Esempio n. 1
void cmdUIDrawTexturedQuad(struct Cmd* pCmd, UIManager* pUIManager, const vec2& position, const vec2& size, Texture* pTexture)
	// the last variable can be used to create a border
	TexVertex pVertices[] = { MAKETEXQUAD(position.getX(), position.getY(), position.getX() + size.getX(), position.getY() + size.getY(), 0) };
	int nVertices = sizeof(pVertices) / sizeof(pVertices[0]);
	float4 color = { 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f };
	pUIManager->pUIRenderer->drawTextured(PRIMITIVE_TOPO_TRI_STRIP, pVertices, nVertices, pTexture, &color);
void CheckBox::draw(Renderer *renderer, const FontID defaultFont, const SamplerStateID linearClamp, const BlendStateID blendSrcAlpha, const DepthStateID depthState){
	if (check == TEXTURE_NONE){
		uint32 checkPic[] = {
		Image img;
		img.loadFromMemory(checkPic, FORMAT_I8, 16, 16, 1, 1, false);
		img.convert(FORMAT_RGBA8); // For DX10
		check = renderer->addTexture(img, false, linearClamp);

	if (checked){
		TexVertex quad[] = { MAKETEXQUAD(xPos, yPos + 0.2f * height, xPos + 0.6f * height, yPos + 0.8f * height, 3) };
		renderer->drawTextured(PRIM_TRIANGLE_STRIP, quad, elementsOf(quad), check, linearClamp, BS_NONE, depthState);
	} else {
		vec2 quad[] = { MAKEQUAD(xPos, yPos + 0.2f * height, xPos + 0.6f * height, yPos + 0.8f * height, 3) };
		renderer->drawPlain(PRIM_TRIANGLE_STRIP, quad, elementsOf(quad), BS_NONE, depthState);

	vec2 rect[] = { MAKERECT(xPos, yPos + 0.2f * height, xPos + 0.6f * height, yPos + 0.8f * height, 3) };
	vec4 black(0, 0, 0, 1);
	renderer->drawPlain(PRIM_TRIANGLE_STRIP, rect, elementsOf(rect), BS_NONE, depthState, &black);

	float textWidth = 0.75f * height;

	float w = width - 0.7f * height;
	float tw = renderer->getTextWidth(defaultFont, text);
	float maxW = w / tw;
	if (textWidth > maxW) textWidth = maxW;

	float x = 0.7f * height;

	renderer->drawText(text, xPos + x, yPos, textWidth, height, defaultFont, linearClamp, blendSrcAlpha, depthState);