + k); if(ret < 0) goto free; pi[k].d = distance(clihead[i].ap[j].signal); mac_debug(MAC(clihead[i].climac), "(%lf, %lf, %lf) sig: %d dist: %lf\n", pi[k].x, pi[k].y, pi[k].z, clihead[i].ap[j].signal, pi[k].d); k++; } } ret = get_point(pi, num, &a, &b); if(ret < 0 || a < 0 || b < 0) goto free; ajust_pos(&clihead[i], &ti, &a, &b); mac_debug(MAC(clihead[i].climac), "%lf %lf %lf\n", a, b, pi->z); #ifndef DISABLE_MYSQL sql_insert(&sql, clihead[i].climac, a, b, pi->z); #endif free: free(pi); unlock: pthread_mutex_unlock(&clihead[i].lock); } sleep(2); goto replay; return NULL; }
void groupShortData(float *mdctSpectrum, float *tmpSpectrum, SFB_THRESHOLD *sfbThreshold, SFB_ENERGY *sfbEnergy, SFB_ENERGY *sfbEnergyMS, SFB_ENERGY *sfbSpreadedEnergy, const int sfbCnt, const int *sfbOffset, const float *sfbMinSnr, int *groupedSfbOffset, int *maxSfbPerGroup, float *groupedSfbMinSnr, const int noOfGroups, const int *groupLen) { int i,j; int line; int sfb; int grp; int wnd; int offset; int highestSfb; FLC_sub_start("groupShortData"); /* for short: regroup and */ /* cumulate energies und thresholds group-wise . */ /* calculate sfbCnt */ MOVE(1); highestSfb = 0; LOOP(1); for (wnd = 0; wnd < TRANS_FAC; wnd++) { PTR_INIT(1); /* sfbOffset[] */ LOOP(1); for (sfb = sfbCnt-1; sfb >= highestSfb; sfb--) { PTR_INIT(1); /* mdctSpectrum[] */ LOOP(1); for (line = sfbOffset[sfb+1]-1; line >= sfbOffset[sfb]; line--) { BRANCH(1); if (mdctSpectrum[wnd*FRAME_LEN_SHORT+line] != 0.0) break; // this band is not completely zero } ADD(1); BRANCH(1); if (line >= sfbOffset[sfb]) break; // this band was not completely zero } ADD(1); BRANCH(1); MOVE(1); highestSfb = max(highestSfb, sfb); } BRANCH(1); MOVE(1); highestSfb = highestSfb > 0 ? highestSfb : 0; ADD(1); STORE(1); *maxSfbPerGroup = highestSfb+1; /* calculate sfbOffset */ MOVE(2); i = 0; offset = 0; PTR_INIT(2); /* groupedSfbOffset[] groupLen[] */ LOOP(1); for (grp = 0; grp < noOfGroups; grp++) { PTR_INIT(1); /* sfbOffset[] */ LOOP(1); for (sfb = 0; sfb < sfbCnt; sfb++) { MULT(1); ADD(1); STORE(1); groupedSfbOffset[i++] = offset + sfbOffset[sfb] * groupLen[grp]; } MAC(1); offset += groupLen[grp] * FRAME_LEN_SHORT; } MOVE(1); groupedSfbOffset[i++] = FRAME_LEN_LONG; /* calculate minSnr */ MOVE(2); i = 0; offset = 0; PTR_INIT(1); /* groupedSfbMinSnr[] */ for (grp = 0; grp < noOfGroups; grp++) { PTR_INIT(1); /* sfbMinSnr[] */ LOOP(1); for (sfb = 0; sfb < sfbCnt; sfb++) { MOVE(1); groupedSfbMinSnr[i++] = sfbMinSnr[sfb]; } MAC(1); offset += groupLen[grp] * FRAME_LEN_SHORT; } /* sum up sfbThresholds */ MOVE(2); wnd = 0; i = 0; PTR_INIT(2); /* groupLen[] sfbThreshold->Long[] */ LOOP(1); for (grp = 0; grp < noOfGroups; grp++) { PTR_INIT(1); /* sfbThreshold->Short[][] */ LOOP(1); for (sfb = 0; sfb < sfbCnt; sfb++) { float thresh = sfbThreshold->Short[wnd][sfb]; MOVE(1); /* counting previous operation */ LOOP(1); for (j=1; j<groupLen[grp]; j++) { ADD(1); thresh += sfbThreshold->Short[wnd+j][sfb]; } MOVE(1); sfbThreshold->Long[i++] = thresh; } wnd += groupLen[grp]; } /* sum up sfbEnergies left/right */ MOVE(2); wnd = 0; i = 0; PTR_INIT(2); /* groupLen[] sfbEnergy->Long[] */ LOOP(1); for (grp = 0; grp < noOfGroups; grp++) { PTR_INIT(1); /* sfbEnergy->Short[][] */ LOOP(1); for (sfb = 0; sfb < sfbCnt; sfb++) { float energy = sfbEnergy->Short[wnd][sfb]; MOVE(1); /* counting previous operation */ LOOP(1); for (j=1; j<groupLen[grp]; j++) { ADD(1); energy += sfbEnergy->Short[wnd+j][sfb]; } MOVE(1); sfbEnergy->Long[i++] = energy; } wnd += groupLen[grp]; } /* sum up sfbEnergies mid/side */ MOVE(1); wnd = 0; i = 0; PTR_INIT(2); /* groupLen[] sfbEnergy->Long[] */ LOOP(1); for (grp = 0; grp < noOfGroups; grp++) { PTR_INIT(1); /* sfbEnergy->Short[][] */ LOOP(1); for (sfb = 0; sfb < sfbCnt; sfb++) { float energy = sfbEnergyMS->Short[wnd][sfb]; MOVE(1); /* counting previous operation */ LOOP(1); for (j=1; j<groupLen[grp]; j++) { ADD(1); energy += sfbEnergyMS->Short[wnd+j][sfb]; } MOVE(1); sfbEnergyMS->Long[i++] = energy; } wnd += groupLen[grp]; } /* sum up sfbSpreadedEnergies */ MOVE(2); wnd = 0; i = 0; PTR_INIT(2); /* groupLen[] sfbEnergy->Long[] */ LOOP(1); for (grp = 0; grp < noOfGroups; grp++) { PTR_INIT(1); /* sfbEnergy->Short[][] */ LOOP(1); for (sfb = 0; sfb < sfbCnt; sfb++) { float energy = sfbSpreadedEnergy->Short[wnd][sfb]; MOVE(1); /* counting previous operation */ LOOP(1); for (j=1; j<groupLen[grp]; j++) { ADD(1); energy += sfbSpreadedEnergy->Short[wnd+j][sfb]; } MOVE(1); sfbSpreadedEnergy->Long[i++] = energy; } wnd += groupLen[grp]; } /* re-group spectrum */ MOVE(2); wnd = 0; i = 0; PTR_INIT(2); /* groupLen[] tmpSpectrum[] */ LOOP(1); for (grp = 0; grp < noOfGroups; grp++) { PTR_INIT(1); /* sfbOffset[] */ LOOP(1); for (sfb = 0; sfb < sfbCnt; sfb++) { LOOP(1); for (j = 0; j < groupLen[grp]; j++) { PTR_INIT(1); /* mdctSpectrum[] */ LOOP(1); for (line = sfbOffset[sfb]; line < sfbOffset[sfb+1]; line++) { MOVE(1); tmpSpectrum[i++] = mdctSpectrum[(wnd+j)*FRAME_LEN_SHORT+line]; } } } wnd += groupLen[grp]; } PTR_INIT(2); /* mdctSpectrum[] tmpSpectrum[] */ LOOP(1); for(i=0;i<FRAME_LEN_LONG;i++) { MOVE(1); mdctSpectrum[i]=tmpSpectrum[i]; } FLC_sub_end(); }
int IIR32Resample( float *inbuf, float *outbuf, int inSamples, int outSamples, int stride) { int i, k, s, ch, r; double accu; float scratch[IIR_INTERNAL_BUFSIZE]; int nProcessRuns = outSamples >> 1; COUNT_sub_start("IIR32Resample"); SHIFT(1); /* counting previous operation */ assert( stride <= IIR_CHANNELS); LOOP(1); for (ch=0; ch<stride; ch++) { int idxIn = ch; int idxOut = ch; MOVE(2); /* counting previous operations */ PTR_INIT(2); /* scratch[s] statesIIR[s*stride+ch] */ LOOP(1); for (s=0; s<IIR_32_ORDER; s++) { MOVE(1); scratch[s] = statesIIR[s*stride+ch]; } LOOP(1); for (r=0; r<nProcessRuns; r++) { PTR_INIT(1); /* scratch[s] */ MOVE(1); s=IIR_32_ORDER; PTR_INIT(2); /* inbuf[idxIn] outbuf[idxOut] */ LOOP(1); for (i=0; i<IIR_DOWNSAMPLE_FAC; i++) { MOVE(1); accu = inbuf[idxIn]; PTR_INIT(2); /* coeffDen[k] scratch[s-k] */ LOOP(1); for (k=1; k<IIR_32_ORDER; k++) { MAC(1); accu += coeffDen[k] * scratch[s-k]; } MOVE(1); scratch[s] = (float) accu; s++; assert( s<=IIR_INTERNAL_BUFSIZE); MOVE(1); accu = 0.0; PTR_INIT(2); /* coeffDen[k] scratch[s-k] */ LOOP(1); for (k=1; k<IIR_32_ORDER; k++) { MAC(1); accu += coeffDen[k] * scratch[s-k]; } MOVE(1); scratch[s] = (float) accu; s++; idxIn += stride; } PTR_INIT(1); /* scratch[s] */ MOVE(1); s = IIR_32_ORDER; LOOP(1); for (i=0; i<IIR_UPSAMPLE_FAC; i++) { MULT(1); accu = coeffNum[0] * scratch[s]; PTR_INIT(2); /* coeffNum[k] scratch[s-k] */ LOOP(1); for (k=1; k<IIR_32_ORDER; k++) { MAC(1); accu += coeffNum[k] * scratch[s-k]; } MOVE(1); outbuf[idxOut] = (float) accu; assert( s<=IIR_INTERNAL_BUFSIZE); s += IIR_DOWNSAMPLE_FAC; idxOut += stride; } FUNC(2); LOOP(1); PTR_INIT(2); MOVE(1); STORE(IIR_32_ORDER); memmove( &scratch[0], &scratch[IIR_UPSAMPLE_FAC*IIR_DOWNSAMPLE_FAC], IIR_32_ORDER*sizeof(float)); } PTR_INIT(2); /* statesIIR[s*stride+ch] scratch[s] */ LOOP(1); for (s=0; s<IIR_32_ORDER; s++) { MOVE(1); statesIIR[s*stride+ch] = scratch[s]; } assert(idxIn/stride <= inSamples); } /* ch */ MULT(1); /* counting post-operation */ COUNT_sub_end(); return outSamples * stride; }
int user1_init_primitives(FTYPE (*prim)[NSTORE2][NSTORE3][NPR], FTYPE (*pstag)[NSTORE2][NSTORE3][NPR], FTYPE (*ucons)[NSTORE2][NSTORE3][NPR], FTYPE (*vpot)[NSTORE1+SHIFTSTORE1][NSTORE2+SHIFTSTORE2][NSTORE3+SHIFTSTORE3], FTYPE (*Bhat)[NSTORE2][NSTORE3][NPR], FTYPE (*panalytic)[NSTORE2][NSTORE3][NPR], FTYPE (*pstaganalytic)[NSTORE2][NSTORE3][NPR], FTYPE (*vpotanalytic)[NSTORE1+SHIFTSTORE1][NSTORE2+SHIFTSTORE2][NSTORE3+SHIFTSTORE3], FTYPE (*Bhatanalytic)[NSTORE2][NSTORE3][NPR], FTYPE (*F1)[NSTORE2][NSTORE3][NPR],FTYPE (*F2)[NSTORE2][NSTORE3][NPR],FTYPE (*F3)[NSTORE2][NSTORE3][NPR], FTYPE (*Atemp)[NSTORE1+SHIFTSTORE1][NSTORE2+SHIFTSTORE2][NSTORE3+SHIFTSTORE3]) { int whichvel, whichcoord; int initreturn; int i = 0, j = 0, k = 0, l; FTYPE r,th,X[NDIM],V[NDIM]; int normalize_densities(FTYPE (*prim)[NSTORE2][NSTORE3][NPR]); int normalize_field(FTYPE (*prim)[NSTORE2][NSTORE3][NPR], FTYPE (*pstag)[NSTORE2][NSTORE3][NPR], FTYPE (*ucons)[NSTORE2][NSTORE3][NPR], FTYPE (*vpot)[NSTORE1+SHIFTSTORE1][NSTORE2+SHIFTSTORE2][NSTORE3+SHIFTSTORE3], FTYPE (*Bhat)[NSTORE2][NSTORE3][NPR]); int init_dsandvels(int *whichvel, int *whichcoord, int i, int j, int k, FTYPE *p, FTYPE *pstag); int init_atmosphere(int *whichvel, int *whichcoord, int i, int j, int k, FTYPE *pr); int pl,pliter; /////////////////////////////////// // // Assign primitive variables // /////////////////////////////////// trifprintf("Assign primitives\n"); // assume we start in bl coords and convert to KSprim // so field defined when get to floor model (fixup) init_3dnpr_fullloop(0.0,prim); ////////////////////// // // assume we start in bl coords and convert to KSprim // ////////////////////// #pragma omp parallel private(i,j,k,initreturn,whichvel,whichcoord) OPENMPGLOBALPRIVATEFULL { OPENMP3DLOOPVARSDEFINE; //////// COMPFULLLOOP{ OPENMP3DLOOPSETUPFULL; #pragma omp for schedule(OPENMPSCHEDULE(),OPENMPCHUNKSIZE(blocksize)) OPENMP3DLOOPBLOCK{ OPENMP3DLOOPBLOCK2IJK(i,j,k); initreturn=init_dsandvels(&whichvel, &whichcoord,i,j,k,MAC(prim,i,j,k),MAC(pstag,i,j,k)); // request densities for all computational centers if(initreturn>0){ FAILSTATEMENT("init.c:init_primitives()", "init_dsandvels()", 1); } else MYFUN(transform_primitive_vB(whichvel, whichcoord, i,j,k, prim, pstag),"init.c:init_primitives","transform_primitive_vB()",0); } }// end parallel region ///////////////////////////// // // normalize density if wanted // /////////////////////////////// // at this point densities are still standard, so just send "prim" trifprintf("Normalize densities\n"); normalize_densities(prim); ///////////////////////////// // // Define an atmosphere if wanted // /////////////////////////////// if(DOEVOLVERHO||DOEVOLVEUU){ // normalized atmosphere trifprintf("Add atmosphere\n"); #pragma omp parallel private(i,j,k,initreturn,whichvel,whichcoord) OPENMPGLOBALPRIVATEFULL { OPENMP3DLOOPVARSDEFINE; /////// COMPZLOOP { OPENMP3DLOOPSETUPZLOOP; #pragma omp for schedule(OPENMPSCHEDULE(),OPENMPCHUNKSIZE(blocksize)) OPENMP3DLOOPBLOCK{ OPENMP3DLOOPBLOCK2IJK(i,j,k); initreturn=init_atmosphere(&whichvel, &whichcoord,i,j,k,MAC(prim,i,j,k)); if(initreturn>0){ FAILSTATEMENT("init.c:init_primitives()", "init_atmosphere()", 1); } else{ // transform from whichcoord to MCOORD if (bl2met2metp2v(whichvel, whichcoord,MAC(prim,i,j,k), i,j,k) >= 1){ FAILSTATEMENT("init.c:init()", "bl2ks2ksp2v()", 1); } } }// end 3D LOOP }// end parallel region }